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Wynncraft endgame sucks

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Intel_i7, Apr 13, 2022.

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  1. Gort

    Gort His Royal Pimpness CHAMPION

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    raids are an absolute joke too lol
  2. Mardeknius

    Mardeknius Knight of Blood Item Team HERO

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    I'm highly anti-lootun
    I think it should be removed - I play video games to have fun, lootrunning isn't fun - this is why I'm poor; I want to have fun instead of g r i n d i n g away until I get funny purple box. Personally, I think all non-lootrun ways of getting mythics should be buffed (daily objectives, for example) and lootrunning should be removed.

    if you're going to keep lootrunning in the game
    please, please make chests clientside even as someone who doesn't lootrun I can tell you that this needs to happen
    NITEHAWKX, starx280 and cmosier like this.
  3. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I don't want to argue or hate on you, but I'm just interested... How would you go on about removing lootrunning? If we take the lootrunning aspect out of loot chests completely then loot chests are very cool to find in caves, dungeons etc... and exciting to find the loot hidden in them. I can't speak for myself as I don't remember my beginnings on Wynn in this aspect that much, but I bet it must be exciting to find your first T3s and T4s and find all that shiny loot.

    The only way I can think of to remove lootrunning would be to remove loot chests completely and that's in my opinion a really bad idea as loot chests even without lootrunning, are very cool.

    However, I agree that other methods of getting mythics should be buffed. But all things considered even other ways of getting mythics are a grind in some way. You can get them from the Forgery, which is a grind. You can get them from daily objectives or weekly objectives but both will be a grind if you want to get a mythic from them unless you are really lucky. Mob grinding... well it's in the name. The only two ways of getting mythics that I can think of right now that are not a grind are the Daily Reward and maybe Item Bombs. So most likely you will be grinding for your mythics even if you don't lootrun. And I don't think grinding for mythics is a bad thing. They are supposed to be the rarest items in the game, they shouldn't be handed over to you on a silver plate. The only difference is that one kind of grinding can be a little bit more fun than a different kind of grinding (lootrunning). But personally, I wouldn't want to do 14 daily objectives (14 classes) every day that can include stuff like dungeons and profs to get a mythic. Or run god knows how many dungeons to get one from the Forgery. Or kill 100k or even more mobs for one mythic. From the list of boring grinding methods to get mythics, I still think lootrunning is the least amount of boring.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2022
  4. CT

    CT Blue sponge CHAMPION

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    A real question is whether or how other mmorpgs overcome the problem of the endgame when it is the end of the game
    Flamm, luckeyLuuk and Bart (MC) like this.
  5. scootingscooter

    scootingscooter Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    lootrunning as a concept is fine, and to some extent is fun

    but the fact that others affect the amount of loot i can find is really really annoying and frustrating

    especially as someone who cannot access discord, so i cannot use certains tools like lr disc
    starx280 likes this.
  6. mrcraftyketchup

    mrcraftyketchup Meleeing Enthusiast HERO

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    They should add some form of content like Fractals of the Mists from Guild Wars 2 which would prepare a Dungeon for people to do Daily that would be more difficult than Corrupted versions and would have some additional difficulty modifiers like the dungeon ones they supposedly are working on. Wynn should really just invest into some form of endgame which players can do daily or weekly that would be meaningful enough that there is a reason to come every day, and that will make people content enough with the challenge IMO.

    And another reason that people cover Mythics is they also can enable some playstyle to work well (I mean for example, what good would a Warrior tank be without a Guardian)
  7. Mardeknius

    Mardeknius Knight of Blood Item Team HERO

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    You pose a good point there. I guess when I say "remove lootrunning" I just mean "nerf mythic chance in lootruns". Also, yeah, I guess any way of finding a mythic would be a grind, but lootrunning isn't really enough of a challenge - you just go and open a bunch of chests - any other way would at least skill required for it.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  8. luckeyLuuk

    luckeyLuuk I probably forgot that I put this here.

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    maybe randomizing the placement of most loot chest would work (although it would probably be very hard to code/balance)
  9. YummyPotatoes

    YummyPotatoes Skilled Adventurer

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    This wouldn't have the effect you think, instead it would probably just make the experience worse for everyone and take longer to find chests. But they would still get looted just more slowly. Also that's not going to work with Tier 3/4 at the end of caves.
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