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quick poll because i'm curious

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by sam2365427621, Jun 2, 2022.


are you happy with the current state of lootrunning and or obtaining mythics in general?

  1. yes

  2. no

  3. neutral / don't care

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  1. sam2365427621

    sam2365427621 lootrun man CHAMPION

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    feel free to explain your thought process in the comments
  2. SuperTheFlugel

    SuperTheFlugel Battle Monk Enjoyer CHAMPION

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    Lootrunning is extremely repetitive to me and it does not help that most of the time the chests are empty. I would prefer a decent mob grind or raid grind for Mythics over what we got now.
  3. SchoolMeatloaf

    SchoolMeatloaf Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    client side chests when?
  4. MrYoghurt2004

    MrYoghurt2004 Warrior Gang (discord: mryoghurt2004) Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    I want to come clean and say I have not done “professional” lootruns with lq and whatnot, so take my opinion with a grain of salt if you want, but I don’t think it matters too much, from the lootruns I’ve done I can say it’s incredibly boring.
    I can’t see lootrunning disappearing anytime soon due to how deep the community is in it now and how many hours people have spent on it, but I at least hope we get some genuinely good, FUN alternatives to it in the future. With emphasis on fun. Huge emphasis.
    Maybe raids should give you more emeralds instead of substituting (*cough* killing *cough*) gathering profs?
  5. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    I just wish there was a way to get mythics that:
    -doesnt suck (forgery moment)
    -doesnt rely on other people (lootrunning aaaaaaaa)
    Nukewarmachine and Endistic like this.
  6. Ninja_VK

    Ninja_VK RainbowsRcool VIP+

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    IMO lootrunning is fun to do, but the part that ruins it is the long loot cd and by the time it’s finally done u start amd a huge majority of the time all the chests are looted and u wasted 30 minutes and have to do it again
    sam2365427621, The Fool and Aemoor like this.
  7. Enderae

    Enderae Wanderer of the Realm VIP

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    from the perspective of a non-lootrunner, the only way i get le is from leveling new classes/giveaways *cough cough minkashev cough cough*
    even with that, the only mythics i'm able to get are some boots and smth like a grim or smth... not as good as, say, a nirv

    better and more fun ways of obtaining mythics/le, like the commonly stated raids, dungeons, forgery, etc etc, would definitely help the more casual playerbase who don't lootrun 26 hours a day and live off of pizza and basement sludge
  8. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    its just saturated
    idc tbh
    would be nice if there could be more fun ways of obtaining good gear and money
    but. any fun way to get money would probably fuck up the economy
    how the eco is rn without a lot of raw is pretty cool and awesome tbh because it makes it so people who don't lr can afford stuff
    Dream likes this.
  9. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Some people enjoy the "grind" of lootrunning, but I am not one of them. I would be fine with lootrunning if it was not significantly more viable than other methods of obtaining them. If lootrunning, raids, dungeons (forgery), and mob grinding all equalized then it'd be better at the least. That and client side chests, making lootrunning less painful at the very least.
  10. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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  11. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, actually it almost definitely is, but I feel like lootrunning at least as it is right now shouldn't really be a thing? I mean I get that some people like it, but expecting every player to grind mindlessly for massive amounts of time, join a discord server, have a specific lootrunning build, and download a mod to direct them to every damn chest in the lv 90-100 parts of the map is just not great. I understand some people like the grind of it, and I do think caves and chests are a good feature I'm definitely saying they should be removed or something like that that'd be dumb, but lootrunning as it is now now cheapens the exploration of the game since you've now been shown every cave by either a mod or the wiki when you planned the route, and it turns the game into a series of robotic motions you carry out on a loop for hours on end, and it's basically expected of you if you even want a chance of getting a good mythic, and then the the lootrunning discord who's existence is basically necessitated by how chests work right now is just more gatekeeping as a cherry on top.

    I think there should really at least be a better way to get mythics, other people lootrunning isn't in theory impacting my enjoyment of the game since I stopped doing it at all quite a while ago, but lootrunning being the basically the only way to earn enough emeralds to stay afloat let alone get mythics once you're in the endgame very much does affect my enjoyment of the game. In trying to change builds on my warrior which is currently lv 105, I started with 5le and now I have less than 1le, that's less than my lv30 ironman class which has a little over an le, how would I get that money back? When switching builds is a massive financial blow that takes a long time and a lot of struggling to recover from, it makes the endgame kinda drag.
    So you might be thinking, how did I make over an LE at lv~30 on ironman? Why don't you just do that on your main? Well, I lootran, sort of, I had remembered the locations of both the lion lair and crystal cave and went to both of those places, and played through the lv 30-35(where I'm at so far) content with a philosophy of 'if you see something go there', and I ended up getting a bunch of legendaries, nearly an le and a half, and having kinda mopping the floor with SST with the stuff I now had, all from spending a lot of time exploring the desert. You could be thinking that's what I've been arguing against this whole post, but not really, that's if anything what I want lootrunning to be more similar to, the caves in the desert and especially mesa are kinda decently difficult and thus have to be taken more seriously for their place in the game albeit still a bit too easy on later playthroughs, but also I was actually exploring the area, running into cool things I hadn't seen before, sometimes finding interesting lore, it actually felt like, y'know, a game, it didn't feel like I was doing 'work', partly because of that and also partly because even though I enjoyed doing that, it isn't expected of you, you can still do just fine without doing what I did.
    Let's compare this to the endgame, theoretically it'd be the same, but not really, taking your time going through caves is terribly inneficient since other people, often people who are lootrunning, end up bleeding a lot of caves dry to a much greater extent than at lower levels, you're competing with everyone else for the chests pretty much, and if you don't keep up with the maddening pace that is expected of you in order to have a chance next to more dedicated lootrunners you're competing for chests with, you'll end up being in a situation I'm in where you can't even switch builds without going nearly bankrupt.
    The other issue is that chests just don't give very high rewards for their level in the endgame compared to lv 30, I was getting usually somewhere between 4-6-7 EB from a high-tier chest at lv 30, but at lv 100 you get basically the same amount of money-per-cave at a level where a single semi-decently rolled legendary can cost multiple LE, which combined with other players bleeding caves dry (and the fact that you've probably done all the quests already) means you don't get nearly enough money unless you're going through like 50 caves every week, which basically forces you into the current lootrunning meta where you just go through massive numbers of caves you've already been through a million times as fast and efficiently as possible. Once again i get the appeal of that kind of lootrunning, I just don't like that it's expected of anyone who wants to have money, unless you're into speedleveling classes or something which I don't really enjoy.
    Anyways I haven't as I said lootran in the endgame in a while so I'm probably misrepresenting some stuff, basically I just wish lootrunning and grinding for money wasn't necessary and expected of players. Ever since my city got locked down because of covid everything I write has been cursed to be several paragraphs long even if I don't want it to be so sorry about that as well
    You basically just what I've been trying to say with a giant unnecessary wall of text in a single paragraph aaaahhh
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2022
  12. mzxie

    mzxie Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    lootrunning stinky
  13. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I might've mentioned several times that lootrunning is boring in different topics but I'm actually gonna change that a bit. It's repetitive but in my experience, it doesn't have to be boring because of that. What makes lootrunning boring for me are the empty chests, seriously. When I'm lucky and actually get a world with full chests I don't even care if I don't find a mythic (well, I do care, but not as much), I just somehow find it incredibly satisfying when every chest is at least 50% full and it immediately makes lootrunning more fun. On the other hand, empty chests just make the whole lootrunning thing extremely frustrating and can burn you out really quickly. Especially if you start a lootrun and the chests are empty, boom you already wasted 24 minutes of your time waiting. Or if you are stubborn like me and loot empty worlds (I don't know why I do it, but when I start a lootrun I usually finish it even if it's empty and a waste of time), so well if you're like me, you'll waste 1+ hour looting an empty world. The only time I really give up is when the chests are literally missing or each chest has like 5 emeralds or less. Client-sided chests would be nice but would also be unbalanced and I'm scared of what kind of balance changes the CT would come up with to make them balanced.
    Castti likes this.
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