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Community Event What made you play wynn?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Kiocifer, Feb 24, 2022.

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  1. Kiocifer

    Kiocifer Creator of salteďpog3 and other monstrosities HERO

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    Hey all, I wanted to ask about why you all were interested in originally playing wynn, and what made you become part of the community. Seems like there's probably a ton of interesting stories out there, and could be neat having them shared.

    No need to answer all the questions here, but thought i'd provide some to spark some ideas:

    When did you join wynn, and what originally drew you to it?
    What made you stick with the game to become part of its community?
    If you have left the game but are still part of the community, what other games do you play to scratch the itch wynn filled?
    Any highlights that you think back fondly on nowadays?

    That's all, feel free to provide other stories and stuff; always neat to hear from everyone, especially the people I don't talk to that much.
    Uniimog, wxhlf, starx280 and 13 others like this.
  2. nightbaker

    nightbaker Famous Adventurer Media HERO

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    My friend recommended it after he saw Martin play it way back in 2014. Stuck around cause it was super fun to try to complete every quest and then once gavel came out the item system was so cool and complex that I just kept on playing. I'm still learning all the intricacies of it like 7 years later lol

    as for highlight its probably the first time i got a class to lvl 100 in the old demon cave, still remember that fondly :)

    also rip my 401k and retirement fund i spent it all on loot crates
  3. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    Back in that faitful week when Hypixel was down, I decided to try out Wynncraft, the #1 Minecraft MMORPG. I found the game quite interesting, and I kept playing it even after Hypixel was up.
    Now that my main skyblock account got hacked, I guess I'm maining Wynn!
  4. Justice

    Justice Obliterator of Grooks VIP+

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    Hmm, let me see...
    1. I can say that it was my parents that drew me into playing Wynncraft and I joined at about October 2018.
    2. I stuck with the game because I found it really fun to play and also I had never thought for some reason that you could make an MMO in Minecraft of all places, lol.
    3. As for this, quite simply, any other RPG that I can play on my computer whether it be Grim Dawn, Torchlight 2, or Titan Quest. The one that does fill that void quite well though is DnD.
    4. Not really other than I do like thinking of the nostalgia a bit when I first played the game and had no idea of what it was about.

    An interesting thing that came out of my time playing Wynn and interacting on the forums is I helped to create the OWWC which is a group that regularly stalks the Llevidgar Docks section of the forums and welcomes newcomers. It started out as a group of people who wanted to try and not get each others lines mixed up when welcoming but has since then become a group of close friends. It also happens to be part of the reason why people like @_purplegiraffe_ @ocel0tgirl @ditsario are now moderators on the forums. It still has some other cool people like @WithTheFish @TrapinchO @Ellphant @TwentyZ6 @Ankarin @BTK2000 @OmegaCKL @Mikaii @Flame_Frost_ in it as well. Thank you all for being great people!
  5. aFireBlaze

    aFireBlaze DM another mod if you have any appeals with me CHAMPION

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    What originally drew me to Wynn was being a former player of DungeonRealms, and their server was undergoing some major changes that I disliked. So I searched for mmorpg servers, and stumbled upon Wynncraft being one of the most notable ones during its days and gave Wynn a shot.
    The item building, various combat mechanics, class building system and quests + NPCs incentivized me to stick around and become apart of the community.
    1.19 was a broken time where class building was completely busted in so many aspects(near-unlimited HPR generation, cancelstack galloping horse for example). They were toned down understandably so, but that update was just hilarious and fun in the amount of whacky nonsense you could put together. That, topped off with raids in 1.20 of working together with a team of players, and trying to figure out how the rooms worked into defeating the bosses were pretty fun and challenging the first couple of times.
  6. Skidooskei

    Skidooskei King of the Lollipops CHAMPION

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    I started in early 2017 when a friend wanted to show me this server that he’d found. I was amazed by the models and the spells and such and I found it pretty amazing. I think we got to about level 20 when he got bored for a while and I kept levelling up to about 68 playing on and off for a few months.

    After lockdown in early 2020 I got bored and decided to try out the funny quest server again and ended up playing so much that I reached level 100 after about 2-3 days of playing (and doing quests!!!!).

    My friend promised that he’d reach level 100 soon so that we could both do the Silent Expansive together so I decided that I’d try out lootrunning at level 100 while I waited. I was a bit crap at first literally going round in circles on the same world but after I realised how to lootrun I found some decent stuff.

    Still around because of the lootrunning scene as well the game and community being (mostly) lovely. Don’t do much lootrunning anymore cause I actually have stuff to do but it’s great to chat and help other people out who are new.
  7. Flynn Taggart

    Flynn Taggart Would an omnipresent always vore you 24/7 VIP

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    In 2017I used to watch purpleshep a lot, and one day he uploaded a video on Wynn. I thought it looked pretty cool, but unfortunately I didn't have a Minecraft account at the time. Fortunately, my friend played some Wynn, and when I tried it I got VERY hooked. I still remember thinking his level 30-something assassin was high.

    I went to his house a lot just to play Wynn, choosing warrior as my first class. Unfortunately, my friend later moved to another state :(.

    A few years later I remembered how much fun I had in Wynn, and bought a Minecraft account just to play it!
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  8. Ninja_VK

    Ninja_VK RainbowsRcool VIP+

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    My story to join Wynn is pretty boring, I just saw an advertisement in a Grian video and I decided to try it out :p
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  9. SoulyHere

    SoulyHere She/Her

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    Hypixel sucks so here I am in Wynn.
    Werveh, Nukewarmachine and Thega like this.
  10. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    My cousin showed it to me and man, it seemed like the sort of thing I always wanted to play in minecraft. Joined for the game, stayed for the community.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  11. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    salted was yelling about it on the craftedmovie survival server back in 2013 and eventually i caved
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  12. Typhoon

    Typhoon geometry dasher VIP

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    So I was introduced to Wynn by a streamer friend of mine who really liked RPGs (RuneScape and the like). I played Wynn for a while with him and his community and ended up being the only one who really stuck around to keep playing. The whole thing with Wynn being a large MMORPG with a custom world all within Minecraft impressed me that much.

    I joined in around March of 2020 and stuck around and entered the forums a month later. There hasn’t been a real community within Wynn that I fell into, I kind of still play this game heavily solo and on my own terms, but I can definitely say I’ve made some great friends along the way. (@Terradore @pepper1boy)

    The most memorable thing I think Wynn was able to do for me was when it was just a little bit after 1.20 had come out, and I was going to do NotG with an online friend of mine (who doesn’t play Wynn often at all) and it was just an absolute blast to run the raid, to which he said actually cheered him up which was quite nice to hear.

    Lastly, Wynncon. It’s been one of the most memorable events that I’ve participated in within the Wynn community and it was seriously a blast to be with some friends and yell about dying to DI lol
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  13. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    I originally joined in 2015(?) because a childhood friend I had played the server, and it was just something fun we did on weekends.
    I stuck with it pre-gavel but gave up leveling due to being bad at the game, so I just spent my time in WC1 Detlas trading items to gain money.
    Mostly just the old memories tbh, I quit for a while after Gavel before I saw gamemodes on a forum post.
    luckeyLuuk and Thega like this.
  14. Enderae

    Enderae Wanderer of the Realm VIP

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    im sad to say i only joined wynn in 2021
    a friend told me to play wynn
    i said "eh"
    he said there was lore
    i immediately joined
    i was a hsb main before and wynn just felt like a breath of fresh air
    like i could achieve stuff and feel good about myself, plus i can level and progress even w/ my limited time, which i found rly hard to do in hsb

    i still play it on and off nowadays, my friend left and my guild is so inactive
    my highlights are probably getting killed by death on toa like five times in a row
    in my defense i had a thunder build as an assassin
    ChrisTheBear likes this.
  15. Ranger_Maddie

    Ranger_Maddie Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I joined Wynncraft in 2017 ish, I was amazed at this game that my brother was playing (this was before I had my Minecraft account).
    Eventually, after much begging, he let me use his account to play, I really enjoyed playing, there were some boring points, and I gravitated to other servers, but I always came back.
    TBH I don't really know why, maybe it's the fact that it is a really in-depth world, or maybe it's the fact that it keeps changing and upgrading. But either way, here I am still!
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  16. PlasmaWarrior

    PlasmaWarrior Fishomancer HERO

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    I joined sometime in 2017 and I literally cannot remember where I heard about it, but here I am.
  17. BeGruent

    BeGruent Travelled Adventurer

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    First played Hypixel Skyblock, then I thought yesterday: Why don't you try wynn?
    And now, here I am with lvl 9
  18. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    I joined in 2017 by seeing the 1.17 trailer on Grian's channel. Just by that short video and by seeing the pre-1.18 tutorial, I was instantly hooked on the game, and here I am 5 years later (I did reset my entire account on 1.18 release though).
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  19. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    I found the game from when grian showed the trailer in his video, I played for a bit until I got stuck on lost tower the quest and didn't know what do to and my dumbass thought quests were needed to progress so instead of looking for help I quit. I don't remember why exactly(100% not cause I realised the wiki existed) but I gave it another try early last year and have been playing since.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  20. hackcr1258

    hackcr1258 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    1. Mumbo Jumbo was my favorite Youtuber
    2. He had a friend who also plays Minecraft called Grian
    3. I started watching Grian's videos
    4. One day Grian advertised Wynn
    5. I joined Wynn
    6. I got addicted
    ChromaticDragons and luckeyLuuk like this.
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