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Media Lv 89 Naked HIC NotG

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Crokee, Apr 15, 2022.




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  1. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    You have probably seen my "NO TOUCHING x-xxx!!!" parties on party finder the past few months:


    You may wonder what this is. Well I will explain it below:

    NO TOUCHING refers to my naked HIC. What is naked HIC?
    • Naked = No armor
    • H = Hardcore = 1 life only
    • I = Ironman = No trading/using bank
    • C = Craftsman = Crafteds only*
    *The exception being quest items. For the purposes of this challenge, I will not use quest items at all unless absolutely necessary to progress a quest.

    x-xxx refers to the (number of attempts)-(number of parties made). So that means 5 is my fifth attempt while 106 is my 106th party.

    Now I present to you the first


    raid ever done!

    Big thanks to @Lalatera and @TravusThaSlime for carrying me.

    In addition, thanks to everyone else who have carried me in some fashion to get me this far. I am only halfway done (or less)!

    If you would like to help me, please DM me on Discord @ Crokee#0197. I require a Lv 100 class with a build ready to go. Guardian/Ignis for bonus points. I will pay up to 7.5le/hr!

    Here, you can find my progress throughout the playthrough. Each new entry represents a new day. Some days are skipped because I couldn't play at the time.

    1. 03/13/2022
      5-1 to 4: - combat 17 - profs 10+ with most craftings 20+ - t3 tools to do: - profs lv 20+ - combat 29+ - profs lv 30+ - farm 1 stx muscles - next 3 dungeons for t4 tools
    2. 03/14/2022
      5-5 to 12: - combat 32 - profs 30+ - muscles done - t4 tools - first 4 dungeons done by MntRunner, Sir7alot, KiliE2001
      to do: - combat 39+ - profs 40+ - combat 49+ - profs 50+
      March 15, 2022
    3. 03/15/2022
      5-13 to 20: - combat 39 by Saraldar - profs 50+ by Sir7alot
      to do: - get 6 undead hearts for lv 49 bow - grind dead prospectors until lv 45 ish and get their ings too - do a little lr for t4 pouch - grind naga tails until lv 49+ - cross great bridge but this time just get a guardian/archer and yolo - ur 7 times - combat 59+ - profs 60+
      March 16, 2022
    4. 03/16/2022
      5-21 to 29: - combat 52 - everything prepared for great bridge
      to do: - cross great bridge - ur 7 times - combat 59+ - profs 60+
      March 17, 2022
    5. 03/17/2022
      5-30 to 31: - combat 55 - great bridge done by Saraldar - ur done by Saraldar, Lalatera - mining 55
      to do: - profs 60+ - combat 69+ - profs 70+
      March 18, 2022
    6. 03/18/2022
      5-32 to 33: - fishing, mining, jeweling 60
      to do: - profs 60+ - combat 69+ - profs 70+
      March 19, 2022
    7. 03/19/2022
      5-34 to 36: - combat 58 by Sir7alot - most profs 60+
      to do: - profs 60+ - combat 69+ - profs 70+ - trial runs of organic explosives lr - custom sound texturepack that is only revealed while streaming mwahahaha
    8. 03/20/2022
      5-37 to 42: - half profs 70+ - completed trial run of taco bell
      to do: - combat 69+ - get someone to bodyguard me at gelibord for woodcutting - profs 70+ - recruit more bodyguards
    9. 03/21/2022
      5-43 to 50: - combat 64 by Nieke/Luwunowo, and HayJay2004 - all profs 70+ by PlazmaVolt and UsagiYojimbo
      to do: - combat 79+ - recruit even more bodyguards - get 2 t3 kanderstone gems and 2 t3 gylia oil - TIME TO LOOTRUN BABY!!! get 4 organic explosives, 1 lunar charm, 1 savannah stone - make the first organic explosive accessory (ring) for sweet +500 hp at cost of -10 def!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    10. 03/22/2022
      5-51 to 61: - combat 71 by Sir7alot, TravisNH
      to do: - combat 79+ - make crappy lv 73 bow - recruit even more bodyguards - get 2 t3 kanderstone gems and 2 t3 gylia oil - TIME TO LOOTRUN BABY!!! get 4 organic explosives, 1 lunar charm, 1 savannah stone - make the first organic explosive accessory (ring) for sweet +500 hp at cost of -10 def!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - repeat last 3 steps 3 more times
    11. 03/23/2022
      5-62 to 76: - combat 77 by Kxudraco8341, KiliE2001, Sir7alot - crappy lv 75 bow made by OriTheSpirit - 4 t3 oil, 2 t3 gems by sebcd, OriTheSpirit
      to do: - TIME TO LOOTRUN BABY!!! get 4 organic explosives, 1 lunar charm, 1 savannah stone - MAKE RING!!!!!!!! - repeat process 3 more times for other accessories - combat 79+ - profs 80+ - make vid on major milestone???
    12. 03/24/2022
      5-77 to 81: - jeweling lv 85, fishing and mining lv 75 - 4 t3 oil, 3 t3 gems by Sir7alot - lb/xp bow made - corkus city lr obtained by Sir7alot - 1 levi lr obtained by Sir7alot - desert lr obtained by Dream96 - 1 levi, 3 desert, 6 corkus lr with 2 organic explosives and 1 lunar charm by Sir7alot
      to do: - LOOTRUN LIKE CRAZY REEEEEEEEEEE - craft ring - get more t3 stuff for rest of gear - combat 79+ - profs 80+
    13. 03/25/2022
      5-82 to 85: - mining lv 80 - FIRST HP ACCESSORY ACHIEVED!!! - t3 gems DONE by KiliE2001 - new less crappy but still crappy bow made with double hp - lost track of lr but way too many good ings found, +4 organic explosives, +1 lunar charm by Sir7alot
      to do: - craft second ring - taco bell and desert lootruns - get more t3 stuff for rest of gear - combat 79+ - profs 80+
    14. 03/26/2022
      5-86 to 90: - most profs lv 80 by Sir7alot - ALL ACCESSORIES CRAFTED!!! - FUNNY DECAYING HEART FOUND LOL - ALL T3 MATS NEEDED FOR LV 89 ACCESSORIES thanks to lynsut
      to do: - HOW TO SORT INV REEEEE - combat 79+ - profs 80+
    15. 03/27/2022
      5-91 to 92: - combat 79 - all profs lv 80+ with jeweling lv 93, mining lv 82, fishing lv 84 - 1/35 horse obtained by Sploofie - 2 organic explosives, 1 lunar charm
      to do: - run cip ~8 times for t9 tools - combat lv 89+ - lr for organic explosives and lunar charms - profs lv 90+ - recruit more bodyguards, probably up payment rate - find safe avo spot
    16. 03/28/2022
      5-93 to 97: - combat 82 - fishing 85, jeweling 94 - t9 tools obtained by KiliE2001, Tordellini68, Saraldar, Hxkku - all gathering spots and build figured out by Sir7alot, Nynnf
      to do: - combat lv 89+ - lr for organic explosives and lunar charms - profs lv 90+ - recruit more bodyguards - join ESI maybe for terr boost?
    17. 03/30/2022
      no party: - left prof for ESI, waiting on inv
      to do: - combat lv 89+ - lr for organic explosives and lunar charms - profs lv 90+ - recruit more bodyguards
    18. 04/01/2022
      no party: - joined ESI - switched pine to cut in li instead for more prof boost
      to do: - combat lv 89+ - lr for organic explosives and lunar charms - profs lv 90+ - recruit more bodyguards
    19. 04/03/2022
      5-98 to 102: - combat 83 by kxroe - fishing 87, mining 85, woodcutting 82, jeweling 95, scribing 90 by ESI - scrapped skyraider grind spot in favor for more rbb and cur by Lalatera - planned out 11 cuc runs by Lalatera
      to do: - prof away excess jeweling/scribing asap - woodcutting 85, farming 85 - craft xp scrolls, windy scrolls, rock hard beak pots - 11 cuc runs for t10 tools - do a bunch of quests and secret discoveries for xp - combat 89+ - lr for organic explosives and lunar charms - profs lv 90+ - recruit more bodyguards
    20. 04/04/2022
      5-103 to 105: - combat 85 by Hxkku - woodcutting 85, fishing 88, jeweling 96, scribing 91 by ESI - did all cotl secret discoveries - dumb decaying heart again
      to do: - farming 85 - craft xp scrolls, windy scrolls, rock hard beak pots, phrumpkin food - wonder how tf to get toenails - lr for organic explosives and lunar charms - craft accessories - lr for hardened magma and farm for luminous runes - 11 cuc runs for t10 tools - do a bunch of quests and secret discoveries for xp - combat 89+ - profs lv 90+ - recruit more bodyguards - pay Hxkku 4le
    21. 04/08/2022
      5-106 to 109: - farming 87, woodcutting 90, fishing 89, woodworking 91, alchemism 89, cooking 83 by ESI - obtained +1 lunar charm, +8 organic explosives doing 2 desert, 2 troms, 2 taco bell lr
      to do: - lr 6 lunar charm, 2 organic explosive - farm 2 ivory tusk, 2 toenails - craft accessories and consus - 2 luminous runes, 4 hardened magma, 5 t3 string that i accidentally turned in to miniquest :( - 11 CUC - do a bunch of quests and secret discoveries for xp - combat 89+ - profs lv 90+ excluding mining - recruit more bodyguards
    22. 04/09/2022
      5-110 to 112: - profs 90+ except mining - +1 lunar charm +2 organic explosives doing 3 troms 3 desert lr - +7 toenails, +4 hardened magma, +2 (actually like 10+) ivory tusks by kxroe - 5 t3 string
      to do: - lr 5 lunar charms - get 2 luminous runes - craft accessories, weapon, consus - 11 CUC - do a bunch of quests and secret discoveries for xp - combat 89+ - rol 1 - NOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - recruit more bodyguards
    23. 04/10/2022
      no party: - +1 lunar charm, +1 organic explosives doing 6 troms 7 desert lr - +2 luminous runes after 41 rare mob kills by Lalatera and Nieke :( - crafted bow, its slow att :(
      to do: - get 3 more organic explosives - craft accessories and consus - 11 CUC - do a bunch of quests and secret discoveries until combat 89 - rol 1 - NOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - recruit more bodyguards paid 44.5 le so far, earned 1 stx from raw + ~32/100le from selling ings
    24. 04/11/2022
      no party: - combat 86 - jeweling 98, alchemy 92?, cooking 91?, scribing 91? - +5 organic explosives doing 1/2 taco bell lr - all accessories and consus for CUC crafted
      to do: - 11 CUC - do a bunch of quests and secret discoveries until combat 89 - rol 1 - craft rest of consus - NOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - recruit more bodyguards
    25. 04/15/2022
      5-113 to 115: - combat 89 by Lalatera, Wicers, Geungsi, Sploofie - t10 tools obtained by Lalatera, Wicers, Geungsi, Sploofie - 3 NOG RAIDS DONE!!! by Lalatera, TravisNH
      to do: - combat 94 - dnd p1-4 - recruit more bodyguards paid 1 stx 14.5 le so far, earned 1 stx raw + ~60/100le from selling ings
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2022
  2. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    now get some bitches naked

    (gg incredibly impressive)
    Dream, Thomka, ExertKarma and 4 others like this.
  3. RJJguyTheCarrot

    RJJguyTheCarrot Carrut

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    epic 10char
    Crokee and Penguin7922 like this.
  4. I_Liek_Turtlez

    I_Liek_Turtlez hi i play hic CHAMPION

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    i concur with this statement
    Crokee likes this.
  5. Nukewarmachine

    Nukewarmachine emerald tier above LE when VIP

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    just curious, what do the “5-xxx” mean?
    Crokee likes this.
  6. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    Forgot to add:

    x-xxx refers to the (number of attempts)-(number of parties made). So that means 5 is my fifth attempt while 106 is my 106th party.
    ThedumbOX and Nukewarmachine like this.
  7. TravusThaSlime

    TravusThaSlime TravisNH Media CHAMPION

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    nude crokee ftw
  8. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    We love nude crokee
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