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Archer/Hunter Archer Playthrough Guide With All Legendary and Fabled Bows

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Aquila, Feb 28, 2022.

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  1. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    I'm gonna be real, the title is a bit of a scam because my playthrough only went from 0-80. However, I had experience with all the legendary bows from 80-100 on my first Archer playthrough so ay.

    If you are a new archer and just want a single, specific answer on what bow you should use with no extra text fodder, look at this spoiler.
    Level Range 1-30:
    Any bow works. Legendary bows will outclass all other rarity bows at this level range.
    Level Range 30-45:
    Nemract's Rage (View)
    Level Range 45-70:
    Deadeye (View)
    Level Range 55-70:
    Olux's Prized Bow (View)
    Level Range 62-70:
    Clairvoyance (View)
    Level Range 70-85:
    Maelstrom (View)
    Level Range 75-85:
    Bob's Mythic Bow (View)
    Level Range 85-96:
    Torrential Tide (View)
    Level Range 96-106:
    Orange Lily (View)
    General advice: When concerned about where you should put your skill points, follow this order: gear requirements > intelligence thresholds for spells (View) > defense or strength/dexterity

    Hello nerds, my name is Aquila and today, I will be going over each legendary and fabled bow. I am an Archer main (106) who will forever run Freedom/Spring glass (fight me skrubs). I was bored one day and came up with the idea of doing Orphion's Nexus of Light, a level 80 raid designed for level 100s, at level 80 on Archer (because I lack skill in all other classes). I decided to use this opportunity of creating a new class to test out all of the legendary and fabled bows that Archer had to offer.

    This thread will mainly show my opinions and experiences with each bow and the bows I think new players should pick up when doing their first Archer playthroughs. I should mention that I never used consumables (potions) throughout the entirety of my playthrough. This does have some major influence on my opinions. You will see me favoring defense and incorporating health sustain in builds a lot. This thread also endorses "low level building," something that seems to be generally advised against due to being a waste of money.

    All the boss altars will be talked about. None of the dungeons (except for Eldritch Outlook) will be talked about as I believe the boss altars are somewhat harder in difficulty and warrant actual advice and coverage. The raids will be talked about but not in depth, just brief overviews and suggestions.

    If you are curious about my thoughts on specific bows, I would advice using a search word feature (probably ctrl+F) to find the bows (also, new players who are interested in learning class building, go search for my commentary on Maelstrom and tackle the challenge I set there). I didn't want to create a list of spoilers.

    Combat Lv. 5: Iron String (View)
    This is the lowest level legendary bow that exists in wynncraft and it is quite powerful at level. It's able to one-shot practically every mob in its level range and mobs with more health will just get shredded by its arrow storm.
    In my first and second playthrough of Archer, I obtained this bow through killing the mobs along the Emerald Trail. Therefore, I am fairly biased in assessing how difficult it is to obtain this bow as a new player. If you are a new player and you get your hands on this bow, then good, it will be very useful and last you up until level 20ish. However, if you are not able to get your hands on this bow, then it does not matter because you could practically use any bow at this level range (1-20) and progress with ease.

    Combat Lv. 11: Crackshot (View)
    Crackshot is basically Iron String but higher level. It shoots slower although this is not really noticeable as Iron String has "Very Slow Attack Speed" and Crackshot has "Super Slow Attack Speed." Crackshot virtually one shots every mob at level and shreds higher health mobs with arrow storm. Both Iron String and Crackshot are good for completing Decrepit Sewers (level 9 dungeon).
    Read the advice for Iron String as it also applies with Crackshot. I will say that if you find the slower attack rate of Crackshot to hinder your ability to kill mobs, then you should simply use a bow with an attack rate that suits your style of play. The bow you use at this level range (1-20) is fairly negligible.

    Combat Lv. 12 Witherhead's Bow (View)
    This is the first legendary bow to introduce powder slots. This isn't really an impactful aspect of the weapon unless you add a high tier powder. Most new players won't have higher tier powders. Most new players won't even come across this bow. This bow comes from the dungeon rain that appears after successfully completing Decrepit Sewers, but it has a small chance of actually dropping. Regardless, it is a powerful bow that has very strong arrow storm damage and has "Very Fast Attack Speed" to contrast the two legendary bows before it.
    If you somehow miraculously get this bow from the dungeon rain, then good for you. Please do not blacksmith it for money, even if you don't use it. If you are leveling up, you should not go actively seeking for this bow as the drop chance is very low. Any bow from the level range of 1-20 should do just fine.

    Combat Lv. 14 Relic (View)
    This will sound redundant but I think you'll find that all the low level legendaries are quite powerful. They simply do tons of damage for their level and will carry you through the early stages of the game. Relic is the first of several rainbow legendaries and is quite good for Infested Pits (level 18 dungeon). There's this common belief that Infested Pits is hell for Archers at level 18 because Archer has not unlocked bomb spell yet (level 21) but Relic trivializes the dungeon. I'm sure Iron String and Crackshot would as well, although with a bit more difficulty.

    Combat Lv. 18 Skin Piercer (View)
    It's Witherhead's Bow but higher level and much more accessible. This bow can be obtained through killing mobs or loot chests as opposed to dungeon rain. It might be a good idea to powder Skin Piercer with a tier 1 or tier 2 thunder powder as that will amplify its damage. Skin Piercer is a good bow for defeating Bovine Barn (level 20 Boss Altar). Advice for Bovine Barn is in the spoiler.
    The boss of Bovine Barn is called Durum Protector and he is a melee boss with the spells: push, charge, and heavy charge. The arena also has four 'Guardian Scarecrows,' one in each corner of the map. They are stationary, ranged minions. I would highly advice dumping your skill points into intelligence until it hits the highest 'intelligence threshold' available (refer to these mana charts) as this will reduce the mana cost of your spells. Archer tends to be a more spell oriented class (especially due to melee archer [main attack] being scuffed for reasons). If you have armor with specific skill point requirements, fulfill those first before dumping into intelligence. Dump your remaining preferably into defense. The trick to defeating Bovine Barn is to kill one of the Guardian Scarecrows and stay in that corner so the other Scarecrows cannot hit you. If the Guardian Scarecrow in your corner respawns, kill it again. Kill the Durum Protector using circular movement strafing. Whittle it down with arrow storms when you have high mana. Always make sure to have enough mana to sprint and cast two spells. When you see white particles form circles around the Durum Protector, it means he is about to cast a spell, which might be pull, charge, or heavy charge. As he is about the cast the spell, escape directly upwards. This will cause him to charge underneath you and land away from you. Be sure to crouch during escape to land back on the ground faster. If he casts pull spell instead of charge, then cast another escape away from the boss, into another corner if you have to. Kill the Scarecrow in that corner if you move. You should realize that you cannot burst down the Durum Protector at level 20 with rapid fire arrow storms. You will die due to lack of mana resulting in lack of sprint. It may be preferable to fight the Durum Protector at a higher level when you have bomb spell and higher level bows at your disposal.
    Durum Protector has a chance of dropping Durum's Serenity (level 25 legendary necklace). It is quite a powerful early game necklace as it gives 7 intelligence and 5 strength.

    Combat Lv. 21 Molotov (View)
    Molotov is the first fire legendary and it comes at a fitting level, 21. Level 21 introduces the bomb spell to Archer and bomb spell has fire and earth elemental conversions (calculation shenanigans). The point is fire and earth based weapons tend to have slightly higher damage bombs. You might wonder why this matters as arrow storm appears to be a high dps (damage per second) spell already. Well, bomb spell's AoE (area of effect) damage is quite effective at clearing hordes of mobs. This makes Molotov quite an optimal tool for grinding Infested Pits (level 18 dungeon), Lost Sanctuary (level 24 dungeon) and Underworld Crypt (level 27 dungeon), both of which feature swarms of spiders, lizards and zombies respectively. Molotov is also quite effective at clearing Rotten Passage (level 25 boss altar), which also features a swarm of zombies. Advice for Rotten Passage is in the spoiler.
    Frankly, if you have Skin Piercer, you don't need Molotov. Molotov is more consistent than Skin Piercer as Skin Piercer has a lower low end and a higher high end. If you have neither, then that is fine as this is still a low level range and the bow you use doesn't matter all that much. Preferably use a unique or rare bow as opposed to a normal bow.
    It may be a good idea to read the first part of the Bovine Barn advice pertaining to intelligence skill points. Upon entering the arena, the first thing you have to do is clear the swarm of mobs. You cannot just spam bombs, however. The trick is to let the mobs gather together as they come for you and then cast bomb, then escape away to the other side of the arena. Repeat this until majority of the swarm is dead. You always need to make sure to have mana to cast escape. Haros, the boss, deals lots of damage so maintaining strafing is a good idea. Once most of the mobs are dead, you can then focus on Haros using either bombs or arrow storms depending on your aim. It is best to keep distance as Haros can end you in an instant. If you are using Molotov to beat Haros, do not be concerned about the fact that Haros has fire defense, it's basically negligible.

    Combat Lv. 27 Glacial Crest (View)
    I would say that Glacial Crest is the first fairly disappointing legendary for Archer. It does mediocre damage (on par with the likes of Skin Piercer and Molotov, both of which are several levels lower) and has some annoying stats. Negative health regen raw is quite annoying alongside the negative health. It also has negative fire damage% which makes damage from arrow storms and bombs slightly weaker. It does have some juicy stats in the form of spell damage% and 1/5s mana regen (support for casting spells) but otherwise, it's just a fairly weak legendary. The good thing is there's not much to do at level 27. Molotov (or literally any unique or rare bow) can clear Underworld Crypt (level 27 dungeon) just fine.
    If this is the only legendary that you own at level 27, then it probably is better than all other bows that you have as it still deals good damage for its level. However, any unique or rare bow can also allow you to level up just as fast as any legendary at this level range.

    Combat Lv. 30 Nemract's Rage (View)
    Nemract's Rage is such a lovely bow. It gives up to 3/5s mana regen and up to 30% spell damage! This bow can carry for a decent amount of time (probably from 30-60?) so it may be worth putting double tier 4 water powders on it. However, I would only recommend this if you happen to own a Nemract's Rage with max mana regen and decent spell damage, otherwise, this would be a waste of powders. This is still the range where using any unique or rare bow will suffice. There's unfortunately not much to do at the level 30ish range as the next dungeon is at level 36 and the next boss altar is at level 40.
    This bow will give you some insight in the Archer spell cycle playstyle. A tip that isn't super relevant at this level but still important is to note spell costs and how they increase. Let's say you cast an arrow storm that costs 3 mana 5 times. The mana costs will look like this per cast: 3 3 4 5 6. The mana cost of the spell increases. Note that this cost penalty resets after around 2-3 seconds of not casting the spell. The cost penalty also resets if you cast another spell. So lets say you cast an arrow storm and then a bomb repeatedly (both costing 3 mana). The mana costs would look like this per cast: 3 (storm) 3 (bomb) 3 (storm) 3 (bomb) . . . The costs of the spells no longer increase. Use this to your advantage.

    Combat Lv. 31 Damnation (View)
    Damnation is the legendary bow that comes from Underworld Crypt and it does more damage per spell than Nemract's Rage. It also comes with a nice main attack damage bonus and some defense. Between the level 30 and level 31 legendary, it's more about whether you care about more spells over slightly more damage per spell (but less spells) and defense. It's also about whether you want to run Underworld Crypt 5 times for Damnation.
    I would like to note that Nemract's Rage benefits from double tier 4 water powders while Damnation benefits from double tier 4 fire powders. Powder specials exist when two tier 4+ powders of the same element are put onto a weapon or armor. In the instance of weapons, powder specials can be charged up through melee attacks (normal attacks) and can be casted through crouching while performing a normal attack. Slower attack speeds charge powder specials in fewer attacks. Faster attack speeds charge powder specials in more attacks. The water powder weapon special is called 'curse' and it applies a debuff to mobs that you hit with the special arrow. The mobs will take more damage in the duration of the curse. The fire powder weapon special is called 'courage' and it applies a damage buff to you and everyone near you. Both powder specials seem to have a similar effect in allowing you to deal more damage over a short period of time but the main difference is how they take effect. Curse only applies to the specific mobs hit by it while courage is a buff to the player meaning you deal more damage to all mobs during the duration of the special. You'll generally find that curse tends to give a larger damage boost than courage so both have their advantages and disadvantages. Other powder specials do other things.

    Combat Lv. 34 Snakeroot Bow (View)
    Snakeroot Bow does loads of damage at its level and can carry for a long time (34-60 probably). Despite having "Very Slow Attack Speed" (slower attack speed weapons have smaller spell damage multipliers) it has very nice arrow storm and bomb damage. It has two annoying stats - negative walk speed and negative health - but it more than makes up for it with its damage. It's "Very Slow Attack Speed" makes it very nice for charging up powder specials. If you are to powder this bow with tier 4 powders, I would suggest double tier 4 fire powders for the courage powder special. Otherwise, just do whatever tier 1-3 thunder or fire powders you have. I would say this bow is criminally underrated although this may be more of an issue regarding its obtainability rather than its popularity. This bow is very strong for handling Sand Swept Tomb (level 36 dungeon) and Sunrise Canyon (level 40 boss altar).
    This bow pairs really well with the items: Sundown Poncho (View), and Marius' Prison (View). Sundown Poncho gives +9 dexterity and defense as well as good damage in both elements and 500 health. Marius' Prison gives 5/3 mana steal and 75/3 lifesteal. Both chestplates give -1 attack speed which makes powder charging easier as it brings Snakeroot Bow from "Very Slow Attack Speed" to "Super Slow Attack Speed." Sundown Poncho comes from Sunrise Canyon (level 40 boss altar) and Marius' Prison comes from Prison of Souls (level 45 boss altar).
    This boss is really easy for Archer as you can simply outrange Rymek Luke and stay out of his agro range (the range of which he can see you and begins to attack you). Note that Rymek Luke has negative knockback meaning that arrow storming him will cause him to come towards you. Avoid using arrow storms and whittle him down from range using bombs. Rymek Luke has two phases so don't get confused. If he does begin to attack you, keep a big distance from him. Be sure to escape away from him whenever you see he is about to cast a spell (as indicated by the white circle particles).
    Rymek Luke has a chance of dropping Deadeye (level 45 fabled bow) and Sundown Poncho (level 40 legendary chestplate).

    Combat Lv. 35 Tempo Trebuchet (View)
    Tempo Trebuchet can be a mainhand weapon but I find that it mainly serves the role as a support weapon. It has respectable damage but is not as high as Snakeroot Bow (perhaps that is just a testament to Snakeroot Bow's raw power). It has very nice stats which support spell gameplay and health sustain. It would preferably be powdered with two tier 4 water or fire powders if being used as a mainhand weapon. Obtaining this weapon may be a hassle and may be a waste of time. This bow is also good for clearing Sand Swept Tomb (level 36 dungeon) and Sunrise Canyon (level 40 boss altar). It may also be good in handling Prison of Souls (level 45 boss altar).
    It takes 9x Time Fragments to buy this bow from the Tempo Town merchant. This is a fairly significant usage of time which could be used simply leveling up. It is your decision on whether you want this bow or not.

    Combat Lv. 36 Mesarock Arch (View)
    Mesarock Arch unsurprisingly has good damage and rivals that of Snakeroot Bow. Well, it rivals Snakeroot Bow until level 40 where Snakeroot Bow gets strong synergy with Sundown Poncho. This bow is also a strong tool for clearing Sand Swept Tomb (level 36 dungeon), Sunrise Canyon (level 40 boss altar) and (maybe) Prison of Souls (level 45 boss altar). Bringing this bow to Ice Barrows (level 45 dungeon) will also make your life tremendously easier as one of the mini bosses and the boss itself has earth weakness. I would recommend powdering this bow with either full earth powders (tier 1-3) or two tier 4 water/fire powders and one tier (1-4) earth powder.

    Combat Lv. 39 Chaser (View)
    Chaser is a low level walkspeed bow. It should be treated as a support bow. If you can wield it without sacrificing too much intelligence for spell costs, you should take advantage of it. Notably, it takes 5 runs of Sand Swept Tomb (level 36 dungeon) to buy this bow so it may not be worth the time. It is very useful for doing no-consum (no consumables allowed) Sunrise Canyon (level 40 boss altar) and Prison of Souls (level 45 boss altar) as if you get low on health, you can just outrun the bosses. It does decent damage but not as much as Snakeroot Bow or Mesarock Arch.
    It is your choice for whether you grind for this bow or not. Chaser is a walkspeed bow and thus, can be used at any level, as long as you meet the agility requirement. However, you should note that if you really really want a walkspeed bow, perhaps Chaser isn't the best idea because at level 49, a rare bow called The Traveler is introduced and it can have up to +30% walkspeed, the same as Chaser. It has no skill point requirements and so can be used with any build without devoting 30 skill points to agility.

    Combat Lv. 42 Thunderbolt (View)
    It's Skin Piercer but higher level. It comes with some extra quality of life stats such as walkspeed and agility. It rivals the likes of Snakeroot Bow + Sundown Poncho but note that Snakeroot Bow has access to powder specials and has more consistent damage in comparison to Thunderbolt. This is also a decent choice for completing Sunrise Canyon (level 40 boss altar) and Ice Barrows (level 45 dungeon).
    If you favor consistency, use Snakeroot Bow. If you enjoy the walkspeed, use Thunderbolt. If you have neither, then that's okay. Any unique or rare bow still works.

    Combat Lv. 45 Deadeye (View)
    This is the first fabled bow. It is a drop from Sunrise Canyon. Most people find it to be quite powerful and say that it can carry you all the way to the 80s level range. This is due to the Major ID: Hawkeye, which turns your arrow storm into 5 arrows that shoot in a single stream. With high cps (clicks per second), you can achieve very high but not sustained dps through your arrow storms. Hawkeye allows you to deal dps with arrow storm at a range (velocity of the arrows from both arrow storms are the same but due to all the arrows in Hawkeye being in one stream, you can stay farther back rather than get up close to land the full force of your arrow storm).
    Personally, I find Deadeye to be quite overrated because you can't sustain dps for long from the level 45-70 level range. This is due to the innate nature of the Major ID. Hawkeye arrow storms have a shorter duration than regular arrow storm and so demands higher mana consumption. This becomes apparent in bossfights where you cannot simply burst down the boss in a few seconds. Examples of this would be Prison of Souls (level 45 boss altar) and Ice Barrows (level 45 dungeon). Regardless of this, Deadeye is a strong choice for both of these challenges.
    If you're trying to grind this bow and do three runs without getting Deadeye as a drop, then I would advice you to stop. Obviously, having loot bonus increases the chance of getting this drop but regardless, if you don't get the bow, you should probably stop and level up instead.
    Prison of Souls is quite a tough boss altar for Archers at level 45. It may be advisable to do it at a higher level. There are two bosses, each with two phases. I don't exactly have a proper strategy to suggest here and the way you tackle this boss depends on your playstyle. The bosses are The Beast -> The Unfettered and The Enslaved -> The Unbound. The first phase bosses are ranged while the second phase bosses are melee. The bosses are all very heavy hitting to Archers, and the melee bosses move really fast. The way I tackled this challenge was killing one boss at a time. Whenever I was low, I would focus on running away from the boss with arrow shield casted around me. Deadeye is strong as it is neutral damage and does not get walled by the elemental defenses of the bosses. Deadeye allows you to maintain much needed distance between yourself and the bosses.
    Prison of Souls has a chance of dropping Marius' Prison (level 50 legendary chestplate), a great chestplate that synergizes well with spell oriented bows with slower attack speeds.

    Combat Lv. 49 Eruption (View)
    Eruption is fine. It has decent bomb damage and hits some alright quakes (earth powder special). Frankly, I don't have much to say about this bow. I prefer Snakeroot Bow, Tempo Trebuchet, and Deadeye over it as this level. It's not weak by any stretch of the imagination but I find the three bows above more comfortable to play with. It does help a lot with grinding Ice Barrows (level 45 dungeon).

    Combat Lv. 51 Contamination (View)
    Contamination sucks. The dps you can get from the poison is much lower than the dps you can get from spells using nearly any other bow at this level. There's not much support (items) for poison oriented builds at this level.
    Advice for New Players: Don't get this bow lol. If you have it, blacksmith it.

    Post Continues On Next Message
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2022
  2. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Combat Lv. 52 Evanescent (View)
    Evanescent is a good bow. It gives 1/5 mana regen, 1/3 mana steal, +10 agility, walkspeed%, water damage%, and air damage%. It is great for clearing Undergrowth Ruins (level 54 dungeon) and for doing Nest of the Grootslangs (level 54 raid designed for level 60-70s) specifically at level 54. It is not so good for Plague Laboaratory (level 55 boss altar) but is fine for Tribal Sanctuary (level 57 boss altar) and Magmastream Core (level 60 boss altar). Level 55 introduces bows that are more adept at handling Nest of the Grootslangs but Evanescent is the best bow available at level 54. If doing Nest of the Grootslangs at 54, it is adviseable to powder Evanescent with two tier 4 fire powders as several of the mobs in the raid have fire weakness. Otherwise, it is advised to do two tier 4 water powders. I will heavily advise against doing Nest of the Grootslangs at level 54 because you will die multiple times unless you have several hundred hours of experience in wynncraft and with Archer.
    This bow can last you for a while but you should not bother searching or buying one as unique and rare bows are still fine at this level. At level 55, you are given a strong legendary bow for free given you do the quest, "Shadow of the Beast," which has professions requirements.
    Nest of the Grootslangs is raid unlocked at level 54 designed for level 60-70s. The mobs deal tons of damage from the level 54-69 range and I would only recommend doing it at level 70+ if you don't want to die a lot. The boss is honestly the easiest part of the raid due to the buffs. The rooms are quite difficult at the level range but this usually doesn't matter too much as most NotG parties will have at least one level 90+ person who can carry the team.
    WynnBuilder build:
    Suchimu [e6a4] (53)
    Marius' Prison (50)
    The Levee (46)
    Anchoryl (52)
    Precious (41)
    Precious (41)
    Reminiscence (41)
    Durum's Serenity (25)
    [f4f4] (52)

    I had The Traveler (49), Deadeye (45), and Dorian (54) as secondary bows.
    This is a very expensive build for level 54 (around 8-12 liquid emeralds).

    Combat Lv. 55 Infinity (View)
    Infinity is Relic but higher level. It is strong and is good for Undergrowth Ruins (level 54 dungeon), Tribal Sanctuary (level 57 boss altar) and Magmastream Core (level 60 boss altar). It is decent for Nest of the Grootslangs (level 54 raid designed for level 60-70s). It struggles majorly with Plague Laboaratory (level 55 boss altar). While Infinity is good, it is outclassed by Olux's Prized Bow which is also a level 55 bow that can be gotten for free through the quest "Shadow of the Beast." Notably, this quest requires level 20 gathering professions.

    Combat Lv. 55 Olux's Prized Bow (View)
    Olux's Prized Bow is very powerful and it's free! The bow is literally low level Orange Lily. It comes from "Shadow of the Beast" which does require having professions leveled up. It has good synergy with Marius' Prison as slower attack speeds are more likely to proc mana steal and life steal. It also has good synergy with Draoi Fair (View) (level 60 fabled ring from the quest "Order of the Grook"). Olux's Prized Bow is able to handle Undergrowth Ruins (level 54 dungeon), Nest of the Grootslangs (level 54 raid designed for level 60-70s), Plague Laboratory (level 55 boss altar), Tribal Sanctuary (level 57 boss altar), Magmastream Core (level 60 boss altar), Galleon's Graveyard (level 63 dungeon), Warden of Wisdom (boss from level 64 quest "Realm of Light III: A Headless History), Corrupter of Worlds (boss from level 68 quest "Temple of Legends"), and Corrupted Decrepit Sewers (level 70 forgery dungeon).
    An alternative to Marius' Prison is Blasphemy (View) (level 50 legendary chestplate from Ice Barrows).

    Advice for the three boss altars will be short as boss altars become easier the higher level you become.
    The Plague Doctor is ranged and does pretty high damage. It is not worth focusing the minions as they are tough to kill. Always keep your arrow shield up to stop the minions from swarming and killing you. Prioritize the boss and maintain distance. The only somewhat useful drop for archer is Purification Bead (View) (level 55 rare necklace) as it gives +5 defense and some health regen raw and health regen%.
    This boss altar is needed for the quest "The Passage" and can be used to buy Mask of Enlightenment (View) and Mask of Courage (View) from the Iboju mask merchant using Antic Beads. I personally found it easier to kill the minions first and then whittle down the boss as some of the minions can heal the boss. The boss has charge spell so it is a good idea to escape away as he is about to charge.
    The boss gets shredded really fast with a water bow. Olux's Prized Bow and Evanescent will demolish this boss so it may be in your best interest to burst down the boss with close up arrow storms. If you don't have a water bow, then you will want to kill the minions and then the boss. Make sure to keep great distance between yourself and the boss when it flies as it will attempt to land on you and deal massive damage. Always keep up arrow shield as the minions will shred your health if they swarm you. Magmastream Core's boss as the chance of dropping four really strong items:
    Phage Pins (View) (Boots)
    Crystal Coil (View) (Chestplate)
    Capsid Frame (View) (Helmet)
    Thermal Replication (View) (Ingredient)

    Combat Lv. 59 Soundwave (View)
    Soundwave is bad for a couple of reasons. It is a heavy melee bow as indicated by the high base damage, "Super Slow Attack Speed," and negative spell damage%. The problem with this is that there is no heavy melee support at level 59.
    The one item that exists to support heavy melee is Crystal Coil (View) which has a strength requirement of 50. Having to devote a total of 120 skill points to Soundwave + Crystal Coil at level 61 (literally all your sp) results in a very glassy build with negative walkspeed. There is also the route of trying to stack +attack tier items onto Soundwave but this will result in a similar problem. The main support for this is Scarlet Veil (View) (level 52 fabled helmet), Heartbreak (View) (level 49 legendary boots from Ice Barrows), Mummy's Rag (View) (level 38 legendary chestplate from the quest "Wrath of the Mummy"), and Secondsaver (View) (level 30 legendary chestplate from Tempo Town). You can only get +3 attack speed tiers bringing your attack speed from "Super Slow" to "Normal." The dps isn't great and you are still glassy. The only time this would shine is when there are several mobs close together solely due to Scarlet Veil's major id: Explosive Impact. Lastly, Soundwave does not have access to powder specials making it significantly weaker compared to another heavy melee bow 7 levels higher: Redbeard's Hand Cannon.

    Combat Lv. 62 Clairvoyance (View)
    Clairvoyance is a good bow. I would argue that Olux's Prized Bow is better than Clairvoyance but only if you decide to create optimal builds for both bows. If you aren't very invested into the science behind builds, then Clairvoyance will be better as it simply deals more damage and offers some nice stats for spells. It is advised to powder it with two tier 4 water powders. Clairvoyance is effective at clearing all the bosses that Olux's Prized Bow is.
    This ramble includes a lot of builder jargon and will not be explained in simpler terms.

    Personally, I find Clairvoyance a lot weaker than Olux's Prized Bow because of the incredible synergy between Olux's Prized Bow and Marius' Prison. Olux's Prized Bow having "Slow Attack Speed" as compared to Clairvoyance's "Fast Attack Speed" makes it synergize with mana steal items much better. You can basically have sustained spell cycling with Olux's Prized Bow + Marius' Prison + Draoi Fair + some other mana regen items like Venison, Kaas' Fur, Mask of Enlightenment... Just get intelligence up to 105 or 129 for 1 | 3 or 1 | 2 costs, strength to 25, and have some left over for defense. It helps that Olux's Prized Bow has Durum's Serenity and Venison for massive sp support.

    Compare this to Clairvoyance. Clairvoyance gives mana steal but has "Fast Attack Speed." It's a little difficult to build mana regen items with Clairvoyance as they all don't synergize super well. You could try building in Capsid Frame or Phage Pins with Dragon's Eye Bracelet and get 105 int for 2 | 2 costs but there simply isn't enough mana regen from other items. Of course, you can try doing both Capsid Frame and Phage Pins and leave the chestplate and leggings for tanky gear and maybe this will work better than Olux's Prized Bow. There is also the argument that complete mana sustain is not necessary at this level to which I say: maybe you're right. Regardless, Marius' Prison is much more accessible to level 60s as compared to Capsid Frame and Phage Pins. Not to mention the fact that Capsid Frame and Phage Pins give such little hp that the build would probably end up being glassy despite being WF. You could try Venison + Draoi Fair + Durum's Serenity + Clairvoyance but then you have to realize that there's no other way to build in good mana regen without using low level items like Kaas' Fur or Tsunami. There is the other possibility of going for Eyes On All + Abysso Galoshes + Clairvoyance. But note Eyes On All's 45 dexterity requirement as compared to Draoi Fair's 25 strength requirement. TWf Clairvoyance will be more glassy than EWf Olux's Prized Bow. Maybe this doesn't matter as much if you are using consumables but it matters a great deal when not using consumables. Also note that Eyes On All is expensive and the rng for a favorable roll is not very high.

    Lastly, I would like to say that the fact that you can build in sustaining spell cycling on Olux's Prized Bow (even with faster cps) at the level 60-70 range should just imply that Olux's Prized Bow can reach higher sustained dps and higher suggestive ehp (due to always having mana to sprint and to cast shield or escape)

    Combat Lv. 65 Hesperium (View)
    This is the second and last fabled bow for Archer. It's a fine bow but there's no real reason to use it over Olux's Prized Bow and Clairvoyance other than the major id: Fission. You basically have to use Hesperium with Scarlet Veil (View) in order to get its full potential. It's a tier + raw stack bow but similar to Soundwave, there is a lack of support for tier + raw stack at this level. The only time this bow would really stand out is when there is a cluster of mobs as explosives can chain off of one another. Hesperium results in low single target dps and fairly glassy builds due to Scarlet Veil's elemental defenses.

    Combat Lv. 66 Redbeard's Hand Cannon (View)
    Redbeard's Hand Cannon can be obtained through six runs of Galleon's Graveyard. It is quite a powerful bow, contrary to its heavy melee friend, Soundwave. This is because Redbeard's Hand Cannon has none of the things that holds Soundwave back. Sure, there is still a lack of heavy melee support with Crystal Coil (View) being the only real synergizing item but Redbeard's Hand Cannon has virtually no skill point requirements and has access to quake. It is heavily advised to powder Redbeard's Hand Cannon with three tier 4+ earth powders for the quake powder special. Quake can hit high numbers when put on a weapon with high base damage and in a build with high raw melee damage. The fact that the bow has almost no skill point requirements means you can build in high defense while maintaining good damage through Crystal Coil and quake. Defensive items include Mask of Courage (View) (level 57 legendary helmet), The Forgery (View) (level 74 legendary helmet), Fire Wire (View) (level 67 rare leggings from the quest "From the Mountains"), Ironclad (View) (level 66 unique leggings), Guardian Loop (View) (level 62 unique ring), Garnet Ring (View) (level 67 unique ring), Back-Up Plan (View) (level 70 rare bracelet from Altar of Sanctification), and Purification Bead (View) (level 55 rare necklace from Plague Laboratory). It's also a good idea to pair Redbeard's Hand Cannon with Phage Pins (View) so you can have 1 mana cost escape spells despite having 0 intelligence and have good mobility.
    Even without Crystal Coil, Redbeard's Hand Cannon is able to deal decent damage on its own. It might be a good idea to use The Jingling Jester (View) (level 69 fabled chestplate) for the major id: Greed. Arrow storm + 10% Stealing (from the bow) is a great way to regenerate health.

    Redbeard's Hand Cannon has no trouble with defeating Corrupter of Worlds (boss from level 68 quest "Temple of Legends"), Amadel (boss from level 70 quest "Wynn Excavation Site D"), Challenge of the Blades (level 70 boss altar), Altar of Sanctification (level 70 boss altar), Arena of the Legends (level 70 boss altar), Lari (boss from level 71 quest "Realm of Light IV: Finding the Light), and Reflection (boss from level 79 quest "Realm of Light V: The Realm of Light). It is a good choice for defeating the tough boss, Bob (boss from level 74 quest "Reincarnation").

    I will note that the you will struggle majorly with Redbeard's Hand Cannon if you have a difficult time playing with negative walkspeed.

    Combat Lv. 67 Spectral Slingshot (View)
    Spectral Slingshot is Infinity but higher level. Spectral Slingshot does not have access to powder slots, nor does it give +5 skill points in each skill. It is still a decent option but is outclassed by Olux's Prized Bow, Clairvoyance, and Redbeard's Hand Cannon.

    Corrupter of Worlds is a fast moving melee boss with a very fast attack rate. He has pull spell and multihit. Upon first entering the cave, you will drop down into a tiny pond at the end of a hallway into a big room. There, a horde of mobs will spawn. Simply go around or escape above them and go to the other side of the room. You will fall into another pit and then commence the fight with the Corrupter of Worlds.
    The way you fight him depends on your build. Most people will be running some sort of spell oriented build with either a fire or air weapon as the boss has fire and air weakness. Utilize arrow storm and arrow shield to your advantage to keep the boss from mauling you. If you are running Redbeard's Hand Cannon, having Phage Pins is a very good idea as you will need to rely a lot on escape spell to maintain distance. Don't be afraid to use arrow storm on a heavy melee build to keep the boss away. Try to keep your arrow shield up as the minions can do some serious damage.

    Combat Lv. 70 Maelstrom (View)
    I am a little biased to Maelstrom as it is one of those og bows but it is still a good bow by today's standards. It can fairly easily handle almost all the significant bosses from the 70-85 range. The builds for it have definitely changed. I find that it's best to build TWFA (thunder water fire air) with it. It is advised to powder it with a tier 4 thunder powder.
    Here is an exercise for all you new people: Create a strong build for Maelstrom at any level from 70-75. Use https://wynnbuilder.github.io/ and remember to change to level to anything from 70-75.
    This is a list of good items with Maelstrom (assuming you are building TWFA):
    Meikyo Shisui (View) (level 66 legendary helmet)
    Blue Mask (View) (level 68 legendary helmet)
    Mask of Enlightenment (View) (level 57 legendary helmet)
    Mask of Courage (View) (level 57 legendary helmet)
    Capsid Frame (View) (level 60 rare helmet)
    Dravarden (View) (level 56 rare chestplate)
    Millennium (View) (level 63 legendary chestplate)
    Admiral (View) (level 67 legendary chestplate)
    Evening Primrose (View) (level 67 legendary leggings)
    Fire Wire (View) (level 67 rare leggings)
    Cursed Jackboots (View) (level 66 legendary boots)
    Passus Lux (View) (level 73 legendary boots)
    Sodeta Boots (View) (level 66 legendary boots)
    Abysso Galoshes (View) (level 60 legendary boots)
    Detective's Ring (View) (level 74 rare ring)
    Precious (View) (level 41 legendary ring)
    Photon (View) (level 61 unique ring)
    Garnet Ring (View) (level 67 unique ring)
    Marvel (View) (level 72 legendary ring)
    Magical Loop (View) (level 62 unique ring)
    Guardian Loop (View) (level 62 unique ring)
    Raindrop (View) (level 69 unique ring)
    Dragon's Eye Bracelet (View) (level 60 fabled bracelet)
    Scalding Band (View) (level 63 rare bracelet)
    Reminiscence (View) (level 41 legendary bracelet)
    Royal Stormy Amulet (View) (level 75 legendary necklace)
    Purification Bead (View) (level 55 rare necklace)
    Eyes On All (View) (level 60 fabled necklace)
    Willpower (View) (level 42 unique necklace)
    Durum's Serenity (View) (level 25 legendary necklace)
    Generally when creating a build for any spell spam bow, you are looking for cheap spells (usually 105 or 129 intelligence with Dragon's Eye Bracelet for Maelstrom), good mana regen, good "effective health points," and other quality of life stats that you may care about. Don't feel limited to only using the items I listed. Go research and find items using either wynndata.tk or wynnbuilder atlas.

    I know that I just praised Maelstrom but Maelstrom has a fairly difficult time with Amadel's third phase due to his elemental defenses. Bringing a neutral damage weapon is probably the best way to go if you are trying a spell oriented build as you will avoid his elemental defenses for the most part. The most optimal way to beat Amadel is probably an EF (earth fire) Redbeard's Hand Cannon build. Since the bow has a high base damage, it will barely be affected by the boss's elemental defenses and will have enough tankiness to more-or-less withstand Amadel.

    For bossfight 1, you will either want to burst him down or kill the minions and then whittle him down. There really isn't much to watch out for apart from the minions which hit decently hard.
    For bossfight 2, it is advisable to stay next to a wall or at the entrance so that you don't attract all of the shadow clones at once. The only way to tell which shadow clone is the real Amadel is to look at the health bars and see which one has a lot more health than the others. Take this fight slow and it should be as easy win.
    Amadel hits hard in bossfight 3. He has defenses in every element so be sure to prepare for that. It is a good idea to maintain a lot of distance between you and Amadel for the first and second phase. Once he is no longer a wither (phase 3), the battle is basically won.

    The reward token you get at the end of the quest can be used to buy one of five necklaces in Cinfras. I would advise either buying Royal Stormy Amulet (View) or Royal Blazing Amulet (View).
    This boss basically just multiplies each time you kill him. He multiplies very fast and so you can die very fast if you are not careful. Using a spell build and making use of bomb spell will easily win you the fight.
    (Really not much to say here).
    This boss can be difficult. The boss has 11 phases and some of the phases hit hard. A majority of the phases have air, water, and thunder weakness so Maelstrom will shred this boss.
    First Phase: This is a slow moving melee mob with a charge spell that does high damage. Be sure to get away whenever you see he is about to cast charge. He has earth and fire defense.
    Second Phase: This is a melee phase with multihit. He moves slightly faster than the first phase. Try not to get hit by the multihit as it deals some high damage. This phase has earth and fire defense but also has water weakness.
    Third Phase: This is a weird melee phase with arrow storm. Whenever he is about to cast arrow storm, be sure that you aren't near him as eating an arrow storm will result in your death. This phase has earth and fire defense but also has water and thunder weakness.
    Fourth Phase: This phase jumps a lot and has heavy charge. Treat it like a more proactive phase 1. All phases from here will have earth and fire defense alongside water, thunder, and air weakness.
    Fifth Phase: This phase has heavy multihit.
    Sixth Phase: This phase has heavy arrow storm.
    Seventh Phase: This phase has heavy charge and heavy arrow storm.
    Eighth Phase: This phase has heavy charge, heavy multihit and vanish.
    Ninth Phase: This phase has arrow storm, multihit, heavy arrow storm and heavy vanish.
    Tenth Phase: This phase has charge, arrow storm, multihit, heavy multihit, heavy arrow storm and heavy vanish.
    Eleventh Phase: This phase has heavy charge, heavy multihit, heavy arrow storm, and heavy vanish.
    This boss altar can drop Back-Up Plan (View) (level 70 rare bracelet).
    This boss has five phases. All phases have the spells heal, teleport, meteor, and slowness.
    The first phase has fire defense, fire damage, water weakness, and favors heal spell.
    The second phase has water defense, water damage, thunder weakness, and favors slowness.
    The third phase has thunder defense, thunder damage, earth weakness, and favors heavy teleport.
    The fourth phase has earth defense, earth damage, air weakness, and favors meteor.
    The fifth phase has high defense and damage in fire, water, thunder and earth. It uses the strongest spells of each form.
    It is advisable to either bring a high base weapon such as Redbeard's Hand Cannon, a neutral damage weapon, or an air damage weapon (although Archer does not really have any strong air weapons at this level). It's a fairly standard fight.
    Lari is not a super difficult bossfight as long as you have some defense and insignificant thunder and air elemental defenses. Be sure to avoid the "Upcoming Attacks" on the floor and the "Lightborne Weirds" in the sky. Both have explosion spell. It's not really worth killing the Lightborne Weirds so just focus on Lari. Lari has meteor, teleport, push, and charge. Be wary that arrow storm and arrow shield don't push her back most of the time. Lari also has a spell that "marks you for death." Don't be alarmed by it, it's just unavoidable damage for a couple of seconds. When this happens, I would advice being as far away from Lari as possible to reduce the chance of dying.
    If you end up dying, you can just go back to the Tree Guardian and start the fight again.

    Combat Lv. 73 Destructor (View)
    This bow is bad. It is a tier + raw stack bow and like all the other tier + raw stack bows before it, it has no support. Don't bother getting it.

    Combat Lv. 74 Corrupted Witherhead's Bow (View)
    This bow is also bad. It's a spell oriented bow that forces you to devote 85 skill points into actually being able to wield it, leaving 60-70ish skill points left for intelligence and (maybe?) defense or agility (for survivability). It is pretty much impossible to create a build with good spell costs, mana sustain and decent "exact health points" with Corrupted Witherhead's Bow. Maelstrom, Bob's Mythic Bow and Az (of course) are much more stable than Corrupted Witherhead's Bow.

    If I am to be realistic, if you are on your first playthrough, you are mostly likely not going to defeat Bob solo. I would highly recommend doing it with a group, get someone to carry you, or to simply do it at a higher level. If you are looking for a challenge though, then there are multiple ways to go about this bossfight. Bob has defenses and deals damage in every element so I would recommend making sure your build does not have any negative elemental defenses. Redbeard's Hand Cannon, Maelstrom, and Deadeye seem to be the go-to bows for soloing Bob at level 74. In the runthrough I did for this thread, I used Redbeard's Hand Cannon as it has a high base damage s Bob's elemental defenses aren't as much of an issue. Maelstrom is viable solely because it's easy to create a super solid build with it. The fight will take a while due to Maelstrom's damage being crippled but it is manageable. Deadeye is viable because it's decent neutral damage.
    Bob has four phases and five swords which are his minions. It is a good idea to kill these swords first, especially the water sword as it can heal Bob. Note that arrow storm and arrow shield don't always push Bob backwards. Bob hits really hard so having a good form of health sustain (or just bringing lots of potions) is a good idea. The first two phases are ranged and are massive pains to Archers. It is a good idea to burst these phases down as fast as possible. The last two phases are melee phases with more health so taking a slower and safer approach to these phases depending on your build is recommended.

    My Build:
    WynnBuilder build:
    The Forgery (74)
    Crystal Coil (60)
    Geyser (74)

    Searing Soles (71)
    Precious (41)
    Precious (41)

    Lazarus' Brace (69)
    Roasted Chestnut (60)
    Redbeard's Hand Cannon [e4e4e4] (66)
    I had to swap Crystal Coil for The Jingling Jester for the third and fourth phases. Note that I don't use consumables (potions).

    I would like for you all to notice that this is definitely not an optimized build. It is a heavy melee build with hints of mana regen and intelligence gear in it which basically means its an assortment of somewhat random gear. There's obviously an idea behind the gear: The Forgery serves to give "exact health points"; Crystal Coil serves for damage; The Jingling Jester serves for health sustain; Geyser serves for health sustain, survivability through escape and arrow shield, and cancels the negative walkspeed from Redbeard's Hand Cannon; Searing Soles gives health sustain; Precious gives health sustain and walkspeed (suggestive survivability); Lazarus' Brace and Roasted Chestnut give health sustain. If your build has some form of solid coherency, it should be able to best Bob, granted with some skill and some luck.

    Combat Lv. 75 Bob's Mythic Bow (View)
    Bob's Mythic Bow is a simple, yet very powerful bow. It is advised to powder it with either three tier 4+ water powders or three tier 4+ fire powders. This bow is great because it has zero requirements and is very easy to create a solid spell-oriented build with. It's basically another Maelstrom case except much better. This bow can even do Orphion's Nexus of Light (level 80 raid designed for level 100s) fairly well at level 80

    Death is the final boss of the quest "Tower of Ascension." It is highly recommended to complete this quest at level 75 because you get the most xp from it at this level and it gives a powerful set of armor: the Champion Set. If you need other motivations to complete it, I believe it gives 8 liquid emeralds. Death is a fairly easy boss if you prepare adequately for him. He is a ranged boss with water and fire weakness and defenses in all other elements so be sure to bring a weapon with water or fire damage as it will shred him. The gimmick of his fight is that all the bosses from the previous floors of the Tower of Ascension spawn throughout the fight. I find that it's best to just prioritize Death and ignore all the other bosses, save for the Witch Doctor (due to his annoying ranged attacks). You will have to properly strafe the bosses and make sure to keep your arrow shield up at all times. A good way to build for him is to create either a WF (water fire) build with Bob's Mythic Bow or a TWFA (thunder water fire air) build with Maelstrom.

    My Build:
    WynnBuilder build:
    Corrupted Nii Shako (70)
    Corrupted Nii Plate (74)

    Kelight's Shield (64)
    Sodeta Boots (66)

    Detective's Ring (74)
    Raindrop (69)
    Dragon's Eye Bracelet (60)
    Purification Bead (55)
    Bob's Mythic Bow [f4f4f4] (75)
    This build has 129 intelligence and 2 cost arrow storms and 1 cost bombs. It does not have sustaining mana unless you cast the spells at a slower rate. The trick for this build is to cast the spells at a slower rate and then throttle your spell casting whenever courage is active.
    Corrupted Nii Set may not be the best choice (since the last piece is level 78) but it works.

    Combat Lv. 77 Heracul (View)
    This bow is basically Destructor part 2. It has no support as a tier + raw stack bow so it sucks.

    Combat Lv. 79 Gert Shootstick Tossflinger (View)
    This bow is pretty funny because it's kinda good and kinda bad. The name is legendary lmao. Aside from that, it is a heavy melee bow without powder slots and has high requirements. You might think this is a Soundwave part 2 moment but it isn't really because it requires 70 strength, not dexterity. Thus, 70 skill points are not actually wasted as Crystal Coil (View) also has strength requirement. Despite not having quake access, it has significantly higher base than Redbeard's Hand Cannon to the point of where it can actually get away with not having the powder special. There's also a funny idea with Scarlet Veil (View) + Crystal Coil + Gert Shootstick Tossflinger which results in some very stupidly good crowd control due to the major id: Explosive Impact. You can also still build defense into it like with Redbeard's Hand Cannon. The bow is honestly kinda solid if built right.

    Combat Lv. 79 Firestorm Bellows (View)
    This bow isn't very strong damage wise but it's very strong in the fact that you can get a lot of "effective health points" with it. It's technically meant to be an intelligence-less spell oriented bow but literally no items exist to support that at level 79 (apart from lapis rings *cough cough*). Regardless, you can still build intelligence into it because it literally only has -8 intelligence. I think the best way to show its strength is to just put it in a build:
    WynnBuilder build:
    Corrupted Nii Shako (70)
    Corrupted Nii Plate (74)

    Geyser (74)
    Corrupted Nii Mukluk (78)
    Detective's Ring (74)
    Precious (41)
    Back-Up Plan (70)
    Purification Bead (55)

    Firestorm Bellows [f4f4] (79)
    Just look at that "effective health points" and "effective health regen." It's not even like the spell damage is super bad either. There's decent enough mana sustain and mediocre spell costs. It's strong for level 79.
    I will say that Bob's Mythic Bow can also be slapped onto Corrupted Nii Set and achieve similarly high ehps while having better damage.

    Reflection is the boss that appears in the second monolith of the quest "Realm of Light V: Realm of Light." It's not a very hard boss if you have some defense. The boss has vanish, explode, pull, multihit, charge, teleport, arrow storm, and wave spell. It doesn't hit that hard and if you have a proper spell cycle build, you can easily dps hit down in under a minute. I don't recommend running a heavy melee build as it might be a little tricky to land shots on this boss due to the various movement spells it has.

    Post Continues On Next Message
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2022
    Kedyyyy, jaber1cj, starx280 and 8 others like this.
  3. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Combat Lv. 81 Spiritshock (View)
    Spiritshock isn't super good but it isn't super bad either. There are some items that can be paired with it such as Tenuto (View) (level 79 legendary necklace), Eyes On All (View) (level 60 fabled necklace), Sparkling Visor (View) (level 80 rare helmet from thunder division of "Qira Hive), Ventus Tail (View) (level 80 legendary boots), Evening Primrose (View) (level 67 legendary leggings), Cursed Jackboots (View) (level 66 legendary boots), and so on. Notice how these items are mana steal focused. It's meant to be built for TW_ (the blank being either fire, air, or both). You can obviously try building ETW but you will be glassy and ETW is not a particularly great idea without having access to all the endgame items. It's a decent bow, not much else to it.

    Combat Lv. 82 Thanos Siege Bow (View)
    This is basically Firestorm Bellows part 2. You can create builds with very high ehp. It's decent for spells despite having -1/5 mana regen because ... it's literally only -1/5 mana regen. Like Firestorm Bellows, you won't be dealing as much damage as Bob's Mythic Bow but you'll have a very hard time dying. It has some nice stats such as 160 health regen raw, +10 defense, and 750 health which makes it better than Firestorm Bellows (unless you care about walkspeed). Slap this boy onto Corrupted Nii Set (View) + Geyser (View) and profit.

    Combat Lv. 85 Torrential Tide (View)
    This bow receives high praise for good reason. It can practically carry you all the way until Eldritch Outlook (level 101 dungeon). It does good damage for its level and gives nice stats that add towards your spell damage. It also gives +25 intelligence making it very easy to reach high intelligence thresholds (see mana charts). This also means it's very easy to create strong builds around Torrential Tide in general. One of its main issues is getting walled by elemental water defense. This is because it has "Super Fast Attack Speed" meaning it has high spell damage multiplier but low base damage. Elemental defenses play off on the weapon's base damage so water defense will cripple this bow to a significant degree. You will have a hard time doing water division of "Qira Hive" and beating the boss of Eldritch Outlook. Otherwise, Torrential Tide is super strong and 100% recommended for buying.

    Combat Lv. 87 Zero (View)
    Rainbow slap is powerful but not at level 87 where you don't have access to Far Cosmos (View) (level 100 rare chestplate), Libra (View) (level 91 legendary chestplate), Vaward (View) (level 99 legendary leggings), Prowess (View) (level 100 legendary bracelet from "Qira Hive"), Diamond Fusion Necklace (View) (level 95 legendary necklace from "Legendary Island"), Gigabyte (View) (level 93 legendary necklace from Fallen Factory), Cumulonimbus (View) (level 94 rare helmet), Cancer (View) (level 98 legendary helmet), and Capricorn (View) (level 99 legendary helmet). You do have access to a couple rainbow items such as Blue Mask (View) (level 68 legendary helmet), Rainbow Sanctuary (View) (level 80 legendary leggings from Corrupted Lost Sanctuary), Admiral (View) (level 67 legendary chestplate from Galleon's Graveyard), Ringlets (View) (level 80 unique leggings), Equalizer (View) (level 86 unique leggings), and Boots of Blue Stone (View) (level 82 unique boots). You can probably create a somewhat solid build without the full rainbow arsenal but you will have to deal with countering Zero's negative health regen raw and health. Both of these are fairly crippling and make it hard to add good health sustain into Zero builds. Regardless, Zero is a somewhat strong bow when built right as it has lots of base damage (in correlation to spell damage). Zero is similar to Torrential Tide in that its damage fluctuates depending on your luck (inconsistent). I will say that Torrential Tide outclasses Zero because it is significantly easier to build in health sustain and mana sustain with Torrential Tide than in Zero. Even at the endgame with the full rainbow arsenal, it is preferred to use Fog of Creation (View) (level 100 rare bow) if you really want to use a rainbow weapon as Fog of Creation has none of the downsides of Zero and has powder special access.

    Combat Lv. 88 Plague (View)
    Why does Plague not have poison lol? Anyway, Plague is a strong melee bow. It can be built both for heavy melee and tierstack (fast melee). Obviously, it is weak at level 88 due to the lack of item choices but with all the endgame gear available, it is probably the best heavy melee and tierstack bow available. One thing about Plague builds is that you will have a very difficult time dying due to its innate defense requirement and high life steal. Its main heavy melee competitor is Stinger (View) (level 99 legendary bow from The Orange Wybel) and its main tierstack competitor is Anthracite Ballista (View) (level 98 rare bow). The main difference between Plague and Stinger is that Stinger has better quakes due to Plague not being fully neutral damage. If you are to powder Plague with earth powders, there will still be 500-720 fire damage. Powdering Stinger with earth powders will result in all of its damage being converted to earth damage, thus resulting in better quakes. The downside of Stinger is its negative health regen. Anthracite Ballista is slightly outclassed by Plague due to Plague having access to powder specials, specifically courage, resulting in higher overall damage. Both bows result in fairly tanky builds with good life steal though. In conclusion, Plague is a strong endgame bow.

    Combat Lv. 90 Return to Ether (View)
    I love this bow. While it doesn't do much damage, it has a lot of nice stats. It gives 3/5 mana regen, 29% walkspeed, and +44 agility. It also gives a good amount of XP bonus so it is a good choice as a main hand bow for leveling up. Otherwise, it is a strong support bow if your build allows you to wield it. Return to Ether is unironically strong in The Canyon Colossus (level 95 raid designed for level 101+) as a main hand weapon if you don't have access to mythics or don't want to use Crafteds and Orange Lily (View) (level 96 legendary bow from Corrupted Undergrowth Ruins). I should note that Return to Ether has access to curse, the water powder special, while Torrential Tide doesn't so Return to Ether does outclass Torrential Tide in most situations. However, Return to Ether demands ehp through agility while Torrential Tide can be build to have ehp through defense. Note that at the endgame (101+), Return to Ether does fully outclass Torrential Tide as by this point, it can be built to have ehp through both agility and defense (plus Torrential Tide is simply not an endgame bow). Return to Ether and Torrential Tide can basically clear the same bosses so if you prefer one bow's stats over the other, use that bow.

    Not gonna lie, I assume if you're at this level range, you have enough experience to no longer need advice for such things. Regardless, Geyser Pit is a fairly easy boss altar with three phases. The second phase is invincible so you have to wait for it to self-destruct. You can quite easily burst down the first and third phase with a proper spell build. For the second phase, bringing a walkspeed bow or a health regen/life steal bow is a good idea as you will just have to survive. Note that underneath the floor are mobs which will chase you and self-destruct via exploding. There are certain spots on the floor where you can avoid taking that damage but it's not really a big deal.

    Combat Lv. 92 Hellstrand (View)
    Hellstrand is your endgame spell oriented fire bow. Builds will generally be fairly tanky with good health sustain. It's damage is quite bad in comparison to the other endgame bows (apart from Return to Ether) but it can reach decent numbers if build with Nighthawk (View) (level 94 fabled helmet), Time Rift (View) (level 95 fabled chestplate), and/or fire powders on the armor. Endurance stacking gives a free +200% fire damage in most Hellstrand builds. The main problem with Hellstrand is that it pales in comparison to Orange Lily (View) (level 96 legendary bow from Corrupted Undergrowth Ruins), Cluster (View) (level 99 legendary bow), and Infused Hive Bow (View) (level 100 legendary bow from "Qira Hive") as all of these bows can also be built to be tanky while having significantly more dps. It is still a decent option though.

    Combat Lv. 93 Alka Cometflinger (View)
    This bow is bad in that it doesn't deal lots of damage for an earth weapon and is just completely outclassed by Orange Lily (View) (level 96 legendary bow from Corrupted Undergrowth Ruins), the other endgame earth spell oriented weapon (although it also has water damage but eh). One thing that hurts a lot about this weapon is that it does not have any neutral base damage meaning it does not get any extra damage from spell elemental conversions. Another lesser problem is the fact that it has negative spell damage raw. This is not a good choice for the endgame or at-level.

    Combat Lv. 95 Gale's Force (View)
    Gale's Force is the air spell oriented endgame weapon and it's not bad. It does mediocre damage - more than Return to Ether and Hellstrand but less than Infused Hive Bow, Cluster, and Orange Lily. Builds with this bow will generally have high walkspeed, mediocre damage, and semi-low ehp. If you're into having high mobility, then it will be a fun bow to try out. However, some builds using Orange Lily (View) (level 96 legendary bow from Corrupted Undergrowth Ruins), Cluster (View) (level 99 legendary bow), or Infused Hive Bow (View) (level 100 legendary bow from "Qira Hive") will have decent walkspeed as well as have good damage and good ehp. You'll notice that Gale's Force is generally used more as a walkspeed second hand bow in builds that can wield it. Overall, it's not a bad choice but not an optimal choice and is better as a support bow for traveling.

    Aerie of the Recluse can be a tough boss altar if you are not prepared. It features Adamastor (boss) and Urdar. Adamastor is a ranged mob with charge, push, and heavy meteor. It's safe to say that you should get the hell away whenever she is about to cast a spell. Urdar will initially spawn as an unkillable egg with pull spell. It will self-destruct and turn into Urdar. Urdar is basically a Corrupter of Worlds rip off. Killing Urdar will cause him to turn back into the Urdar Egg. It is heavily advised to kill Urdar whenever he is active because it is very difficult to fight both Adamastor and Urdar at the same time. I would recommend bringing a build with good ehp and good heath sustain, either through health regen or life steal. Greed is also an option but not as powerful due to Urdar being the only minion and due to his egg form not dropping any emeralds.

    Combat Lv. 96 Orange Lily (View)
    Orange Lily is the best spell oriented endgame bow for Archer aside from crafteds and mythics (also probably just the best endgame bow period). It does great damage, does not get walled (suffer from elemental defenses) by most mobs, has -3 bomb cost, gives 2/5 mana regen, and has access to curse. It has great synergy with Draoi Fair (View) because if you have 105 intelligence, both your arrow storm and bomb spell will cost 1 mana. Orange Lily is basically a slightly worse Spring (View) (level 98 mythic bow). It works well in a variety of builds such as Morph Set (View), Rainbow Slap, EWF + Nighthawk (View) + Time Rift (View), ETW, ETWF, etc. You will see this bow everywhere and it is used for all endgame content.

    Combat Lv. 99 Cluster (View)
    Cluster is a strong bow but Orange Lily ruins its existence. Cluster builds will generally be mana steal oriented as opposed to Orange Lily builds which will mostly run mana regen. Cluster builds will also generally have health sustain through life steal as opposed to Orange Lily builds which will usually have health regen. Simply put, for less experienced Archers, Cluster is harder to play than Orange Lily and is less flexible than Orange Lily in terms of what builds it can be used in. Cluster can also sometimes be walled by mobs with thunder defense (for example: Wybel and Cybel). Cluster and Orange Lily can reach same levels of damage with Orange Lily being more stable and usually having more ehp.

    This bossfight depends on your build. The Orange Wybel has five melee phases. Phases 2 and 4 are invincible so you have to survive and wait for them to self-destruct. All phases have charge and meteor and the fifth phase adds explode and push. The Orange Wybel has high fire and thunder defense so it is generally adviced not to bring a weapon of those elements. There are two kinds of minions. The first are the Disintegrators/Disintegrator Cores. Disintegrators have 20k hp and have the spell flamethrower. They deal high neutral damage and 1-1 fire and thunder damage (to abuse any negative fire or thunder defenses). Killing the Disintegrators turns them into the Disintegrator Cores which are unkillable. These also have flamethrower and deal high damage in fire and thunder. They eventually self-destruct. The other minions are the Rowdy Wybels which spawn via stepping on the pressure plates in the arena. They have the spells: heavy slowness and heavy heal. It is generally a good idea to avoid stepping on the pressure plates as much as possible and to maintain distance between yourself and the Disintegrators/Disintegrator Cores. However, if you are running a Greed or life-steal build, then stepping on the pressure plates will benefit you as it gives you mobs to heal off of.
    This boss altar drops Stinger (View) (level 99 legendary bow) and Borange Fluff (View) (Ingredient).

    Combat Lv. 99 Stinger (View)
    Stinger is a heavy melee bow so you just stack the generic heavy melee items, powder it with three tier 6 earth powders, and call it a day. It is arguably the best heavy melee bow (competes with Plague (View)) and can reach very high damage quakes (generally around 80k-140k). Its negative health regen is countered by its own life-steal but it still can be annoying. Stinger (and heavy melee Plague) also suffers in cases where there are constantly spawning mobs as you fire at a slow rate, usually have negative walkspeed and have high mana costing arrow shield and escape. Regardless, it is a viable option for endgame content but unironically harder to play and less optimal than Orange Lily (View) builds.

    Combat Lv. 100 Infused Hive Bow (View)
    This is yet another bow who's existence is pointless due to Orange Lily (View). Infused Hive Bow is a spell-oriented bow that can go into any element as it is given good base neutral damage and five powder slots alongsgide 1/5 mana regen, 1/3 mana steal, and +20% damage in each element. If you are obsessed in playing unoptimally like me and really want a rainbow bow, you can powder this with something along the lines of a6t6f6w6w6 or a6w6t6f6f6 for curse or courage. You could also do a5t5f6w6w6 if you want to be even less optimal with a slightly more balanced rainbow bomb (which literally doesn't matter btw). Putting this silliness aside, Infused Hive Bow can fit into any element, although it fits best into fire (f6f6f6f6f6) or water (w6w6w6w6w6). It does less damage than Orange Lily and doesn't have the benefit of the -3 bomb cost so it is simply outclassed.

    This is the only dungeon I will be covering in the main post as it seems to be a tough dungeon for all new players. I've noticed that people have troubles with the final Reversion Catalyst (room 5) and The Eye. Let's start off with the Reversion Catalyst (I'm going to be honest, there isn't much to talk about with this guy). This mini boss has decent water, fire, and thunder defense which makes him slower to kill. It is generally advised to bring a weapon that can pierce through these defenses or does not have to deal with theses defenses (literally just bring Orange Lily (View) lol). He can teleport, has wave spell, charge, flamethrower, and heavy arrow storm. His minions are ranged mobs that deal moderate damage and either have teleport or charge. There are two ways to approaching this regardless of whether you are tanky or glassy. You can either focus and burst down the boss or kill the minions and then focus on the boss. You can do the former if you can kill the boss in seconds. You should to the latter if you cannot burst the boss in a few seconds. Try not to get hit by flamethrower or arrow storm. Teleport, wave spell, and charge are not super significant.

    Now onto The Eye. The Eye is a wall boss. It has water and air defense and deals water, earth, and thunder damage. The Eye has four phases with two in-between rest periods spanning over 3,500,000 health. Note that it cannot regenerate health. Wretches (ranged mobs) line the back wall of the first three phases to prevent you from resting at the back of the arena. Purple circles will appear on the floor as indicators for upcoming explosions that deal a lot of damage.

    First Phase:
    The first phase is the first 700,000 health (meaning the phase ends at 2,800,000 health) and it has meteor, push, heavy push, arrow storm, heavy arrow storm, and heavy wave. Additionally, Retaliating Gazer mobs (minions) will spawn in swarms from its mouth. They deal damage in every element to abuse any negative elemental defenses you may have. They only have 3k health but can deal loads of damage if ignored. A bomb spell or arrow shield should take care of them. At around 3 million health, two Cascading Arteries will spawn. One Artery does a series of 3 ranged attacks while the other does shotgun attacks. Both have 100k hp and deal fire damage. If you are a new player, it is best to take care of these first when they appear. You can walk side to side near the back end of the arena (make sure not to be in range of the Wretches) and avoid most damage from the Arteries and The Eye.
    You need to be aware of when you approach The Eye. You should approach when it is not casting any spells and is not about to cast any spells. You should retreat when it is about to cast a spell or a purple ring near it is about to explode. There is the other option of just staying near the back side of the arena and sniping The Eye with your spell cycle or melee attacks. This makes it significantly harder for The Eye to hit you for the cost of you yourself doing less dps. This option is ideal with Nighthawk (View) as dps isn't lost. Also be sure to avoid getting hit by wave spell as it can hit you multiple times and push you against the back wall of the arena where the Wretches can hit you.

    In-Between Phase 1 and 2:
    You cannot attack The Eye during this period. Eyes will fall from the ceiling and explode. You can stay at the left side of the arena and avoid most damage if you are lazy. This lasts around 30 seconds.

    Phase 2:
    This phase has 900,000 health (meaning the phase ends at 1,900,000 health). Phase 2 adds two new mechanics. A green laser will sometimes appear down the middle of the arena indicating that a laser attack will follow soon. The laser attack visually looks like three giant magma cubes and you can take damage three times from one laser attack. I believe each magma cube deals around 4k damage but I could be wrong. Larger purple circles will appear at three specific areas at the back side of the arena, indicating that a hole will appear. If you fall into the hole, you will be dropped right in front of The Eye. You may risk face tanking an arrow storm, wave spell, or laser this way.
    The same advice from phase 1 applies here, but you need to be more wary about when you approach. There are times where you can actually use the holes to your advantage and fall into them to instantly teleport in front of The Eye while it is not casting or about to cast spells.

    In-Between Phase 2 and 3:
    You cannot attack The Eye during this period. On the back wall (where the Wretches are located), five new Eyes will appear and shoot lasers. The magma cube lasers are once again telegraphed with the green lasers. The lasers appear in patterns and all you have to do is avoid the lasers. This phase lasts a little longer than the first in-between phase.

    Phase 3:
    This phase has 1,500,000 health (meaning the phase ends at 400,000 health). It adds two new abilities and reworks two. At 1,150,000, 850,000, and 550,000 health, the boss will change and move forwards resembling a mouth. If you are in the front half of the arena, you will be vored by The Eye causing you to be stuck inside The Eye for a short time. While you are stuck, any damage The Eye takes will be dealt to you as well (this is also true for other players who are stuck so it is advised not to attack The Eye while someone is vored). Its other added ability is the Deathknell Wretch. Whenever it spawns, this message will appear in the chatbox: "The Wretches are advancing from the back of the room! Kill it!" The Deathknell Wretch has 50k health and will move in a straight line towards The Eye. It will not attack you. If you do not kill it in 10 seconds, all players in the arena will take an unavoidable 90% damage to their current health 5 seconds later. Pretty much all Archer builds will have the capacity to deal 50k damage in 8 seconds so you should prioritize the Deathknell Wretch whenever it spawns. If you somehow let a Deathknell Wretch through, kill all the Retaliating Glazers in the arena and retreat to the back half of the arena where The Eye will have a hard time hitting you. Since the Deathknell Wretch ability can't actually kill you, you will survive on very low hp. Be sure to watch out for any wave spells and purple rings as those will end you while you are this vulnerable. If you are on your first playthrough, I would advise not sniping The Eye if you are in the back of the arena at low hp because you will likely screw up and get hit by The Eye and die (no offense but prioritize living over dealing damage). Recall that The Eye cannot regenerate health. The way Retaliating Glazers spawn is reworked. They will constantly spawn from the back (where the Wretches are) but there can only be two Retaliating Glazers in the arena per player. The exception to this is that they can spawn in swarms to protect the Deathknell Wretch. Once again, bomb spell and arrow shield are your best friends here. The other reworked ability is laser. Simply put, the warning is shorter.
    You need to be ready to switch from attacking The Eye to killing threats from the back (Retaliating Glazers and Deathknell Wretches). The same advice for phase 1 and phase 2 applies. For heavy melee builds, there is a very specific way to play this phase. Stay at the back half of the arena and slowly whittle down The Eye with your melee attacks. Always keep an arrow shield up to stop the constantly spawning Retaliating Glazers. Reserve quakes for the Deathknell Wretches. To ensure that you don't miss your quake, stand directly on top of the Deathknell Wretch and aim down when casting the quake. Then kill all the Retaliating Glazers with a bomb or arrow shield and go back to your spot.

    Phase 4:
    This phase is the last 400,000 health. The Eye turns into a moving mob and basically becomes a regular bossfight. It becomes a melee mob and has all the same spells as its previous phases with the addition of teleport, heavy teleport, and slowness. Note that all the stage mechanics (purple rings that indicate explosions, purple rings that indicate holes, lasers, vore, Wretches, and Deathknell Wretches) are no longer present. Retaliating Glazers will still spawn in swarms however. This phase, despite being a slow moving mob, is very agile due to teleport. You will likely get hit by wave spell a lot but it is more important to avoid its arrow storm and meteor. Make sure to kill Retaliating Glazers as they can be deadly paired with The Eye's wave spell and slowness debuff. It is also important that you don't let The Eye get on top of you and maul you down as your arrow storm casts slightly in front of you, meaning it will miss (also more likely to miss melee hits). Maintaining a proper distance where all three streams of the arrow storm can hit The Eye would be ideal, but if you are new, it might be better to just stay as far as possible, or at least stay a comfortable distance away. Be sure to escape away whenever it teleports towards you.

    Eldritch Outlook gives you Writhing Growth (View) (level 100 legendary leggings) and The Evolved (View) (level 100 legendary bow).

    Combat Lv. 100 The Evolved (View)
    The Evolved certainly has a niche. Once again, Orange Lily beats all but The Evolved is a viable endgame option, albeit a hard one to play if you don't have aim (unless you're just going all out poison). It is used in tier + raw stack builds + poison or all-out poison builds. The -4 arrow storm cost helps it in crowd control and spreading poison damage. You can achieve some decent dps alongside decent ehp and decent health sustain with this bow... although I don't have much experience with it to be able to give a proper opinion. Given that it is a tier + raw stack bow, you will have a hard time with it if you can't aim, plus Archer melee is scuffed so you will deal lesser dps than wynnbuilder tells you. It fills its niche nicely though, so I guess it's cool.

    My favorite boss altar. The boss here is Panic Zealot and it has 1,500,000 health. It has water weakness and fire and air defense. Its spells are push, teleport, explosion, heavy explosion, wave, heavy wave, and heavy weakness. The main gimmick of the boss is that you will take 99% damage of your current health every 5 seconds. Panic Zealot doesn't deal much damage though so you can take one or two hits at low health. Additionally, snares will appear in the arena, indicated by a ring of purple particles. They last for 15 seconds and stepping in them causes the player to be unable to move for three seconds. At 50% health, "clones" of the Panic Zealot will run across the map and if you are hit by one, you will get blindness for a couple seconds. The rate of snares and clones will escalate until they peak at 30% of the boss's health (450,00 health).

    There are a couple ways to play this out. Firstly, you can bring a build with high health sustain (or just bring a lot of potions or a mage lol). It is probably better to use life-steal as you can mostly control when you restore your health. Greed will not work because there is a stealing cap of 6 emeralds per mob. You need to be highly aware of what is happening in the arena as well as the position of the Panic Zealot in relation to you. You should also be wary of spell combos. Sometimes, the boss will teleport multiple times in a row and end with an explosion. Other spell combos also exist. Secondly, you can simply burst the boss down. 1,500,000 health is really not a lot of health and you can kill the boss in around a minute using a mere Morph Set + Orange Lily build. Third, you can use a rage build (earth armor powder special). Rage gives +1% earth damage every 1% of health that is missing. On four pieces of armor, this is +4% earth damage every 1% of health that is missing. The problem with this is that rage on Archer only really works with the mythic bow, Grandmother (View) (level 95 mythic bow). You could attempt to try it on Alka Cometflinger but exploiting the water weakness with Orange Lily is preferable. You could also just apply earth powders to the armor of an Orange Lily build and get some extra damage. Perhaps doing half rage, half concentration (water armor powder special) is a good idea for Orange Lily. Only do this (powdering armor) if you're into fully optimizing your build.
    Orphion's Nexus of Light is a raid unlocked at level 79 balanced for level 80s and 100s. What I mean by this is that the rooms are balanced around level 80s (sort of) and the boss is balanced around level 100s. Thus, this raid is quite difficult at levels 80-98 due to lack of skill points and item choices for builds. The mobs do quite some damage and the boss room itself is quite a fight. You need at least two competent players in order to get through the boss due to the Crystallization spell which makes a person completely unable to move, attack, and cast spells. They can only be broken out by other players. There is also a spell which I refer to as 'yeet spell' as it quite literally yeets you into the air. This spell does not matter for every class except Archer because Archer's movement spell (escape) cannot cancel fall damage mid-air. Luckily, the quest done to unlock this raid gives you the bracelet, Double Vision (View) (level 79 fabled bracelet) which has the major id: Lightweight. When you get yeeted into the air, you can swap your bracelet for Double Vision and cancel your fall damage. Make sure to /itemlock your items before doing this so you don't drop and lose them. Also, most builds will benefit from the buff, Cherubim III, so if you see it, get it. It gives +70 in each skill point which gives you a lot of ehp and a lot of damage.
    Note that I highly do not recommend level 80 NoL. I am just sharing these builds for those who are interested.
    Fire damage is a good idea as Orphion has fire weakness.
    WynnBuilder build:
    Corrupted Nii Shako [f6f6] (70)
    Corrupted Nii Plate
    [f6f6] (74)
    Ringlets [t6t6t6t6t6] (80)
    Corrupted Nii Mukluk [f6f6] (78)
    Detective's Ring (74)
    Raindrop (69)
    Dragon's Eye Bracelet (60)
    Purification Bead (55)
    Bob's Mythic Bow [f6f6f6] (75)
    This build is the easiest to play and is very comfortable. It technically has sustaining mana assuming you have 7 cps and cast 2 spells per second + 1 melee attack. You alternate storm and bomb.

    WynnBuilder build:
    Sparkling Visor [f6f6] (80)
    The Jingling Jester [f6f6w6] (69)
    Ringlets [t6t6w6] (80)
    Missing (80)
    Garnet Ring (67)
    Garnet Ring (67)

    Back-Up Plan (70)
    Tenuto (79)
    Az [f6f6f6f6f6] (74)
    This is a mythic build and it is also the most radical of the three builds. This is the one I currently use on my level 80 Hunter. It's a level 80 int-less spell build and is meant to be played with this cycle: storm - storm - flat escape. Flat escape means that you jump and cast escape at the same time, somehow stopping your upwards escape momentum, thus allowing you to stay near the mobs do deal optimal dps. This build is great because it gets pretty good dps for level 80, has high ehp, and has greed sustain as opposed to health regen sustain. Greed sustain is great for Orphion's Nexus of Light except for the Parasite fight, where you can simply swap The Jingling Jester for Psychomend Vest (View) (level 70 rare chestplate) and have decent health regen. Swapping Ringlets for Evening Primrose (View) (level 67 legendary leggings) is also an option. The negative health regen from The Jingling Jester can be cancelled with Everlasting Tomes from Nest of the Grootslangs.
    (Also, I despise Lapis Ring. Garnet Ring supremacy).
    The Canyon Colossus is a raid accessible at level 95 but preferably done at level 101+. This raid is known for having a somewhat easy bossfight (in comparison to Orphion's Nexus of Light at least) but fairly difficult rooms. This boss is also notorious for the "Stonewalker" buffs. The Stonewalker buffs give heavy melee-esque raw melee damage without the drawback of negative attack tiers. The reason why I said Return to Ether unironically works very well in this raid is because of this buff. If you are running a build which maintains Return to Ether's "Super Fast Attack Speed" you basically have incredible high added dps to your spell spam (if you have the cps to incorporate some melees in between your spells). Return to Ether and Orange Lily also benefit from the "Monk" buffs. Monk buffs generally give intelligence, water damage%, and spell damage%. will note that if your build lacks defense, it is important to take either Giant I or Stonewalker I as they give +50 and +60 defense respectively. If neither appear, then take Monk I as it gives +70 agility (unless agility does not help your build). Generally speaking, the mobs are very heavy hitting so bringing a build with a good amount of ehp and good health sustain is recommended. Be wary that on the third phase of the bossfight, all of the bosses reflect your attacks so if you arrow storm it and land 30 arrows, 30 projectiles will come back towards you. There are certain angles in the third phase which you can hit the bosses and not get hit back. Nighthawk (View) builds are generally safer and deal more damage in The Canyon Colossus.

    And that is all the legendary and fabled bows as well as some commentaries and advice. This thread will probably be updated as I get the energy to talk about more aspects, bows and experiences regarding Archer (such as Hawkeye, Anthracite Ballista, Tracer, Aledar and Tasim, Legendary Island, Qira Hive, specific builds for specific things, general builds, etc.). I hope this proves useful for some of you new players despite mainly being aimed towards those who simp Archer. Have a good Wynn experience y'all.
    Marat, Kirk_KD, Zaros and 17 others like this.
  4. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Update Log:
    March 14, 2022 (6:56 pm PST)
    Added spoiler at the beginning with a list of bows for new players.
    Fixed "exact health points" to "effective health points."
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2022
  5. reithal_yeet

    reithal_yeet I make builds, both good and bad

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    this is one hell of a post
  6. SoulyHere

    SoulyHere She/Her

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    God that’s a lot of words but a nice guide for new archer players who have no idea on what good weapons are viable for their level
    starx280 likes this.
  7. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    good god
    lots of text
    much effort
    enjoy likes
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2022
    starx280 likes this.
  8. DeltaWave

    DeltaWave I miss cancelstack VIP

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    that must have taken a lot of time to type
    very complete guide, well done
    starx280 likes this.
  9. RJJguyTheCarrot

    RJJguyTheCarrot Carrut

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    best post 2022
    Flynn Taggart, starx280 and hppeng like this.
  10. Kiocifer

    Kiocifer Creator of salteďpog3 and other monstrosities HERO

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    Very epic post but "ehp" stands for "effective hit points" not "exact health points" as you said on the firestorm bellows part (you might've said it elsewhere too but I just specifically went and looked at thoughts on firestorm bellows)
    starx280, RJJguyTheCarrot and Aquila like this.
  11. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Yeah my bad. I’ll have to fix that.
  12. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    also you've got a typo where you mentioned that Capricorn was a helmet.
    there's probably more
  13. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    overall the colouring is annoying and the weapon evaluations are rather generic, but the advice is good and some of the better analyses make sense

    the only reason attack speed needs to be slow is to maximize the amount of time available for spells, which isn't really relevant unless you force endgame mana sustain on both. slow on olux also makes for poor synergy with marius' prison since a final speed of vslow is bad for powder specials.

    without endgame mana sustain, ms is just as good even without any tier support.

    use mana to sprint ;rodl
    neither spell matters because of wynn code

    your reasoning is correct but maelstrom actually comes pretty close, it's only missing a powder special but otherwise stronger overall
    you're not just biased c:

    if you're not absolutely humiliating yourself at 80 nol then i want you in my party dude
    that kind of player is rare as hell

    RenZenthio and RJJguyTheCarrot like this.
  14. RJJguyTheCarrot

    RJJguyTheCarrot Carrut

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  15. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    I’m a little late but Im not a very active forum user so yeah.
    I mean I found Very Slow to be good enough.
    Magmastream Core completion:
    This was my first time doing Magmastreams at level and my third time doing the altar (first two times I did it was on 106) so the run is a little slow. I evidently don’t know the proper spacing to land all three streams while being safe from the boss but the main point is the fact that I did not run out of mana. It’s a mixed mana build with 6/5 mr and 5/3 mana steal alongside 1 | 3 costs so the mana steal had to play a big part in the mana sustain, otherwise I would’ve ran out. I suppose the one escape I did after getting hit did help in ensuring I did not run out of mana but still, with suboptimal play the build does not run out of mana.
    - - -
    Also I will be updating the thread either today or tomorrow with QOL changes to make it easier for new players. I will be fixing some of the grammatical and spelling errors and may potentially give my reviews on the archer mythics if I get the time.
    I do find that Maelstrom also has the issue of getting walled due to being split across three elements, having fast attack speed, and not having curse or courage to help pierce elemental defenses. This is prevalent in Death (although it can be argued the water weakness balances out the problem), Amadel, Bob, Arena of the Legends (fifth phase), and NoL (although NoL probably should not be considered here). Maelstrom somehow doesn’t get too affected by Lari’s thunder and air defense (don’t take my word for it but I did not find defeating Lari with Maelstrom to be too difficult).
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2022
    Qzphs likes this.
  16. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    I realized that the original quote was concerned about powder charging and not mana steal in which case, yeah, very slow isn’t optimal for powder charging as compared to super slow.
    Qzphs likes this.
  17. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    I myself have gotten annoyed with the colors but apparently, I can't just highlight all and change the font color to "None." It just straight up doesn't work. I will eventually get to getting rid of most of the colors but it will take a while.
    starx280 likes this.
  18. Flynn Taggart

    Flynn Taggart Would an omnipresent always vore you 24/7 VIP

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  19. dart19

    dart19 Finals plz VIP

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    What is TWFA (thunder water fire air)? I saw it on the Maelstrom guide, but I have no idea what it means.
  20. Luminolic_Black

    Luminolic_Black Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    It's a build archetype that utilizes Thunder, Water, Fire, and Air elements (hence the name TWFA).
    By "utilizing" I mean investing your skill points into those four elements and wearing armor/accessories which require no Earth skill points (because no Earth in TWFA)
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