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bro i just lost my moontower and my 8/5 mr helmet to the dumbest bug ever

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Locky1110, Jun 27, 2022.

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  1. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    -5 stx from a really REALLY stupid bug

    so for background i was farming mobs during dloot + there were some item bombs, so my inventory was full
    the mob i was grinding was weak to earth, so i went and grabbed my hive wand with t6 earths
    as you know you cant use 2 hive items at once or u get a crazy penalty, and i had forgotten i was wearing my contrast

    BUT, i used a couple of spells with my hive wand while i was leaving the bank and while grinding mobs
    not only did my armor not immediately snap off, i didnt even get a penalty for using it, i was still able to walk, my spells were casting normally, and i was still able to do damage
    i was able to fight mobs with the wand normally

    the important part is, the penalty didn't activate, when i used the wand at the bank the game was basically telling me i was good to go, in my eyes at least, feel free to argue me on that

    for all i knew, i wasn't doing anything wrong, if the hive penalty activated at the bank, i would've immediately remembered the penalty, and it would've been fine since i think i had some inventory slots for my items
    and even if it did delete my items at the bank, i would've understood, it would've been my fault and the game was just acting normally. this wouldn't be my first time i lost items to intended game mechanics working against me

    anyway back to the story, i went to the mobs and begun grinding. i was able to kill the mobs and nothing bad was happening, but the hive wand was dealing less damage then i thought it would, so i just stopped using it.

    for like 10 minutes i was just grinding normally with my warp, nothing was wrong then
    then finally, i had to change out my totem, so i opened the menu to do it
    i got swarmed with mobs placing it and so i died, im pretty sure i wasnt holding my hive wand when i died but im not too sure

    i was at 12 soul points before i died and 10 after fyi
    when i died, it said the there wasnt enough room in your inventory message twice, i respawned, and my helmet and boots were both missing. they werent at the ground and when i went back to the grind spot everything had despawned
    for like 3 minutes i had no fking clue what happened, i had several theories like the game just ignored my soul points and just decided it wanted to delete my items or my mouse teleported to my helmet and boots and clicked q in record speed before i died

    you can already guess what happened, but it turns out the hive wand decided to activate as i died (i suspect the death caused it to activate, but im not 100% sure i wasnt holding the wand before i died, it's unlikely i was though) this "feature" sets all your skill points to -1000 and basically once it activates all armor that has a skill point requirement is removed
    my helmet and boots both had skill point requirements and so they came off. both of them were also item locked, so they were deleted instead of being thrown on the ground (at least i think, i didnt get an itemlock message for either). they vanished, no where to be seen
    funnily enough, i could still move around when i respawned so the penalty had shut itself off somehow, and honestly, i would probably never have figured out what happened if it wasnt for the fact i couldnt use my warp and my hive wand stopped working halfway on my way back to the grind spot, which is when i realized why my items disappeared

    TL;DR hive wand + contrast = removes all items with requirements but only sometimes and it happened when i died about 15 minutes after i first used it

    and so, that is how i lost 5 stx worth of items because of a really stupid bug, probably the dumbest bug ive ever seen in any video game
    if there was like 1 change to wynn's patented good game design i wouldn't have lost my items, so here's some changes that could've been made to prevent this

    1. Make hive weapons more consistent with hive's penalty
    like bro, the penalty activates once every blue moon, if penalty activated when it was supposed to, at the bank, i would have remembered it and would still have my items, it activated like 15 minutes after i first used the wand, and at that point i wasnt even using it

    2. Fix how the game handles locked items and full inventories
    take notes from hypixel, if an item you have doesn't fit in your inventory (even if it isn't an item that is forced back into your inventory) its instead put in a stash, that you can pick back up once you have space in your inventory, similar to how /fixquests works except for any item

    idk why wynn is designed that items that are locked and no longer fit are just deleted
    if anything, locking items can be more dangerous then just leaving it unlocked, because at least unlocked items are thrown on the floor when they dont fit
    everybody locks their valuables, you should put in the effort to make sure locking items keeps them safe because people WILL complain if their valuables are lost

    3. Change what the game does when you don't meet the requirements of an item
    this one might not be easy, but it would fix many glaring issues with items with a single change
    this has been a problem since gavel, items are removed when you dont meet the requirements
    The developers shouldn't have to warn people that their items may be removed/thrown on the floor/deleted because they dont want to spend the time to make a solution to what happens when you don't meet requirments

    Items should be kept on when you don't meet the requirments, and they should just not give you their stats and instead warn you in chat you don't meet the requirements
    Considering the game can remove every item you're wearing at the exact same time for skill point reasons, i dont know why you can't just tweak it to make it more user-friendly

    And a change like this would fix many problems, it's a worthy investment as far as I can tell
    - when the game is updated and items are changed, you won't have to worry about changing your build just so you dont lose your items
    - items that are locked wont be destroyed instantly becuase of a requirment change
    - crafted items could be changed so their skill points affect requirments without worry of durability affecting it (this one would still require many, many changes and thats just a different rabbit hole to go down a different day)
    - etc etc

    4. Remove hive weapons activating the penalty
    This one isn't a great solution, but it wasn't a thing until recently im pretty sure, and it was silently fixed
    i dont think hive weapons get enough use, especially from the people that can get overlapping hive itmes in the first place, so i think as a silent patch it wouldn't be too hurtful to remove the penalty
    As i said already, the way weapons work with the penalty is very wack, it should be made more consistent at the very least
    again, this isn't the greatest fix, but if you aren't gonna do it right, dont do it at all

    5. Remove the effect of the hive item penalty on skill points
    This is the biggest problem to me

    Why does it have ANY effect on skill points???
    for a system designed by the same people that didnt want crafteds to affect requirements because of durability, it doesn't make sense that hive items touch skill points at all
    i think the game setting your ws and dps to 0 is more then enough warning that you're not doing something right, i dont think it also needs to remove your items when again, items being removed by the game has never been a good feature

    what does it even accomplish by removing your items? both hive items i used didnt have requirements anyway, so it's not like it would've fixed itself.

    I think i made my point, if ANY of these things were changed, i wouldn't have lost my items, and nobody else would have this problem in the future
    and i think thats it for my post, i made this because its so demotivating to have this happen, i obviously hope they fix something but like this shouldnt have happened in the first place
    in the past 8 months ive found 7 mythic boots worth no more then 2 stx, and now i have just lost almost 3x that from a stupid bug, i was hoping to use the couple stx of le I had for something fun when the upate comes out or continue to save up for a discoverer but now i had to waste it buying back items i already had and shouldn't have lost in the first place. i wouldnt even been able to afford my items back if i didnt sell 1 of my 3 mythic weapons
    i dont expect a refund, but like i cant be the only one that found this stupid right?
  2. closier

    closier not cmosier

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    no refund policy moment
  3. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    atleast you did not lose an ArchangeL
    JasonScorpio and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  4. HerobrineLiu

    HerobrineLiu Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Warp and disco stayed intact at least
    Endistic likes this.
  5. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    W(ynnncraft Loser) + 0/5 mana regen + no items??? + touch emeralds + you’re Corkian + banned
  6. SmileyAlec

    SmileyAlec Olympic Gaming CHAMPION

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    kinda crazy that this is still a thing
    I remember on the hero beta that item lock got added I played around with it to see if I could break it somehow and ended up discovering pretty quickly that you can actually just delete items by filling your inventory with stuff and then dropping the locked item. I reported it as a bug only to receive this reply :')


    it took me like 40 minutes of digging through old posts just to find this screenshot, this was in january 2019

    I think it received some kind of change later that made it harder to happen but it seems to still be happening

    really feel bad for all the people that lost their valuables to this and im sorry it had to happen to you too, even happened to myself a few times too due to updated item stats because I just have way too many items on my account and need to store a bunch on my regular classes
  7. P0ke

    P0ke Wynntils Dev CHAMPION

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    wow what an asshole response from them lmao
  8. RamonaFlowers

    RamonaFlowers Subspace Delivery Girl CHAMPION

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    Wait until you get to know how nasty jpresent is in reality lmao
  9. Skidooskei

    Skidooskei King of the Lollipops CHAMPION

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    I remember I sold a Cata to someone a couple years ago and then literally days later it had been lost to this bug. Ever since then I’ve made sure never to have a full inventory and always have at least a couple slots open

    What the fuck?
  10. SoulyHere

    SoulyHere She/Her

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    I think they should add a stash system like hsb that temporary keep your items there when items were dropped with a full inventory and can take it back with a command such as /stash.
    I’ve quit hypickle for a year and I hate hsb but unionically this can be a effective solution of this problem.
  11. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    A solution that already exists, since the crafting system uses it, is to move excess items into your bank. Or better yet, your ingredient pouch.

    Also, this is pretty damn concerning, seeing as it came from a guy who was (at the time) well-respected for fixing a ton of really old and annoying bugs. If jpresent didn't consider this a bug, maybe the current developers or CT still don't, meaning it won't get fixed.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  12. Endistic

    Endistic Acolyte Enjoyer HERO

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    how do you get a 8mr helmet?
    i need that in m,y life
  13. Nick_

    Nick_ Well-Known Adventurer

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    I am really sorry this happened to you - it just sucks.

    I remember when they where reworking the hive armors I warned them about touching skill points and felt like it was unnecessary.

    I wish they just had a system for hive gear where a message just appears when you try to use more than one piece like when you try to use a weapon not for your class or put on armor that you don’t meet the skill point requirement for. That’s my idea for enforcing the rule of one piece without touching skill points
  14. SpotAction

    SpotAction Well-Known Adventurer

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    I lost a disco similar to this way, -8.5stx, never lootrunning again
  15. Pontosaurus

    Pontosaurus fuy busted moments CHAMPION

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    omg same rip 189lb green overall disco Lol

    anyway devs make itemlock not delete stuff challenge impossible, especially given the jpresent response LMAO
  16. SpotAction

    SpotAction Well-Known Adventurer

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    Frickin shift clicked and accidentally hovered over my disco during lag and it disappeared
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