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Any Class It’s been a while.

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by starx280, Oct 26, 2022.

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  1. starx280

    starx280 The boy who cried lunar VIP

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    It’s been about a year since I posted anything major here, and School has got me growing away.

    But hey, I’m still a classbuilder, right?

    So why not go out with a bang:

    My Shaman - Acolyte/Ritualist
    Oh boy. Yeah this is probably the hardest one to play on the list.

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Shawl of Gaea
    > Bete Noire
    > Second Wind
    > Valhalla
    > Impudent
    > Impudent
    > Prowess
    > Gigabyte
    > Panic Zealot [f6f6f6]
    > (Has Tomes)

    This is a Panic Zealot cancelstack build, that uses acolytes healing auras to sustain itself as well as using ritualist’s damage and defense buffs with the mask of the lunatic and mask of the fanatic accordingly when the situation calls for it.

    There are other abilities from acolyte that is used for damage as well, like vengeful spirit and twisted tether.

    The build has 20k ehp without factoring in agility, and high agility in general but the sacrificial shrine ability is going to make that progressively more ineffective on the glassiest class... so you really outta pay attention to your health and aura heal timings.

    On this thread, this is the hardest build to play by far, but I guess thats the trade off for melting omnispectrive wanderers en masse.

    My Assassin - Shadestepper
    “Hey look! It’s the most nerfed class!”

    I agree (I guess), so I decided to get a little creative... and it worked out for me, at least.

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Morph-Stardust
    > Far Cosmos
    > Demon Tide
    > Curador Boots
    > Unspeakable
    > Finesse
    > Enmity
    > Tenuto
    > The Specialist [a6a6]
    > (Has Tomes)

    This idea behind this build was conceived in 1.20, however with 2.0’s addition of Shadestepper, it finally came to true fruition.

    The idea in question, was to have my assassin not damage in the traditional way, but to almost one-shot with bursts of damage through abusing weaknesses, just like a true assassin would do.

    That’s why I was elated about how Shadestepper fit so well with this, along with why I have 5 “The Specialist” daggers each powdered differently.

    For piercing rainbow defense however, I use either big arm or flameshot hilt.

    The build plays like a standard Shadestepper, waiting for you buffs from your abilities to refresh, throwing some smoke bombs for the Marked ability’s damage bonus and then moving in for the kill with vanish and backstab then escaping and repeating the process.

    The only exception to this is analyzing what weaknesses the enemies have, then switching to the appropriately powdered specialist that would be most effective for the situation.

    My Archer - Sharpshooter
    This build hard carried me in 1.20, and by the looks of sharpshooter’s abilities it seems that it will do the same now:

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Darksteel Full Helm
    > Soulflare
    > Earth Breaker
    > Dawnbreak
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Olive
    > Prowess
    > Diamond Fusion Necklace
    > Plague [e6f6f6e6]
    > (Has Tomes)

    I believe this was originally hppeng’s build from the old OP Mythic Build Thread under mythic boots, but damn, this thing is even nicer now.

    The build originally had a primary “focus” (ha funni) on melee damage in 1.20, so it could be called a melee build with spell support.

    How sharpshooter is designed fits right in with that style, with the primary damage source being the Twain’s Arc ability which solely uses melee damage, and the other sharpshooter abilities like phantom and crepuscular ray reinforcing that with spell burst damage (I think) all while taking advantage of the effects of the focus ability.

    This build deals consistent high melee damage from long ranges as long as you don’t miss, along with massive bursts of spell damage at mid range when focus is high. The build can also take a decent amount of punishment because of its 30k ehp without factoring in agility, making it more forgiving and easy to play.

    My Mage - Lightbender/Riftwalker
    If you know me and know the current mage meta, you can skip over to my warrior builds.

    If you insist though, here it is:

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Caesura
    > Far Cosmos
    > Gemini
    > Dawnbreak
    > Prism
    > Fractured
    > Synapse
    > Contrast
    > Lunar Spine [w6w6w6w6]
    > (Has Tomes)


    What did you expect.

    Seriously though, there are some interesting things in this build:

    Why this thing has a ridiculous amount of lifesteal is because I tried building it as an arcanist, and I needed life sustain because I was robbed of my precious heal.

    Given how that idea didn’t work out, the leggings can be replaced with greaves of the veneer to make the ehp of the build skyrocket.

    I prefer using Gemini for extra health sustain however, as with lunar you can’t always heal on demand. The reasoning for the considerable melee damage is similar to the above as well, as other spells can’t always be casted on demand either.

    Aside from that weird archetype-transitional phase, This build is the first solid lunar build that I’ve created in 2.0.

    It is very tanky, and the damage racks up exponentially because of riftwalker’s windsweeper effects in combination with other abilities like breathless, gust, and transonic warp.

    All in all, if you have some understanding of lunar spine’s passive playstyle, then this build is a solid all-rounder.

    My Warrior - Paladin and Fallen
    For some reason spell paladin is nonexistent.

    I plan to change that.

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Ornate Shadow Cowl
    > Soulflare
    > Flummox
    > Pro Tempore
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Photon
    > Diamond Solar Bracelet
    > Tenuto
    > Ignition [f6f6f6]
    > (Has Tomes)

    This build is primarily a tank, and it has some heavy lifesteal to keep being tank. It also has some decently high uppercut damage for paladin, especially considering that the comet and fireworks abilities aren’t used.

    I’ll admit that the damage is low only when compared to the rest of 2.0 builds, but paladin is supposed to be a support-tank, and with the paladin tree abilities it does exactly that.

    The build IS capable of soloing stuff as well, but the time needed to do so is more comparable to 1.20 than the 2.0 standards.

    Fire defense mobs will take much longer than that to kill, unfortunately.

    Ill be honest, this build didn’t change much from 1.20 to 2.0, but it survived the change well:

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cumulonimbus
    > Soulflare
    > Infernal Impulse
    > Capricorn
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Diamond Hydro Ring
    > Prowess
    > Diamond Fusion Necklace
    > Infidel [w6w6w6]
    > (Has Tomes)

    This build’s regular damage is very 1.20, but fallen’s abilities make the damage soar. I figured that rally could make up for the problem of health sustain, and I believe it works well to moderate the low health that fallen plays at.

    Even with an initial 30k ehp without factoring in agility, I’d still say that this build is still more for risk takers considering how quickly you can get bursted down in this game.

    Important Note:
    It would so be good to note that I used ability sets from other peoples builds because I don’t know how to do it on the new wynnbuilder myself... nor know how to properly use the search function on wynnatlas.

    iOS may be screwing some stuff up for me, but i picked decently suitable ability sets so I don’t think it will affect the overall quality of the builds.

    Well I guess that’s what I have till now.

    I may be a lot less active because of uni, but I’ll always find my way back to this fun community. (Holy s*** that rhymed)

    For now though, I have a psychology exam I must cram/cry for.

    So Peace for Now!
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2022
    Verle, AlanGreyson, weeb and 4 others like this.
  2. Ealtas

    Ealtas Well-Known Adventurer

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    Me when the
    starx280 likes this.

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I looked at name
    I expected Lunar Spine

    There it is

    Yet.. Lunar Spine light bender is bit depressing :(
    While it "works" better than other archetypes, it feels barely different from other builds with Light Bender..
    I also played various builds and trees to revive Lunar Spine, but with Lunar Spine Rift Bender, it's way too hard to stack Winded with this attack speed and mana, so kinda woozy
    starx280 likes this.
  4. Speckeck

    Speckeck Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    Your panic zealot build seems super good. I‘m gonna try it out but with a summoner tree so I can make use of infinite 1 mana auras and uproots and no life drain.
    starx280 likes this.
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