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NO FATE: A Minecraft Map | Part I

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Emogla3, Mar 18, 2022.

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  1. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    After over a year of developing, I'm finally ready to publish this: The first part of a large-scale Minecraft map, made entirely by me. Welcome to NO FATE.

    NO FATE is a very story-driven map, set in a custom-made fantasy world. All of the map's parts will be set in the land of Lasan: a fairly large portion of the world at the western edge of a great continent. Throughout your journey in this land, you will encounter several characters, some of which you'll be travelling and fighting with for long periods of time. Tread through cold tundras and rocky wastelands as the mysteries of ancient times threaten to spark a new war, the like of which the divided people of Lasan haven't seen in hundreds of, perhaps a thousand years.

    The map has been divided into several chapters. Part I contains the first six of them. Gameplay largely consists of combat and exploration within the chapter's area, with some puzzle mechanics and parkour thrown into the mix. Playtime could honestly be anywhere around 5-9 hours depending on how you play. I managed to quickly run most of the main content in the map with full knowledge of everything and so on in around 3 hours.

    NO FATE also has its own resource pack, which is REQUIRED. Without it, certain things ingame will make absolutely zero sense or be practically invisible.

    And as a warning for some: NO FATE has a LOT of dialogue and cutscenes, although they mostly appear in the more story-driven chapters, such as the first one. However, most dialogue can be skipped over pretty quickly.


    You can download the map from Google Drive:

    This .zip file includes three objects:
    - The map's world file [NO FATE] I v1.1
    - The resource pack file NO FATE Official Resource Pack
    - An installation guide .txt file

    After unzipping the file, simply copy and paste the world file into your "saves" folder, and the resource pack into your "resourcepacks" folder. Both are found inside the ".minecraft" folder. If you have trouble with doing this, the installation guide contains a step-by-step guide for installing the map and the resource pack into your game.

    The map is for Minecraft version 1.17.1.

    For now, I've only released this map here on the Wynn forums. I still have a couple new additions planned for the first part, and I'll wait for feedback to update the map once more before I release it on sites like Planet Minecraft.

    Also, I sure as hell hope I haven't missed any major bug that makes a part of the map unplayable, or forgot to update something in the texture pack. Well, I can always update it, so here we go anyway.

    - Emolga3

    - Added two new mechanics to the subspace, both of which are unlocked after Chapter 2 and gain expansions over time:
    * Ability to access all previous merchants (with some items not buyable)
    * Several lore books and other materials that contain information about the world of NO FATE

    - Fixed stealth NPCs in Chapter 4 stopping completely when quitting the game
    - Added important sound effects to certain Chapter 4 stealth NPCs
    - Chapter 4 build improval
    - Chapter 2 and 5 background builds improval
    - Improved and expanded the gear selection in Chapters 5 and 6
    - Added a new unique reward to the optional Challenge in Chapter 5
    - Fixed a color error in the sealed letter item lore

    - Removed the "start at Chapter 3" function from the starting lobby

    - Changed a certain character's appearance in Chapter 1 to match with future chapters
    - The first cutscene of Chapter 2 is now reset properly
    - Infected stump should be reset properly
    - Fixed the spider cave exit not opening after killing the miniboss
    - Sealed letter texture fixed + item lore is in a lighter color now
    - Dying at the start of Chapter 3 should now send you to the correct location
    - Slightly improved Chapter 2 quest NPC dialogue mechanics
    - Made non-main NPC Balesmoth armor stands uninteractable
    - The Abandoned sword should be slightly easier to pick up now
    - Made some item stats more consistent

    - Due to the one gamebreaking issue found, added a mechanic which will only stay for the duration of this patch: You are able to start the game right in front of the Nest of the Rockworms with appropriate gear.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2022
  2. EarthInSpace


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    I haven't finished Part I yet, but I played through a big chunk of it and I gotta say I'm thoroughly impressed. The dialogue system works amazingly well, the custom mobs and their abilities are great, there are some fun and interesting puzzles and challenges. All around really solid work!

    I also noted some of the bugs and issues I found (a couple I had to cheat to bypass, and one Major Game-Breaking Issue that's completely kept me from progressing further so far), but I'll be glad to see more when it gets updated and released :)

    - Armor stands aren't locked, so the player can currently steal clothes and/or heads from the NPCs
    - The Sealed Letter item appears as a broken texture icon (black and magenta square); the lore text on the item is also so dark it's almost unreadable
    - Some of the command block circuits at the very start of Chapter 2 haven't been properly reset; I had to manually remove two redstone blocks
    - There doesn't seem to be any way to return to the overworld after beating the spider boss except dying
    - After reaching the village in Chapter 2, I went back to the Infected Stump (I took the parkour route, so I hadn't completed that challenge), but the exit gate from the stump was closed. When I took the long way around and re-entered the stump from the entrance, the challenge didn't trigger and I had to cheat to get out
    - The first time I died in Chapter 3, I respawned in Subspace, and when I pressed the "Next Chapter" button it skipped Ch3 and sent me straight to the beginning of Chapter 4 instead
    - Starting the Rockworm Nest Challenge crashes the game and hardlocks the map immediately after the titles appear. I've played up until that point twice now, and both times I've had to delete and reinstall the map from the beginning. Not sure if this is JUST my game fucking up or if there's a workaround, etc, but that's the one really game-breaking bug I encountered.
    luckeyLuuk and Emogla3 like this.
  3. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    These are very good to know, thank you. I expected the map to be buggy, and will get to the fixing as soon as I can.

    Could you tell me where exactly the armor stand locks are an issue? I've fixed all that I could find.

    The Stump and spider cave have always been buggy, even in testing, so it was to be assumed that there would be issues; I suppose I'll have to fight with the old chapter 2 spaghetti code again.

    I have ZERO idea what causes the Rockworm nest bug, but I'll take a look at it.
    edit: after analyzing the nest and trying everything I could, I can't find a way to recreate the bug. For me, the system works perfectly. And besides, I find it weird that your game crashes, which makes it less likely to be about a bug in the code, and more about something overloading your device. Did the game lag before crashing? What was the crash message?

    Anyway, thanks a lot for playing the map! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and once I fix the nest bug, I'm sure you'll look forward to see the content of the latter chapters (especially Chapter 6! It isn't that long, but it took me 2 months of everyday developing to create).
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2022
  4. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    An updated patch has been released, you can see the changes I've done in the changelog at the bottom part of the thread
  5. EarthInSpace


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    Checking again, I think the only place I found the armor stand issue is with the four unnamed NPCs in Balesmoth at the very start. That most of the other issues look to be fixed in the new version, so that's all good. (Also thanks for the ch3 button lol)

    I did some investigating of my own on the rockworm crash, and I think I was just REAL unlucky the first time, because I ran through the challenge maybe half a dozen more times and only triggered it once.

    The crash report cites a rendering issue with one of the silverfish (specifically one simply called "Rockworm", seemingly ruling out the Digging variants, which I initially suspected might've been causing problems with their unique mechanics). I have no idea what factor specifically breaks the rendering, though, because for my runs I added some debug lines to your fc2:nestX functions (which I also suspected) and confirmed that all 8 were able to roll without issue on one occasion or another.

    So it seems to just occasionally, randomly happen right after a nestX function is called and spawns a rockworm. Given the inconsistency and the fact you can't reproduce it, though, I'm definitely tempted to conclude that the problem is with my system, not your end. So I hope I didn't alarm you, unless someone else shows up complaining about the same thing I doubt you have much to worry about!

    Hmu if you want the full crash report, though I doubt how much it might help. In the meantime since I know I can get around the issue now, expect me back uh. Possibly later this week! Possibly with more bugs!
    Emogla3 likes this.
  6. EarthInSpace


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    I did end up finishing Chapter 1, later than I expected

    Again, really solid work all around! Lookin forward to the continuation.

    But I also figured out the crash I was having. It was wearing the Runic Helmet that was causing it, presumably something about its unique mechanic. Highly recommended triple-checking things with that helmet, but it still very well might be something on my end compounding the issue, so if you can't reproduce the crash even with the helmet I wouldn't worry about it too much on yours.
    luckeyLuuk and Emogla3 like this.
  7. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Nice, I'll be sure to check the thing with the Runic Helmet.

    I'm glad that there were no more bugs you encounter and that you enjoyed the map, thanks for playing. All I'll say is that a full Part II will take a long time to create from now, especially since I'm shifting towards more ambitious scenes such as seen in Chapter 6.
    EarthInSpace likes this.
  8. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    I'll give you my opinion on the map after I've played it more, but first I must tell you there's a typo in your name in the intro

  9. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    my forum name has a forced typo since i did a thing many years ago and now the forums name "Emolga3" is unusable for everyone
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  10. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Yeah I'm sorry man, I'm not getting a lot more than 15 FPS, and because of that I'm having way too much trouble with the combat (particularly small enemies). I don't think I'm going to be completing it
    Emogla3 likes this.
  11. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    ah, that's a shame. did you get bad FPS all throughout or only in some parts of the map?

    Just in case, could you also check the amount of entities loaded (from f3 display, top left corner, "E:"), as there was one bug in testing where thousands of armor stands spawned in and lagged everything.
  12. IcyDice

    IcyDice Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Definitely looks worthy of a playthrough! Stay motivated in making part II, I gonna need to play that too!
    Emogla3 likes this.
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