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Media School Newspaper Posted a Wynncraft Article

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Mac N Cheese Man, Feb 11, 2022.

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  1. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    archer can't do damage to an enemy <1 block away
  2. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    I don’t think it is. You don’t just create an account for the school newspaper to post about a Minecraft server for a joke…
  3. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    run escape
    i clicked off the link when i first clicked it because i thought it was a rickroll

    when i clicked it again it still felt like a shitpost

    "welcome to wynncraft, now i will complain about archer and LI"
    judging from "we have no health and die in 1 hit", i'd assume you're correct on the gear part
    email him and tell him to use morph since he seems to need better gear
  4. Stealth321

    Stealth321 Well-Known Adventurer

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    “The Shaman is one of the five playable classes in Wynncraft and uses a Relik as its weapon. Its base resistance is 50%, making the Shaman the least tankiest class in the game.”-The fandom. Also the measly damage us shamans try to do never compares to an archers normal dps build lol
    Mac N Cheese Man likes this.
  5. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    the shaman is not one of the five playable classes because two of the five classes are unplayable
  6. Wommby

    Wommby 2 galleons 1 lootrun CHAMPION

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    Ah yes, the Shaman weapon — the relik, AKA the mace. Because shamans definitely don’t shoot out beams from their relic, they just hit mobs with it.

    They’re talking about Minecraft in 2013 there.
    Mac N Cheese Man likes this.
  7. TigerYaisou

    TigerYaisou Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Top 10 reasons to buff Archer:
    1. Arrow Storm is complete garbage. Each arrow only does 10% of your weapon's base damage; why would anyone use it? (just use melee?)
    2. Gravity. While Warrior and Assassin's melee attacks are completely unaffected by the laws of physics, ie they don't travel in an arc, Archer's melee arrows are terrible to aim. Qira was a pain to fight, because her range is simply so large and I had to cross the entire fucking distance from the entrance to the central podium with my arrows. Truly a horrible experience.
    3. Archer does not have a heal spell. This makes the game considerably more difficult. While literally all of the other classes (ie mage) unlock Heal as their first ability, Archer does not. There have been so many times when I have died to the zombies outside Ragni at level 60 for the mere reason of being low on health. (please increase the health regen from 5 hp to 10 hp?)
    4. Archer also doesn't do magical damage. While Mage's Meteor does fire magic and Shaman's Aura does blue (electric?) magic, Archer just shoots normal arrows. This makes spell damage from armor completely useless, as Archers simply cannot utilize spells and other forms of magic.
    5. The melee attack is triggered through right-click, as opposed to left-click. As we all know, data has proven that clicking with your middle finger instead of your pointer finger increases your chances of carpal tunnel by over 300% (thats means one in three people who suffer from carpal tunnel are archers, if you arent as adept at mathematics as me)
    6. I don't understand Arrow Shield. I think there should be a tutorial on how to use it. Like, sometimes it just disappears? I seriously don't get it.
    7. Additionally, LLR is just such an aesthetically displeasing click combo. Sometimes when I'm nervous, I just look at the "RLR" eternally etched into my screen where the electron guns have burnt due to my constant healspamming, and oh does it just bring me relief. On the contrary, whenever I see "LLR," my primal instincts kick in and tell me to retch and vomit.
    8. Archer has low base defense. If Archer were to have higher damage or mobility, this would be much less of a concern, but Archer has TERRIBLE damage and the movement ability sucks.
    9. This is related to the above complaint: as above stated, Escape is balls (for you british people out there, "not good"). Sorry developers, I don't have time to press Fn+F5 (i hate linux) whenever I want to travel from Ragni to Detlas.
    10. Archer's endgame weapons are terrible. Consider "The Evolved," the ubiquitous and de-facto standard endgame weapon for Archer: it does only 40 to 50 Earth damage. Seriously, what were the IMs thinking? (attached is an image of this nonsensical design choice)
    For the above reasons, I believe that Archer deserves to be buffed. And while you're at it, please nerf Shaman.
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