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Time to determine the WORST NPC, OST, QUEST, and AREA

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ~ Hyacinth ~, Mar 27, 2022.

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  1. ~ Hyacinth ~

    ~ Hyacinth ~ patiently waiting for fruma :)

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    I invite you to let your inner critique run rampant on the subjects listed. No limits whatsoever.

    THAT... is very, very true.

    Imma re-do this:

    I couldn't help but notice how hard it is not to put down everything in list-your-favorites threads, and I made this thread because I thought it be a much more interesting and difficult challenge.
    But still- It's amazing the amount of heart, purpose, and effort put into the placing of each and every block of Wynncraft, and I won't be surprised if no one bothers. I'm having trouble coming up with some myself ;)
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2022
  2. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Your mom at her house.
  3. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    keeping in mind that passion and effort was put in by people on the CT to make all of the content in Wynn
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  4. HyperSoop

    HyperSoop The 0-int mage

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    quest: the 40% quests that are or can be broken
  5. Little Ghost

    Little Ghost Your resident vessel CHAMPION

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    off the top of my head, i dont have a disliked ost - i enjoy all of them, just some i enjoy less

    canyon guides has personal reasons on why i hate it but generally its pretty buggy

    (please note i was a bit tired writing this, sorry)
    i cant! actually decide what i think is the worst quest/npc is to me, but i definitelu know i have Many, many thoughts about how RoL and Lari were written-

    i really. genuinely think the storyline (and character) are very interesting - Lari is a complicated character to an extent and i get it
    but! i just really really think they pushed the pacifsm part way too hard to be... semi plausible i guess? sure it could be bc "elves different" or smth but i just. i just think w/how its all executed its kind of led to Lari getting more hate than she'd deserve, imo. though as of how it is currently i chalk it up to "Lari thinking shes in the right but is hurting everyone by beliving that her pacifism is the Only Correct way and being selfish by forcing it upon everyone" but it still took me a while to get to that!! Orphi being cryptid bc hes a god makes a lot of sense and explains why Lari was so stuck on it but. i dunno man

    RoL story wise, RoL4 and 5 hurt me bc it comes off as "we're giving her a redemption arc" but the redemption arc is the span of the last section of RoL4 and then she just gets yeeted never to be seen in 5. and i think its safe to say a lot of people just.... did not care

    i get. what CT was going for w/it but i just think it was really poorly executed. whilst im still thinking on the questline itself i feel like it'd be better if Lari's pacifism was dialed back a tiny bit, imo - her stubbornness can still shine (ie "i cant kill it, i tried but i failed!" or something? maybe?) or even through "i dont need your help and that's final".

    but hey, im not! CT, im not a writer, just some person who really enjoys character things.
    TLDR; i just think RoL wasnt written very clearly to get what it wants to w/its character across but still enjoy the idea a lot
  6. TheLMiffy1111

    TheLMiffy1111 Previous Leader Of A Revived Wynn Community CHAMPION

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    i do not like the dojo
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  7. keithzzz

    keithzzz Well-Known Adventurer

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    NPC - Kind of hard for me to determine this one since a lot of the npcs don't have very much to them, but i guess i'll probably go with lari

    OST - There isn't any music in the game that stands out as sounding bad, but a majority of them definetly don't sound as impressive compared to some others.

    Quests - I used to think canyon guides was the worst, but now that i've run through more playthroughs, I've realised how many more shitty quests there actually are in this game such as bob's lost soul and green gloop. In terms of questlines, id say aldorei's secret is the worst. The questline itself isn't even properly finished and the entire thing is so abysmally boring to do, and i frankly could not give two fucks about aldorei's lore with the current condition of the questline

    Area - I'm not too sure why, but I've never been a big fan of light forest, desert, or olux swamp.
    scootingscooter and Qzphs like this.
  8. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    second everything in this post
  9. LTMS

    LTMS Ninja Water Frog

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    NPC: I did HATE Lucio from A Journey Beyond. Dumbass went on a suicide mission and was playing it like it was a picnic trip

    OST: I play Wynn without sounds. Yeah. I just like my own music better.

    Quests: Not in the game anymore but the old Eye of the Storm. Buggy as hell and twice as boring.

    Area: God if I can't stand Rymek. The two height layers are just frustrating.
  10. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    Wdym. doesn't really work since they will be fixed so this changes so much.
    Npc = people will probably say Lari and I have to admit the way shes shown is kinda just bad but I like looking into things and I just found reasons and made reasons to everything shes does to make sense of it so I understand her actions or whatever so I don't feel that negative against her but npc is probably Axelus. Man's blander than a piece of bread with a bowl of rice.
    Ost = I know its probably intentional but the corrupted dungeon themes just are so.. dreadful.
    Area = pigmans ravines, really bland and boring place, the town has banger music tho.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
    ~ Hyacinth ~ and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  11. Faded the weeb

    Faded the weeb your local weeb VIP+

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    NPC: Oh gosh, here we go. Contrary to popular consensus, I actually like Lari and Ava. They're flawed, but that's kind of the whole point. Also the somewhat popular notion getting thrown around that if you like either in any way shape or form you're a simp is just downright baffling, I do not get it.

    With those two out of the way, I don't really care for Bak'al. Maybe it'll change down the line, but for now he's just kind of... evil, and nothing more. No, I don't care that he has genuinely impressive feats, that does not make an interesting character. If not him, second choice would be Amadel.

    OST: Uh... this is very hard for me, I do not think there's a single song that's not good, so I'll point out one of the less memorable ones (imho) Undergrowth Ruins.

    Quest: Again, none that I would reasonably describe as BAD quests (bugging out is a different story, if that were the case I'd probably single out Hero of Gavel or Point of no Return, they're great concepts but function the way they're intended so seldomly it's kind of hard to overlook) but something like Green Gloop is pretty unmemorable

    Area: I'll give you two answers, one "area" and one city or town. My least favorite area would probably be the jungle, both Troms Jungle and Dernel, way too many mobs, occasionally frustrating to navigate, but Troms is one of the better towns. As for my least favorite town, again going with the unmemorable, proabably something like Bremminglar. It's fine enough, I guess, but there's like, barely anything to do there. You pass by for both Lava Springs and Bob's Lost Soul, but neither have Bremminglar as a focal point.
    ~ Hyacinth ~ likes this.
  12. nip nop

    nip nop thinking hurts CHAMPION

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    remove hunger of gerts part two
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  13. BisexualDog

    BisexualDog Boogie Boy CHAMPION

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    I don't mind flawed characters but I draw the line with Lari, selfish sociopathic tendencies is a flawed trait that I do not relate or condone. This questline really just saying "Yo I did multiple selfish acts that have caused the entirety of gavel to be effected because I'm too stubborn to go against my beliefs. Why am I not chosen by the tree??" This is no way saying that you're wrong but I am just trying to point out why the people that understand she's flawed still don't like her.
  14. jroo312188

    jroo312188 Well-Known Adventurer

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    NPC: Seluc. Dude, stop fighting the mobs, you're gonna get yourself killed.
    OST: I play with music off usually
    Quest: Probably Canyon Guides. I've never really liked Lost Soles but I don't know why.
    Area: Maro Peaks. Why do you need the dumb helmet? Also, annoying to navigate. Also, why does Czytash live there???
  15. Crouton_18

    Crouton_18 Either an Airship Captain or a Masochist CHAMPION

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    NPC: its easy to say Lari here, but even though I dislike her there is worse. Slykaar for instance
    OST: haven't properly heard enough to come up with one I hate
    Quest: Dodgers Ultimate Weapon. Mostly because those fing wet-stones take so long to grind
    Areas: Nesaak forest for the amount of mobs, Dernal jungle for its amount of mobs and lag, that one corner of upper SE that has all the armor stand mobs, Sky Islands for the lag.
    ~ Hyacinth ~ likes this.
  16. Cutsard

    Cutsard Self-Proclaimed Idiot

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    NPC - Eppo
    without a doubt the worst NPC skin in all of Wynn
    I swear he hasn't been updated since 1984
  17. ~ Hyacinth ~

    ~ Hyacinth ~ patiently waiting for fruma :)

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    HA I knew this would be interesting! Imma take a shot at this;

    I’ve pondered this question for a ridiculous amount of time and have come up with the conclusion- Relend. The rhyming was funny at first, but soon it started to get really annoying. And on top of that, I’ve always thought characters that speak in rhymes seemed lifeless, for some reason. ALSO just wanted to add that I find absolutely nothing wrong with Lari, except maybe the fact that her pacifism is a bit too far-fetched at times.

    Firstly just wanted to say that without the OST, the game is worthless to me. Yup, I said it. Hehehe.

    Even though I still have a least favorite- Horizon to the East. Like literally every single song in the entire game, it has a nice, fitting melody… for the first few minutes at least. THEN IT GETS SO BORING! And when you’re someone like me, where the OST is 95% of the game, I get very bored with whatever i’m doing ingame, listening to that song.

    It has to be Ultimate Weapon. I can’t say specifically what bothered me so much, but I guess I found it really draggy and pointless. That’s about it, I suppose.

    Like I said- the OST, which is absolute perfection in every possible way, has a huge effect on my view of anything ingame. If the OST is good, then the area is equally good.

    BUT WAIT THATS NOT ENTIRELY TRUE- I think Aldorei is absolutely beautiful.

    Thinking about it now, maybe the song is good at times because Aldorei has such a peaceful atmosphere, and if there’s anything Horizon to the East is good for, I guess that’s it.

    Sorry I’m rambling here- obviously, I don’t have a least favorite area.

    cmosier likes this.
  18. TheAckening

    TheAckening Local YIMBY

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    NPC: Idk most of them blend together in my head, although I'll just say Kleight because of TOL.

    OST: Most of the boss themes honestly. I like just about every piece of music in this game beside them, but I find most of the boss themes to be incredibly noisy and not very memorable. (the new themes introduced in 1.19 and 1.20 are definitely a step in the right direction but still aren't contending for my favorite theme.) If I had to pick just one worst I'll say Countdown to Corruption, but I don't remember the boss themes well so another listen to the ost could change my mind.

    Quest: Haven't completed the game, but every step of Temple of Legends is painful in some way, so it's a strong contender.

    Area: Again, haven't completed the game, but the Mesa has caused me so much pain trying to navigate it that I hate it.
  19. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    NPC. Lucio maybe, super strong + super dumb + no real personality is the absolute worst character archetype in the history of ever. It's such a lazy on boring way to write a character.

    OST. Corkus National Anthem, idk if it's just me but I feel like it's 10x louder than all of the other tracks. I feel like my eardrums are going to burst every time that fucking track plays.

    Quest. Canyon Guides can go shove a sauding iron up its own as ohmygodthisfuckingquestihateitsofuckingmuchpleaseburninhellohmygod.

    Area, Jungle, those fetishes man oh my God.
  20. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    A better phrasing would be to ask what is the least good, as "worst" implies the thing is objectively bad. In any case, here are my answers:

    NPC: Kelight. Honestly, plenty of NPCs fit the "least good" bill, but that's only because they're forgettable, as you talk to them once, and then never again. Kelight, however, is actually the worst. He's not an NPC. He's a mailbox. What he'll tell you is he is this great Keeper of Legends or something, but in reality he's a lazy, egotistical trash can with problem-solving skills equal to that of a Russian dictator, evident by his disbelief when the umpteenth soldier he sent into that cave did actually manage to beat the beast hiding inside. I bet he's getting paid exclusively in taxpayer money too, the leech.

    OST: Stirring the Sands. Not a bad song, just an pretty good ambient song that replaced a vibrant and adventurous song. Travelling at Dusk is still available using the Jukebox though, so I'm not complaining.

    Quest: Well, I can't pick Temple of the Legends now. I'm scrolling through the list of quests as I type this. Pit of the Dead is short, devoid of depth (ironic) and easier than breathing, but it's easily skippable if you don't have ninety seconds to spare. Tribal Aggression is a fetch quest where two tribes both share a single brain cell. Pirate's Trove's puzzles are laughably easy, while Heart of Llevigar has a puzzle so brainwrecking I was forced to use some website to determine the fourteen step solution. Blah blah blah, a couple unchanged quests from the Gavel Update, From the Bottom, The Canyon Guides, the usual stuff. No, I think I know what I'd consider the least good quest, and its name is The Fortuneteller. Set right after Dwarves and Doguns, then One Thousand Meters Under and then Recipe for Disaster, you get this... chore. The lore is flimsy (and might require updating, not sure), the length if short, its themes don't quite fit, and the reward is just a very tiny bit insulting. It's Wealth or Knowledge, if you've forgotten. The idea is clearly that the player should pick the wise and selfless option. After all, that's what lots of previous quests have been teaching the player: not to be greedy. But on their second go-around, everyone obviously picks Wealth. I need money to buy Mythics and to identify useless Legendaries and to buy scrap in Ragni and to pay back Tealy if I want to retain my depth perception. It's a video game. Your moral orientation doesn't matter. Your wallet does.

    Area: it's the Olux Swamp. See, I don't get lost in the Canyon of the Lost. In fact, due to its sections clearly defined by variations in buildings, geography, mobs, and elevation, along with recognisable landmarks such as Bantisu Temple, the red flags, the Hive, et cetera make it a very easy place to navigate. For me, at least. Unfortunately, the Olux Swamp lacks any of the aforementioned traits. It's all flat, wet, has the same mobs everywhere, and has almost no clearly visible landmarks. Its level range is shared by the Jungle, so you don't need to visit the Swamp if you need to grind. It doesn't have unique resources, and if you're playing Craftsman, you'll be disappointed to see the Olux Swamp only contains level 20 Willow trees. The CT did make it look a lot nicer in the latest update though, and Olux has one of the best town songs.

    Those are my answers. I'm going to bed now, bye
    ~ Hyacinth ~ and cmosier like this.
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