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Discussion in 'Questions' started by Challenger405, May 14, 2022.

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  1. Challenger405

    Challenger405 i've lost the will to live :) HERO

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    Hello y'all,
    I am currently Lvl 94 on my shaman account, and leveling has been very slow lately. What should I do to level up faster?
  2. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    There's two types of ways to level up quickly from my experience; the normal ways and the meta ways, though the latter are a bit more challenging to arrange.

    First, the normal way is to do all the quests for your level range, then do all the quests above level 60 or so if you haven't already. Quests at your level range will give you around a third to half of a level each and they're all pretty quick and easy so it's definitely worth getting them done. Next, grinding can be good, but doing the kill quests are even better since you get XP from the grind plus a massive amount for handing in the drops. Finally, running dungeons like Fallen factory and the corrupted dungeons is a pretty decent way to get experience, though it'll be pretty slow if you're on your own so I wouldn't recommend it unless you want to buy stuff from their shops, in which case it's basically free XP since you would be running the dungeons anyways.

    Beyond all that, in the event that you can find a party and DXP, you can also go to (preferably) the scrapyard in Corkus (-1440, -2520) or the waterfall in Aldeori (-100, -4591). Those will only be fast with other people, totems and XP bombs though so if you can get that, go for it, if not then just do what I said before.

    For the meta way, you're going to be joining a big party. At level 94 your best bet is going to be to do corrupted dungeon parties but those require lots of bombs so either you're paying or you can find some kind soul whose footing the bill. Because that strategy is so much faster and therefore more cost effective during DXP weekends, it isn't super common to find them being hosted outside of them (though during DXP people basically hold them on every other server at most times of the day). If you see DXP and free dungeon entry on a server, odds are that's what people are doing.

    Adding to that last part, once you get access to the Silent Expanse, I'm like 99% sure totem grinding the church is the meta way to get experience now, but that requires you to be over level 100. People also throw DXP bombs for church frequently so once you get access to it, your leveling should be smooth sailing.

    Finally, if you're going to be doing party grinding, I would highly recommend getting an XP set of armor and accessories. When you have a large party, your individual damage is basically irrelevant so focus on getting the most out of each kill instead of getting the most kills. I would also bring a lot of potions unless you're either a mage or shaman, just in case you do get hit.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  3. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    One of the ways not mentioned above is doing secret discoveries, they are quick to do, give some nice xp and are quite fun if you care about lore
    luckeyLuuk and Sg_Voltage like this.
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