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wynncraft city tier list lmao

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by CantThinkOfAName, Mar 29, 2022.

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  1. CantThinkOfAName

    CantThinkOfAName warrior best class

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    so i saw a post from like 3 years ago about a city tier list and i was like cool list lemme make mine too
    heres the link to the tiermaker https://tierlists.com/create/wynncraft-towns
    heres mine
    yes its weird af ill explain why
    S tier
    nesaak gives out a cozy little town feeling for me and good music man
    aldorei its kinda difficult to find the entrance but also it gives out cozy elves village vibes
    A tier
    detlas cinfras corkus cuz theyre cool cities and are like world hubs
    lusuco for the same reason with nesaak but harder to enter
    eflim same reason with aldorei but even smaller
    pirate cove is kinda underrated it gives out the ha ha drink pirate beer with ya mates vibes
    B tier
    cities i dont have specific feelings towards
    C tier
    meh cities usually the ones i cant decide to put on b tier or d tier or useless stuff like zhight
    D tier
    bad overall like bremminglar or bucie the towns youll never go in again after the quests
    thesead for where the fuck is the entrance
    ravine village for being useless and i struggled to find it when i was in early game
    jofash docks is also kinda useless and you have to actually look for the entrance instead of like cinfras
    iboju cuz i fucking hate everything related to the dernel jungle
    F tier
    i struggled so hard to find rymek when i was in early game its just why the fuck build a useless desert town in a fucking canyon or cuz im just retarded
    lexdale ha ha cultists gerts witches go brr
    entamis what the fuck is that
    ChromaticDragons and Leafish like this.
  2. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    I mean great, but your list sucks. Mine's better:
    S: These towns are compact, safe, and convenient to get to.
    A: These towns require a bit more effort, whether they're less accessible, safe, or town centres are more spread out
    B: These towns are ok, it's just they're quite spread out or dangerous.
    C: These towns are missing something, or really inconvenient.
    D: These towns are missing a lot, but they're convenient.
    F: These towns are essentially (or literally) useless, and sometimes even an inconvenience as a spawn point
    also your screenshot of bucie is old
  3. keithzzz

    keithzzz Well-Known Adventurer

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    you can instantly tell this tier list template was made quite a long time ago just by the fact that heliolux exists on this template lmao
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  4. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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  5. Skidooskei

    Skidooskei King of the Lollipops CHAMPION

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    Me when my favourite city Lutho isn’t even on the list ;-;
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  6. ocel0tgirl

    ocel0tgirl It was ocel0t to meet you HERO

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    S: love 'em
    A: good city, good memories
    B: ok ig, also detlas is overrated
    C: meh
    D: i have a few complaints ig
    F: i had to actually think to remember what these were

    lusuco best town :)
  7. MeltedMagma

    MeltedMagma Well-Known Adventurer

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    Ragni, Rymek, Corkus, Pirate Cove, and Avos has great music so I'd put S.

    also places like zhight, ahmsord, and jofash look cool so I'd give those S as well
  8. Enderae

    Enderae Wanderer of the Realm VIP

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    i have deeply embedded trauma involving lusuco
    its the music i hear right before i try death toa and get my butt kicked
    "so why isnt the toa theme your trauma song"

    because i got killed so fast i couldnt even hear it
    and also i was screaming much too loudly
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  9. mzxie

    mzxie Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Here's my reasoning:
    S: Great cities! I enjoy going to them, and they're decently easy to navigate. Selchar is charming, Nemract is nice, Cinfras is incredibly useful, and Llevigar is pretty great as well.
    A: All the cities that I think are pretty cool. Elkurn is really charming and cute, Efilim is home to the best quest in the game, Eltom is pretty interesting.
    B: These cities are also pretty nice. Maltic is charming, Iboju is annoying to get to with all the annoying ranged mobs and leads into the clusterfuck known as Dernel Jungle, and Ragni is a solid starting city.
    C: Cities are okay, with a few flaws. Ternaves is a one trick pony (no pun intended), Lexdale has no merchants and is solely used for quests, Kandon Beta is irritating (as someone who doesnt do TCC), FUCK THE ALMUJ BANK AND ITS SHITTY QUEST, Avos/Bucie is useless, Nodguj/Dujgon are used for like one quest, and Relos has jack shit.
    D: Rymek has neutral enemies, making movement spells painful. Aldorei is confusing to navigate and one shitty movement spell propels you to the bottom of the canyon and you have to find your way all the way back up, Bremminglar is so useless, Pirate Cove is hellish to navigate, the Ravine Village is so forgettable.
    F: Zhight island just sucks ass
  10. Ninja_VK

    Ninja_VK RainbowsRcool VIP+

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    Screenshot 2022-03-29 11.23.04 PM.png S: I either love the look of the town (ahmsord & llevigar), or I just really like it because of a personal connection (the other 3), and Lutho would be up there too if it was in the tierlist
    A: These towns are just really cool and I like them a lot, but not as much as S, and stuff like Cinfras is really useful
    B: These towns r cool ig and I like them but not that much, a couple are just ones I both love and hate (like Iboju which I had so so so much trouble finding back on my first playthrough)
    C: No opinion on these, they are just kinda there
    D: These just have nothing much too them, or a downside (like avos bc of too many ava simps, lusuco bc I didn't know it existed until my 3rd class, losing all my money from Ternaves horse gambling, etc.)
    F: Personally hate the first 3, rest I just genuinely don't remember. Rymek is because in early game navigating the ravines and finding this town was so painful, worse than COTL for me. Nodguj and Dujgon are just bc I hate the ice nations quest bc it was annoying to get there, and Eltom bc the memory, and also the Santa quests.
  11. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    Screenshot (133).png
    (Will have different reasonings inside the same tier, and the cities are in an arbitrary orders since I don't really bother)
    S: They are easily accessible and the builds are really really nice as well
    A: Builds are nice and/or they are really good locations for quests or dungeons for its level
    B: These cities are somewhat good for their level and their builds are okay (or maybe I just don't really like them compared to A/S tier)
    C: Ahmsord because void bad, and the others are quite mediocre in terms of build or its location, safety, etc (and we don't do scribing in Gelibord) (like seriously how to pronounce Gelibord? Like Jelly-bord or Gea-li-bord? idrk uhhhhhhh)
    D: I just hate respawning in these areas. For example, respawning in Eltom is very inconvenient when you died in hive. On top of that they are places that you have little to no reasons to go to. Ternaves is an exception but I hate casino slots.
    F: Either they aren't even a city, or the city itself is really really terrible (see Olux, Iboju), or it is just useless if there isn't a quest there. Most of these "cities" aren't even memorable tbh, it says a lot when I literally went up to google and searched "wynncraft entamis" just to recall the quest "Troubled Tribesmen", which isn't even a memorable quest at all.
  12. TheAckening

    TheAckening Local YIMBY

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    S: Maltic (true perfection in every possible way, nothing can compare)
    Z: Everything else
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  13. CantThinkOfAName

    CantThinkOfAName warrior best class

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    ye ik lusuco is cool
    hi jojo fan
  14. Mardeknius

    Mardeknius Knight of Blood Item Team HERO

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    Screen Shot 2022-03-30 at 3.25.42 PM.png
    yes I have controversial opinions please don't shoot me
    Alrighty, time to explain... this
    S tier - I love these towns, they'll always hold a special place in my heart:
    • Nemract. Favourite town in Wynncraft. The music is amazing, and this whole city just fills me with nostalgia. I'm not entirely sure why I love it so much, I just do.
    • Rodoroc. When I first stepped into this masterpiece of a city, I actually forgot to breathe for a few seconds. This massive, cavernous city is just beautiful and incredibly well built, and it might be what I consider to be the best city in Wynncraft (Nemract is my favourite, but in terms of actual builds, I prefer this one).
    • Ahmsord. Similar to Rodoroc, I immediately fell in love with this charming, small town. Sure, falling into the void might be annoying, but the feel of the openness of this city and the impressive building makes up for that a hundred times over.
    • Troms. The multiple levels make this city very interesting, and, while I have gotten lost in it several times (look I'm bad with directions ok?), I just... really like this city. Not entirely sure what to say here.
    • Corkus. No surprises here, as it's never fallen below B on anyone's list - really well built city, fun to just hang out in honestly.

    A tier - I like the towns, but they didn't make it into my favourites for some reason or other:
    • Maex. Look, I'm a sucker for lava towns (barring Thanos I'll explain why later). It's densely packed, but easy to navigate. Plus, as I said before, the fiery (WHY IS THAT WORD SPELLED THAT WAY WTF) color scheme is just something I'm attracted to in these builds.
    • Olux. Same as Nemract, I guess these poor towns just make me feel nostalgic. Plus, its proximity to NotG is nice.
    • Almuj. I'm not going to restate what I said for Troms, same deal here, just the lack of a bank until level 36 or whatever brings it down to A.
    • Dogun. I like the Molten Heights as a whole, and, since I don't spend too much time in the Upper Molten Heights, seeing the color scheme I love under a blue sky is fun.
    • Gelibord. Olux, but there's a river running through it I really like. I don't particularly like the creepiness of all of the Dark Forest quests though (look I'm a wimp in video games (and maybe real life) ok), bringing this down from S to A.
    B tier - not particularly attached to these towns, but I still like them:
    • Bucie. Nice little town, better version of Maltic. Not much to say here. Also, why is it labeled as level 40 when the only quest there that I can remember is level 67?
    • Eltom. I like these "multiple level" towns, but this one just isn't memorable enough for me to rank it higher.
    • Selchar. Hey, this is B on most other peoples' lists, too! I thought this for sure would be controversial. Yeah, nice town, bank's annoying to access, nothing memorable here.
    • Llevigar. I said I like the "multiple level" towns/cities, but the fact that everything's white isn't a color scheme I can get attached to.
    • Nesaak. Nice town, good memories, too many mobs can get in and I keep dying.
    • Iboju. You'll notice I don't really have anything to say on most of these since I'm neutral towards the "B" tier, and this is especially true for this town - no comment.
    • Rymek. I really like this town. The quests are fun, the whole thing of "hey you're on the bandits' side now" is nice, but a) the neutral mobs make using teleport scrolls impossible and b) I hate navigating the canyons.
    • Cinfras. Yeah honestly the Levtus Airbase is the only part of this I like (and I LOVE the Levtus Airbase - if it were just that, it would be S tier). I'm just really neutral towards this whole thing.
    C tier - I didn't have enough room on the B tier so I continued it here:
    • Efilim. Eh. No shops or anything, my friends complain about dying there while AFK (don't afk guys), it doesn't really have any content to it other than THE BEST QUEST IN THE GAME. If it weren't for Shattered Minds, this would be D, maybe F.
    • Detlas. I've probably just seen it too much and gotten bored of the build.
    • Avos. I haven't really spent enough time here to say anything about it so I'm putting it here.
    • Zhight. Love the quest, love the guy, really don't like the island. It's just like a bad version of Ahmsord.
    • Lexdale. Gelibord but more depressing.
    D tier - I actively dislike these:
    • Thesead. I haven't seen it since the update, actually (I think it's Thesead that got updated) but all I know about this town is that I keep dying in Qira and respawning here instead of Thanos (why, I do not know). Also it's in the most annoying area in the game (CotL is pain).
    • Nodguj. I'd be neutral towards this town if it weren't for the fact that those goddamned archers keep KILLING ME
    • Thanos. Honestly, the multiple levels are nice, it's a really fun town to hang out in! Oh also,

    But other than that, this town is A tier.
    • Dujgon. Nodguj but the main NPC's meaner.
    • Aldorei. The number of bugs I have experienced with the quests associated with this city are too numerous for me to put this anywhere above D (there were six bugs istg).
    • Bremminglar: why does this town exist seriously it adds NOTHING to the game
    • Ravine Village: Troms but bad. Hard to access, only has ONE quest related to it, only like 4 houses.
    F tier - bad:
    • Relos. Ok fine in all fairness I'm basing this off of one time but I've only ever been to this village once and when that happened I died and lost a tier 6 powder so I don't like it (if I went there more I'm sure it'd be higher).
    • Ternaves. Bremminglar but no potato merchant
    • Pirate Cove. Again, nice (beautiful honestly) build, but I went into 6le of debt trying to do that one quest just to get ONE EMERALD OUT OF IT (plus it took me over 4 hours).
    • Lusuco. I have the same problem with this that I have with Bremminglar (namely, it adds nothing to the game), but this time mobs keep killing me when I enter it.
    • Maltic. Please don't hurt me TheAckening.
    I... don't have any valid reason for hating this town. It's perfectly fine, a nice town by the ocean. The Maltic Well quest is entertaining, and it's just a nice little fantasy town.
    But for some reason, I just really don't like it. I don't know why.
    • Jofash. Great quest, really just a bland town imo.
    • Kandon-Beda. I don't like the colour scheme, plus it's just really cramped and I keep falling off (look I keep forgetting to take off Pandemonium when entering the Sky Islands but at least Ahmsord's big enough where I don't fall off every time that bracelet casts a movement spell).
    • Ragni. Same thing as Maltic, I don't really have a valid reason for hating on this town, I've just seen it way too much.

    The hell is "Entamis"?

    • Elkurn. Lack of shops and memorable NPCs (also level 5 town again with the mislabelling), plus its proximity to the Tundra means I die a lot there.
    • Heliolux. They stole Olux's name and made it a bad town. I don't remember much of this town, but I remember disliking it.

    So that's my list of bad/confusing arguments for my tierlist please don't hate on me too much
    scootingscooter and MrTopper like this.
  15. TheAckening

    TheAckening Local YIMBY

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    Entamis is in a far corner of the Dernal Jungle and is that town you visit in Troubled Tribesman.
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  16. Mardeknius

    Mardeknius Knight of Blood Item Team HERO

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    oh nice I totally forgot about that I guess it's B tier then I like it but it could get more screen time in the game
  17. TigerYaisou

    TigerYaisou Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Screen Shot 2022-03-30 at 9.34.26 PM.png
    my takes, added tempo town and lutho with pixlr because i can
    basically, anything in C tier i have no opinion on and i think is fine, anything above i like quite a bit, anything below is a bit annoying but not terrible (also i wouldnt really put zhight as a town, its a minor island)
    MrTopper likes this.
  18. MrTopper

    MrTopper Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I agree with this list (other than the fact I think avo is s tier)
  19. mokan

    mokan Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  20. jroo312188

    jroo312188 Well-Known Adventurer

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    That time I died in cotl and respawned in lutho…??????????

    Also, dying in the herb cave takes you to tempo town like WHY
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