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Let's talk about Fruma

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by I_am_Mindless, May 2, 2022.


Would you like a split-questline in Wynncraft?

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  2. No.

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  1. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Llevigar's Library says the following:
    "All that is known is that the land is operated entirely by a powerful monarchy with magical powers that are far in advance of our own."
    Recover the Past confirms this, and seeing as all memories of Fruma are erased upon leaving the province, it's fair to say Llevigar's Library is accurate.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  2. I_am_Mindless

    I_am_Mindless The Bard of Wynn CHAMPION

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    "Very little about Fruma is currently known, however thanks to lore uncovered in the secret library of Llevigar, the Province of Fruma has been described as the populous homeland of the human race in Wynncraft, led by powerful magic-wielding monarchs. These magical capabilities were withheld from the general population, and were considered far more powerful than that of Wynn's. The province itself is far older than the nearby Wynn Province, which was settled by Fruma humans."

  3. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    lies produced by the fruman government
  4. Willfur

    Willfur Well-Known Adventurer

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    TDLR: I misunderstood what your point was a bit so sorry lol.

    Again this goes with what I was saying about how executing this. If this was just going to be like Iron Heart or Aldorei's Secrect for a different quest reward, then ya, I don't see a problem with it.

    It was just my assumption that this post was about something bigger and more impactful since if it's already a thing that has been done before like those 2 quests, why make a new thread about splitting the storyline. But I see that you meant it as just a quest reward. If that's the case, I have nothing against it, but like I said before: Aldorei's Secret and Iron Heart aren't that long in the story that I wouldn't consider it a questline. However since you are talking about like what I said before about just different ways of getting to the same objective then the story shouldn't be that inconsistent either, but lemme clarify on what I said before:

    I wasn't just talking about it from a developing perspective but also from a managing perspective. I'm not a dev so I'm not qualified to speak about the developer side, but I was saying how if you wanted this quest to either get you to x or y. The devs and the team have to make content for x and y's path assuming that this quest will be a split in the future game and story as well. Again this is me going overboard. The team have to make quests and content for both continuation of x or y to make the content fair, however this will double the work because they have to manage 2 separate storylines.

    This was me under the assumption that it was more than just a different quest reward. If choosing a side in this quest leads to completely different areas in both the map, story, and content, then it would definitely split the player base. Imagine if there was a x and y area. Only x people can do the content in x like dungeons, raids, quest, and vise vera.
  5. __Kofa__

    __Kofa__ Travelled Adventurer

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    We don’t talk about Fruma-ma-ma-ma.
    We don’t talk about Frumaaaaaaaaaa
    Grain walks in with a mischievous grian
    (Don’t mind the picture on the top left)
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