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Guild ✫✫ The Clowns [MALD] - Community & War Guild - Recruiting Level 60+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by AkhilFV, Jun 21, 2022.

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  1. AkhilFV

    AkhilFV [MALD] The Clowns - Owner CHAMPION

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    Come one, come all, the circus is in town! The Clowns [MALD] is a Level 94 Community & Warring guild looking for interested individuals to join our merry traveling circus! Whether you're a new player to Wynncraft, an endgame player exploring your options, or a long-time veteran returning to the scene and looking for a new experience, MALD has a place for you.


    We the Clowns are very dedicated to providing a fun, (mostly) wholesome environment for our guild members in our warring and community endeavors. Within the circus, you may find such things as regular giveaways, events (Wynncraft and social) with rewards, and lots of warring, all under a banner of meritocracy. Our leader, the esteemed Clown AkhilFV, became MALD's Owner through his own merit and dedication to the guild! So, too, may you rise through our guild's ranks through proving yourself in battle and contributing to our community.

    Below are our current high-ranked guild members, any of whom you may contact in-game for more information about MALD should you need it.
    Clown (Owner)


    Ringmaster (Co-Owner)


    Ringleaders (Chiefs)


    Jesters (Strategists)


    A complete list of our members can be found here: https://www.wynndata.tk/stats/guild/The+Clowns
    If you are interested in becoming a Clown, please fill out the application form below. We are primarily looking for players from Europe and the Asia-Pacific, but all players are welcome. As we are a community guild, a high level is not required, however we ask you possess a class that is at least level 60 to show commitment to the game. We seek members who will participate in our community and have consistent activity. We do not strictly require discord, but it would be mandatory to achieve a high rank and participate fully in our community. In short, Discord is highly recommended. It is preferred if you have interest in warring, although not required.

    1. IGN (In-Game Username) & what do you prefer to go by?
    2. Timezone / Geographical Region
    3. What classes do you play and what level are they?
    4. Activity? How often do you play Wynncraft?
    5. What do you like doing in Wynncraft?
    6. How can you contribute to the guild?
    7. Have you been in any guilds in the past? If so, please tell us which and why you left.
    8. Are you interested in warring?
    9. How did you hear about MALD? Were you referred to the guild?
    10. Discord Tag:
    11. Age / Additional information / Anything else you would like to share about yourself and your interests (Optional):

    1. Colts_
    2. EST (GMT-4), North America
    3. I have all five classes at level 103 or higher and combat ready. Warrior is my primary and favorite class, and so I have a second one leveled up as well.
    4. I typically play Wynncraft daily when possible. Sometimes I don't have as much time, but will still log on frequently for shorter time periods.
    5. I am primarily interested in professions. My goal is to max my total professions levels on my primary class, and also increasing my total profession level across all classes. I also occasionally war, and sometimes I just spend time chatting with my guild in-game or on discord. I also enjoy optimizing and power-leveling.
    6. I can help the guild with anything professions or leveling related, and can also fill warring needs when necessary. I also am a friendly person and would be actively involved in the community.
    7. Previously I was in The Farplane, and left because I was looking for a more active guild experience.
    8. I am willing to war when needed, but it is not my primary interest.
    9. My friend PolarisUltra invited me to join.
    10. Discord Tag: Colts
    11. I like to write music and draw. I also enjoy voice acting, and have worked on several wynn-related projects.
    1. SmellyColts
    2. EST
    3. All
    4. Daily
    5. Proffing, ing grinding, power leveling.
    6. Profs and community, warring sometimes
    7. The Farplane
    8. Willing to war
    9. From a friend
    10. Discord Tag: SmellyColts

    Once admitted into the guild, you are expected to interact with other members of the guild and engage in our community. You are also encouraged to participate in guild events and other opportunities opened to our members. Below you can find some guidelines on how we expect you to behave in the guild.
    • Represent us well; we're only as good as our members.
    • Do not disclose private guild information to anyone outside the guild.
    • Participate in our community. You are also encouraged to attend events.
    • Do not ask for a rank, you will be promoted if you earn it.
    • Do not disrupt the environment in our guild; don't disturb the peace.
    • Act in accordance with Wynncraft rules.
    Stolen from ANO

    Join MALD today!
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
  2. hothotrod

    hothotrod Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Hi! I would like to join MALD!
  3. AkhilFV

    AkhilFV [MALD] The Clowns - Owner CHAMPION

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    bump 10char
  4. SiliconSquared

    SiliconSquared Newbie Adventurer

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    1. SiliconSquared
    2. New Zealand / NZT (+12)
    3. I currently just have a lvl 75 archer, though I plan to play other classes when I finish with archer
    4. Usually 1 hr a day on weekdays, 2-3 hrs per day on weekends
    5. Currently questing and exploring. Also looking foward to playing with the 2.0 combat system
    6. I can try to be active in the community and help with general tasks such as warring or levelling (Not very experienced with guilds, though I'm interested in learning)
    7. No
    8. Yes
    9. I found it on the forums and was interested due to the timezone seeming relatively suitable
    10. SiliconSquared#5838
    11. 15/I enjoy composing music and going down wikipedia rabbit holes
    PolarisUltra likes this.
  5. PolarisUltra

    PolarisUltra Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Approved! I sent you an in-game invite
  6. Schokocracker

    Schokocracker Travelled Adventurer

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    1. Schokocracker
    2. Germany/ GMT+2
    3.Lvl 66 Archer, 59 Shaman (mostly play on Archer and currenly leveling it up)
    4. mostly active (1-3 hr a day) and sometimes offline for a couple of days (depends on how much i have to do for school...)
    5. I realy enjoy the quests/ story of wynncraft
    6. If i learn about warring i would compete in it whenever i find time for it. As a active Member of the guild i would also do other (small) tasks that there are.
    7. sadly no (more of a newplayer)
    8. yes
    9. I wanted to join a guild and found this post in the forums
    10. Schokocracker#5321
    11. Age:16
    PolarisUltra likes this.
  7. PolarisUltra

    PolarisUltra Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Approved! I'll send you an in-game invite
  8. YourButterHalf

    YourButterHalf Newbie Adventurer VIP+

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    1. ChampagneCupcake
    2. U.S.A / CST -5
    3. Lvl 55 Mage, wanting to try out shaman due to higher damage
    4. Moderately active (at least 2 hours a day) and if school work is high, then I wait and play around 5 hours on weekends
    5. I like getting new gear and trying to work on a new build (I really need more damage...) and doing co-op or just doing some fishing and crafting here and there
    6. I like socializing and I would like to watch the guild grow if I was admitted, through warring or maybe just participating in events
    7. Nope, this is my first guild :)
    8. It sounds fun, so definitely
    9. I was looking through the guild forums, and the flag reminded me of KFC (I don't know why, maybe i was hungry?) and I'm the clown in my friend group anyway, so why not?
    10. AliceInPunderland #3841
    11. Age: 16 / I like drawing traditional art, my bed is my favorite place, and I really like kirby :)
  9. AkhilFV

    AkhilFV [MALD] The Clowns - Owner CHAMPION

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    You've been accepted! Type /gu join MALD or click the pop-up when you next log in.
  10. OmeqaMC

    OmeqaMC Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    1. ohmeqa
    3. 3 (Archer 57 Shaman 34 Mage 26)
    4. Sometimes but will start playing more now
    5. Doing quests, talking with people while grinding and doing fun classes
    6. Playing a decent amount and helping newer people
    7. 2 But then I stopped playing. They were for new players.
    8. Yes, they sound fun
    9. Forums (trying to find a guild to join)
    10. Omeqa#6069
    11. 13, I want a guild that can help me with leveling places and helping me in general and I feel like this is the guild I want to be in and I also want to level up mage and shaman a lot.
  11. AkhilFV

    AkhilFV [MALD] The Clowns - Owner CHAMPION

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    Congrats, you've been accepted! Type /gu join MALD or click the pop-up in-game to join.
  12. AkhilFV

    AkhilFV [MALD] The Clowns - Owner CHAMPION

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    Bump 10char
  13. Stitcherson

    Stitcherson Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    1. IGN (In-Game Username) & what do you prefer to go by?
    Stitcherson, Stitch.

    2. Timezone / Geographical Region-
    Eastern Standard Time

    3. What classes do you play and what level are they?
    Mage lvl 57, Hunter lvl 47

    4. Activity? How often do you play Wynncraft?
    Twice a week

    5. What do you like doing in Wynncraft?
    Quests and getting better armor/weapons

    6. How can you contribute to the guild?
    I have loads of PvP & PvE experience, been on Wynn since the early days just been on an extended hiatus. I am friendly and knowledgable and willing to be of service to all.

    7. Have you been in any guilds in the past? If so, please tell us which and why you left.
    I used to own "Dark Side" but gave up the guild when I stopped playing about 8 years ago. Can't believe that I am back and typing that into a forum message at the moment. I wish I hadn't because the name and tag [DRK] were sick and they've since upped the level minimum for creating guilds.

    8. Are you interested in warring?
    Yes, not sure how it works but willing to find out!

    9. How did you hear about MALD? Were you referred to the guild?
    Scrolling through the forums

    10. Discord Tag: Stitcherson #5504

    11. Age / Additional information / Anything else you would like to share about yourself and your interests (Optional):
    23, Programming enthusiast.
  14. AkhilFV

    AkhilFV [MALD] The Clowns - Owner CHAMPION

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    Hey, your application was accepted but you are already in a guild so I was not able to invite you. I sent you a friend request on discord (FlamingVictini) to reach out a few days ago, let me know if you would still like to join and message me there!
  15. Zaperactyl1

    Zaperactyl1 Newbie Adventurer VIP+

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    1. IGN (In-Game Username) & what do you prefer to go by?
    Zaperactyl, Zap
    2. Timezone / Geographical Region
    Eastern Standard Time GMT-4
    3. What classes do you play and what level are they?
    Mage, Level 66
    4. Activity? How often do you play Wynncraft?
    3-4 Hours Daily
    5. What do you like doing in Wynncraft?
    I love doing quests and learning lore, as well as finding armor and weapons with special abilities.
    6. How can you contribute to the guild?
    Seeing as I grind a lot, I can contribute a lot of guild xp, and will always help out when needed.
    7. Have you been in any guilds in the past? If so, please tell us which and why you left.
    Yes, The Silent Expanse Team, it was recently dismantled for an unknown reason.
    8. Are you interested in warring?
    Yes, although I've never done it before.
    9. How did you hear about MALD? Were you referred to the guild?
    I found it while searching for a guild on the forum.
    10. Discord Tag:
    11. Age / Additional information / Anything else you would like to share about yourself and your interests (Optional):
    14, N/A, N/A
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2022
  16. AkhilFV

    AkhilFV [MALD] The Clowns - Owner CHAMPION

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    Congrats, you've been accepted! Type "/gu join MALD" in-game to join or click the popup when you log in. I'll send you an invite to our discord as well!
  17. Stitcherson

    Stitcherson Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Hey, could you add me on discord again? Stitcherson#5504
    AkhilFV likes this.
  18. Babounse

    Babounse Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    1. babounse
    2. UTC+2 , In europe ( more precisely in France )
    3. I have two main classes , one is Assasin at level 105 and the other is Warrior at level 84 ( I am trying to grind Warrior a bit to get it to level 105 ) , tho my main goal is to have all 5 classes at level 105 !
    4. It depend on the day , but very often I can play between 1 to 3 hours daily , Maybe times to times I might be absent for a short / long period !
    5. Like I said my new goal is to get all 5 classes to level 105 , I like raids on corrupted dungeon , I love warring tho I am defenetly not good at it xD , I also like to chat !
    6. I would love to get better at war and help with warring ! If I am playing on my 105 classes I can maybe help with xp . One thing that really depend is the weekly guild obj , sometimes I can do those pretty easely but sometimes I just takes hours to get to a third of the obj.
    7. I was in the " The no lifes " guild , I was often Leaving and Joining due to me having more and more disinterest in Wynncraft , tho now with my new goal and all the updates that changed !
    8. I am not the best at warring , tho I am willing to learn and become better , so yes I would like to mainly war when I get my warrior to lvl 105 , but only when I'll get my warrior at lvl 105 because I am pretty bad at the new assasin !
    9. I was looking for a new guild to join , I was hesitant between " The simple ones " and " Titan valor " but then I saw your placement on the map and this forum post and decided to join because of the warring and all !
    10. DiscordTag : Babounse#5709
    11. Age : 15 , Waltuh , put your d away waltuh
  19. PolarisUltra

    PolarisUltra Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Approved! Type "/gu join MALD" in-game to join or click the popup when you log in. I'll contact you via Discord with our guild server momentarily!
  20. AkhilFV

    AkhilFV [MALD] The Clowns - Owner CHAMPION

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    bump! 10char
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