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Has a "Pacifist" character ever seriously been attempted?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Impzbot, Sep 4, 2022.

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  1. Impzbot

    Impzbot OST Enjoyer HERO

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    As a joke, i created a warrior character with the intent of killing absolutely nothing. That was the entire thought behind it. It seems like there is a very limited amount of combat xp you can get without killing (mini quests, discoveries, maybe a few real quests), and I wanted to see how far you could take it.

    This is when I discovered that there is actually a lot to support people playing the game in this dumb way:
    • Even without /skiptutorial, its possible to simply run away from the two required encounters until they despawn for some reason, which makes me wonder if this effect applies to other required encounters.
    • The "Defeat lv1+ mobs" beginner objective acts as a way to make sure the run is still alive
      • "Attack to collect" items don't count towards that objective, nor give xp obviously
    • An easy alternative to getting tools through dungeons: trade market
    • While many quests lock you into required combat in order to proceed, many other quests don't actually require killing, just getting an item though killing, so if your really crazy, you could have another character forfeit quests halfway to store quest items in the bank
    All of these things combined makes me wonder if someone has already attempted this joke run on a character, and how far they went with it lol
  2. Epic_Chonker

    Epic_Chonker Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thinking about it... I don't think anyone has legit gone through with this since it'd be a very tiresome endeavor, you'd have to trade all the quest items from one character to another to complete the quests, plus a single accidental left click could end up killing a mob and ending the run.
    But I could definitely see someone making a post or something about the theory behind how far you could take a run like that, but putting it into practice would be hell
    Then again, HICH is a thing, so there might really be someone out there who has tried it
    Impzbot likes this.
  3. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    well there was this one person (I think her name was luri or larry idk) she was really adamant about this pacifist run she was doing but she failed miserably around the lvl 75-80 range
  4. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    i remember them, they failed cuz they tried to kill us
  5. Epic_Chonker

    Epic_Chonker Well-Known Adventurer

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    Yo I think I might've found something.
    There was this video I found about doing a pacifist run, it in itself was nothing special
    But by looking at the comments I was lead to this profile
    Look at it, 0 mob kills and 0 dungeon clears.
    The problem is that a true pacifist run can be cheesed by having other people help you, such as having them do dungeons for you. But as you can see, they have no dungeons clears. (It's also possible to weaken a mob and have other people kill it for shared exp, but I think that it would also count as killing a mob on the stats)
    Hell, it's even possible that GlassJars didn't use the trick of switching classes to get quest items
    I think this is the real deal, we could try to contact their forum account at @GlassJarss but I think they are inactive here
    Might as well also ping @JaydonTheWarrior since he was the one who made the original comment
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2022
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  6. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Glassjars run is enterily "legit"
    No class trading, no dungeons, he doesn't cheese or glitch quest.
    The closest he has gotten to cheesing anyone is when an update resets world discoveries.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2022
    GlassJarss, Impzbot and Epic_Chonker like this.
  7. GlassJarss

    GlassJarss Shaman Main CHAMPION

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    Yo, it me :)

    I started my pacifist class pretty much as soon as I discovered that prof miniquests gave combat xp but didn't require combat level. That got me thinking how much a level 1 class would level up from turning in a level 95 gather miniquest, and then I realized I could probably get pretty far without actually killing a mob for xp. Ironically my pacifist class is actually permahunted as well, since that sped up my prof grinding. Things spiraled out of control and I spent the next 200 hours on that class doing this crazy dumb challenge that nobody knew or cared about. Then when I "finished" (gained all the combat xp I possibly could in the entire game) I just made it my main prof class because I thought it'd be funny.

    I really like this challenge because it's so incredibly well defined and tracked on the stats page! you can tell pretty easily if someone's "cheated" by either getting carried through dungeons or trading quest items through the bank, since you can double check every single quest completion on the stats page and see if they're a pacifist-completeable quest or not.
    Also, after extensive testing (though it was several updates ago) getting party share xp counts towards your mob kill stats, so there's actually no repeatable xp available for the challenge. as said, my class will remain the highest level pacifist forever because I actually started this challenge well before gavel reborn, and have about a level and a half of xp from discoveries that either reset in updates or are no longer available at all. I've actually been capped on combat xp since shortly after gavel reborn, and have been patiently waiting for more discoveries or other pacifist-friendly content to be added so I can continue my journey.

    Some fun things most people don't think about that I noticed while doing this:

    Green mobs that drop quest items count towards your mob kill stat, so basically every quest is impossible to complete even though you don't really "kill" any mobs

    I actually can't complete two of the gathering miniquests, since one is on Maro Peaks (can't get a climbing helmet) and the other is on top of the Rymek Canyons (can't progress Canyon Condor enough to be allowed up there)

    I was locked out of a couple quests until they were changed for Qol, one example being the ability to get the journal from Dwelling Walls by just walking out instead of needing to kill the green mob there. This almost happened with Poisoning the Pest, my arch nemesis, but they decided to add a required kill section in the middle of the quest after letting you get the rat poison without killing the green mob (I swear they did this simply to mess with me)

    The "kill lv1+ mobs" objective actually gets overlapped by "kill lv10+ mobs" for some reason, and then you end up with "kill lv70+ mobs" as well as the original "win dungeons" objectives as your 3 locked forever. no idea why the lv1 mobs gets overlapped but the lv10 mobs stays forever?

    I will never be able to get into SE, even if I somehow manage to hit combat 100 since there's a required fight in the quest to open the expanse. The more prof-minded might already know this means I can't harvest dernic ever, and yes this means I grinded to lv128 fishing off of starfish (pain)

    Kinda wild to see anyone talking about something like this, never thought other people were crazy enough to actually care or think about this stuff.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2022
    ReneCZ, Impzbot, CrypticLucid and 3 others like this.
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