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Which Class

Discussion in 'Questions' started by GalactikHex, Oct 14, 2022.

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  1. GalactikHex

    GalactikHex Newbie Adventurer

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    Not shaman or warrior.
    I cant decide between archer, mage and assassin.
    I like the look of assassin and its abilities. But I don't like that the claw weapons aren't swords. Would be fine with it if you generally have katana like weapons throughout the game
    Mage looks fun but I might be playing in third person so how can I aim the shots. Other than that the abilities look good.
    Archer is the same thing as mage, aiming but looks good. Also I might not play in third person so
  2. Ankarin

    Ankarin Wise Mystical Tree CHAMPION

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    I am not too versed in the new archetypes, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
    Assassin you can go with if you want a quicker, up close attack style. Plus not every assassin weapon is a claw- and if you are lucky enough you can get a cosmetic to replace it.
    Mage and archer are similar in concept but different with their abilities, especially now with the archetypes. So if you want a ranged playstyle pick one of those. And if you are worries about accuracy don't stress too much over it, you'll eventually get used to it. Both classes end up with ways so you don't have to focus on aiming too much.
  3. toetoe

    toetoe Travelled Adventurer

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    Idk about assassin haven't tried it, but
    Archers the best in terms of damage and
    range but is quite glassy.
    Mage has decent damage but kinda low compared to assassin or archer. The healing is great for supporting tho. Its easier to play.
    I'd say u should choose archer
  4. lemonalade

    lemonalade [insert misinformation here] CHAMPION

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    Unfortunately Asassin has the worst DPS out of all of the classes right now, Riftwalker and Riftbender Mage is one of the strongest known combos right now due to its high damage potential. It's not burst damage like Archer, but still very powerful
  5. Merduh

    Merduh mergoat CHAMPION

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    Personally, I would go for Archer as it has one of the best DPS potentials and movement in the game. It's overall a really fun class to play! And depending on what archetype you play you don't even have to aim directly at the entity.
  6. toetoe

    toetoe Travelled Adventurer

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    Yeah rigtbender mage has high damage potential but that takes way too long and kinda low compared to archer
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  7. chaosdigger656

    chaosdigger656 Da Chaos Digger! HERO

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    I would definitely go for mage. (wich I did when I started Wynncraft) It is a very good class for beginners because you don't need to buy healing potions, wich I remember to be annoying. I'd say aiming in third person with mage is also a lot easier than with archer, as the abilities generally have a larger AOE and meteors have somewhat of an aim assist.
  8. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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    but your aoe is gone if you go riftbender because you need ophanim
  9. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    id say assassin (biased im assassin main) super fun, as shadestepper you can jump into a fight deal huge damage with a single hit and run out, passively shooting smoke bombs.
    as trickster you would need to play heavily with a defensive style, its not as bad as everyone says but not good either.
    acrobat is hilarious, it flies and deals insane splash damage, one of the best classes at going places too. not to mention passive damage with jasmine bloom with spreads around you.

    personally i find archer extremely difficult in the early game, dying constantly due to not having enough mana to escape or dying from your own arrow bombs.

    mage is also really good, but in my opinion the riftwalker and lightbender archetypes are boring and arcanist is the only fun one, EXCEPT arcanist is also the weakest and dies due to not having heal.

    shaman is actually really fun to play, it's attack is also satifying to use and acolyte or summoner are the best archetypes in the game (in my opinion acolyte can't die if you play it correctly) with either huge healing (acolyte) or huge damage (summoner).
  10. lemonalade

    lemonalade [insert misinformation here] CHAMPION

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    I get that Shadestepper can go in, snipe something, and leave. 150-200k Backstab or melee or whatever is high, I acknowledge that. But you're only dealing that much damage every few seconds rather than consistently. Compare that to Archer, Fallen, Acolyte. Those Archetypes don't need to wait 5-10s to kill a single enemy, and plus they usually can kill multiple at a time. Shadestepper has to rely on Violent Vortex which has a Cooldown. There's a reason why you don't see Shadesteppers in raids. 200k damage against 1 target every 5s is not the same as 80k damage against 10 targets every 3s. And Satsujin, which is probably one of the most important sources of Shadestepper damage, is locked behind a long Cooldown if you screw up. Look at Shadestepper damage without Satsujin. That's the damage you deal against bosses if you can't snipe them.

    Trickster should not be played defensively, since Clones are not consistent like Mantle of the Bovemist. Instead, going offensive is better since you can actually deal damage (but even then, it's only so much). Trickster absolutely needs Marked to deal damage otherwise it's just not gonna be doing anything worthwhile, and even then, with full Marked and Delirious Gas it'll be easily outclassed by other Archetypes since they can deal substantially more damage. Try making a Trickster build that doesn't used Marked. Your damage will be gone.

    Acrobat is...alright I guess. With the right build you can do good damage with it, but it's by no means comparable to other Archetypes that get well over 100k damage with a single spell or melee attack. Jasmine Bloom is nice but 10k Jasmine Bloom is not the same as a 100k Aura from Acolyte.

    Now regarding my statement on Riftbender. Winded is busted. You can boost all of your spells to deal consistent damage, you get access to a heal spell, and enemies will deal less damage to you. That is what I mean by one of the most powerful. Is it the most powerful? No. Nothing can beat Archer. Archer's Focus is too difficult to compete against when it comes to damage potential. But Riftbender is the most well rounded Archetype, balancing high damage, high sustain, and high damage reduction. That's what makes it so incredibly powerful in comparison to others
  11. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    so uh i meant quake lol. i mean its not as bad as you call it, its still extremely high just not as high as before.

    ok yeah honestly ive only played trick once

    lastly i feel as if acrobat was made for defense than attack, flying effectively dodges half the attacks sent your way and enemies cant easily shoot up, even with low damage its on par with other archetypes and with good sustain is hard to kill

    also i did state acolyte was funny. actually acolyte is the best archetype (my opinion).

    uh im sorry about saying 'nope' to riftbender because yeah it is really strong, the only thing is... im still salty they just made a stronger version of 1.20 mage as riftwalker, ive said it again and again: lost potential (i mean its boring to play). the other reason why i deny riftbender is because its hard to build winded and for some reason when im attacking it just stops stacking winded at like 11, even with 20 or 30 max. and yeah i know my mage isnt max yet but its still really weird and i feel like winded builds to slowly (light balls are also hard to aim idk why)
    lemonalade likes this.
  12. lemonalade

    lemonalade [insert misinformation here] CHAMPION

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    Oh yeah Shadestepper Quake and Wind Prison is really funny, I just wish it was more consistent against bosses (and for the love of God plz fix Backstab, why does it not work on players. It's Shadestepper's entire GIMMICK and makes it almost useless in Hunted Mode)

    Trickster I feel is really misleading since Salted said he wanted it to act as a support archetype (I assume because Delirious Gas) but the truth is it just draws agro and that's it. 6 Clone Cooldown is absolutely garbage and doesn't justify grabbing it. Trickster has potential but it struggles on its own.

    I understand why Acrobat has low damage, but the problem is a lot of the endgame weapons are just not good enough for it, unless you're cool with having a 30 minute battle against a miniboss.

    Also Acolyte is gaming

    Yeah Riftwalker is weird and sluggish, it really only excels against bosses. (I'll be honest I only like Riftwalker because of Time Dilation). Most of the time you won't even need to fully stack Winded because everything just....dies.
    shacers likes this.
  13. RenZenthio

    RenZenthio Murder the gods and topple their thrones! HERO

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    Just gonna throw in my two cents. If I made another class it would be assassin or archer. Mage endgame is very slow in my experience and either foregoes heal, or takes ages to get its damage competitive with other archetypes (Also I hate ophanim orbs, loses too much aoe).

    Assassin seems to me a good generalist. Taking acrobat lets you have fun movement capabilities. And shadestepper or trickster lets you do hit and run tactics (Trickster as far as I know can also do sustained dps)

    With archer, Guardian angels and Focus are both very fun for me, especially since you get free movement (which is CRUCIAL for survivability in endgame) with frenzy.

    If I had to pick between the two I'd prolly go assassin just because I love battle monk and the closest class with that movement ability is acrobat.
    lemonalade likes this.
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