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Community Event What made you play wynn?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Kiocifer, Feb 24, 2022.

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  1. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    When did you join wynn, and what originally drew you to it?
    I joined Wynn in 2014, when a school friend wanted to play with me. They didn't last more than a couple weeks, but I loved it. I took 2 or 3 years to get to max level, I really enjoyed the quests along the way, and discovering all the lore about bob (It was the only lore). Since then I've ebbed and flowed in and out of activity, at the moment I'm sitting in a great guild with friends I've made over the time I've played, and looking foward to strengthening the friendships even more.
    The games I play in the breaks aren't really wynn related at all, but of the ones that do fill the gap, I would recommend Dungeon Siege 2 (ancient RPG game) if you want a story to play through, or Deep Rock Galactic if you want a class based upgrade game to play solo or with friends
    Probably the most meaningful time for me playing wynn was getting this sent to me:
    Simply because it caused a transition from me playing wynn solo 98% of the time to me playing wynn solo 75% of the time, and connected me with likeminded people.
    ThedumbOX and luckeyLuuk like this.
  2. Madkurre

    Madkurre construction worker HERO

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    my friend in middle school who lived next door told me there was a server made by the craftedmovie guys so we played on it together a bit then he stopped playing but i continued. i dont know how but i had a great time despite the state of the server back then

    this was in like 2013 and i kept playing pretty actively ever since but didnt really join the community until 2018. and man was 2018 a year of wynn for me. now i havent really played in like two years but the people and the community in general i met during the brief yet contentful years between 2018-2020 still keep their place in my heart
    starx280 and luckeyLuuk like this.
  3. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    For me it all started back in Feb 2020 when I was a bit sick and decided to stay at home. I was quite bored so I decided to start watching hermitcraft s6 from Grian's perspective and well, there was a Wynn ad in one of the videos. It looked amazing and I knew I had to try it out. And so, I started my few month long adventure to AHC. I loved doing quests, they are still my fav thing about this server.
    I remember how great it was to walk around Ragni, helping Asher and stabbing some creppy boss in sewers, listening to amazing OST. I remember doing The Dark Descent, all I wanted back then was to kill Charon for what he did in the quest. I remember seeing Fruman walls part of Recover the Past for the first time, not knowing how important it will be to me later. I remember crossing the great bridge and entering jungle, everything was attacking me but I was determined to get to Troms.
    Those are my most memorable memories from Wynn's early game and some of the best gaming experiences I ever had.
    Eventually, after taking 2 breaks around Rymek and Olux I hit lvl 103 and finished AHC
    cmosier and luckeyLuuk like this.
  4. Bongo_Fin

    Bongo_Fin OpM Guild Cat HERO

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    I watched that one HSB video Technoblade where he says something like "you bridge over to the other island, and you log into Wynncraft." I didn't really pay attention to what he said at first untill a few months later when I watched the same part of the video again and just thought "I wonder whats that" and then googled "wincraft minecraft server" and found this.

    I still find it funny that I found out about wynncraft via a HSB video
  5. NecrowmancerLeam

    NecrowmancerLeam Eye of Eternity CHAMPION

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    My brother constantly nagged me about it so long that I caved and tried it, lol. Took a year of them telling me to play it but I loved it since.
    Oh yea! I have a lot of favorite memories, but some of them are how I grinded to like level 20 without quests on my first class (shaman) to mess with my brother as a joke, then had to spend a day doing a ton of the ones I missed. Also, just walking onto the great bridge the first time, seeing the description of "RUN" and the epic music made me panic. Also the time I was warring in morph shaman (yep, you heard me it was like right as 1.20 came out and i was still a noob), and i open a chest and got a Fantasia as my first mythic!
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2022
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  6. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    When did you join wynn, and what originally drew you to it?
    I first joined back in 2013 on a friends account, checking out mc in general and server hopping.
    We found it after a dutch ytber made a highlight of the server and then we shared the account for a bit before stopping to play smp together.
    that was when I bought my mc account and didn't see wynn until a year later.
    I was in a group of online friends and introduced them to wynn but the group became inactive before most had reached lvl 40 and I remained playing.

    What made you stick with the game to become part of its community?
    I wasn't much involved with the wynn community until after guild came out and joined the one of @mizzkissy.
    I only really started talking to others after gavel came out.
    What really got me to stick with the game was how I was helped with ToA back in the pre gavel days, since then I would make sure to help others where ever I can.

    Any highlights that you think back fondly on nowadays?
    The very start just fighting zombies in front of ragni with a big group of other starters

    Exploring the Nesaak tundra and the jungle on my then lvl 35 archer

    Going all the way out in the ocean to the vulcano islands to grind lvls 50-65, listening to stormy seas over and over.

    Rushing to gavel when it came out and finding it weird that I had trouble with lvl 40 orges with a really disfuntional set of items.

    getting my first class to lvl 100 (archer), september 2017.

    been progressing in endgame and lvling other classes and later professions when they came out.
    mizzkissy, luckeyLuuk and starx280 like this.
  7. mzxie

    mzxie Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    pretty sure i was craving some kind of fantasy rpg but also wanted to play minecraft so iirc i just looked up "Minecraft RPG" and wynncraft came up. it took a really long time for me to get really hooked (i only REALLY got into it until 1.20, mostly because when i found out about 1.20 i promised myself i wouldnt do any of the gavel content until that update came out), and i ended up spending 4 entire god damn years to get mage (my first profile) to level 100 because i kept playing and then losing motivation and then playing again.

    some of my main highlights include unlocking the silent expanse/EO on the last day of school (i was sick and had to stay home), the whole SE has such a crazy atmosphere and basically the whole reason i had actully went and gotten level 100 on my mage JUST to go to there. other highlights include finally convincing one of my skyblock-addicted friends to play wynncraft when i was around level 50-60, and then for the rest of the game we'd like level up together and talk about what quests we liked and all that jazz. super fun
  8. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    uhm I forgot to mention some stuff...
    I stuck around in Wynn because of the amazing balance between grinding and enjoyment, as I found that Hypixel Skyblock took way too much senseless grinding to earn money, which may be in Wynn (bootrun), but is more enjoyable.
    Additionally, I found the community quite welcoming and everyone was really helpful when I started, which is a direct polar opposite of Lowpixel Groundblock.
    Probably the thing that I think most is about me finding two mythics while not even wearing any lootrun armor. I was doing a lootrun to explore the SkyVoid area, and I randomly found a divzer in a chest, which pretty much made my entire month. I also did one to explore corkus and uhh... I found a disco.
    also gotta say that joining pun was a great choice
    but joining the server was a better choice
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  9. Klepto

    Klepto A being VIP

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    I joined wynn sometime in the summer of 2020 I think. I'm pretty sure I was exposed to it by Grain's trailer. It was either that or IceBlades11's streams.
    I'm no longer active or really part of the community, I kind of just stay on the forums and read the meme threads. I feel like I might of stayed if my friends also wanted to play Wynn.
    I'm really just playing Pokemon, Hypixel, modded Minecraft, and Terraria. My friends also convinced me to get BTD Battles 2 which I played a bit.
    Honestly, one of the major highlights I had was leveling to 105 via Decrepit Sewers. I don't really remember any other highlights tbh.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  10. crturt1e

    crturt1e Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    I initially joined Wynn in late 2019 because I saw a Hypixel Skyblock streamer playing it and thought it looked fun but got bored at around lvl 40 and came back in mid 2021
    luckeyLuuk and Bongo_Fin like this.
  11. Androphonia


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    I joined wynn because a friend recommended it to me
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  12. ocel0tgirl

    ocel0tgirl It was ocel0t to meet you HERO

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    I somehow got my hands on a library book about Minecraft challenges somehow, which mentioned wynncraft and supposedly how hard it was to get level 100+. So I tried it, but didn't like it. I later came back when I was stuck inside during covid and now here I am :)
    I stuck around because I was playing with a friend, and made a ton more new ones. The community here is great!
    Nukewarmachine and luckeyLuuk like this.
  13. Castti

    Castti Kookie HERO

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    What made you stick with the game to become part of its community? Well, I found it to be a good time sink (and it was, I have over 3000 hours) and stuck around cause of that. Eventually everything became boring, as anything would with that many hours so I dipped. I enjoyed my time here and with the community even though I dont anymore. Might come back for 1.21.
    If you have left the game but are still part of the community, what other games do you play to scratch the itch wynn filled? Genshin failed to scratch the same itch, as did many other games. Ironically, the 1 thing that did was something I never thought I'd play- Pixelmon. It's been my big timesink lately and has scratched the exact same itch as wynn.
    Any highlights that you think back fondly on nowadays? Off the top of my head there were not many memories that really REALLY stand out to me anymore. I did enjoy my time talking with a few people in ANO and AIN, and still talk to AIN sometimes. Been fun.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  14. TomasBlaster

    TomasBlaster Jesus VIP+

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    a guy that i hate that made me play the game and i actually enjoyed the game
  15. chocolatte

    chocolatte Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    When did you join wynn, and what originally drew you to it?
    First in 2019 when Grian did a plug in a hermitcraft video, i leveled to like 20 and got bored. And when covid started I really got into it again and leveled my archer to 105
    What made you stick with the game to become part of its community?
    The models, the free price, the amazing builds, the fact that its in minecraft, and the quests. Nowadays I am very active on the discord
    If you have left the game but are still part of the community, what other games do you play to scratch the itch wynn filled?
    Any highlights that you think back fondly on nowadays?
    I think back to the first time I played wynn, the time i leveled to 100, my first dxp grind party, and the time i bought my first mythic(1stx resu)
  16. scootingscooter

    scootingscooter Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    When did you join wynn, and what originally drew you to it?
    October 2021, I was sick and tired of running f7 on sb. So I decided to try it out fresh as a mage. I found it really cool and really got interested in it around level 40 and the rymek quests.
    What made you stick with the game to become part of its community?
    I actually got quite bored around december when i finished levelling 3 classes to 105 due to me thinking theres no "replayable" content in the game but then I was introduced to the world of class building. Im still terrible at it now but atleast I can make some cool modifications to preexisting builds to make them better. I started exploring different builds and its what has kept me playing, trying out different playstyles of trash and cool builds. I personally like assassin the most, followed by archer.
    Any highlights that you think back fondly on nowadays?
    finding my first mythic(fatal) brought some feeling of euphoria and i am glad to have experienced it atleast once. maybe ill experience it again, who knows?
    also enjoyed questing a lot, the lore of the game is pretty cool
  17. Crouton_18

    Crouton_18 Either an Airship Captain or a Masochist CHAMPION

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    I saw Grian's ad in season 6 of Hermitcraft, and well, I had always wanted to play an RPG + I already loved Minecraft.

    The first time playing was so confusing... I chose Mage, playing on my brother's account. I only made it to level 18 during the 4 months or so of playing mostly because I liked exploring more than fighting things (also mage underpowered early game lmao)
    When I was given an account on Christmas roughly 2 years ago I finally convinced my brother to start playing. I started on Assassin and he played Archer. After we got to level 25 or so he said something along the lines of "you should probably just restart as Warrior because 1. You haven't done any quests, and 2. You play like a tank"
    So, I started again as a Warrior. It was spring 2020 so I got A LOT of playtime in, making it to level 50 in a month as a brand new player. After a while I found the Warrior Cult which gave me a great excuse to stay dedicated to the game.

    Fond memories:
    Not finding an item identifier until I found Maltic. Still one of my favorite towns for nostalgia sake.
    Attempting to get to nesaak at level 18. Not a good idea
    And finally, always playing on WC 2 because WC 1 was full when I started playing and I wasn't sure if my progress would be deleted if I switched WC's
    cmosier likes this.
  18. keithzzz

    keithzzz Well-Known Adventurer

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    Joined somewhere around march 2021. Decided to give it a try after a lot of HSB players ranted againsted their own game on forums, saying that wynncraft was better.
    Just simply playing through the quests was enough to get me attached to the game. The lore, music, and other gameplay designed made it even better for me too.
    Running through every quest in the game (except ???) on my very first playthrough.
  19. _834

    _834 I forgot what I was gonna write in this box CHAMPION

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    My friend showed it to me back in 2014 back when we shared his MC account, found it fun so I played it sometimes.
    Eventually got my own account then started actively playing on Wynn with a couple of my other friends.
    Discovering areas and items for the first time back when I didn't know much about the game.
  20. SoulyHere

    SoulyHere She/Her

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    wooo new format? alright ill rewrite my ideas then :D
    When did you join wynn, and what originally drew you to it?
    i joined way eariler when wynn just push out 1.19 but i dont have much interest in wynn. but around april/may 2021? hypixel got ddos so i tried wynn and love it.
    What made you stick with the game to become part of its community?
    the moment i want to get all class to 106, now i have 3 class 106. i joined ANO around june 2021 and its a very awesome guild. now im the creator of no mythic build thread and a semi-active member in class building community? (idk since i dont make builds or very rarely) i enjoyed help others and gives suggestion for someone new so i decided to stick around in the forums too :D
    Any highlights that you think back fondly on nowadays?
    -when i first reach gavel on my first class with a grind team. im shocked at how beautiful wynn building are
    -doing every quest for the first time
    -every moments in ano
    Nukewarmachine and weeb like this.
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