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Community Event [Results!] The Future of Mythics and the Economy in Wynncraft

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Skidooskei, Apr 11, 2022.


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  1. Skidooskei

    Skidooskei King of the Lollipops CHAMPION

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    Hello again everyone! After a few weeks of going through the results I can finally share with you my findings from the survey I created about Mythics and the Wynncraft economy. The results were surprising and quite interesting, but I do ask that you read my disclaimer about this whole thing, as it may make some of the results a little more understandable.

    In the end we had 371 players (assuming no one did the survey twice) answer the survey which is way more than I ever suspected, so thank you all so much for your time! I also want to thank everyone who spread the word about the survey. It was really nice to hear people interested in this topic and actually discuss it.

    Anyway let's get on with the results! I'd appreciate you reading through them rather than skipping to the big numbers (although I'm not stopping you), since I've had a lot of time to think about these results. I am also a huge stats nerd so you'll see a lot of numbers and rankings and stuff. If you like top 10 lists I think you will enjoy this!


    DISCLAIMER: Alright so I will say now that because of where this thread has been shared, and also that Mythics are strangely enough super rare and expensive, the majority of results are from rich players, so expect to find a lot of top Mythics being either used for money or are just very useful, possibly rather than being fun. I will get into this more in the results however I will put it here so no one misses it. Please don't be mad!!!


    User Information

    What is your total playtime?
    371 responses

    Less than 10 hours - 2 (0.5%)
    More than 10 hours - 1 (0.3%)
    More than 50 hours - 5 (1.3%)
    More than 100 hours - 41 (11.1%)
    More than 500 hours - 94 (25.3%)
    More than 1000 hours - 141 (38%)
    More than 2500 hours - 87 (23.5%)

    How many Mythics have you found?
    371 responses

    None - 54 (14.6%)
    1 to 5 - 120 (32.3%)
    6 to 10 - 52 (14%)
    11 to 25 - 60 (16.2%)
    26 to 50 - 47 (12.7%)
    51 to 100 - 27 (7.3%)
    Over 100 - 11 (3%)

    What is your approximate net worth? (Stx = 64le)
    371 responses

    Less than 1stx - 15 (4%)
    More than 1stx - 47 (12.7%)
    More than 5stx - 44 (11.9%)
    More than 10stx - 57 (15.4%)
    More than 25stx - 89 (24%)
    More than 50stx - 50 (13.5%)
    More than 100stx - 46 (12.4%)
    More than 250stx - 23 (6.2%)

    Like the disclaimer said, we had a lot of rich people doing the survey. While the average net worth in Wynn is not 25stx, it may be closer to the average for people who own Mythics. This is just something to keep in mind later on.


    What is best?

    Alright time for the good stuff, before we get into things I want to just say how this section works. So for each section here I will list a certain amount of Mythics at the top of the list and explain them. I will then list the rest of the Mythics in order of how many votes they got. The % for each Mythic is the % of people who picked that item, rather than the total % of votes it has (that's how google forms did it).

    What are your favourite Mythics?
    354 responses

    #34 Galleon - 5 votes (1.4%)
    #33 Boreal/Nullification - 7 votes (2%)
    #32 Sunstar/Convergence/Gaia/Revenant - 8 votes (2.3%)
    #31 Az/Hadal - 9 votes (2.5%)

    #30 Slayer/Dawnbreak - 10 votes (2.8%)
    #29 Moontower - 11 votes (3.1%)
    #28 Absolution - 12 votes (3.4%)

    #27 Immolation/Archangel - 14 votes (4%)
    #26 Stardew/Quetzalcoatl - 15 votes (4.2%)
    #25 Grimtrap - 16 votes (4.5%)

    #24 Apocalypse - 17 votes (4.8%)
    #23 Epoch/Thrundacrack - 18 votes (5.1%)

    #22 Oblivion/Warchief/Monster - 20 votes (5.6%)
    #21 Fatal - 23 votes (6.5%)

    #20 Fantasia/Olympic - 25 votes (7.1%)
    #19 Lament - 28 votes (7.9%)
    #18 Freedom - 29 votes (8.2%)
    #17 Divzer/Ignis - 36 votes (10.2%)

    #16 Aftershock/Resurgence - 37 votes (10.5%)

    #15 Inferno - 39 votes (11%)

    Infero is one of the few Mythic daggers that is more popular for dps over spells. What makes it unique is the high ehp you can get using it over some other tierstack weapons. The only problem is that this extra tankiness means that its damage is a little bit lower than other tierstack weapons.

    #14 Grandmother/Alkatraz/Singularity - 40 votes (11.3%)
    After a recent nerf I was surprised to see Grandmother that high, however I'm happy to see people still enjoying this Mythic. It's a great Mythic for damage, and also great for those players who need an extra challenge and want to slap earth powders on their armour and go the rage route.

    Alkatraz is easily the highest dps weapon of all Warrior Mythics, and is also one of the highest dps weapons in the game. It's extremely popular in wars due to its high damage, but can struggle if playing solo without support from mages and tanks.

    Singularity is another very popular weapon for tierstack and dps. While not having as high dps as Alktraz, it has more survivability and can also be used as a spell weapon.

    #13 Collapse/Hero - 44 votes (12.4%)
    Collapse is easily one of my favourite Mythics for just how entertaining watching everything explode is. While not being as damaging as something like Alkatraz, it's great for attacking lots of mobs at once, and especially for bosses that have multiple hit points (I'm looking at you TCC).

    I thought Hero died after it's big nerf recently, but it's obviously still as fun as it was before. I see a lot of people duelling with this, and from experience I know it's great for forgery. I believe raids too.

    #12 Spring - 48 votes (13.6%)
    Spring is a very well rounded Mythic. It's very easy to make builds with this, usually having good ehp and damage. It's also very fun due its nature of being a water Mythic, meaning you can spam spells a lot.

    #11 Pure - 55 votes (15.5%)
    Another surprise on this list. Although the damage isn't great, I've heard that Pure is a really fun Mythic to use. The 3x faster meteors is always great, definately makes it stand out from the other wands and low level Mythics.

    #10 Cataclysm - 57 votes (16.1%)
    Nothing wrong with enjoying the weapon that does some of the biggest damage in the entire game. While I personally think it's a little bit bland, and less enjoyable than other daggers, I do enjoy watching people absolutely shred bosses with this.

    #9 Stratiformis - 63 votes (17.8%)
    From here we will start to see a lot more money making Mythics popping up. Stratiformis is very good for Archer lootrunning, but I've heard good things about dual wielding this with Spring or even sometimes Grandmother. If you like going fast then this is your Mythic, but don't expect it to annihilate your enemies like other Mythics on this list.

    #8 Crusade Sabatons - 64 votes (18.1%)
    These boots are easily some of the most popular in the game. Crusade Sabatons can be used in pretty much anything, from Cataclysm builds to ultra tanky Guardian builds. The amount of hp you get along with the insane amount of skill points, it's something you just can't skip.

    #7 Guardian - 66 votes (18.6%)
    While not the best for damage, Guardian is the definition of a tanky Mythic. Along with its insane hpr and hp, it also has a major ID that makes you an asset to your teammates in wars, raids and dungeons. Some would say Guardian is too tanky.

    #6 Nirvana - 72 votes (20.3%)
    This could possibly be the last Mythic on this list that isn't popular for being able to make lots of money. Nirvana is most peoples favourite dagger for just being insanely fun with its spamability. As well as this, using time rift with this dagger actually makes for some pretty good damage, even comparable to Cataclysm! You also get a lot more ehp.

    #5 Toxoplasmosis - 76 votes (21.5%)
    Toxoplasmosis was and still is one of the best money makers in Wynncraft. While mob grinding for Mythics has been pretty nerfed recently, it is still popular for ingredient grinding so is a must for proffers. It's also great for hunting proffers and pvp, so it is also a lot of people's least favourite Mythic!

    #4 Discoverer - 77 votes (21.8%)

    Discoverer doesn't really need any explanation. It's a must have for anything that involves grinding, especially lootrunning and mob grinding. You're taking a big loss not using this chestplate, which is why it *used* to be the most expensive Mythic in the entire game.

    #3 Idol - 92 votes (26%)
    While mostly being popular for Warrior lootrunning, it's also pretty enjoyable as a weapon itself. It does very good damage for a Warrior Mythic, and the -charge cost is always a nice treat. Definately a top Mythic in the enjoyment category.

    #2 Weathered - 93 votes (26.3%)
    Another lootrun Mythic but for Assassin this time. Outside of lootrunning it's still quite fun to use with its Major ID, but its damage is somewhat low. It's definitely one of the more unique daggers out there, especially compared to others that are solely based around damage, or more simple ideas.

    #1 Warp - 139 votes (39.3%)
    Well it's no surprise that the most popular Mythic for rich people is the Mythic that got them rich. Warp is pretty much made for lootrunning which is why it is so insanely popular. While not very popular outside of lootrunning, the -teleport costs can make for some pretty fun builds. Also who doesn't like flying around the map?

    What are your least favourite Mythics?
    333 responses

    #34 Weathered - 4 votes (1.2%)
    #33 Guardian/Cataclysm - 6 votes (1.8%)
    #32 Idol - 7 votes (2.1%)
    #31 Oblivion - 9 votes (2.7%)
    #30 Collapse/Singularity/Resurgence - 11 votes (3.3%)
    #29 Ignis/Nirvana/Absolution - 12 votes (3.6%)
    #28 Inferno/Aftershock - 13 votes (3.9%)
    #27 Pure/Immolation/Stratiformis/Grandmother - 14 votes (4.2%)

    #26 Fantasia - 16 votes (4.8%)
    #25 Alkatraz - 18 votes (5.4%)
    #24 Crusade Sabatons - 20 votes (6%)
    #23 Hero/
    Convergence/Warp - 21 votes (6.3%)
    #22 Spring/
    Olympic - 22 votes (6.6%)
    #21 Slayer - 23 votes (6.9%)
    #20 Divzer - 24 votes (7.2%)
    #19 Lament - 25 votes (7.5%)
    #18 Moontower - 26 votes (7.8%)
    #17 Thrundacrack - 27 votes (8.1%)
    #16 Epoch/
    Fatal - 30 votes (9%)

    #15 Discoverer - 32 votes (9.6%)

    This was strangely also in the top 15 most favourite Mythics as well. Understandable that some people don't like having this Mythic available, as it's one of the main reasons why so many are found nowadays.

    #14 Toxoplasmosis - 36 votes (10.8%)
    Another Mythic that was also in the top 15. Like I mentioned earlier, this Mythic is really overpowered in pvp and hunted, which can sometimes seem unfair. Now that hunted is less popular, this is less of a problem, but the item itself hasn't changed.

    #13 Nullification/Freedom - 40 votes (12%)
    Nullification is a pretty bland Mythic. While it is definitely different to the other daggers, it isn't too interesting. Adding on to this, it doesn't do amazing damage, but you can get decently high ehp with it.

    Freedom is also pretty plain, there is nothing too exciting you can do with Freedom due its pretty standard stats of just having spell/melee damage, hp, and walkspeed. While it's not my favourite bow, I have used it and enjoyed it. It's a decent all rounder and a good starting Mythic if you want something cheap and usable.

    #12 Monster - 41 votes (12.3%)
    Apart from the low selling price (which could be a plus if you're buying one), I've never really understood the hate behind Monster. It's definitely not too strong and Lament does better heals, but it's a very comfy Mythic that gets the job done. I will say however that the +1 heal cost is quite annoying to deal with, and I wish it had higher heals so I could use it more in raids.

    #11 Warchief - 45 votes (13.5%)
    Apart from the fact that it's a 96-100 boot, I personally find this boot to be really useful for glass cannon builds. Although it can be a little annoying to wear due to its high skill points requirements, it gives you so much damage, and also a decent amount of hp too.

    #10 Archangel/Hadal - 49 votes (14.7%)
    I'm surprised Archangel made this list. Although it's probably one of the worst Mythics in the game for level 100+ players, it has become such a meme and has such a big fanbase that I thought this would honestly do well. However, thankfully people still think that it's weak and not very interesting apart from its high walk speed and pretty good damage for its level.

    Hadal has a really good idea going for it, however sadly it wasn't thought out too well. I think that if they nerfed the high requirement then this item would be a lot more usable in builds, because right now it's way too limiting. I still do love having super high mana regen and spamming 2/3 cost auras.

    #9 Grimtrap - 52 votes (15.6%)
    Similar to Hadal, Grimtrap is an interesting Mythic that wasn't thought out too well. Right now it's mainly used for tierstack and dps, but I think with some tweaking, the IDs on this weapon could be utilised much better.

    #8 Boreal/Apocalypse - 54 votes (16.2%)
    Boreal is one of those boots that just kind of exists. Due to the fact that few people want to dedicate so many skill points into just defence and agility, as well as having no additional skill points, it makes it pretty useless. On top of this Boreal doesn't really give you much. The hpr and hpr% is great but in the end it's not worth it.

    #7 Az/Revenant - 56 votes (16.8%)
    Similar to Archangel and Apocalypse, Az is just a very weak bow. However I do see it used every now and then in meme builds as well some builds that can do actually decent damage. Definitely not the most boring Mythic.

    In my opinion Revenant is a better Mythic than Boreal, but I can understand that both have very similar problems mainly that they don't give any additional skill points. However, Revenant is a pretty interesting Mythic, having some of the most stats in the game. I can't go through them all but there are IDs such as: High walk speed, -4th spell cost, raw melee damage, earth and air damage. Once in a blue moon you will be making a build, and Revenant will be the perfect fit.

    #6 Sunstar - 67 votes (20.1%)
    Sunstar would be pretty great if only its base attack speed was a little bit higher, then less items could be spent on increasing attack speed but rather damage. Similar to Grimtrap this Mythic would be great fun to use if it was optimised just a little bit better.

    #5 Galleon - 69 votes (20.7%)
    I've never really understood Galleon. If you like poison builds then it might be one of your favourites but outside of that it's not very useful. Like Boreal and Revenant it doesn't give any skill points meaning there is no point using it unless you want the poison or the mana steal (which can be obtained from lots of other boots too).

    #4 Dawnbreak - 72 votes (21.6%)
    Dawnbreak is the classic bad Mythic, although I'm happy to see that it's got a bit of love recently. While not giving any skill points, its high thunder damage, mana steal, life steal, and -attack speed makes it perfect for spell steal builds, especially with thunder weapons. However Dawnbreak does have a reputation for its low price and uselessness until recently, so it's no surprise that people still don't like it.

    #3 Gaia - 75 votes (22.5%)
    Gaia is a pretty good Mythic on paper, but once again it's pretty weak and useless, with better options available. I like the -ice snake cost, but it's a shame that ice snake is pretty weak itself, and the poison isn't really big enough to make any impact on the damage of the weapon.

    #2 Quetzalcoatl - 79 votes (23.7%)
    Being one of the new Mythics, it's a shame to see Quetzalcoatl this high up the list. It's really unique for sure, but it's just very weak. With a few changes this could become one of the most fun wands in the game.

    #1 Stardew - 92 votes (27.6%)
    Another classic bad Mythic, however with Stardew it hasn't been touched. Although it does give a pretty good amount of damage, there are better options out there that give skills points, similar damage, and no negatives. It is also a really cheap Mythic, making it a devastating find for any lootrunners or mob grinders.

    What are your favourite Mythics for Wars?

    218 responses

    #23 Quetzalcoatl/Az/Stratiformis/Moontower - 0 votes (0%)
    #22 Grimtrap/Slayer/Nullification/Convergence/Galleon/Dawnbreak/Sunstar/Revenant - 2 votes (0.9%)

    #21 Fatal/Discoverer/Fantasia/Hadal - 3 votes (1.4%)
    #20 Immolation/Stardew - 4 votes (1.8%)
    #19 Pure/Archangel/Epoch - 5 votes (2.3%)
    #18 Olympic/Thrundacrack/Weathered/Gaia - 6 votes (2.8%)
    #17 Absolution - 7 votes (3.2%)
    #16 Freedom/Idol - 8 votes (3.7%)
    #15 Warp/Boreal - 9 votes (4.1%)

    #14 Oblivion/Aftershock/Nirvana/Toxoplasmosis - 11 votes (5%)
    #13 Spring - 12 votes (5.5%)
    #12 Resurgence/Collapse - 14 votes (6.4%)
    #11 Hero/Grandmother/Singularity - 19 votes (8.7%)
    #10 Lament/Ignis - 21 votes (9.6%)
    #9 Monster - 32 votes (14.7%)

    #8 Cataclysm - 41 votes (18.8%)
    #7 Apocalypse - 43 votes (19.7%)
    #6 Crusade Sabatons - 56 votes (25.7%)

    #5 Warchief - 75 votes (34.4%)
    Due to wars using a lot of glassy Mythics, Warchief can be pretty important when making war builds. When you're getting constantly healed there is no real reason to have tankiness, so you might as well go all out and dedicate all your skill points towards strength and dexterity.

    #4 Inferno - 83 votes (38.1%)
    I've heard that Inferno is great for solo warring due to its tankiness and somewhat high dps. It's a pretty safe Mythic to use, and shouldn't cause any problems.

    #3 Divzer - 87 votes (39.9%)
    Divzer has stupidly high damage but can't take a single hit, so just stand at the edge of the arena and spam arrow storm! You probably can't solo wars with this, but it's a great addition to your team.

    #2 Alkatraz - 123 votes (56.4%)
    Alkatraz has similar damage to Divzer but has more ehp and it usually is cheaper to get better rolls and gear for it. Not much else to it! Just keep spamming left click and try not to get RSI!

    #1 Guardian - 134 votes (61.5%)
    Guardian is a must have for war teams. On top of healers, Guardian takes off half the damage for other players, which usually saves your damage dealers from being killed instantly. You also won't be dying yourself, due to the insane hp and hpr you get, making you a damage sucking sponge.

    What are your favourite Mythics for Raids?
    291 responses

    #32 Sunstar/Discoverer - 3 votes (1%)
    #31 Az/Grimtrap/Revenant - 4 votes (1.4%)
    #30 Dawnbreak/Moontower/Galleon - 5 votes (1.7%)
    #29 Archangel/Epoch - 6 votes (2.1%)

    #28 Oblivion/Stardew - 7 votes (2.4%)
    #27 Convergence - 8 votes (2.7%)
    #26 Gaia/Hadal/Olympic - 9 votes (3.1%)

    #25 Slayer/Boreal - 10 votes (3.4%)
    #24 Nullification - 11 votes (3.8%)
    #23 Quetzalcoatl/Thrundacrack/Fantasia - 13 votes (4.5%)

    #22 Fatal/Stratiformis/Immolation/Absolution - 15 votes (5.2%)
    #21 Apocalypse/Divzer - 16 votes (5.5%)
    #20 Warp - 17 votes (5.8%)
    #19 Pure - 18 votes (6.2%)
    #18 Warchief - 21 votes (7.2%)
    #17 Lament - 27 votes (9.3%)
    #16 Cataclysm - 32 votes (11%)
    #15 Toxoplasmosis/Monster - 34 votes (11.7%)

    #14 Resurgence - 35 votes (12%)
    #13 Weathered - 36 votes (12.4%)
    #12 Freedom - 37 votes (12.7%)
    #11 Idol - 38 votes (13.1%)
    #10 Ignis - 40 votes (13.7%)
    #9 Alkatraz - 45 votes (15.5%)

    #8 Grandmother - 46 votes (15.8%)
    #7 Hero - 48 votes (16.5%)
    #6 Guardian - 56 votes (19.2%)

    #5 Nirvana - 58 votes (19.9%)

    Daggers are always great picks for raids due to their vanish spell. Vanish can make some challenges, especially the button holding ones, super easy due to enemies not knowing you are there. Nirvana is good at this due to the great mana sustain you get from it being a water Mythic. Also Nirvana is just a fun Mythic to use, and the buffs from raids can make it super powerful.

    #4 Aftershock/Inferno - 71 votes (24.4%)
    Aftershock is a really popular tierstack Mythic at the moment, especially in raids due to stonewalker giving so much damage to the weapon (also apparently explosive impact is bugged on Shaman, don't ask me how). Pretty much it, use it before it gets fixed!

    Inferno is popular for similar reasons to Aftershock and many others that did well on this list, stonewalker. Inferno does less damage than Aftershock but is more tanky, and similarly it isn't too useful outside of TCC.

    #3 Spring/Collapse - 77 votes (26.5%)
    Similarly to Nirvana, Spring does very well in raids due to the buffs being a lot more helpful for water Mythics. With these buffs giving mana, water damage and spell damage, it makes Spring a fun Mythic to spam and watch bombs go everywhere!

    Collapse is flat out funny in raids, if you've ever seen it used in the TCC boss you will know exactly what I mean. Slapping stonewalker onto this weapon literally lets you set off nukes 4 times a second. While it's not great for single targets, put this thing in a crowd of mobs and they won't know what hit them.

    #2 Singularity - 79 votes (27.1%)
    Once again we have another Mythic that loves to be used with stonewalker. I was surprised to see this this high, but I guess the higher ehp (and ability to heal?) makes it attractive. Not much else to say that hasn't been said for Collapse, Aftershock and Inferno.

    #1 Crusade Sabatons - 104 votes (35.7%)
    These raids usually can deal a lot of damage to you, what's better than slapping the most tanky boots in the game? Its additional skill points also makes it good for mentioned tierstack Mythics such as Collapse, Singularity, and Alkatraz. There are no downsides to using this Mythic, unless for some reason you want to lose it all for more dexterity.

    Which Mythics would you buff?

    320 responses

    Hello Item Team!!!

    #36 Resurgence - 2 votes (0.6%)
    #35 Crusade Sabatons - 3 votes (0.9%)
    #34 Idol - 4 votes (1.3%)
    #33 Aftershock/Guardian - 7 votes (2.2%)
    #32 Discoverer - 8 votes (2.5%)
    #31 Alkatraz/Slayer - 10 votes (3.1%)
    #30 Oblivion - 12 votes (3.8%)
    #29 Moontower/Toxoplasmosis/Collapse - 13 votes (4.1%)
    #28 Immolation/Inferno/Grandmother - 14 votes (4.4%)
    #27 Nirvana/Singularity - 17 votes (5.3%)
    #26 Ignis - 18 votes (5.6%)
    #25 Warp/Weathered - 19 votes (5.9%)
    #24 Warchief - 20 votes (6.3%)
    #23 Pure - 21 votes 6.6%)
    #22 Divzer - 22 votes (6.9%)
    #21 Fantasia - 24 votes (7.5%)
    #20 Spring - 25 votes (7.8%)
    #19 Epoch - 26 votes (8.1%)
    #18 Cataclysm/Convergence - 27 votes (8.4%)
    #17 Thrundacrack - 29 votes (9.1%)
    #16 Dawnbreak/Revenant - 30 votes (9.4%)
    #15 Nullification/Freedom/Fatal - 34 votes (10.6%)
    #14 Lament - 37 votes (11.6%)
    #13 Galleon - 39 votes (12.2%)
    #12 Az - 40 votes (12.5%)
    #11 Hero/Absolution - 41 votes (12.8%)
    #10 Apocalypse/Archangel - 42 votes (13.1%)
    #9 Monster/Olympic - 43 votes (13.4%)
    #8 Boreal - 45 votes (14.1%)
    #7 Stratiformis - 47 votes (14.7%)
    #6 Hadal - 56 votes (17.5%)

    #5 Grimtrap - 59 votes (18.4%)

    Well it seems that a lot of the same Mythics in the "What are your least favourite Mythics?" question showed up here, which is no surprise. Like I said before, Grimtrap has some interesting gimmicks to it, however they aren't good enough to make them useful. I hope that these areas such as life steal and -smoke bomb spell cost are optimised more so that they can be used more often, rather than just Grimtrap being used as tierstack.

    #4 Stardew - 63 votes (19.7%)
    Stardew is very unpopular, mainly for the reason that it just doesn't do much that can't be done by other boots. To make this actually powerful and useful, I'd put some additional skill points on the item, either intelligence or dexterity. Decreasing or even just removing the -mana regen would also be a very nice change.

    #3 Sunstar - 70 votes (21.9%)
    Like mentioned before, if Sunstar were to have a higher base attack speed, more items could be spent on increasing damage rather than increasing attack damage, because right now it is pretty weak. You could also add more raw melee damage to make up for the low attack speed.

    #2 Gaia - 90 votes (28.1%)
    Similar to Sunstar, Gaia suffers from just having really low damage. If you increased melee damage then this would be a much better tierstack weapon. Alternatively, poison could be increased a lot to create another poison based Mythic, as currently we only have two poison based Mythics (Toxoplasmosis and Galleon) and lots of tierstack Mythics.

    #1 Quetzalcoatl - 94 votes (29.4%)
    This wand had so much potential when it was released only last year in 2021, but sadly it just isn't very powerful. I honestly think this Mythic really just needs a buff in every department, as it has a great concept, but no part of it is very effective at all.

    Which Mythics would you nerf?
    265 responses

    Please IM have mercy on our souls I beg

    #29 Gaia/Dawnbreak/Galleon/Revenant - 1 (0.4%)
    #28 Az/Boreal/Sunstar - 2 (0.8%)
    #27 Grimtrap/Slayer/Quetzalcoatl/Stardew/Absolution - 3 (1.1%)
    #26 Nullification/Hadal/Epoch - 4 (1.5%)
    #25 Olympic/Fatal/Convergence - 5 (1.9%)
    #24 Monster - 6 (2.3%)
    #23 Lament - 7 (2.6%)
    #22 Thrundacrack/Fantasia/Archangel - 8 (3%)
    #21 Pure/Collapse/Moontower - 9 (3.4%)
    #20 Hero - 10 (3.8%)
    #19 Warchief - 11 (4.2%)
    #18 Apocalypse - 12 (4.5%)
    #17 Freedom - 15 (5.7%)
    #16 Oblivion - 16 (6%)
    #15 Stratiformis - 21 (7.9%)
    #14 Nirvana/Immolation - 30 (11.3%)
    #13 Cataclysm/Spring - 33 (12.5%)
    #12 Divzer - 35 (13.2%)
    #11 Ignis - 36 (13.6%)
    #10 Weathered/Resurgence/Grandmother - 37 (14%)
    #9 Discoverer - 40 (15.1%)
    #8 Idol - 41 (15.5%)
    #7 Singularity - 42 (15.8%)
    #6 Inferno/Alkatraz - 46 (17.4%)

    #5 Guardian - 49 (18.5%)
    Guardian is so useful in wars that by now it has pretty much become a must, which leaves it feeling overpowered. While its low damage makes it balanced outside of wars in my opinion, I do believe that it could be considered too tanky by some people. I could see Guardian losing some hp or hpr but I hope that it keeps its Major ID as it is at the moment.

    #4 Warp - 53 (20%)
    I don't know how Warp would be nerfed as I think that it is fine outside of lootrunning. I could only see maybe the -hpr being increased to make Warp more annoying for lootrunners, but other than that I think it's fine. I do understand that especially from the "What are your favourite Mythics?" section a lot of people like this Mythic for lootrunning, so maybe it is a little *too good* for lootrunning?

    #3 Aftershock - 87 (32.8%)
    While I don't know much about it, I am aware that a bug with explosive impact on Shaman causes Aftershock to be overpowered, especially in raids. I assume that if Aftershock gets nerfed it will be through fixing this bug.

    #2 Crusade Sabatons - 90 (34%)
    As mentioned already, Crusade Sabatons give an insane amount of tankiness as well as loads of skill points. I think that these should stay as being tanky but I do believe that it probably does give too many skill points, as it is used in a lot of builds where other boots could be used. I can imagine the amount of additional skill points being reduced, or maybe the skill point requirements being increased.

    #1 Toxoplasmosis - 106 (40%)
    While Toxoplasmosis isn't great outside of pvp and hunting, it is probably way too good in pvp and hunted. This is mainly due to the fact that there is no way to reduce poison damage, making it impossible to dodge. A lot of players find this annoying rather than fun, making it a love or hate Mythic, depending on if you use it or not. I don't really know how this would be nerfed, but it would be nice to see some other Mythics be prominent in the pvp and hunted world.

    What is your favourite Mythic boot?
    333 responses

    #9 Galleon - 13 (3.9%)
    #8 Boreal - 14 (4.2%)
    #7 Slayer - 18 (5.4%)
    #6 Dawnbreak/Revenant - 21 (6.3%)
    #5 Stardew - 23 (6.9%)
    #4 Warchief - 31 (9.3%)

    #3 Moontower - 34 (10.2%)
    Moontower is a must have for lootrunners, due to giving an insane amount of intelligence and agility. The fact that lootrunning gear usually includes items focused around intelligence and agility makes this item extremely useful. It can also be used rarely outside of lootrunning in dual wield builds such as: Warp and Lament, Stratiformis and Spring.

    #2 Resurgence - 49 (14.7%)
    Resurgence is the Crusade Sabatons of spell builds rather than tanky builds. Despite having a large -spell damage, this is easily overshadowed by its amazing 8 mana regen and large hpr. It also gives a lot of intelligence, making it very popular in spell spam builds.

    #1 Crusade Sabatons - 109 (32.7%)
    Easily winning this section was Crusade Sabatons. As you know by now, these boots are an absolute beast. They give a huge amount of health as well as loads of skill points. You can't go wrong with these boots.

    What is your favourite element to use?
    358 responses

    Earth/Strength - 50 (14%)
    Thunder/Dexterity - 51 (14.2%)
    Water/Intelligence - 100 (27.9%)
    Fire/Defence - 55 (15.4%)
    Air/Agility - 52 (14.5%)
    Rainbow - 50 (14%)

    It seems that all elements were equally popular, apart from intelligence which had about double as many votes as any other element. As I've said already with water Mythics being very popular, intelligence is great for people who like spamming to their heart's content, and the amount of sustain you get can make it a very comfortable playstyle.

    Do you prefer using Spell or Melee builds?
    360 responses

    Spell - 272 (75.6%)
    Melee - 88 (24.4%)

    It was almost split exactly into 75% spell and 25% melee here. From the previous question it's obvious that spell builds are a lot more popular than tierstack and other forms of melee builds.

    Which Class has the best range of unique/good Mythics?
    346 responses

    Archer - 74 (21.4%)
    Assassin - 103 (29.8%)
    Mage - 52 (15%)
    Warrior - 94 (27.2%)
    Shaman - 23 (6.6%)

    Well it seems that Assassin is the most popular class when it comes to the Mythics available, with Warrior close behind. While I believe Shaman has some unique Mythics, they aren't as good right now due to how nerfed Shaman was in 1.20.

    Which Class do you enjoy the most?
    363 responses

    Archer - 75 (20.7%)
    Assassin - 114 (31.4%)
    Mage - 68 (18.7%)
    Warrior - 75 (20.7%)
    Shaman - 31 (8.5%)

    Similar results to the previous question here. I'm not sure if people like the Mythics on their class because of the class or they like their class because of the Mythics on it, but there is definitely a correlation.


    The Future of Mythics

    While still on the topic of Mythics, this section is a little bit more open. This section asked about the existence of these items and how they should be treated.

    How often should new Mythics be added to the game?
    361 responses

    We can't get enough - 30 (8.3%)
    5 every 6 months - 59 (16.3%)
    5 every year - 135 (37.4%)
    5 every 2 years - 69 (19.1%)
    5 every 3 years or longer - 34 (9.4%)
    Never, we have enough - 34 (9.4%)

    I honestly thought that people would want less Mythics being added due to how many there are at the moment. I guess if you had loads of different Mythics while keeping how many there are right now, it could give us many more opportunities to make interesting and fun builds and overall have a better experience.

    Are Mythics unique enough?
    363 responses

    They are all generic - 10 (2.8%)
    Some of them are unique, but they are mostly generic - 186 (51.2%)
    They are mostly unique, but some of them are generic -155 (42.7%)
    They are all unique - 12 (3.3%)

    So it seems that most people are right down the middle here with not many people on either side. You obviously don't want every Mythic having a very unique playstyle as having some more *bland* Mythics give different people the playstyles they want. I'm sure however that some Mythics could be a little different from each other.

    Should Mythics exist as they are? Do you agree with their role in the game currently?
    296 responses

    Time for the first written question in the Mythic exam!

    I obviously can't list every single result here, adding on that not everyone probably wants their result public, so I'll make a general statement.

    Looking through the results about half of people are fine with how they are currently. There are some interesting ideas that I will mention though from people who didn't like how they are, and also some reasons why people like how they are!

    - Mythics serve as a great endgame goal. They are something to aim for and a good endgame reward.

    - It provides endgame players with good money making methods and gives them a reason to keep playing and grinding.

    - They are very enjoyable to use, I like the fact that they are overpowered compared to more common items.

    - Some Mythics are really unique and would now be impossible to play without.

    - Some Mythics are too weak, there are also some lower tier items that are better than some Mythics.

    - Mythics should be more spread throughout the community, it seems that most are owned by a very small group of people.

    - Some become useless due to others just being more useful than others.

    - There isn't much to truly test Mythics, for the most part they easily steamroll through everything.

    - There should be better ways to obtain them rather than spending hours lootrunning.

    - There should be way more Major IDs for each Mythic to make them more unique.

    - There are lots of crafted versions of items that are almost as strong if not stronger than the original version.

    - Mythics should be made more rare, right now it is too easy to obtain them. Either this or create another even rarer tier of items.

    - Mythics create a wall between rich and poor players.

    Should Mythics exist at all?
    367 responses

    Yes - 359 (97.8%)
    No - 8 (2.2%)

    An almost definite yes for this question. Mythics are a great thing to have, but they can for sure be implemented better.


    The Economy and its current state

    This section is much more focused on the economy rather than Mythics, although they are still mentioned. Here we go into what could be improved and what right now is creating a good/bad economy.

    What is the prime way you make money?
    364 responses

    Lootrunning - 210 (57.7%)
    Mob Grinding - 6 (1.6%)
    Ingredient Grinding - 16 (4.4%)
    Item Flipping - 20 (5.5%)
    Professions - 19 (5.2%)
    Giveaways/Gifts - 5 (1.4%)
    Running your own business - 7 (1.9%)

    Lootrunning is easily the best way to get money right now, which is why so many people do it. It would be great to have some other equally good ways to make money, but right now this is the most efficient method by far.

    This question had an "Other" option so I will list some other answers that I forgot to mention in the multiple choice question (this is what other people said not me I swear to god people are weird). The two big ones I didn't mention were Quests and Raids which popped up quite a few times. I can't give an accurate answer to how many times these were said due to people writing it in different ways, but it was at least 20 for raids and 10 for quests. There were also a lot of people who said they did a combination of multiple methods.

    Daily Objective
    Guild rewards
    Avia Feather/Uth Rune grinding
    Horse breeding
    Seavale Reef
    Selling Scrap
    Irl trading
    I don't

    There were also some other methods that I will probably get banned from the forums for saying, smh.

    How many hours of play time did you have before you owned your first Mythic?
    365 responses

    Less than 10 hours - 4 (1.1%)
    Less than 50 hours - 25 (6.8%)
    Less than 100 hours - 45 (12.3%)
    Less than 250 hours - 102 (27.9%)
    Less than 500 hours - 88 (24.1%)
    Less than 1000 hours - 49 (13.4%)
    More than 1000 hours - 29 (7.9%)
    I have never owned a Mythic - 23 (6.3%)

    It's around the 250 to 500 hour range where people seem to own their first Mythic. This gives you enough time to complete the main game and then lets you experience the economy a bit. Most people will get their first Mythic from lootrunning, after looting about 2000 to 10000 chests.

    Have you ever found a Mythic accidentally?
    367 responses

    Yes - 204 (55.6%)
    No - 163 (44.4%)

    Obviously not everyone has the same definition of "accidentally" but I take it as "finding a Mythic while not looking for one". It's pretty even here, probably due to the fact that lots of rich players have been playing for a while. A better question to ask could have been "What proportion of your Mythic finds have been by accident?"

    Do you value more Mythics/Items or Raw Liquid Emeralds?
    366 responses

    Mythics/Items - 98 (26.8%)
    Raw Liquid Emeralds - 140 (38.3%)
    Both are equally fine - 128 (35%)

    There was a pretty even split here, but raw liquid emeralds are just a little more popular, at least when it comes to trading. While you can't do as much with these, they are a lot more accepted in trades compared to Mythics. Mythics can be problematic in trades due to some players not wanting them because they: Don't like the rolls, already own that type of Mythic, don't like the Mythic, are unsure of the prices of the items being traded, e.t.c.

    How important to you is a Mythic being green overall? (80%+)
    359 responses

    This is our first 1 to 10 question, meaning people had to score how much they agree with the question. Scoring 1 means it doesn't matter at all, and 10 means it is super important to you.

    1 - 36 (10%)
    2 - 11 (3.1%)
    3 - 31 (8.6%)
    4 - 29 (8.1%)
    5 - 49 (13.6%)
    6 - 50 (13.9%)
    7 - 57 (15.9%)
    8 - 51 (14.2%)
    9 - 16 (4.5%)
    10 - 29 (8.1%)

    This question was made only for people who use and are familiar with a popular mod called Wynntils. A green item is an item where the average of all the rolls are equal to or above 80%, changing the number from yellow to green. This mod is a must have for people involved in the economy, which causes a simple change in colour to usually increase the price of an item quite a lot. Most people were in the 5 to 8 range for this question, so it's important, but not too important.

    How impressive to you is a red overall (less than 30%) Mythic?
    358 responses

    Scoring 1 means it isn't impressive at all, and 10 means it is super impressive.

    1 - 90 (25.1%)
    2 - 44 (12.3%)
    3 - 49 (13.7%)
    4 - 27 (7.5%)
    5 - 34 (9.5%)
    6 - 32 (8.9%)
    7 - 27 (7.5%)
    8 - 26 (7.3%)
    9 -12 (3.4%)
    10 - 17 (4.7%)

    I should have stated a lower number here as to be honest getting a red overall Mythic isn't very impressive at all. I was meant to ask about super low red overall Mythics (maybe less than 20%), which some people might find impressive. I've seen lots of Mythics in the single digits get sold for similar amounts to green Mythics.

    Can you afford the Mythics you want?
    364 responses

    Yes, always - 86 (23.6%)
    Some of them, but not all of them - 208 (57.1%)
    No, they are too expensive - 70 (19.2%)

    Most people are in the middle here. A lot of people can afford cheaper Mythics usually under about 4-5stx, but past that some people just can't afford it.

    Should there be a way to get guaranteed Mythics? This would be much less efficient than other methods
    362 responses

    Yes - 158 (43.6%)
    No - 204 (56.4%)

    There is a pretty even split here. I think having guaranteed ways of getting Mythics would be great, but these methods would have to be extremely well thought out, as to not ruin the economy with way too many Mythics. At the same time, keeping Mythics as something only luck can get you, it better keeps their status as something ultra rare.

    What do you think about the future of economic sophistication on Wynncraft, such as loaning services, player managed trade communities, e.t.c?
    158 responses

    This question was requested by our favourite loan man (you know I am talking about), and it is an interesting topic to bring up when talking about the future of the economy as it is something that might get more popular. As this is another written question, I'll list out the main points people bring up.

    - Wynncraft shouldn't be about businesses, and it shouldn't be something needed to have fun.

    - The game should be able to provide money making methods itself, rather than people having to make businesses.

    - Loans can be useful when there is trust involved, otherwise it is risky.

    - Businesses will never really take off, due to so many rules and possibilities of scamming. Wynncraft also doesn't have the right mechanics to make a lot of this possible.

    - It's a fun, creative way of earning money rather than other repetitive and boring methods.

    - Loans are a good way to get raw le back into the economy.

    - They don't cause any harm if you don't use them.

    - They are good for people getting into the economy, who don't want to grind for ages to finally start earning money.

    How confident are you in the future of Wynncraft's economy?
    356 responses

    Scoring 1 means you are not confident at all, and 10 means you are super confident.

    1- 38 (10.7%)
    2 - 20 (5.6%)
    3 - 48 (13.5%)
    4 - 44 (12.4%)
    5 - 58 (16.3%)
    6 - 63 (17.7%)
    7 - 42 (11.8%)
    8 - 27 (7.6%)
    9 - 9 (2.5%)
    10 - 7 (2%)

    Most people are in the middle here, however I will mention that a lot more people voted 1 than 10, meaning people overall are not too happy with where the economy is going. I hope that this is fixed in future as right now it is not in a very good state.

    Do you think there should be any change to the current economy? Or should it be left alone?
    258 responses

    This was the final question! Thank you everyone who read through everything I've put in this thread (I realised I went a bit overboard), I spent a lot of time on it.

    Anyway, I will list the overall results to this question like I did before. This question linked in with the previous one about the overall economy, and what can be done to change it.

    - There should be new ways of obtaining raw le added to the game, since it is draining the economy and causing prices of everything to go down. Ideas include: Better quest rewards, better raid rewards, better weekly/daily objective rewards, reduction of Trade Market tax, lower identification costs, reduce the cost of buying bank pages.

    - Any big changes would probably end up making things worse.

    - Remove loot quality, it makes lootrunning too overpowered.

    - Most of the money is held by the top 1% of players, but there isn't too much that can be done about this.

    - Find a way to remove some Mythics from the game while giving players the appropriate amount of money for them. Removing Mythics would reduce supply and increase price.

    - More endgame content should be added that gives valuable rewards, that rivals lootrunning in how much it makes.



    Thank you everyone so much for participating with and also reading the results for this survey. I have spent so much time on this and I really appreciate all the positive feedback I have gotten about this whole thing. I am done with this data now but if you are able to do anything else with it please let me know!

    Also I am now aware that some people think these descriptions are quite inaccurate, that's just cause I haven't been able to use every Mythic meaning that some information has been taken from other people. If you have a better description for any of these get in touch ;)

    If you have any questions/feedback about the survey/results or if I have made any mistakes anywhere, let me know here or on discord. My discord is Skidooskei#6321

    Thanks! :)
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2022
  2. OriTheSpirit

    OriTheSpirit Feesh Time 24/7 CHAMPION

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    any tldr gang
    trickr likes this.
  3. SirKiddo

    SirKiddo Oh hey, your reading this? Neat. CHAMPION

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    I love skidooskei

    Skidooskei likes this.
  4. RatMessiah

    RatMessiah Divine Rodent

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    of course the top 5 favorite mythics were money grinding items, 60% of the voters for favorite mythic are lootrunners after all :skull:
  5. nip nop

    nip nop thinking hurts CHAMPION

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    Every cata user I’ve met would threaten to kill me if I ever said anything negative about the item or if I preferred something else so it’s surprising to see it not in the top 5
    Enderclaw and Skidooskei like this.
  6. Fleega

    Fleega Sleeping Ultimate Chimera CHAMPION

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    That was fun to read.
  7. _834

    _834 I forgot what I was gonna write in this box CHAMPION

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    Sad to see not many people like shaman.
    It does have some issues, especially after the changes it received, but it can still be a pretty fun class to play.
  8. Skidooskei

    Skidooskei King of the Lollipops CHAMPION

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    Shaman very cool :D
  9. Enderae

    Enderae Wanderer of the Realm VIP

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    in both grim and revenant
    you didnt mention cherry bomb once
    0/10 thread

    but fr for some reason i learned stuff about mythics instead of the economy from this thread
    and it def would be nice to have a guarenteed way of getting mythics so poor players like me can have a chance to experience the joy the top 1% can experience
    it would devalue the price of mythics currently heavily tho even if it was super hard
    so honestly mythics seem to be in a weird place
    why am i talking about mythics i only own three i should shut up rn
  10. NagisaStreams

    NagisaStreams Sertified idiot CHAMPION

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    Interesting read but this in particular stands out to me. Imo the "Yes" points make sense and the "No" argument seems to argue with itself as a concept.

    Also frankly even if mythics didn't exist there generally will always be a "Best" weapon for a certain style of playing.

    "Some mythics are too weak"
    That is an issue with individual mythics and not as a whole.

    "Mythics should be spread throughout the community"
    Mythics aren't *hard* to get, just time consuming. If you start a new account right now from scratch, you can get one fairly easily. It may not be that good, but getting a mythic is not hard by any means.

    "There isn't much to truly test Mythics"
    There isn't much to truly test the player in general. First time playing a certain part of content sure, but after that nah (Raids/EO)

    "There should be more ways to obtain them rather than spending hours lootrunning"
    Then don't lootrun, you can farm random items (uniques, rares, legendary etc) sell them for money and buy them. It takes a while, but that is how I've gotten every single one of my mythics I own today.

    "More Major IDs"
    Depends, not every item needs it. Some could use them to be more unique such as Monster, others don't need it at all like Fatal.

    "There are lots of crafted versions of items that are almost as strong if not stronger than the original version"
    I could be wrong but I'm fairly sure this is intended. Even if it wasn't, this technically solves the "Some mythics are too weak" and "Mythics should be spread throughout the community" although I do understand the point.

    "Mythics should be made more rare"
    Not at all. The barrier to entry is awful. Also, this directly conflicts with other points.

    "Even rarer tier of items"
    So just mythics except more issues?

    "Mythics create a wall between rich and poor players"
    True, but look at pre-gavel when mythics didn't exist, it just switches to a different item (See Old "Endgame Armor")
    That_Chudley, Ingo, Bart (MC) and 2 others like this.
  11. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Amazing thread, amazing survey, and amazing results!

    Though I'm surprised at how many people want Warp nerfed, and if Warp ever gets another HPR nerf, I'm personally coming back to this thread and locating every single person who voted to nerf it.

    I know I'm biased, because Warp is my favorite Mythic (not only in lootrunning, but in combat as well (spellspam, tank, even rawstack seems fun (only in raids tho)). But I believe mythics shouldn't be balanced around lootrunning but around their abilities in the main part of the endgame (endgame quests, legendary island, raids, endgame dungeons, altars, etc...) and it pains me to say that in all of those things Warp is super fun but subpar from the damage perspective and if you're not going tank, then survivability perspective as well (yea you have agi, but you're not going tank, then if agi fails to proc once, you're dead.)

    And while Warp is without a doubt the fastest mythic to lootrun with, I think it doesn't just have to do something with the mythic itself, but the escape spell as well. Just look at King of Hearts, it's also fast, you just need to spell cycle. If you gave the same -spell cost to any other lootrunning weapon, it wouldn't really help them except Idol (and maybe Weathered a bit, but can't say for sure, as I have never lootran with it.) For the most part it's just that Teleport is the best spell for lootrunning. (Some may say that charge is better, but eh, that's debatable). There's also the walk speed part, but honestly Assassin with vanish and Archer with strati and speed aren't that slower (I've tried both - Assassin with Slider).

    But coming back to the start, as I said I believe Mythics shouldn't be balanced around lootrunning, Warp has lots of negatives to it, don't add more just because it's really good for one part of the game, that doesn't even affect anyone (unlike Toxo). You might say that it affects everyone because Warp being the fastest means that people find Mythics faster, screwing up the economy faster. But let's be honest, even if Warp was completely removed from the game, not much would change. I believe most people would switch to Idol (those who could afford it) which is also really fast, others would go to Strati and Weathered. The difference between lootrunning weapons is not that big for Warp to be deserving of a nerf because of it in my opinion (it's not like it takes 15 minutes to loot a world on Warp and 2 hours on all the other lootrunning weapons).

    Last thing I wanted to say is that all air weapons are pretty gimmicky and almost only made for lootrunning (except Hero), but outside of lootrunning they are pretty weak (except Idol which is not air tbf and Olympic, I think Olympic is great and does really decent damage but also let's not talk about Shaman and lootrunning in the same sentence). If anything Air weapons should be buffed and not nerfed.

    Sorry about the small essay about Warp but I'm way too passionate about this Mythic lmao.

    tl;dr: Don't nerf Mythics based on their performance in lootrunning if anything buff lootrunning mythics because outside of it, they are weak (except Idol), and don't nerf Warp specifically or I'm going to find you and if you voted to nerf Warp, you are already on my list.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2022
  12. AmbassadorMax

    AmbassadorMax Professional Wynncraft Speedrunner CHAMPION

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    no graphs or pie charts :sob:
  13. Azurix

    Azurix The Night Watcher VIP+

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    As a grimtrap player, as far as I know, people usually play grimtrap with cherry bombs instead of tierstack.

    Sometimes when I'm playing with Grimtrap tierstack (Yeah I did the build on op mythic builds thread, kinda cursed lmao), people might ask "Why don't you use cherry bombs with it" or tell me that spin hybrid builds or tierstack is weird.
    I like my Grimtrap so far, and I do think Grimtrap needs a rework or a tweak to make it slightly stronger so as to make it have more ways to play with instead of just cherry bombs everywhere.
    People who don't play it might think it doesn't need any buff, or even need debuffs, which is pretty sad to see.

    Edit: I don't think some loot running based mythics need to be nerfed because it is good for lootrunning, they are built for that so leave it alone as it should be
    starx280 and Enderae like this.
  14. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    Rich people somewhat like mythics, and probably want them changed in some way, but really, they're not sure about anything
    Poor people don't exist (at least on the forums)
    starx280, SmileyAlec, cmosier and 4 others like this.
  15. Hei

    Hei The Black Reaper CHAMPION

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    "Some mythics are too weak"
    That is an issue with individual mythics and not as a whole.

    Alright so then if there are mythics that are MUCH better than others and these massive price gaps shouldn't it be a priority to bring some of the bad mythics up to speed so they can compete? Galleon is absolutely useless just like Stardew and people cry about Sine being better, but if Stardew had sine's sp I think it'd make sense being a mythic, it'd just be a better sine, kind of the same case for Galleon with this new Str/Dex change SP became much more valuable so boots that don't give any SP are pretty dog right now

    "Mythics should be spread throughout the community"
    Mythics aren't *hard* to get, just time consuming. If you start a new account right now from scratch, you can get one fairly easily. It may not be that good, but getting a mythic is not hard by any means.

    This couldn't be more wrong, you're saying if I start a new account ENTIRELY from scratch level 1 then it's going to be easy for me to get a mythic between grinding to level 100 going around getting resources and emeralds for lootrun sets and then opening chests for the next 72 hours just to find a warchief, seems like a good system. What's hard about it is motivating yourself to sit there and do nothing for an ungodly amount of time gambling if you're gonna get something that will give you a billion LE or something that's worse than legendaries.

    "There should be more ways to obtain them rather than spending hours lootrunning"
    Then don't lootrun, you can farm random items (uniques, rares, legendary etc) sell them for money and buy them. It takes a while, but that is how I've gotten every single one of my mythics I own today.

    I think it's a pretty big issue that the best way to get the best items in the game is not even doing something challenging or interactive but just sitting and opening chests for 72 hours we've been over this, I think a better approach would be give different things different difficulties like raids and dungeons and the higher the difficulty the better the rewards so you don't have to open chests or spam your little toxo totem.

    "More Major IDs"
    Depends, not every item needs it. Some could use them to be more unique such as Monster, others don't need it at all like Fatal.

    First of all what does Fatal need then? The item sucks and there's a good reason it's worth less than a stack, Monster definitely should get one where heal does damage and only heals you if you're damaging something like a life steal mechanic (and please for the love of GOD don't make it RNG) this game once you've played all 5 classes gets insanely boring when it comes to gameplay with the classes and honestly I would balance more mythics around having a cool major id so classes actually feel more fun to play if you have a mythic, the flashfreeze thing was a step in the right direction as well as Hero's Major ID, I think a conditional major id is really cool where you get this damage boost if I'm below this much health although with this meta not only is hero kinda piss but it's never below that health threshold

    "Mythics should be made more rare"
    Not at all. The barrier to entry is awful. Also, this directly conflicts with other points.

    This LITERALLY conflicts with your point of "If you start a new account right now from scratch, you can get one fairly easily"

    Honestly the mythic system does need an overhaul, I'm just going to organize my thoughts on the mythic issue here so expect some repeat points.
    The methods of finding mythics is abysmal, getting the best items in the game (allegedly for some) is literally just luck based, they're pretty damn rare, but there's very little skill involved when you could be doing difficult tasks for larger LE rewards or higher mythic drop rates if there was a difficulty setting in this game. I think more mythics need to be brought up to speed because it's really stupid that we have things like Inferno which lets you do a billion things and then some (which kinda should be the point of a mythic to SOME extent) and then we have grimtrap which is just not even worth using since the item is so bad it's trying to be multiple things at once and fails at both since there are better options for both melee and spell mythic or not, I cannot stress enough how even though it might SEEM unbalanced some mythics really need buffs instead of focusing on nerfing an item like Cata which has -4000 HP like relax it's not that insane and again mythics shouldn't be nerfed into the ground like that it's a glassy item with high reqs, its entire identity is that it's high damage and glassy and the damage gets nerfed? I think the view on what's balanced or not is flawed since it should be more of a priority to buff shitty mythics instead of pretending they're good and nerfing ones that are at a decent power level, this is a PvE game mythics are used purely for fun. Also most nerfs in this game pretty much only make the game less fun, like it's a PvE game and the flawed perception that a lot of people have on mythics is what's killing the game, unless something is just absolutely busted insane OP, breaking game flow etc. then just leave the damn things alone it's not serious, this game is being balanced like it's PvP where there are actual consequences to some things being overtuned, but that's not the case a vast majority of the time and 90% of nerfs in this game is just whoever's in charge of items trying to manipulate and control the meta making the game SO MUCH less fun, item balancing in this game is more atrocious than I've seen in any other game. The only case I can think of is if you're doing hunted mode, Toxo is an item that actively gives you a massive advantage over other players, but even then hunted is just used for grinding usually not actively looking to fight and while some mythics will always be better than others it's stupid to pretend like the crappy ones either don't exist or are good as they are. As far as Major IDs go yeah I think a lot of mythics do need something to spice them up since whether you play spell or melee it doesn't matter what weapon you use it's the exact same for each play style, oblivion nulli and Black all play exactly the same, inferno flameshot and apoc play exactly the game way and the only variation in playstyle that doesn't come from one of the three build styles comes from the class you play which gets pretty stale if you've played all of them, you've got what melee based playstyle spell based playstyle and poison which isn't even a playstyle and kind of hybrid which is just a mix of the first two, I think a majority of mythics should have a cool major id that freshens up the gameplay that even including shaman has been the exact same for the past three or so years, also shaman as a class is garbage but that's irrelevant. Also just another quick little point on adding difficulties for things like raids dungeons LI etc it would solve two problems: the fact that the end game content is insanely easy and boring after you've done it a few times AND giving the option to make things harder also allows you to be able to give better rewards thus making mythic grinding less of a heavily RNG based activity and much more skill based, lootrunning should still be in the game for people who are fine with opening chests, but there should be a more fun, more skill expressive and more interactive way of getting mythics.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2022
    Yodacat81, Azurix, SmileyAlec and 5 others like this.
  16. nakkisaurus

    nakkisaurus Community Owner of FKL Guild HERO

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    oh wow dang lemme just say, skido ur cracked uwu
    Skidooskei likes this.
  17. Cinfu

    Cinfu Dumbest Person Alive CHAMPION

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    Now this...
    ...this is truly an epic post.
    Skidooskei likes this.
  18. Skidooskei

    Skidooskei King of the Lollipops CHAMPION

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    Maybe I’ll add them later, or just dm me if you want them for particular questions
  19. Androphonia


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    "We need to remove mythics"

    That's a bad thing, isn't it? We WANT poorer players to be able to get more mythics (to a certain degree, of course; if mythics are worth less than legendaries we have an issue) and I doubt there's any mythic that we can really delete without any consequences unless we get a legendary to replace it
  20. Mardeknius

    Mardeknius Architect of the Realm Item Team HERO

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    . . .
    This is ridiculous.
    As someone on the poorer side, the HUGE gap between poor and rich in Wynncraft is easily visible - you see people with 90k dps alka/ashock builds and then you see people with 30k dps [insert non-mythic melee item here] builds. Anything that would be done to add new mythics would just be exploited by the rich, and so even though poorer players would be able to get them, richer ones would be able to get them with more frequency.
    Also, I now need to rant about lootrunning.
    The short version of my argument against lootrunning is that walking around the same area, opening chests just isn't my idea of a good time - I play video games to have fun, and lootunning really just isn't that. I'm sure if I put in the hundreds of hours required I could lootrun myself a mythic (although with my luck it'd be another Dawnbreak - I'll get to that later), but I just find doing raids/dungeons much more fun - perhaps the mythic chance for those should be buffed.
    Another problem with the Mythic system is that Stardew ≠ Pure. Sure, some mythics should be better than others, but the value gap shouldn't be THIS big. I've found a few mythics in my time (I've actually gotten pretty lucky in terms of finding of mythics), but they've all been Grimtrap or less in value. When you find a mythic, it should be a payoff of more than 6le.
    please buff stardew please please i have like five sitting in my bank
    Crystqllized, Sugo, starx280 and 6 others like this.
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