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Community Event The Speggtacular Item Making Contest

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Spenchilada, Mar 20, 2022.

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  1. Spenchilada

    Spenchilada Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Hello everyone! (do not mind my poor formatting)

    I am hosting an ITEM MAKING CONTEST!

    The Prize: Items from my top of the line, limited edition, wierdo1093 signed, crafted collection!


    Fun fact: These are almost all of the remaining wierdo1093 crafteds. Note that the weapon skin may not correlate with its element.

    With weapons such as my personal favorite,

    There are 18 items, and you can win up to 6!

    In each category,
    1st place: 3 items
    2nd place: 2 items
    3rd place: 1 item

    If there are not enough entries, categories may be eliminated and the prizes will be redistributed among the remaining ones.

    Anywho, the boring details:

    You must make an item from one of the following categories, along with a build that you think best showcases its strengths. Builds may only use non-crafted items. You may only submit one entry per category. You cannot submit the same item for multiple categories. Custom major IDs are not allowed for Categories 1 and 2.

    Category 1: Create a mythic weapon using a dual element combo that has not yet been used (Earth-Fire, Earth-Water, Earth-Thunder, Water-Air, Thunder-Fire).

    Category 2: Create any item that can only utilize one spell, meaning the other 3 spells either deal negligible damage or cost over 20 mana.
    Note that any combination of the two is allowed. For example, an item may have 3rd and 4th spells cost 1 mana so long as only one deals any significant damage (ie, 3rd spell does 10k, while 4th does <1k, and 1st and 2nd both cost over 20 mana).

    To make only one spell deal damage, check the elemental conversions. For example, you might give a bow -500% spell damage and +10000% air damage in order to only have Escape and Arrow Shield do damage.
    Utility spells, such as heal, vanish, and totem, are allowed to be used so long as they do not do damage.

    Category 3: Create an item that uses a custom major ID. You must give a detailed explanation of the mechanics of the major ID, though it might not be expressly stated in the item tooltip (ie, for Sorcery you would have to specify what counts as "spells").

    Some notes: All items must be named. Items with major IDs not in category 3 will have an automatic (slight) penalty in the creativity category.

    Judging Criteria:

    All entries will be judged by me and perhaps some AIn members idk

    Power/Strength - Does the item compete well within the current meta, in the sense that it is at least viable? Bonus points for very well-balanced items, minus points for drastically overpowered/underpowered items.

    Creativity/Uniqueness - How "new" is this item? Are there similar items that already exist? Bonus points for funky combinations of IDs, minus points if an item is basically another item with only slight tweaks (only really applies to Categories 1 and 3, but eh)

    Build Strength - How well does the build highlight the item? Is the build itself unique, and not randomly slapped together? Bonus points for builds that use off-meta items, minus points for builds that are literally just meta builds for another item.

    Category 3 Exclusive: Major ID Balance - How strong is the major ID? Could it potentially be gamebreaking or reform the meta? This criteria is similar to the Power/Strength category, but only for your item's major ID.

    Please post entries as replies to this thread, tagged with "Entry: Category [#s]" at the beginning. The contest will end at 11:59pm EST on March 31, and results will be posted in the following week. Happy item making!
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2022
  2. birdmade

    birdmade Well-Known Adventurer

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    me omw to submit my mythic bow with Cavalryman Explosive Impact Fission Freerunner Guardian Greed Hawkeye Heart of the Pack Lightweight Madness Magnet Plague Saviour's Sacrifice Sorcery Transcendence
  3. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    That's creativity if I've ever seen it
    ThedumbOX and RJJguyTheCarrot like this.
  4. Jirayut

    Jirayut strati masterrace VIP+

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    Horseback combat
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Centipede
    > Tisaun's Valor
    > Second Wind
    > Nether's Scar
    > Breezehands
    > Flashfire Knuckle
    > Flashfire Gauntlet
    > Recalcitrance
    > Tonbogiri [f6f6]
    (i tried to make it work for both HM and TS but currently i don't have much time and they either be broken or too bad. so here we are lol)
    originally i did went with the jousting lance idea but warlords on a horseback carrying a naginata wasn't so bad
    edit: oh right this is for catagory one with a side of chivaryman
    edit2: oh catagory 1 is meant for mythic, mb imma change that soonTM
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2022
  5. SpellSpammer

    SpellSpammer marked should mark the back of an enemy VIP

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    Entry: Category 1
    https://wynnbuilder.github.io/customizer.html#100007Glazial016hHidden in the depths of Freezing Heights, true ice wield unorthodox mythical strength. Though intended to be made into all sorts of magical items, it sometimes get pressed into mundane shapes that is suitable for bland close range combat. And yet, somehow, does work out nicely, however losing mystic powers if doing so. 0250401040580907226-3560B07348-4690C0556-970F10M0201R0N00O0201B0Q010Z0h07SORCERY0i0231Z0r0k0232u1Z0l010Cp0q0200N1Z0-0201k6E100231T0o120105N
    https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#5_0XL0PY0Ja0kW0Mb0Mb0O308609wCI-100007Glazial016hHidden in the depths of Freezing Heights, true ice wield unorthodox mythical strength. Though intended to be made into all sorts of magical items, it sometimes get pressed into mundane shapes that is suitable for bland close range combat. And yet, somehow, does work out nicely, however losing mystic powers if doing so. 0250401040580907226-3560B07348-4690C0556-970F10M0201R0N00O0201B0Q010Z0b030-00c030-00d07607-8660e0556-970f030-00g030-00h07SORCERY0i0231Z0r0k0232u1Z0l010Cp0q0200N1Z0-0201k6E100231T0o120105N2B-Y0y-Y0y1g0000102KfI
    Well, this spear is quite obviously WA-ortientated however with a EW requirement (more painful to build :>). We often think of spell casting when talking about Water-Air (because of the water element mainly, I guess), however I did a little funny thingamajig by giving it the Sorcery ID. This might make you feel like that I'm boosting its spell spamming capabilities, but actually... No. I nerfed its spells into the depths of the abyss that it definitely won't make you think that it is for spells. The true purpose of me adding Sorcery is simply a testament to sorcery melee. Since Sorcery makes almost every attack you do have a 33% chance to repeat, so I just thought that it can work on tstack builds and boost the dps even more. I know that the water element for melee is weird, but this is, in my opinion, my very own test of it. Don't judge me, I really want to see how they work in-game. And so, this custom weapon appeared.

    Funny story:
    I did this thing right after I took some vaccines and good lord I feel like that my arms are soaked in a electricity-conducted pool of water lmao
    This was revamped from my old custom item, since I thought that the idea was super cool and wanted to somehow improve it.

    Note: I edited this message simply for deleting the old dagger counterpart of this weapon, simply because how it is so similar to Rewind in either elements, major ID, or even some of the identifications. Also my old message just look a little bit too... random..? Weird...? To be seen in an serious competition. So yeah, I guess that is it.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
  6. Wrelf

    Wrelf Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Entry: Category 2


    Purposes of this item are:
    1. One of high level fabled weapon
    -There is no fabled Bow/Wand at endgame level rn
    2. Corrupted Fallen Factory Item
    -I love how FF's items have 2^n stats/ids so here it is (Rolls are fixed number because of this)
    3. Ice Snake Spam
    -You know what
    4. Unique Build
    -You have to assign 128 for int but only 32 for str/dex, so you wear water armor/accessory but you gotta play like etfa build exept you use ice snake instead of melee??? WHAT??

    To make it unique / balanced / unexploitable
    1. made heal cost too high and -256 int
    2. decent damage with 150 str/dex (its rly hard to deal more damage than how it should)
    3. low base high multiplier (same reason as 2)

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Blue Mask
    > The Jingling Jester
    > Greaves of the Veneer
    > Resurgence
    > Cold Wave
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > CR-19cASASASASAS9c91
    > Renda Langit
    > Icygital []

    The Jingling Jester for 2nd/4th spell cost reduction, allowing user to reposition themselves while resetting spell cost with tp and more 1 mana 4th spell spam
    It also has greed for heal, so that user will not lose DPS by switching weapon for heal

    Cold Wave for flash freeze cuz why not

    Crafted Stealing Accessory for greed

    Renda Langit for again, 2nd/4th spell cost reduction
    Combining it with the chest plate, tp cost become -2, makes resetting spell cost easier

    Post Script
    Icygital = Icy + Digital. Why am I so bad at naming
    12k ice snake with 7mr 43k ehp may look a bit low, but its ability to spam 4th 4+ times at 1 mana will make its DPS almost same as Spell Singu.
    As a Fabled item, I think this DPS is balanced considering its inability to cast heal without switching weapon / attack from middle to far range.
    It was my first time to think of custom item so forgive me if I have done something wrong!
    BlueTheSniper and Leafish like this.
  7. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Just thought I'd participate for the hell of it. I know it says 'utilize one spell' and this is utilizing all the spells, but I'm not in the competition to win it

    Endless (<- hyperlinked)
    All it took, a single vision, and in crept black, incoherent change; Elegence and grace eroded to derision, and worldly things warped into the strange. It was a great, beating melody of chords strung senseless -- the infinite, harrowing echo of the single word: Endless.

    Endless would be a Fabled item reward given for raid completion. Functionally prevents all spells from being cast, and heavily cripples neutral. With Madness major ID, spells are randomized and thus damage output is reliant on the ability mayhem.
    Due to the impossible to overcome spell cost and attack speed penalty that discourages tierstack, the ideal way to build around the item is to go full spell damage - ignoring mana cost and mana regen/mana steal.
    The website is not working for me for god knows why, but here's a build centered around it (minus weapon)
    >Dragon Dance/Capricorn
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2022
  8. Scromblo


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    Entry: Category 1



    The main gimmick of this item is the extreme cost of Haul, keeping the user on the ground. This forces creativity in the ways you defend yourself, having to rely mostly on the projectile blocking properties of your totem while combatting back with high mixed DPS.

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Caesura
    > Leviathan
    > Horizon
    > Seismosoul
    > Breezehands
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Prowess
    > Recalcitrance
    > Anchor [t6t6t6]

    This build outputs a lot of mixed DPS at the cost of any HP whatsoever. Thunder Powders are used in order to pick off any pesky mobs that your totem aura and main attack miss in order to keep you alive for long enough to kill everything in your path!

    This item's purpose is to fulfill the NEED for more ETW based weapons. We need builds with quad digit EHP, it makes the game so much more exciting!

    This is my first custom item. I really really like the item concept, but the build could use a bit more tweaking! :) Have a wonderful day!
    514425, Leafish and Qzphs like this.
  9. RoundSteve

    RoundSteve Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Entry: category 1


    EW spear, as of right now we have shield buster (lvl 95 unique) as the only high level EW spear. this also has -defense, which leans it towards EWA and ETWA, heavily underused archetypes especially for warrior, which offsets the downsides of only having agility with higher base defense. having high walk speed also helps this, as EWA and ETWA both lean towards mana steal instead of regen, which can be a problem for glassier warriors as warrior melee has much less range than spells. the base dps could be a little high, or the raw spell could be tuned down, as it could be considered a little strong in this state, but most players tend to avoid agility based builds so the item would likely not be too overused. having a slow base attack speed is also a benefit, as there are several items in this archetype that would allow for a build to get super slow attack speed without dedicating a full item to it. having some amount of sustain also helps to deal with the generally low sustain these builds have especially ETWA.

    example build:

    as i said, damage is maybe a little high but i believe it is warranted. ehp looks high, but only 44 agility means that you aren't really relying on it and are more leaning on warrior base def. high strength req makes it easier to justify using items like chain rule, blind thrust could also likely work in a different build with this item. obviously has huge synergy with galleon, probably the most underrated mythic boot atm.

    Edit: fixed link, also realized i forgor to name it
  10. Xernial

    Xernial i spent over 50 stx on archangels CHAMPION

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    Entry: Category 1

    (gold relik texture because it looks so cool GOLD RELIK TEXTURE IS VERY IMPORTANT)

    TF Relik designed for regular spellsteal but its more fun (or perhaps uproot gun :flushed: (not that i would recommend uproot gun it kinda sucks (it does have 1 higher base -4th than arbalest though)))

    I recommend ETWF with it but TWF works too. I guess TWFA and rainbow are possible too if you want that extra mobility.

    For spell builds you can go with Demon Tide + Dragon's Eye Bracelet at 68 Intelligence or Anima-Infused Cuirass + Dragon's Eye Bracelet at 105 Intelligence, that way you can get down to 2 aura cost and 1 in all the others. Mana Steal abuse is recommended, not much you can do with Mana Regen only.
    Don't ask me how to build uproot gun. I don't know.

    Example builds:

    ETWF: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#5_0K90RZ0DS0QR0K20qo0TN0og03fCI-10000APrometheus02504010405B090690-1200A07370-7200D07310-7800F10M0201c0P020110R020110U010F0X010F0b030-00c07427-7950d030-00e030-00f07370-8860g030-00h0GFURIOUS EFFIGY0s0200a2S0u013630w0207+YY0x023170c100108a130108a1F010111G0230k1M101Z141P001g000010336O
    TWF: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#5_0D80JX0Jh0QR0OK0OK0TN0og03fCI-10000APrometheus02504010405B090690-1200A07370-7200D07310-7800F10M0201c0P020110R020110U010F0X010F0b030-00c07427-7950d030-00e030-00f07370-8860g030-00h0GFURIOUS EFFIGY0s0200a2S0u013630w0207+YY0x023170c100108a130108a1F010111G0230k1M-i1G1k1V-Y1g000010336O
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2022
    Leafish likes this.
  11. Xernial

    Xernial i spent over 50 stx on archangels CHAMPION

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    Entry: Category 2

    (water wand texture because yeah why not)

    Heat Death on steroids
    thats about it

    i know theres already kind of a WA mythic wand but i dont care
    Ice Snake spam with Flashfreeze... I didn't go totally overkill with the costs because I want it to still be able to cast heal and teleport but fuck meteor man
    +Sprint +Sprint Regen based?? i love sprinting
    Has a bunch of Health Regen because often cant heal and it's mage so like it's pretty stupid to not be able to heal

    I recommend ETWA with Moontower, Capricorn works too (totally didnt design it for complete moontower synergy)

    Example builds:

    ETWA Moontower: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#5_0A...S81H0136A1J0106R1K0106R0t0t29+r2b1g00001004lI
    ETWA Capricorn: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#5_0A...S81H0136A1J0106R1K0106R0n0m1w-T2M1g00001004lI

    i accidently made it class req shaman woops
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2022
  12. RatMessiah

    RatMessiah Divine Rodent

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    Entry: Category 1

    Windsong (WA Dagger)

    A lightweight water-air dagger based more about movement speed rather than damage output, similar to it's (basically) father-figure, Moontower. The WA archetype isn't generally optimal for combat. Honestly, it's not even that optimal to begin with. It has a surprisingly low base which gets quite carried by the damage stats and the four powder slots, making the whole weapon quite roll-dependent. I made it so that you can still get decent DPS with Windsong (identical to something like Nullification), at the cost of a large chunk of negative mana steal, which also makes it annoying to build a decent amount of sustain with. 7 mana steal might not be able to consistently sustain 1/2 costs, but Windsong also has a handy amount of -1st spell cost which may allow cycles such as Vanish -> Multi -> Spin -> Spin -> Spin, or something along the lines of that. The negative health regen isn't entirely relevant to the item, it's just a negative in return for the walk speed.

    Honestly, you could look at Windsong as the WA Frankenstein of Nullification's dead body, considering they get identical damage outputs. Though Nulli might win in any case relating to sustain, which Windsong doesn't have. But hey, funny walk speed, am I right?

    - Naturally, as a water dagger, it is quite compatible with Time Rift, which is honestly one of the most broken armor pieces as of the current patches.
    (e)TWA Windsong (Time Rift)

    - If you value living a little bit more, here's a rare occasion where Phantasmagoria can actually be used in a build!
    ETWA Windsong
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2022
    Leafish and Qzphs like this.
  13. Leafish

    Leafish slowly going insane from loot running HERO

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    Entry: Category 1
    Item link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/custo...dL0u013QE0w02072UU0z0201Q660-0300ku3B81F01311

    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...01Q660-0300ku3B81F013110o11141d+T1g00001036CO

    Imposition is my take on a TF mythic bow. There aren't really any heavy melee/heavy hybrid bows, so I figured this would fill that gap (no I don't count epoch as a heavy melee/heavy hybrid bow. I have one, tried it, and it's garbage for that.) The gimmick for this weapon is the 10k base raw melee at the cost of -30 mana steal and -5000 life steal, as well as low base damage so you can't solely rely on spell. To use this weapon properly you need to balance how often you melee. If you never melee your damage is gone. If you constantly melee, your health and mana are gone. The fact that you have to think about your attacks imo makes it pretty unique since with most other weapons you can mindlessly attack/weave in attacks between spells

    Entry: Category 2
    Item link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/custo...3gOFte13023KKAy14023KKAy1D013131H013111L01014

    Build link:
    https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...023KKAy1D013131H013111L0101412-Y14z+1k1g00000 (jingling jester's greed + galleon's 20 stealing = 10000 iq)

    As the name implies the spear has a fast tempo playstyle. It focuses on war scream for damage as well as high mobility to give warrior an archer-like playstyle similar to cherry bombs. I also made this build which has a bit more damage and 242% walk speed. It's not as practical as the other one but seems a bit more fun

    Entry: Category 3
    Item link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/customizer.html#100005Ardor02404010205B090650-1000A0540-800B0660-1000C0520-600F40M0201a0N40Q010e0R010U0S010K0h2RHEARTH: Your totem's ticks deal 8x damage but doesn't heal. Aura deals no damage but heals for 10% of your max hp0i023110Z0j013110t0103D0w0209Oee100109d11010Cq120106Q1B01011

    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#5_0cD0Pf0uj0Qq0TQ0Jf0K40OH05kCI-100005Ardor02404010205B090650-1000A0540-800B0660-1000C0520-600F40M0201a0N40Q010e0R010U0S010K0b0518-360c0540-800d07110-1860e0520-600f030-00g030-00h2RHEARTH: Your totem's ticks deal 8x damage but doesn't heal. Aura deals no damage but heals for 10% of your max hp0i023110Z0j013110t0103D0w0209Oee100109d11010Cq120106Q1B010110o1V1U120+1g000010009I

    Hearth, the major id makes it so your aura heals and your totem becomes the main sources of damage. The heal works the exact same as the shaman, mage, and rally's heal (scales off of health and water% up to 150, does not get affected by water% from intelligence) and heals for 10% of your max hp. The totem tick damage gets multiplied by 8x as a final multiplier. In terms of playstyle it makes it so your damage is pretty much fixed but the amount healing depends on the player, instead of the other way around
    ill probably change the items a bit since theres still a lot of time before the contest ends
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2022
    starx280 and Qzphs like this.
  14. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    Category 1:

    Myosotis Build
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Caesura
    > Bete Noire
    > Chaos-Woven Greaves
    > Silt of the Seafloor
    > Black Catalyst
    > Black Catalyst
    > Enmity
    > Amanuensis
    > Myosotis

    Myosotis is a mythic Earth-Thunder wand that has extreme heavy melee/hybrid capabilities with explosive impact... in return for the lack of a powder special, one of the most powerful tools for such types of builds, as well as very poor defensive capabilities.

    Edit: Slight redo on the damage ids -- while I didn't think anything was wrong number-wise, I was made aware of the fact that a lot of the values were very similar to Warchief, so I changed it up a bit.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2022
    Penguin7922 likes this.
  15. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I should come out of soft hiatus for a few days to enter, might be fun
  16. _834

    _834 I forgot what I was gonna write in this box CHAMPION

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    Entry: Category #2
    Had a fun idea so I decided to give this a little go


    This fabled relik (yes, we already have three but it didn't seem right for this idea to be legendary or mythic) may not seem like it can really do anything at face value, dealing very little melee damage with super slow attack speed, as well as having a high negative spell damage %.
    Rhizome's massive earth damage bonus can only benefit one attack, uproot.

    Pretty much anyone you see (or at least everyone I see) will only be using uproot to refresh their totem or maybe push some mobs around.
    So I thought it would be funny to make a weapon that forces players to use this utility spell as their only solid form of damage.

    Rhizome Build
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Corsair
    > Terra's Mold
    > Philophilia
    > Revenant
    > Intensity
    > Soldier
    > Megabyte
    > Renda Langit
    > Rhizome []

    As stated above this relik is meant to make only uproot do damage, so this build aims to make uproot a spammable form of damage, getting it down to 1 mana cost as well as having some mana steal which works well with the super slow attack speed.
    Shaman's other spells can still be used, however, all will do no damage. Totem has a high mana cost to counteract the benefit of its heal ticks, but aura can still be used to pull mobs into your totem. With a group of mobs stuck on your totem, you're able to hit them all with uproot dealing fairly good amounts of damage.

    I don't know what's meta viable atm, spammable ~8k damage (unboosted) aoe attacks seem fairly good to me
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
    starx280 likes this.
  17. Spenchilada

    Spenchilada Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    There have been 0 bows submitted
  18. Impossikour

    Impossikour Well-Known Adventurer

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    Entry : Category [1]

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Sparkweaver
    > Tisaun's Valor
    > Demon Tide
    > Storm Brewer
    > Flashfire Knuckle
    > Flashfire Knuckle
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Contrast
    > Volcanatrix [f6f6f6]

    This is basically my take on an EF wand, basically Gaia but with meteor. It's a tstack wand with meteor element. For the build I made a hybrid build
  19. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    my submission is a bow, not posted yet
  20. Enderclaw

    Enderclaw Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    dw working on mine ;)
    then i can submit both at once
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