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Guild #|Gods of Fruma|Level 22|Help|Community events|#

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by sSVoidSoulSs, Dec 21, 2021.

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  1. sSVoidSoulSs

    sSVoidSoulSs Shadow adventurer VIP

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    Welcome to Gods of Fruma! (tag:MFP, MInecraft Fruma Province)
    The guild's main goal is to provide Wynncraft with a nice comunity guild. We help lonely people. If you want any help, come here! Wether it's a dungeon, raid, boss, or you're a low level player, you're welcome! It doesn't matter if you've just begun your adventures, or you're battle-hardened veteran. You can help players, or ask for help. Gods of Fruma has community events, too. It's also based around exploring the map, and lore. Discord is required, but you don't have to speak in voice calls. My own reason to create this guild was to help anyone, because I know how painful it can be to not get help in the game after hours of begging. This is a starting guild, but I hope YOU will help us create the nicest community existing. Join us, and ascend to godhood! The Fruman gods will aprecciate it, because as we all know, Fruma's suffering, so they have to help out eachother to save the world! Homewer, there are a few requirements.

    Here are the rules:
    -Be respectful
    -You're allowed to curse, unless it's directed to another member of the guild
    -You need to be active. If you're inactive for two weeks, you're gonna get a reminder that you need to join the game for a little bit. This rule is to keep the guild active. If you're inactive for 3 weeks you're going to be kicked.
    -You need to be able to speak english
    -You need a discord account
    That's all. If you want to join this guild you'll need to comment here with the given application format:

    In game name:

    Discord name and tag:

    Main class:


    Weekly activity:

    Why do you want to join the guild:

    What can you contribute to the community:



    Tell something about yourself(optional):

    Have you been in any guilds before? If yes why did you leave(optional):

    (this is the updated thread)
  2. ALphaPick

    ALphaPick Well-Known Adventurer

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    In game name: ALphaPick

    Discord name and tag: small_brain_plays#3285

    Main class: Assassin

    Timezone: EST

    Weekly activity: around 8-10 hours per week but as right now it's winter break so I can pretty much play everyday

    Why do you want to join the guild: because I have no friends that play wynncraft

    What can you contribute to the community: I can help other people beat dungeons and lend people emeralds (ignore that fact I am low level)

    Age(optional): ---

    Gender(optional): Male

    Tell something about yourself(optional): ---

    Have you been in any guilds before? If yes why did you leave(optional): No I have not been in any guilds before
  3. sSVoidSoulSs

    sSVoidSoulSs Shadow adventurer VIP

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    You will soon be sent an invitiation to the guild in-game and our discord! Welcome to the guild, ALphaPick!
  4. ZxRistos

    ZxRistos Newbie Adventurer

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    In game name: ZxRistos

    Discord name and tag: Rudolf Kitten#2161

    Main class: Assassin

    Timezone: Eastern European Standard Time (GMT+2)

    Weekly activity: i play everyday for at least 5-6 hours

    Why do you want to join the guild: I really want to find some people to play with and also this would be my first Guild i join so i want to learn how guilds work in general!

    What can you contribute to the community: I don't really know how guilds work so i would say that i'm great in PVP and building!

    Age(optional): I am 20 years old

    Gender(optional): Male

    Tell something about yourself(optional): My name is Chris and i'm from Greece!

    Have you been in any guilds before? If yes why did you leave(optional): I have never been in a guild
  5. sSVoidSoulSs

    sSVoidSoulSs Shadow adventurer VIP

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    You will soon be sent an invitiation to the guild in-game! Welcome to the guild, ZxRistos!
    ZxRistos likes this.
  6. jayjo_23

    jayjo_23 Skilled Adventurer

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    In game name: jayjo_23

    Discord name and tag: jayjo_23#4508

    Main class: Assassin

    Timezone: EST

    Weekly activity: I usually play 6-8 hours a week. On vacation I play more, so I may be more connected.

    Why do you want to join the guild: A friend told me that guilds are great for a change in the game. Also, I think I've waited too long to join one (I'm level 71)

    What can you contribute to the community: I can contribute XP. Also, from time to time, it might help someone who is just starting out in the game.

    Age(optional): Sorry, I prefer not to put this kind of thing on internet sites.

    Gender(optional): Male

    Tell something about yourself(optional): I started playing a long time ago, but I quit for a while. A few weeks ago I was back to playing, so I have already picked up the rhythm.

    Have you been in any guilds before? If yes why did you leave(optional): No, I haven't. I am a newbie to this topic.
  7. sSVoidSoulSs

    sSVoidSoulSs Shadow adventurer VIP

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    Welcome to the guild! Type "/guild join MFP" when you're in-game! I will send a link to our discord, too!
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2021
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