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Discussing how to get Enchanted Chain Link (pause updating, experience included)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by EZuo, Jun 26, 2022.

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  1. EZuo

    EZuo Well-Known Adventurer

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    Few days ago, our wynncraft discord member ask a question, how to get Enchanted Chain Link, he post a picture:
    someone answer him, click more details.
    and, he reply with this piture,
    (yes, its chinese, he translate the page to chinese)
    it show "No information available on how to obtain this ingredient."
    (okay I give you the link of wynndata of Enchanted Chain Link)
    some people already find a post(I didn't saw it, because I am already searching):
    few people in discord, said, it form rol(realm of light)
    so, I searching a little, because I want to help him
    I try to search it on wynncraft forum,
    (I accidentally send "enchanted chain link" in my Profile Posts)
    as you can see, first and second link are say, they don't know where to get some other ingredients.
    no one answer how to get Enchanted Chain Link.
    third link just selling some ingredients, they didn't said how to got it.
    I try to searching on wynncraft wiki,
    it didn't show "Enchanted Chain Link"
    and I saw the link and some people say it will drop from realm of light
    but, there is a problem, realm of light region level is higher than Enchanted Chain Link(50 levels)
    things are getting bad, so I search "Enchanted Chain Link" in wynncraft official discord,
    and I really got something.
    (yes, I use light theme)
    it form Prison of Souls,
    I also post link to reply him.
    and some one already got it.
    but, mob drops didn't show Enchanted Chain Link
    so I search Prison of Souls on youtube
    there is video:

    there is no Enchanted Chain Link when he kill all monsters
    so, yeah, I try to go Prison of Souls by myself,

    first enter didn't drop, second, the mob call "The Unbound", it drop Enchanted Chain Link.
    finnally, I can give the evidense to the guy who ask question.
    after that, he twice time got three stars ingredients, didn't drop Enchanted Chain Link.
    he reply me to my video:I finally understand why that thing sell 4000 XD
    a while later, he said:
    how do you grind that I grind 8 9 times still nothing.
    I reply him:
    my set just only have +20% Loot Bonus.
    he said: mice 7%
    a moment after, he ask: begging shaman shaman loot bouns build.
    someone anwser it: lootrun build except everything else lb.
    and I, uhhhhhhh, there're off-topic in this thread, so I will not keep sharing.(you can ask it in this thread reply to ask what's happening after it.)
    But, there is question, are the all mobs in Prison of Souls will drop Enchanted Chain Link?
    That's why I post this thread, I need your help, find which mobs will drops Enchanted Chain Link
    or chest? or some mobs not in Prison of Souls.
    thank you your listening and searching.
    Enchanted Chain Link

    mobs drop:
    The Unbound

    (mobs pitures are from wynncraft wiki)
  2. Bleiiz

    Bleiiz The Hole Finder HERO

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    from my understanding, yes.
    starx280 likes this.
  3. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    reading this thread was an entire journey

    But to answer your question in boss altars, generally only the boss drops all the reward items however they don't all have a 100% chance to drop. Im not sure if they are affected by lb but they are affected by dloot bombs.
    cmosier, J_Lo777, luckeyLuuk and 3 others like this.
  4. EZuo

    EZuo Well-Known Adventurer

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    yes, the thread is contain journey, that why I brackets "experience included",
    and I want include experience is because I want let people know how do I go through these(sharing)
    also can let people if they want do to the similar thing, I can give them a reference.

    maybe next time I will just only post discussing stuff, no experience,
    or put the experience part after discussing.
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