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Wynncraft endgame sucks

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Intel_i7, Apr 13, 2022.

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  1. Intel_i7

    Intel_i7 Well-Known Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    Let me introduce myself. My IGN is Intel_i7, and I'm a long term Wynncraft player that started playing around 8 years ago. I Stopped playing around the time Shamen came out, and I decided to get on for the first time in years and check if the server had fixed any of it's original problems that I had with it. Needless to say, I was left disappointed. So I'm here to rant about my problems with Wynncraft's endgame, more specifically, loot running.

    With pretty much every MMORPG, when most players reach endgame and have exhausted most of the content in the game, they will shift their focus to character building and making their class as overpowered as possible and exploring different character builds. In Wynncraft, this is through Mythic grinding and creating different Mythic builds. The biggest problem I have with Wynncraft endgame is how Mythics are obtained. Loot running has been by far the most efficient way to grind Mythics and no other method of obtaining Mythics is remotely viable compared to loot running. Loot running is literally the most sleeper content in the entire game, and you cannot convince me otherwise. There is nothing fun about scavenger hunting the map for loot chests, avoiding mobs, and going on the same chest routes countless times. What makes it even worst is that worlds are constantly being looted by players that think they're privileged to all the loot chests in that world. Not sure if the loot runners discord is still around, but it is an awful player experience running into players that get mad at you for taking loot chests that they've "claimed" on an unofficial discord server. The whole process of endgame player grinding is just boring, toxic, and an unfun player experience.

    The process of endgame character building needs to change for me to even consider putting more time on this server. If it were up to me, I'd completely remove loot bonus and loot quality from the game, and increase the Mythic drop rate from killing high level monsters to the point where it's competitive with the amount of time it takes to get Mythic drops from loot running. I'd much rather spend my time killing monsters and being able to actually utilize the gear that I've grinded for than putting another second into loot running.

    Until then, I'm going on hiatus for another two or so years until endgame character grinding is actually bearable.
  2. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    So... A hatepost on lootrunning. I get it, lootrunning sucks, but I personally dont think its completely true that its just opening chests - I think the real fun in lootrunning is screwing other people out of loot (some refer to this as sniping). This is something that has been systematically been tried to get pushed out of the game through various means, which I think is very sad. The community turned lootrunning into a boring chest opening grind - not the game in my opinion.

    Besides that, I think critiqueing the game is a very good thing, but pointless without offering solutions to the problems you face, at least on this platform (the forums). I think the admins really appreciate feedback from end game players especially, but I think they appreciate suggestions to go along with the feedback even more... But thats just my 2 emeralds.
  3. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Dunk on those discorders.

    But in all seriousness, the discord server, and loot quality, has completely ruined lootrunning, nothing like complaining when a rando "steals" your lootrun, slightly stalling your progress to finding your 3rd mythic of the day and 100th+ overall thanks to LQ and always having stacked runs.

    As for the actual probelm, I think lootrunning in general is fun enough, but there absolutely needs to be alternative ways to get mythics at a similar pace. And also nerf the hell out of lootrunning please.
  4. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I don't see how the lootrunning discord completely ruined lootrunning by trying to bring order into the chaos unless you also enjoy sniping like:

    Of course, the discord made many people into entitled dumbasses who think that when they "claimed" the world on an unofficial discord server, nobody else has a right to loot a single chest on that world besides them and these people can be toxic as well, which is not cool.

    However, I have to think that anyone mature enough and with IQ above 100 will understand that claiming only works within the realms of that discord server and its population if they respect the rules. And if somebody "snipes" them, it's not in their right to be toxic because of that even though it can be frustrating.


    Replying to Dream again, I don't see how sniping can be fun in any way (I've been on both ends, both sniping (accidentally) and being sniped), and when I was the sniper, I just felt like an asshole, not once did I think "wow that was fun! Let's do it again"

    I think the lootrunner's discord is an incredible project with a big community (big communities will always have toxic people) that tried to take something as lootrunning and bringing order to it, which I guess made it boring for some. I'm a lootrunner and I agree that lootrunning is grindy and quite boring, but if the discord didn't exist... it would still be grindy and boring, except even more frustrating than it is. I hope sniping will continue to get systematically pushed out because I really don't see (and don't want to see) lootrunning as something people will have to compete in against each other. But of course everyone can have their own opinion on that.


    Also one last thing, people that are currently toxic when you snipe "their" world would be just as toxic if the discord server didn't exist, except they wouldn't say that they claimed that world, but just something along the words that they were looting the world and you should just f--- off you f----- r----- etc. etc.
  5. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    Attention, you are currently trespassing on reserved lootrunning space. Server 4 SE lootrun is currently reserved for NippleTwister99 at 4:00-8:00 PM EST. Further trespassing will not be tolerated
  6. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Because for non-disocrd players it's nigh impossible to find decent runs.

    And it didn't bring order, it brought a bunch of toxic elite kids that find mythics daily and freak out when some rando is running the same world.
  7. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    tbh what are you even talking about man
    DogeTennant likes this.
  8. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    If it's near impossible for non-discord players to find decent runs, all they have to do is become discord players and join the lootrunning discord that everyone encourages them to join anyway. Of course it's not official and people probably shouldn't have to join 3rd party discord server to have a better experience, but the lootrunning discord made the experience better for everyone using it and more people joining it once again only enhances the experience for everyone, why anyone would hate such a project is beyond me. Sure you can hate some people on there, but you are specifically hating the server saying that it ruined lootruning, which is something I can't comprehend someone saying.


    It did bring order, it's a shame you don't see it, lootrunning would be a different kind of clusterfuck if it didn't exist (and I used to lootrun before it existed). And lootrunning still kinda is clusterfucky and that's only because so many people still don't use the discord. And I don't want to force anyone into using it or shame/blame them for not using it, everyone can decide for themselves if they want to use such a tool. But saying it did nothing but negatives is just stupid.

    Of course, there are some elitists, but elitists are in every group on Wynn and those elitists would exist even without the lootrunning discord except it would be a much smaller discord server that would be private for those elitists.

    There are bots that tell you who looted which world even without the lootrunning discord, so those "elite kids" would still probably get better worlds and more mythics even without the lootrunning discord.

    And... those "elite kids" would freak out anyway, I've met many people not in the discord that freaked out the same way people in the discord do, sometimes even worse (my friend encountered a person that literally told him "If you are sniping my world, I will murder you" and that person wasn't in the discord).

    None of your arguments really make sense as you are blaming the discord server for something that would've been happening anyway but without it, so many players in the lootrunning discord community would have a much more frustrating time during their lootrunning adventures. There are over 13 000 members in that discord, do you truly believe all of them are some stuck-up, elitist, toxic kids? Or even most of them? No... most of them are just regular Wynncraft players that thought the lootrunning discord might be a useful tool.

    The only thing that the discord might've done, is bring some of these toxic and/or elitist people together amongst a big community, as I said there are still toxic lootrunners that are not on the discord and those elitist people would exist anyway either without a discord server or (and more likely) with their own private discord which would probably have the same bots that the lootrunning discord does and many people would still be in a disadvantage (in your eyes)
    Enderclaw and Basic RNG hater like this.
  9. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    omg its intel edits, the cool minecraft pvp youtuber! say something that I can send to my friends please they idolize you

    anyhoo, I do believe that the lootrunner's server brought some amount of order to lootrunning, as it benefits a good amount of people, including me in finding worlds that would be fine to lootrun. The huge majority of the lootrunning community is in the discord, and without it, lootrunning as a whole would be a nightmare when trying to find a good world to run.

    Now I do feel like there has to be more ways to find mythics, as lootrunning is the best way and its pretty OP. people are lootrunning and getting like three mythics per day.
    They gotta either nerf lootrunning, or buff other methods like forgery or mob grinding.
    Or add a whole new way, like larger objectives or have them drop from raids.
    Or they could add rewards as you progress through the game, encourage players to finish their playthrough or get into profs for extra levels

    Also, wynn should add some more endgame content other than lootrunning, profs, wars, or raids, because after a while, it just gets boring and I decide to start another class to level up.

    k and I hope I dont stir up more controversy here
    NITEHAWKX, ThedumbOX, SpKirby and 7 others like this.
  10. Sugo

    Sugo Tired Tryhard CHAMPION

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    Yes, endgame is sucks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and right now there's nothing we can do about it other than complain

    we can provide suggestions alongside the feedback and provide viable actions

    However in the end, unless you become a GM yourself, the best you can do is wait for content and hope and pray that the next update addresses ur issues
  11. Calluum

    Calluum Cal CHAMPION

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    i love wyncraf endgam just run dungeon
    Sugo likes this.
  12. EpsilonDown

    EpsilonDown Vibing to TNA theme HERO

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    One change I really want: we need variable member counts for raids, cuz some people like solo challenges, and 50 people colossus let's go
  13. Crouton_18

    Crouton_18 Either an Airship Captain or a Masochist CHAMPION

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    Ok. Feel free to take a hiatus. I'll be lootrunning while your gone

    I have fallen asleep several times while lootrunning

    Oh, did you ever look into raids during your brief venture? You can get mythics from raid rewards.
  14. Lousyre

    Lousyre Famous Adventurer

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    Mythic tomes*
    LorenGDE likes this.
  15. Crouton_18

    Crouton_18 Either an Airship Captain or a Masochist CHAMPION

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    Something I just thought of this morning:

    If the average dry for finding a mythic is 1k (this is being pretty generous) and a 100 chest lr takes 30 minutes (for me it does, but this varies).

    You will spend an average of 5 hours lootrunning before you find a mythic.

    I don't know drop rates very well, but it seems way more common to find a mythic after 5 hours of straight grinding then it does from lootrunning
  16. Doodlekoodle

    Doodlekoodle Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Just don't lootrun. Go to a different game or profile and start fresh.
    CantThinkOfAName likes this.
  17. CantThinkOfAName

    CantThinkOfAName warrior best class

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    well ye lootrunning is pretty boring id say but like there are different endgame stuff to play for me like raids or starting another class and the removing lb and lq and increase drop rate from higher lvl mobs would be fun but like the lootrunning community is pretty large and removing lq and lb might make some players quit the server so they probably wont remove them and btw didnt know you play wynncraft
  18. _834

    _834 I forgot what I was gonna write in this box CHAMPION

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    I say chests should just be removed.

    But in all seriousness, loot running is a mixed bag and endgame content that feels worth doing is certainly lacking.

    I find a lot of people's only motivation to do things is because they want pretty purple boxes, and this is because mythics are generally noticeably better items than the other rarities, and thus are coveted.
    I would personally like to see a many more powerful and unique (not the rarity, just like unique ideas) items of lower rarity added that players would consider using over mythics so that it isn't just "get purple weapon, win game."
    But mythics shouldn't outright be invalidated, and should still be a bit more powerful or slightly better in general use.

    Outright nerfing loot running wouldn't help many players because then, mythic prices would skyrocket, letting only the richest players freely use the items they want while simultaneously making it much harder for your average wynner to get their hands on these top tier, super rare items.
    Other methods of reliably obtaining mythics would be nice, such as raids having a reasonable chance to drop mythics aside from tomes, or the one idea that's been floating around of trading loads of forgery pieces for a random mythic.
    But at the same time, it shouldn't be too easy to get mythics otherwise they won't really be special rare items anymore.

    Not only are the rewards endgame content kind of mediocre, but so is the content itself. Granted the Wynn team has certainly done a lot of work on this over the years, there still isn't much to do.
    You can, run around for a couple hours opening chests, sit infront of rocks and trees, clicking every few seconds, do the same handful of dungeons that only take a couple minutes each run, or do big dungeons that force you to interact with other players. Oh and wars but I guess that's sort of just looking at a tower and spamming spells.
    Maybe something like actual daily quests that are randomized could be a way to spice things up, or maybe like a long gauntlet where you start with nothing and progressively gather your items in order to fight a boss at the end could be a fun change of pace, especially if it got players to use items they wouldn't normally use.

    Thank you for listening to my TED talk.
  19. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    More or less, I agree, tho I think I would of worded it differently myself.

    I don't think it's the endgame that's lacking, but more of a complete player rewarding system paired with ruined economy and botched dupping responses. Yes, plural.

    I also joined 8 years ago. It was back when BdoubleO and GenerikB were showcasing it on youtube. Most of the endgame content was farming in ToL for legendary gear. Dupping was present back than, but it wasn't that much of an issue considering gear was rather abundant and cheap.

    Fast forward some time into the future, they introduced mythics. They introduced mythics into a broken, cheater infested system. They were by far the best weapons in the game, with no replacement, and the only way to obtain them was by being extremely lucky or having lots of currency. Or, as it turned out, by dupping them as well. And when that becomes the primary way of obtaining the end game gear, rather than my grinding, my effort and my skill, that becomes a huge issue.

    In my entire time playing the game, I never felt like my time was valued as a player. That my grinding and skill was rewarded. And honestly, it felt heartbreaking seeing cheaters enjoy the game the way I felt I was supposed to.

    I will never understand what led to the decision to make best weapons be obtained by the game of dice. I understand it's an RPG game, and looting is a huge part of it, but the fact of the matter is, cheaters profited the most back then due to how they ruined the economy and paved the future of it. And the effects can probably still be felt to this day. Hence why most can't buy the mythics, but have to luck out in finding them.

    Anyone remembers pumpkins? Collectible item that had a very rare drop. They used to be worth stacks of LE. I got one legitimately. Do you know how much it was worth? Almost nothing, because of the dupping that was never addressed appropriately. How was that fair? How was it fair that my luck was worth so much less compared to others.

    And that's going to be my biggest pet peeve with the game. The entire, sorrowful situation that's a combination of cheating, inflated economy, bad responses to cheaters, mythic circulation in the same economy and not valuing players time in game properly. All that leads to a terrible end game experience, at least for me. I quit because of it 4 years ago, and seeing from your post, that still has not changed.

    Honestly, it's such a shame. Most of the game and game parts are executed so marvelous and attractive, but that rotten cherry-on-top that is end game leaves a bitter taste in your mouth that can ruin your entire experience.
    starx280 and Enderclaw like this.
  20. Flamm

    Flamm Well-Known Adventurer

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    The lack of (imo) a meaningful and repeatable endgame where I can just progress and keep further improving my character (even if it's slow) aside from getting better rolls is why I haven't played Wynn in a long while. I really want to come back, do professions for once but since it's all about loot running, occasional raids and whatever I just can't get motivated enough to hop back in. Also lack of class/skill customization, which is what Path of Exile and especially Lost Ark does amazingly well (respectively) with gems and tripods, is a huge turn off for me.

    I understand that we have major IDs, but since they are tied to items it basically neuters those who are playing, say, HIC or plain old Craftsman from using items with major IDs. I'd 500% rather have them tied to character perks and tripods like in Lost Ark and bam that alone would make me come back for some weeks, lol. I love having options, I love trying different things out, I love experimenting to find what suits me the best and sadly I can't find it in here.
    luckeyLuuk and starx280 like this.
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