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Is Paladin playable with solo playstyle?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Yorimas4i, Oct 19, 2022.

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  1. Yorimas4i

    Yorimas4i Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hi I've been playing Wynncraft for like a month now. I currently play Shaman : Ritualist, the reason was back when I newly found this server I recommended my friend to play together, I chose Shaman in hope to support them, but not long after that they quited to play other games, so I have to grind with myself playing Shaman (which means that it was pretty hard for me to play some quests). Now I'm recently thinking about playing a new class and Paladin happens to caught my eyes, however, I've heard/read many media about that Paladin is kind of need team-play to be efficient, so I want to ask if Paladin is playable in solo playstyle? If yes, is there any specific guide or recommendation to not struggling on it? I also open for any recommendation from other classes that is enjoyable when playing solo too. Thank you.
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  2. lemonalade

    lemonalade [insert misinformation here] CHAMPION

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    All classes can easily be done in a solo manner. The reason why people rant on Paladin is due to its lackluster damage. Paladin doesn't really have any damage buffs besides Flaming Uppercut and Stronger Bash, meaning you're forced to path through Battle Monk or Fallen to gain more damage (Ragnarokkr is basically a requirement for Warrior, no matter what Archetype or build, and choosing Paladin forces you to get Flying Kick or Bak'al's Grasp, both of which are potentially downsides depending on the players viewpoint).

    If you opt not to get Second Chance (free death immunity), you have a lot more damage potential. Paladin does perfectly fine with tanking damage, you will have no issues regarding that. Damage will be your biggest enemy.

    If going full Paladin is your choice, this tree is probably going to be the one you want to copy since it'll maximize your damage as much as possible while still remaining a true Paladin (You have an extra 2 AP so you can get Quad Bash to balance Bash and Uppercut damage or another ability of interest):
  3. RenZenthio

    RenZenthio Murder the gods and topple their thrones! HERO

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    Paladins apparently have the highest win-rate of any class in the game. So it's perfectly viable. Paladins having low damage is mostly overblown since paladins can gain damage by being tanky (and honestly, the game isn't based around new 2.0 damage values, so you likely won't have a damage problem anyways)

    Warrior overall is a great generalist class, allowing you the option for superb movement, competition for highest dps, and competition for the tankiest archetype. All the warrior archetypes stand up to snuff at endgame

    Though, to your point, no class really struggles with solo play, so just play what looks cool to you.

    (Also, my personal recommendation, take half moon swipe, and also once you can, atleast try out whirlwind strike, it's amazing)
    Yorimas4i, lemonalade and Castti like this.
  4. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    you should just switch to double totem mask of the lunatic acolyte...
    im just kidding, i have a paladin and yeah it works, i still die alot (could be because i like to attack quickly so i charge in) and warrior is just the most boring class in my opinion
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