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The Festival of the Bonfire 2022 Guide

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by RiderTest101, Sep 30, 2022.

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  1. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    Hey, hey, hey! It's ya boi, back again for another event guide. This time, the Bonfire Festival comes back in 2022.

    A good thing I waited out on the cosmetics instead of paying for a chance of one last year.

    Bonfire Keeper

    [1/5] Bonfire Keeper: Hail, traveler! It has been quite some time since we last saw each other, has it not?
    [2/5] Bonfire Keeper: Another year has passed... and the fires still burn on in this province's heart, despite its endless struggle.
    [3/5] Bonfire Keeper: And that's something to celebrate, wouldn't you agree? A festival for those who live on! And a festival to remember those lost.
    [4/5] Bonfire Keeper: ...Ah, but I'm rambling. It truly is good to see you again, friend. If you'd like someone to celebrate with, you know where to find me.
    [5/5] Bonfire Keeper: I'll keep this bonfire burning for as long as it needs to. That's my role to play in this story of ours, traveler. I trust you will be able to find your own.
    [1/1] Bonfire Keeper: Ah, hello again! How can I help you, friend?
    [1/5] Bonfire Keeper: Hm... What to do, what to do indeed... You're always welcome to speak to the other visitors in town. Some may be quite... familiar, yes.
    [2/5] Bonfire Keeper: Ah- but if you'd like something more... interesting... I invited my brother and his crew to this festival, to celebrate in their own way.
    [3/5] Bonfire Keeper: They've set up by the northwest corner of Detlas, if you'd like to pay them a visit. I'm sure they have a request you could help them with.
    [4/5] Bonfire Keeper: Otherwise... Yes, there is one more adventure you could pursue. The Event Airship Pilot- he has somewhere he could take you, at my request.
    [5/5] Bonfire Keeper: Bring some friends- or enemies- and travel to the Sunset Valley. If you meet me there, I could tell you more of the game we could play.
    [1/6] Bonfire Keeper: Oh, yes. He and I, we had... grown apart, in a sense. It was only recently that he attempted to reconnect.
    [2/6] Bonfire Keeper: Something about hearing about me from a passerby, and being guilted by his friend about the fact? I didn't catch the details.
    [3/6] Bonfire Keeper: It's... strange, yes, but I suppose that's how this story is progressing. It does make me wonder...
    [4/6] Bonfire Keeper: Ah-rambling again. Regardless, he reached out to me, and I invited him to this year's festival. It has been nice to have him around again.
    [5/6] Bonfire Keeper: And yet, still- something remains missing. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?
    [6/6] Bonfire Keeper: Eheh... don't worry about it. Let's call it an inside joke, yes? My brother is here, and that's something to celebrate in it of itself.
    [1/2] Bonfire Keeper: Oh? Well, if you think it's interesting, I'm sure it's interesting too.
    [2/2] Bonfire Keeper: What did you find?

    [1/3] Bonfire Keeper: A rather strange coin you've found there, yes? The sun imprinted on one side, the moon on the other?
    [2/3] Bonfire Keeper: I am familiar with this sort of currency, though... I am afraid I am bound to secrecy.
    [3/3] Bonfire Keeper: But as it were- the answers to your questions are out there, somewhere. I wish you the best on your search, friend.
    [1/3] Bonfire Keeper: Strange stone runes... It looks as though there are some sort of words inscribed to them, though I'm afraid I can't make them out.
    [2/3] Bonfire Keeper: You acquired these from Sunset Valley, yes? That place certainly does have an abundance of these kinds of relics.
    [3/3] Bonfire Keeper: A touch strange, is it not? To think, a people would have all this knowledge, and then... Gone. Nothing but the bonfire remains.
    [1/3] Bonfire Keeper: Ah, yes. A Hearthflame Stave. Not unique, certainly, but still a rather powerful item. It harnesses that innate healing power, and offers it to those in need.
    [2/3] Bonfire Keeper: The glow of the bonfire takes many different forms, you see. It protects and heals those it holds dear, while burning any who would dare harm them.
    [3/3] Bonfire Keeper: ...Oh, but don't worry about me! You'll always fall under that first category, friend.

    For some reason, the dialogue here is green instead of yellow...
    [1/1] Bonfire Keeper: Ah, no worries. It's still always nice to have a conversation with a friend.

    Any items you got from festivals prior to this will NOT be detected by the Bonfire Keeper. Quite a shame...
    [1/1] Bonfire Keeper: Well, it's always nice to talk to someone. Sit by the bonfire as long as you'd like, friend. You're always welcome here.

    Festival NPCs

    The Sunset Valley


    Specter Hunting

    I'm gonna be honest, I didn't expect the Wynn team to combine both The Bonfire AND Spirits festival all in one. I guess it fits the October season, being Halloween and all.

    The Seer [Besides the carriage near the Northern Entrance to Detlas (451, 67, -1631)]
    [1/7] The Envoy: Hello, hello! You must be that hero the Seer has been telling us all about! A pleasure to finally-
    [2/7] The Seer: We've... met before. You don't have to do this every time.
    [3/7] The Envoy: Oh, but where's the fun in that? Aren't I allowed to be a little dramatic? It is such a rarity for us to visit the mortal realm.
    [4/7] The Seer: ...Fine, do what you will. Just remember that I told you so when you finally scare off our friend here.
    [5/7] The Envoy: Alright, alright, I understand. Well, hello there, hero! It's been a while, hasn't it?
    [6/7] The Seer: One year, to be precise. Though, I suppose you'd know better than us, wouldn't you?
    [7/7] The Envoy: Now who's scaring them off, hm? We're all here to enjoy the festivities, yes? Come around sometime, friend! We can celebrate just like we did last time. Maybe there's even something you can help with, hm?

    The Envoy will have the same reaction if you speak to him for the first time as well
    [1/1] The Seer: Hm... I do not have much to say to you, hero. Return later, and perhaps I will be more talkative.

    The Envoy [In the carriage near the Northern Entrance to Detlas (455, 68, -1632)]
    [1/7] The Envoy: Hello, hello! You must be that hero the Seer has been telling us all about! A pleasure to finally-
    [2/7] The Seer: We've... met before. You don't have to do this every time.
    [3/7] The Envoy: Oh, but where's the fun in that? Aren't I allowed to be a little dramatic? It is such a rarity for us to visit the mortal realm.
    [4/7] The Seer: ...Fine, do what you will. Just remember that I told you so when you finally scare off our friend here.
    [5/7] The Envoy: Alright, alright, I understand. Well, hello there, hero! It's been a while, hasn't it?
    [6/7] The Seer: One year, to be precise. Though, I suppose you'd know better than us, wouldn't you?
    [7/7] The Envoy: Now who's scaring them off, hm? We're all here to enjoy the festivities, yes? Come around sometime, friend! We can celebrate just like we did last time. Maybe there's even something you can help with, hm?

    The Seer will have the same reaction if you speak to him for the first time as well
    [1/1] The Envoy: Hello, again, hero! Anything I can do for you on this lovely not-summer day?
    [1/8] The Envoy: As it so happens, there is something we need help with! And you're just the hero to do it.
    [2/8] The Envoy: You see- we're not here just to relax. We have something of a... predicament. There are fragments of spirits scattered across the land, and-
    [3/8] The Envoy: And there's not much we can do about it. Normally, we would have our Guide handle it, but... Well, let's say it isn't an option.
    [4/8] The Envoy: But you're here, hero! And you can help us out, if you're willing. The Guide left us their lantern, which you'll be able to use to track these specters down.
    [5/8] The Envoy: Oh- right. Most likely you'd want a reward for your efforts, yes? Well, for every spirit you disperse for us, I can offer you a sum of emeralds.
    [6/8] The Envoy: In addition- we have several old trinkets of ours lying down. For every seven spirits you disperse, I'll gift you one of them.
    [7/8] The Envoy: These spirits are... unpredictable. They will make themselves known over time. I suspect that there will be one new spirit to track down every day.
    [8/8] The Envoy: With all that said, here's the lantern! Er-... take care not to lose it, would you? Otherwise, happy hunting!
    [+1 Lantern from Beyond]


    Lantern from Beyond
    Right-Click to call

    Attune to the world around you, call forth its power as your own. Gaze through the veil, find that which you seek.

    Festival of the Bonfire 2022
    Untradable Item
    From across the corner of your eye, you can see the glowing remnants of a hundred different souls.
    [1/5] The Envoy: Ah- alright. To say it briefly, we need you to track down spirits across the land, and disperse their essence for us.
    [2/5] The Envoy: You have the Guide's lantern, which will let you find where these spirits are hiding.
    [3/5] The Envoy: We'll reward you for each spirit you vanquish, and offer old trinkets for every seven.
    [4/5] The Envoy: The spirits are unpredictable, which means there will be one new spirit to track down every day.
    [5/5] The Envoy: I think that's all of it. Happy hunting!
    [1/2] The Envoy: Ah, yes! Rewards. Seems you've dispersed xx more spirits since last we spoke!
    [2/2] The Envoy: Here is your payment for your work, hero.

    For every spirit you disperse, you will net 9EB, which in total will give you 189EB (Almost 3LE), assuming that we'll only get 21 spirits (and 3 old trinkets)...
    Edit : Looks like my calculation was right. We'll only get 21 spirits for this festival.

    [1/1] The Envoy: Oh, but you've found seven spirits! Excellent, that means I can gift you...
    [2/2] The Envoy: This Shroud of Darkness! When used, It'll make it seem like always nighttime. Perfect for the spooky season, is it not?
    [+1 Shroud of Darkness]

    Looks like this item isn't as exclusive as I thought. Oh well, at least I have the one from last year...

    [1/1] The Envoy: Ah, you've found fourteen spirits? Another milestone, let's see here...
    [2/2] The Envoy: You can have this Portable Pumpkin! It'll allow you to summon a large pumpkin at will! Certainly... useful? I'm sure you'll find a use for it.
    [+1 Portable Pumpkin]

    Okay, this is more like it. A new item that isn't a re-release of last year's item...

    [1/1] The Envoy: But wait, what's this? You've dispersed all twenty-one spirits! Thank you greatly for your help, hero.
    [2/2] The Envoy: As a reward, I present to you... The Bag of Tricks! This one's a favorite of mine, and I hope it'll serve you well.
    [+1 Bag of Tricks]

    Another re-release of last year's item... Oh well, at least it's an item that won't glitch its texture like the old Bag of Tricks.

    [1/3] The Envoy: Oh, they're... somewhere around here, I suppose.
    [2/3] The Envoy: I'm not entirely sure why they're decided to go off on their own, but it certainly makes our job harder.
    [3/3] The Envoy: If you'd like to ask them about it, you can feel free.
    [1/3] The Envoy: Why, we're on vacation of course! We all needed a little break from our work in the Beyond.
    [2/3] The Envoy: It also made for an excellent opportunity to reconnect with my brother! We haven't spoken in years, you know.
    [3/3] The Envoy: It's good to have a part of my family back together, at the very least. It's been a while since we all went our separate ways, as it were.
    [1/1] The Envoy: Very well! I'll see you around.
    Spirit #01 [Detlas (531, 67, -1640)]

    Spirit #02 [Ragni East Suburbs (-737, 67, -1682)]

    Spirit #03 [Nemract (41, 34, -2240)]

    Spirit #04 [Rymek (1211, 31, -1290)]

    Spirit #05 [Zhight Island (-647, 36, -2687)]

    Spirit #06 [Time Valley (-581, 70, -1165)]

    Spirit #07 [Orc Battlegrounds (-1316, 45, -4904)]

    Spirit #08 [Lusuco (-217, 28, -318)]

    Spirit #09 [Caritat Mansion (-1207, 44, -5246)]

    Spirit #10 [Iboju Village (-711, 97, -607)]

    Spirit #11 [Skien's Island (538, 35, -3530)]

    Spirit #12 [Nether's Gate (293. 27, -1288)]

    Spirit #13 [Molten Heights (1440, 10, -5478)]

    Spirit #14 [Thesead (835, 101, -5062)]

    Spirit #15 [Forgery (-874, 59, -4895)]

    Spirit #16 [Abandonned Farm World Event (-838, 106 -2419)]

    Spirit #17 [Wybel Island (1317, 66, -4657)]

    Spirit #18 [Galleon's Graveyard (-574, 40, -3550)]

    Spirit #19 [Aldorei's Valley (-573, 119, -4421)]

    Spirit #20 [Ava's Workshop (-1727, 134, -3276)]

    Spirit #21 [Jofash Docks (1328, 38, -4080)]

    And it looks like I was right. Only 21 spirits for this festival. Happy spirit hunting, guys!

    [Thank you for sticking around for my guide during the Bonfire Festival. Looking forward to the upcoming re-runs of the Blizzard and Hero Festival]
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2022
  2. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi scream at me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Thanks for making this easier to put on the wiki.

    Also you can show the keeper the coins you get from the bonfire battle.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  3. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    Duly noted, I was about to bring out all the items from the previous three festivals to test out which ones work and which doesn't
    Da Homeboi likes this.
  4. TaintedL1on

    TaintedL1on Remove Champion bomb bell CHAMPION

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    Anywhere know where the Guide is? The Envoy spoke of them but I can't find them.
  5. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    NGL, the bonfire minigame is glitchy but man it is hella fun
    It really likes to give me packet errors though
    sithvsjedi likes this.
  6. Ava Cart

    Ava Cart If you don't like Ava you die CHAMPION

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    Now you gotta go through the Bread Enthusiast's dialog :saltroll:
    Nukewarmachine, Bixlo and luckeyLuuk like this.
  7. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    you missed Carl, Bread Enthusiast and Troll
  8. SoulyHere

    SoulyHere She/Her

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    Ayooo you’re back! Good to see another festival guide from you :DDD
  9. LilMohawk1

    LilMohawk1 Travelled Adventurer

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    Is it just me or i cant play because party finder is a bit weird and doesnt like start the game?
  10. SoulyHere

    SoulyHere She/Her

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    Little rant: I don’t feel getting 500k le is ever possible to gather, that’s about 122 stx and I doubt that the few richest players would like to pay for a useless collection item.
  11. RamonaFlowers

    RamonaFlowers Subspace Delivery Girl CHAMPION

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    500k le is more than 7000 stx which wouldn't fit into an inventory in the first place
  12. namestolen11time

    namestolen11time my name was stolen 11 times also how change avatar VIP+

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    rider here to save us all ong
  13. csapka

    csapka *hungarian weeb noises* VIP+

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    I think we should add the coords for the spirit things as well

    1st: 531 -1641
    2nd: -738 -1683
    The envoy also said that he "is not an option", so ig we won't be able to find him
  14. Roguedome

    Roguedome Loser HERO

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    I love this, but why yellow? my poor eyes are struggling lol and, where is the event airship?
  15. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    I actually wrote down the coordinates of the airship, or at least close to it under the NPCs section of the main post.
    Roguedome likes this.
  16. MatForYoga888

    MatForYoga888 High Gavellian Transcriber

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    btw, the exact order was: Detlas, Ragni East Suburbs, Nemract, Rymek, Zhight Island
  17. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi scream at me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Also feel like I should probably mention:
    The Bartender actually isn't just here for the Bonfire fest, he's now there permanently. However, he has no unique dialogue for the bonfire fest.
  18. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    Oh, I thought he was only a festival exclusive character as that were the first times I've seen him. Good to know that he's here to stay
    Okay, I'll reorganize that immediately
  19. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi scream at me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Also I did some calculations, and it is impossible to purchase an Ardent Magma Crystal. The maximum amount of Liquid Emeralds you can carry on you would be 232960, being that you unlocked every bank page (882 slots) and filled each of them with a Tier X Emerald Pouch with the max amount of LE in each one (256 LE per pouch), as well as filling up your inventory with these Tier X Emerald Pouches filled to the brim (an extra 28 slots, making for 910 slots in total), and you aren't even halfway to getting enough LE.

    But if I had to guess, the Ardent Magma Crystals might be obtainable for free as a gift from Mastro near the end of the festival.
  20. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    Yeah, I suspect that Mastro will sell the Ardent Magma Crystals for Dirt Cheap at the near end of the festival.

    Also, there's a Tier X Emerald pouch now?! I thought they only go up to IX?
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