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Guide XP Bonus Gear (2022) + Script

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by LtNifty, Oct 3, 2022.

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  1. LtNifty

    LtNifty Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Hello all,

    I was looking for an updated XP bonus gear guide that was up-to-date and I couldn't find one so I decided to just make a script that could hopefully be used in the future.

    It was designed to eventually automatically generate a .xlsx file (Excel/Google Sheets), but I kinda ran out of steam on the project so I just decided to release what I have currently. I might come back in the future and tweak it but currently I just dumps all the data into the terminal.

    Some notable considerations...
    - If an item has the same bonus as the previous max xp bonus, it stays in the list. It only removes items whose max xp bonus is explicitly less than.
    - This does not account for set bonuses. I'm fairly certain full cosmic is still incredibly good (perhaps even better then some of these items together) but I did not make any calculations for set bonuses.
    - This gives the max possible xp bonus per item. Although a more useful metric might be average xp bonus, the code currently does not do that (feel free to fork my repo and implement that yourself though, I might add it myself down the line)

    The repo can be found here for those interested, and the code can also be found in the spoiler below.
    import os
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    class Item:
        def __init__(self, name, rarity, lvlReq, statName, stat, statUnit, guaranteed, tradeable, link):
            self.name = name
            self.rarity = rarity
            self.lvlReq = lvlReq
            self.statName = statName
            self.stat = stat
            self.statUnit = statUnit
            self.tradeable = tradeable
            self.guaranteed = guaranteed
            self.link = link
        def toString(self):
            return "(" + self.name + " : " + self.rarity + ") Level Req: " + str(self.lvlReq) + ", " + self.statName + ": " + str(self.stat) + str(self.statUnit) + "\n\tTradeable? " + str(self.tradeable) + ", Guaranteed? " + str(self.guaranteed)
    categories = ["Helmet", "Chestplate", "Leggings", "Boots", "Dagger", "Wand", "Bow", "Spear", "Relik", "Ring", "Bracelet", "Necklace"]
    statToSortBy = "XP Bonus"
    for category in categories:
        print("<===== " + category + " =====>")
        # Makes a curl call to the wynndata page and saves the output to a temporary text file
        os.system("curl \"https://www.wynndata.tk/items/\" -X POST --data-raw \"search=&name=&category=type-" + category + "&tier=any&profession=any&min=1&max=130&order1=level&order2=xpBonus&order3=null&order4=null\" --output temp.txt")
        items = []
        soup = BeautifulSoup(open('temp.txt', 'r', errors='ignore').read(), 'html.parser')
        for div in soup.findAll(class_=['itembox macrocategory-items']):
            # Check if an item is still obtainable
            if div.find(class_='dropTypeIcon').find('img').attrs['src'] in {'/assets/images/dropType/discontinued.png', '/assets/images/dropType/unobtainable.png'}:
            # Finds the name of the item entry
            name = div.find('p').text
            # Finds the rarity of the item
            rarity = div.find(class_='header').find('p')['class'][1]
            # If the category is a weapon, we need to skip over the first checkmark entry
            # because that entry indicates the class the weapon is locked to instead of the
            # minimum combat level
            if category in {"Dagger", "Wand", "Bow", "Spear", "Relik"}:
                lvlReq = int(''.join(c for c in div.findAll(class_='emoji emoji-checkmark')[1].text if c.isdigit()))
                lvlReq = int(''.join(c for c in div.find(class_='emoji emoji-checkmark').text if c.isdigit()))
            # Grabs the stat name we are looking for
            statName = statToSortBy
            # Finds that stat of the item entry
            stat = 0
            statUnit = ''
            guaranteed = True
            offset = 0
            for statEntry in div.find('tbody').findAll('tr'):
                # Checks if the item has min/max columns or just a value column
                if div.find('thead').findAll('th')[1].text != "Value":
                    offset = 1
                    guaranteed = False
                # Breaks down each stat into it's min/name/max or name/value values
                values = statEntry.findAll('td')
                # If the name value of the stat is the stat we are looking for,
                # grab the stat as an integer and stop looping
                if values[0 + offset].text == statToSortBy:
                    stat = int(''.join(c for c in values[1 + offset].text if c.isdigit() or c == '-'))
                    statUnit = str(''.join(c for c in values[1 + offset].text if not c.isdigit() and not c == '-'))
            # Determines if the item is tradeable or not
            tradeable = True
            if not div.find(class_='restrictions') is None:
                tradeable = False
            # Grabs the link to the item's page
            link = "https://www.wynndata.tk" + div.find(class_='more-details').find('a')['href']
            # Use the data we found to add an Item to the list   
            items.append(Item(name, rarity, lvlReq, statToSortBy, stat, statUnit, guaranteed, tradeable, link))
        currItemMax = items[0]
        i = 1
        while i < len(items):
            if items[i].stat >= currItemMax.stat:
                if items[i].stat > currItemMax.stat and items[i].lvlReq == currItemMax.lvlReq:
                    currItemMax = items[i - 1]
                    currItemMax = items[i]
                    i += 1
        for item in items:

    Here is what the script generated...
    (Tosach : Unique) Level Req: 1, XP Bonus: 3%
    (The Queen's Tiara : Rare) Level Req: 5, XP Bonus: 5%
    (Skin Cap : Unique) Level Req: 7, XP Bonus: 7%
    (Heliophilia : Legendary) Level Req: 8, XP Bonus: 16%
    (Sound of Silence : Unique) Level Req: 23, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Faded : Unique) Level Req: 39, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Aeolus : Unique) Level Req: 41, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Venison : Legendary) Level Req: 54, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Illuminite : Rare) Level Req: 55, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Blueberry : Unique) Level Req: 58, XP Bonus: 21%
    (Upgraded Orc Mask : Unique) Level Req: 64, XP Bonus: 26%
    (Clearsight Spectacles : Legendary) Level Req: 71, XP Bonus: 26%
    (Penance : Unique) Level Req: 75, XP Bonus: 26%
    (Gale's Sight : Legendary) Level Req: 80, XP Bonus: 39%
    (The King's Robe : Rare) Level Req: 3, XP Bonus: 10%
    (Blessed Wrappings : Legendary) Level Req: 5, XP Bonus: 13%
    (Arakadicus' Body : Legendary) Level Req: 21, XP Bonus: 13%
    (Obolus : Legendary) Level Req: 25, XP Bonus: 13%
    (Detlas' Skin : Unique) Level Req: 29, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Santa's Coat : Rare) Level Req: 32, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Geis : Rare) Level Req: 54, XP Bonus: 33%
    (The Jingling Jester : Fabled) Level Req: 69, XP Bonus: 33%
    (Papyrus : Rare) Level Req: 77, XP Bonus: 39%
    (Funnel : Unique) Level Req: 7, XP Bonus: 7%
    (Waist Apron : Rare) Level Req: 7, XP Bonus: 7%
    (Opulenity : Legendary) Level Req: 11, XP Bonus: 13%
    (Villager Pants : Set) Level Req: 24, XP Bonus: 13%
    (Dilation : Legendary) Level Req: 31, XP Bonus: 15%
    (Chained Pixels : Legendary) Level Req: 38, XP Bonus: 21%
    (Bridge of the Divide : Legendary) Level Req: 51, XP Bonus: 26%
    (Greaves of Honor : Rare) Level Req: 58, XP Bonus: 39%
    (Trench Scourer : Rare) Level Req: 94, XP Bonus: 40%
    (Sargasso : Rare) Level Req: 2, XP Bonus: 5%
    (Bright Boots : Unique) Level Req: 5, XP Bonus: 8%
    (Audacity : Legendary) Level Req: 9, XP Bonus: 13%
    (Ado Saki : Rare) Level Req: 20, XP Bonus: 16%
    (Adigard's Snowshoes : Rare) Level Req: 30, XP Bonus: 16%
    (Oxford : Unique) Level Req: 35, XP Bonus: 16%
    (Galloping Spurs : Fabled) Level Req: 40, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Seven-League Boots : Legendary) Level Req: 44, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Durum's Journey : Rare) Level Req: 48, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Bad Wolf : Legendary) Level Req: 60, XP Bonus: 42%
    (Pin : Rare) Level Req: 6, XP Bonus: 9%
    (Iron Knuckle : Legendary) Level Req: 15, XP Bonus: 10%
    (Someone Else's Knife : Rare) Level Req: 19, XP Bonus: 13%
    (Abolition : Legendary) Level Req: 32, XP Bonus: 22%
    (Influence : Legendary) Level Req: 38, XP Bonus: 25%
    (Alizarin : Legendary) Level Req: 89, XP Bonus: 30%
    (Wybel Tooth Dagger : Rare) Level Req: 90, XP Bonus: 39%
    (Quartzite Wand : Unique) Level Req: 1, XP Bonus: 5%
    (Paradise : Rare) Level Req: 2, XP Bonus: 7%
    (Detlas' Stick : Unique) Level Req: 7, XP Bonus: 8%
    (Clock Stick : Unique) Level Req: 9, XP Bonus: 10%
    (Reticence : Legendary) Level Req: 18, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Tempo Ticker : Legendary) Level Req: 35, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Clunderthap : Rare) Level Req: 39, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Sage : Legendary) Level Req: 47, XP Bonus: 42%
    (Refined Bow : Unique) Level Req: 1, XP Bonus: 5%
    (Tormenter : Unique) Level Req: 6, XP Bonus: 7%
    (Breeze : Unique) Level Req: 7, XP Bonus: 7%
    (Nemract's Bow : Unique) Level Req: 7, XP Bonus: 7%
    (Crackshot : Legendary) Level Req: 11, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Tempo Trebuchet : Legendary) Level Req: 35, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Tourmaline Lyre : Unique) Level Req: 41, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Crafted Gem : Unique) Level Req: 44, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Air Relic Bow : Rare) Level Req: 50, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Fire Relic Bow : Rare) Level Req: 50, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Earth Relic Bow : Rare) Level Req: 50, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Relic Bow : Rare) Level Req: 50, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Thunder Relic Bow : Rare) Level Req: 50, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Water Relic Bow : Rare) Level Req: 50, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Joyous : Unique) Level Req: 55, XP Bonus: 33%
    (Wybel Fluff Bow : Rare) Level Req: 90, XP Bonus: 39%
    (Maltic's Old Spear : Legendary) Level Req: 7, XP Bonus: 13%
    (Clash Hook : Legendary) Level Req: 13, XP Bonus: 13%
    (Cross : Unique) Level Req: 28, XP Bonus: 13%
    (Tempo Trident : Legendary) Level Req: 35, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Hillich : Rare) Level Req: 45, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Absorption : Unique) Level Req: 57, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Demon Seeker : Rare) Level Req: 59, XP Bonus: 26%
    (Broken Cross : Unique) Level Req: 62, XP Bonus: 26%
    (Gungnir : Rare) Level Req: 76, XP Bonus: 33%
    (Wybel Horn Spear : Rare) Level Req: 90, XP Bonus: 39%
    (Bumblebee : Unique) Level Req: 2, XP Bonus: 8%
    (The Out : Unique) Level Req: 5, XP Bonus: 8%
    (Spiritual Siphoner : Unique) Level Req: 10, XP Bonus: 8%
    (Stress : Rare) Level Req: 14, XP Bonus: 39%
    (Wybel Carved Relik : Rare) Level Req: 90, XP Bonus: 39%
    (Rarity : Legendary) Level Req: 1, XP Bonus: 16%
    (Secret : Unique) Level Req: 1, XP Bonus: 7%
    (Laen's Curiosity : Rare) Level Req: 25, XP Bonus: 10%
    (Union : Rare) Level Req: 39, XP Bonus: 10%
    (Binding Brace : Legendary) Level Req: 50, XP Bonus: 13%
    (Dragon's Eye Bracelet : Fabled) Level Req: 60, XP Bonus: 13%
    (Homeorhesis : Fabled) Level Req: 60, XP Bonus: 13%
    (Rayshyroth's Knowledge : Rare) Level Req: 66, XP Bonus: 16%
    (Double Vision : Fabled) Level Req: 79, XP Bonus: 22%
    (Knucklebones : Legendary) Level Req: 99, XP Bonus: 33%
    (Swift : Rare) Level Req: 4, XP Bonus: 4%
    (Seedling : Unique) Level Req: 5, XP Bonus: 4%
    (Beauty : Unique) Level Req: 6, XP Bonus: 5%
    (Travel Charm : Unique) Level Req: 10, XP Bonus: 7%
    (Witherhead's Talisman : Legendary) Level Req: 12, XP Bonus: 8%
    (Dark Diadem : Rare) Level Req: 24, XP Bonus: 8%
    (Durum's Serenity : Legendary) Level Req: 25, XP Bonus: 13%
    (Constrict Collar : Rare) Level Req: 45, XP Bonus: 20%
    (Hexed Amulet : Legendary) Level Req: 51, XP Bonus: 21%
    (Altum Spatium : Legendary) Level Req: 80, XP Bonus: 25%
  2. Endistic

    Endistic Acolyte Enjoyer HERO

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    checked it out, this is pretty cool
    ig the xp meta is still relatyively similar but has had quite a few changes
    LtNifty likes this.
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