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SPOILER Analyzing the 2.0 Trailer!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, May 7, 2022.


How excited are you for the update, now that the trailer dropped?

  1. Very excited!

    115 vote(s)
  2. Excited!

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  3. Neutral

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  4. Worried

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  5. Dreading the update

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  1. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Alright, if you're here, you've probably seen the trailer and the website for 2.0, and you know the gist of what's being added. This is more of a thread to discuss stuff you might not have noticed and whatnot.

    Mana is no longer capped at 20
    Throughout the trailer, you'll notice the max mana is no longer 20. It is seen at multiple different values, such as 155, 100, and 142. I can't tell if it's tied to a certain level or what, in Galleon's graveyard Salted is level 78 with 142 mana but earlier he was level 100 with 100 mana. Given this change, will mana regen and steal IDs be changed? I'd assume so.

    New Quest:
    Towards the start of the trailer, two "new quests" can be shown. The first one is really interesting, as it shows you having to hide from someone. There's also books that can be interacted with (you can barely see their green particles), and I'd estimate they're the reason you're in that room in the first place. However, this leads to a question, is this a new quest or a reworked quest? It's hard to who this villager is, but if they're a human lore-wise, then that would eliminate a bunch of quest reworks for what this part of the trailer shows. Additionally, the section "new dungeon" in the trailer just shows new Galleon's Graveyard, which means that is has the potential to be a reworked quest.

    The second quest shown seems much more obvious: it's a reworked "A fighting species", the level 64 orc quest that was removed in 1.20, I'm 90% certain about this. The coordinates shown in the trailer match up, and those guys just look like orcs to me.

    The third quest has the potential to be cowfusion due to showing... a cow. But that isn't certain.

    Spells Shown:
    I'll make this part quick as it's more obvious:
    • First one shown at 0:59 is a cool knockback thing. Blue particles and a trident means it could be water-themed, but that's just a wild assumption. Looks like it can also provide some verticality.
    • Second one shown at 1:02 is some sort of sniper attack for archers, with a slightly delayed shot. I'm unable to determine the max range of this.
    • Third one shown at 1:10 is really hard to tell. On one hand, there's a mage moving fast and possibly using a new movement spell (you can notice they sort of leap), some kind of boulder flying through the air, and particles on the ground. During this time, the "Arcane Archetype" is mentioned, so could these abilities be from that?
    • Fourth one at 1:18 is a warrior's (I'm going off the helmets and weapons to determine classes here) AOE spell. It looks like the mob takes damage multiple times.
    • The fifth spell at 1:20 is super interesting, because it shows that they're not only casting escape here, but it also now costs more mana to fit with the new system. The spell also seems to propel the player forward. This could mean that this is a new variant of escape, or that escape got outright changed, or that they just haven't named this ability yet and are calling it escape as a placeholder.
    • 1:22 is where things get hectic. It says the player is costing bash for 1 mana (a VERY low cost given the new system IMO), there is an arc of weird white particles on the side (you can see this again at 1:24), some playerheads are orbiting the player, and there are a lot of red particles on the ground. Oh, and it's worth noting that the blocks on the ground look partially cracked, which has been the case with all other warrior(?) abilities. EDIT: they also seem to be casting spells with health here
    • 1:24 - snowballs seem to be orbiting the player? They're shown again at 1:29, and judging by the weapon they may be following a warrior.
    • 1:27 - A mage is bouncing a yellow orb between them and a mob. No spell casting indicator appears above the hotbar here, and it seems like they're left-clicking. Is this a new melee attack?
    • 1:28 - An assassin (judging by the weapon) is wall-jumping(?) Again, nothing in the hotbar confirms a spell is being cast
    • 1:31 - Green beams are being shot by an archer. Lack of spell messages in a hotbar, combined with how rapidly they're being shot, means this may be a melee attack.

    The Nameless Anomaly:
    Immediately after the Nameless Anomaly is mentioned by name, an image of a deep chasm with beacons coming out of it is shown. This reminded me a lot of the Realm of Light entrance, albeit with different surrounding terrain. Furthermore, a lot of areas in the trailer that I presume are this new raid have a floral theme, much like the Realm of Light does. I find this parallel interesting. My current theory is that this is the raid entrance or what leads to the boss.
    I believe that this raid is referenced again at 1:23, where we see this image.
    "BULB" could refer to the iconic Glow Bulbs located in the silent expanse. And given that the raid starts there, and since the screenshot is so hectic (mobs shown here are all like level 110-120), I think this is a part of the raid.

    But it's the "-385" in purple with a strange symbol that really intrigues me. I think this might be some kind of status effect, like one shown on the website? But why is it purple (please dont make a lean joke those are long dead)? My theory is that this is actually poison, as purple is very commonly used to reference poison in video games.

    I'm going to assume anything with a dark blue and purple color scheme + flowers are a part of the raid, so at 1:29, I'd like to point out we can see fire on the ground. This looks tough for a raid given how fire damage is dealt now, maybe it was changed with the rest of the system? And given the floral theme I've been pointing out, I think the tree shown at the beginning is a part of the raid, I just don't know where else they'd put it.

    I tried to tell what the creepy guy's (I assume they're the boss given that they're level 250) name is, but it seems like just jumbled text. However, I can make out that the mob above them is called "something boom" or "something bloom" or maybe most likely, "something doom". Also, the boss seems to be raising their hands up, in contrast to the trailer where they're reaching them out at us.
    (image is from the website fyi)

    The arena seems pretty tiny and scattered with holes. Interested to see how this plays out, if it is a boss fight (probably not too different from TCC).

    At 1:22, a bar labeled as "Corrupted" can be shown. I have a few thoughts as to what this might be. First, this could be a status the mobs are inflicting on you, hence why it is shown so clearly to the player. I have logic behind this theory however other than that a game I played, Dark Souls, presents negative status effects to the player in an identical way. A theory branching from this is that YOUR SPELLS are corrupting you like this. I'm not a lore expert but I'm pretty certain the silent expanse isn't corrupted.

    A third explanation is that this is a status effect you're inflicting on mobs, as the website mentions this will be a thing. However, it does state that it will be the mobs who show the status effect, and it seems to be presented on the player, so who knows.
    EDIT: this is during the time when the player casts spells with health

    Whatever is going on at 1:33:
    A player is shown fighting mobs in stone room, there are enemies called Spiritual Discharge, and more interestingly, this guy:
    I can't make out his name, but it doesn't resemble anyone I know. I also wonder why his name is bolded and dark red. Is he some kind of boss in an upcoming or reworked quest? That's my best theory.

    Ability Points:
    Judging by the website, it seems like we unlock our new abilities with ability points. But this is where it gets interesting. The website states that we "Gain Ability Points (AP) by progressing and spend them to unlock new upgrades." It never specifies what this progression means, but it does imply that we'll be able to unlock them as late as level 104. Do we get them by leveling, like we used to? By quests? Some other way?

    Misc. Stuff:
    • With the mention of "Improved Spells" the existing spells may get a touch up.
    • Actually, are we getting new spells at all, or just new versions of existing ones + melee attacks? This would make sense given what has been shown.
    • "Improved Holograms" is mentioned at the end, and I don't know what it refers to. The damage indicator things?
    • I love how we can apparently mix and match archetypes!
    • "350+" upgrades implies we could end up with even more. But at the same time, that's a lofty number to shoot for, so I wouldn't be too shocked if we end up with less upon release, and more are added over time.
    • I wonder what the new raid's tomes will be like?
    • Items now seem to fly out of a mob upon killing them.
    • Seems like a potential status effect is burning a mob, judging by a gif on the website.
    • How will the dreaded CCI play into these systems?

    Salted's Comments:
    Salted usually talks about the update on discord right after a trailer, and this time was no different. I'll summarize what he said here:
    • Update seems planned for the summer
    • Archer will probably be the most mobile
    • A LOT of stuff will be overpowered, Salted joked(?) that they may need to make mobs overpowered too.
    • Light Bender Mage is apparently really cool.

    Final Notes:
    So yeah, I'm excited. I think this is the sort of update Wynncraft needs. I will say that we shouldn't judge this book by its cover, or in this case trailer. I remember them saying on an announcement thread that the update is only 80% done, so who knows what they have yet to add. Hell, remember 1.19? Hunted wasn't even in that trailer. There's probably a ton of stuff in the update we don't even know about. Only time will tell...
    Last edited: May 7, 2022
    Gegaba, Partyu, TwageTomato and 48 others like this.
  2. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Excellent analysis. It has been a while since I have been so excited about anything pertaining to Wynncraft.
  3. mrkranky

    mrkranky Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I believe the corrupted status effect is being inflicted on the player. When the player casted an ability during that shot, next to the mana cost it would also display damage taken. I think it's a debuff that damages you whenever you cast an ability.
    luckeyLuuk and WithTheFish like this.
  4. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    Correct. Corruption only forms as a result of Light and Dark clashing, so I really have no clue what this Corrupted thing means. Maybe it's because you were infused with Light prior to entering the Silent Expanse, and that is clashing with the dark beings you're fighting, hence creating Corruption? Or maybe you have to do something with the Lutho Obelisk, which IS a light object? Who knows, I hope they have a plan for that. But if it's an inconsistency, then eugh
    luckeyLuuk, Emogla3 and Da Homeboi like this.
  5. ocel0tgirl

    ocel0tgirl It was ocel0t to meet you HERO

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    thank you withthefish, very cool
    I want to say it's something along the lines of Sarwan, the Wanderer by instinct, but idk
    luckeyLuuk and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  6. Leafish

    Leafish slowly going insane from loot running HERO

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    additionally, they seem to go into negative mana and also use health to cast their spell. The negative mana is possibly a bug tho. the health lost from the cast is about 15% of the total hp. CORRECTION: THE NEGATIVE MANA IS NOT A BUG

    this also seems to be the trippy forest from Shattered Minds
    Last edited: May 7, 2022
  7. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi scream at me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Pretty sure this guys name is something similar to "Serwin, the Wanderer."

    I'm pretty sure the first quest shown might be a reworked Redbeard's Booty, given how you are locked up (most likely as a stowaway) and how Galleon's Graveyard is also reworked too.

    I'd say from everything here, 2.0 looks very much yes. They took pretty much every amazing suggestion and gave us more than we could've asked for. So thanks CT.
    Last edited: May 7, 2022
    luckeyLuuk and PlasmaWarrior like this.
  8. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    My guess is that the new “baseline” mana is going to be 100, and there will be IDs and subclass nodes to affect it. It makes sense seeing as the current escape cost is ~3 mana (IIRC) and the one shown in the trailer is 15.
    So what you’re saying is Archer is gonna be the lootrun meta
    Also, as excited as I am for the new mobility changes I can’t help but feel like some of them (mostly the wall jump) might end up a little wasted in a lot of areas, since most combat Arenas don’t really have a lot of cover to jump off of.
    Cosomos, __Kofa__, luckeyLuuk and 2 others like this.
  9. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    I am wondering if every class archtype has a reskin too
    Partyu, luckeyLuuk and Crouton_18 like this.
  10. ocu

    ocu penguin gang CHAMPION

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    ever try upping the video quality on youtube
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  11. Flamm

    Flamm Well-Known Adventurer

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    As long as we get a damage over time focused archetype, I'm hyped as heck. I mean, I'll be hyped even if we don't get a dedicated damage over time focused archetype :) Trapper Archer and Trickster Assassin look really fun as well!
  12. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    If we're counting skill level ups as upgrades there's 3 per skill, times 4 skills times 5 classes which is 60 already. 350+ sounds like a lot but it's probably not any more than 100 skills or 20 per class which would be 5 sub classes each, that's also assuming 3 level ups per skill which probably isn't the case anymore. Most of them are probably just flat damage increases too so that'll probably cut into the number too. It's obviously a lot, not trying to downplay anything but at the same time it's not beyond reason to think we'll probably see them all at launch.

    Some of them will definitely be broken to hell and back though and balance will be... interesting so we'll have to see how it actually turns out. I would honestly prefer less, polished sub classes but more choice is always good I suppose. Hopefully this is also a warrior buff in disguise but that's probably asking for way too much.
    luckeyLuuk and Crouton_18 like this.
  13. blegar1

    blegar1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Should point out the player's health bar during this isn't normal either, it looks like a wither effect has been applied? So whatever it is, ain't good for the player
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  14. EpsilonDown

    EpsilonDown Vibing to TNA theme HERO

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    Think purple is poison damage, it looks like skull. And we got another symbol for darkness
    luckeyLuuk and Skidooskei like this.
  15. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    The floating object in the clip with the arcane mage looks kind of like a mini-moon to me, and it could be a reference to Rennala's homing moon attack from Elden Ring
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  16. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    at 0:25 you can see dark cobblestone like blocks in the foreground - this seems to be a desaturated version of the netherack texture

    my most reasonable guess would be a new doubleslab texture

    EDIT: nvm, its just coal blocks

    also, the new raid seems to be void hole/valley themed
    Last edited: May 7, 2022
  17. HowTpoTypo

    HowTpoTypo Solver of Puzzles HERO

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    the new/variation of escape seems to be that you shoot a projectile and if it hits you fly toward it (grappling hook arrow)

    purple numbers definitely look like poison damage to me. it was damage dealt to enemies and was consistently the same number across a given clip, and the only damage currewntly in game that has no variation is poison damage

    the new quest bosses name is Garvan, the wanderer

    there are a few frames at 1:29 where you can see that part of the raid is collect 'void matter 4/5 (right lcick to add)'
    Last edited: May 7, 2022
    Partyu and luckeyLuuk like this.
  18. DarkPulse91

    DarkPulse91 Casual players apparently can't exist. CHAMPION

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    Has anyone else tried translating the letters on the skill tree?

    Ive tried my very small hand at it, but I found some of the letters to be either backwards or upside-down
    And there is a better look on the website
    Partyu and luckeyLuuk like this.
  19. kingslayer296

    kingslayer296 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    lol they added freddy fazbear
  20. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    hone your skill



    master the tree
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