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SPOILER THEORY: The Truth Behind the Nether Portal

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by shtnck eyh ckhhe, Feb 27, 2022.


wo zui xi huan chi lao gan ma

  1. Yes

    18 vote(s)
  2. Yes

    5 vote(s)
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  1. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    Many of us are familiar with the Nether Portal. It is a massive structure on the road from Detlas to Nesaak, being the source of much Corruption in Wynn. Uncovered one millennia prior to the time in which the story of Wynn's hero, the player, takes place, it is tied to many of the conflicts in the deep and expansive lore of Wynncraft.

    The thing is, though, very few know what the Nether Portal truly is.

    Why is there a great bridge leading to the Portal? Some have theorized it was the work of the Olm.

    What is the Nether Realm's connection to ours? We know that it was once just a normal realm, but was taken over by the influence of Corruption. That information hardly narrows down anything, though.

    Corruption itself is a mysterious force. The precipitate of the reaction between Light and Dark, the plague of worlds, the pestilence of hellfire and brimstone; it bends and warps the mind of human and beast alike, possessing several known capabilities and who knows how many unknown.

    Today, I lift the veil, and you will witness the second uncovering the Nether Portal, the prior being the material, and this of truth and knowledge.

    First, that which is visible on the surface. Fire, lava, and searing heat of all origins. A sea of flame is bridged by the path to the Nether Portal.

    Perhaps you also know another source of blazing heat I have not explicitly mentioned above...



    That's right. See the similarity? Those hues of red fire, those shades of dark corruption spikes...

    Second, etymology. A large number of you are familiar with the corrupted leader, Bak'al. Not as many are familiar with the origin of his name, however.

    把卡了。(pronounced ba ka'le)
    Short for

    In case you are unfamiliar with Chinese, this means "got [it] stuck."
    How does this tie into the previous point?

    Well, one of the Lao'gan'ma advertisements is called 《拧开干妈》, meaning "twist open the [lao]'gan'ma."
    Why would we need to twist open our jar of chili sauce? Because we got the lid stuck.

    Third, the relation to ice. Ice magic is known to be able to slow the spread of corruption, as shown through Theorick's usage, but not completely. Now, with the knowledge from my previous points, you may see where I am going, but do not be mislead...

    Ice water can stave off the effects of spiciness, but not completely. This is very similar to how ice magic can stave off the effects of Corruption.

    This is not just about hot and cold, though. If the Corruption were just to be fire magic, ice magic would likely be much more effective, even more so than it already is, but this is not the case. The same inductive reasoning is proven false in the case of spiciness versus cold water.

    Another point I would like to make is that ice is made of water, and Lao'gan'ma, chili oil. Water and oil do not mix. Ice magic and Corruption do not mix.

    Oil floats on water

    Thus we uncover the truth of what the Corruption really is. Corruption is indeed a very elusive subject, but today I have cornered the hare and we have finally discovered all there is to be discovered.

    Perhaps, with this newfound wisdom, the people of Wynn can once and for all eradicate the pestilence that is Corruption...

    Corruption is Lao'gan'ma; the Nether Portal is just a giant jar of chili sauce
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2022
  2. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    Stank I'm going to make you into chili sauce (violently).

    When you tell someone, you have an unironic theory then do this to me it makes me question why I listen to you anymore.

    Goodbye >:(
  3. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    Hello fool
  4. Enderae

    Enderae Wanderer of the Realm VIP

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    i both lost and gained a braincell reading this
  5. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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  6. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    Theorick is Zhong Xina confirmed
  7. __Kofa__

    __Kofa__ Travelled Adventurer

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    I really though this was a troll…
    Never mind, I read the other parts….
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