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How does exp bonus work on dungeons?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by GTX299, Mar 7, 2022.

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  1. GTX299

    GTX299 Well-Known Adventurer

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    So I was being carried through a CDS run on my other account, with this build https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0rE0Ie0Ti02y0Zi0Zi0Zk0L80ej0e0h0M-q-q1g00000 slapped on, giving me a total of around 180% exp bonus. I also had the 1.3x recruit bonus, as well as a 2x combat exp bomb and from one CDS run, at lvl 67-68, I leveled up to lvl 70 at around 98.2% of the way to lvl 71.

    When I finished the dungeon, that message notifying you completing the dungeon appeared and told me I had received around 1 million exp, but I actually got around 3 million, possibly more.

    The wiki also says that CDS gives 165k exp base. Is the wiki just wrong or are there other factors magically boosting my exp gain by around 1800%? Could someone explain this to me?
  2. sword40

    sword40 Newbie Adventurer

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    I am not sure about that you are able to get 1800%, but if you have 100% xp bonus and you finish a dungeon you got 330k instead of 165k, and if there is a dxp bomb on the server you will get 495k xp
    with 100% xp bonus, so the xp bonus mulitplys the base amountox xp what you got
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