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Wow, I'm finished

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Fleega, Dec 23, 2021.

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  1. Fleega

    Fleega Sleeping Ultimate Chimera CHAMPION

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    It's me, the owner of Wynncraft. tm. And I am (now, to my own acceptable degree) done with everything I wanted to do (right now at least idk if more will come up) in Wynn.
    Uh- yep. Yeah that's right.
    I'm done now I guess (until 1.21 comes out and unfinishes things and idk if I'd even care enough to redo everything on all of them again)
    Basically every single quest is complete on all 14 classes, aside from ones that need profession levels- because I'm only doing them on one class, and ???. Because I hate ???. And I don't feel like doing it 11 times in a row when it generally takes several hours for me and I don't want to screw my playtimes... even though I'm already showing off what the times for all of them were (I already messed up the time on one of the hunters and the knight by a few hours from being on them after finishing). You can kind of tell which order they (the donator skin classes) were completed in based on the time played going down as I started figuring out better ways to get levels after running out of quests to get xp from... and also started really trying to rush through it to get it over and done with asap.

    All the normal skin classes were my original playthroughs (before someone bought me hero and before I paid off the rest myself for champion on my own) and all the donator skin classes are ones that used all of the rank benefits I have access to.
    Obviously, I could do the prof quests and ??? on the skinned classes just to be totally complete, and I don't have level 120 gathering to get dernic materials and have maxed gather chance and speed for them, but I don't want to grind, and like I already said I don't want to add more playtime to the classes without ??? finished (and I still dislike it too much to finish it on my original 6)
    A lot sure has happened since I joined lol, to the server and myself that is- no I'm not leaving, this isn't a Llevigar's Docks post. Even though there's basically nothing to do, this is probably like the 8th time I've just not had anything left to do, and like every other time I'll probably just still be logging on into Detlas and doing nothing at all all day.

    So I guess, here's how my old stats looked like before I got a rank:

    And this is them now:

    Additional stats: I am now #85 in combined class combat level, 2k+ hour Warrior raid stats: 9 Notg, 251 NoL, 145 TCC, Shaman: 1/2/1, Archer: 0/2/1, Mage: 4/21/8, 200+ hour Warrior: 2/1/0, Assassin: 2/2/4, Knight: 2/1/0.
    That's all. Probably.
    Why do my thread posts still look so messy and hard to read - there was probably a better place to put this thread as well but I looked at all of the places and none of them looked right for something like this so here we are
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
    Croissant, BethJerry, Dr Zed and 23 others like this.
  2. PlasmaWarrior

    PlasmaWarrior Fishomancer HERO

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    Da fleeg...
    Fleega and starx280 like this.
  3. keithzzz

    keithzzz Well-Known Adventurer

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  4. Stealth321

    Stealth321 Skilled Adventurer

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  5. Crouton_18

    Crouton_18 Either an Airship Captain or a Masochist CHAMPION

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    This post has been approved by the Warrior Cult. Congratulations!
    Fleega, starx280 and PlasmaWarrior like this.
  6. Shaggy

    Shaggy Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Fleega is indeed awesome
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  7. sslatt

    sslatt Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    What was your leveling strat for the classes?
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  8. Fleega

    Fleega Sleeping Ultimate Chimera CHAMPION

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    I didn't really know exactly what I did after doing each class when I tried to think about it, I just kind of remembered what to do along the way for all of them as I was doing them, learning more things each time, but basically:

    I was doing every quest I had, then would go to a grindspot when I needed more xp to level up (checking all of the ones I could use and moving to a new one around every 10 levels, plus some non-grindspots that still worked well enough in the cases that there wasn't a good place to use otherwise)
    (I actually meant to put more detail on the playthroughs in the original message but I forgot to, thanks for reminding me)

    I used: (and this is super rough i have no idea what the level range I used each of these for was, and i am forgetting a spot i think)
    1328/-2035 in the desert (dunno where I got xp for 1-20, and I'm pretty sure they changed those areas since I did it too)
    the golems near Lusuco
    the spiders near Llevigar
    the nagas from the old Shadow of the Beast where you needed their tails for cobblestone
    the Great Bridge (was just a last resort since I had no idea where else to get xp)
    Herb cave
    the idols you unlock from doing Lost in the Jungle
    the bandits in Canyon of the Lost at 215 -5041 (Originally augers before they got buffed and became unusable)
    the angels/mirror cave in sky islands (depending on whether I felt the class was able to survive in mirror cave or not)

    For levels 1-74 I was basically just throwing all the sp on level up into defense and occasionally intel if I found an item with a low amount, until I got to 100 sp in defense and started putting the rest into intel. Generally I didn't do mini quests (only void creatures conures dragonlings angels) or dungeons since I preferred just using grind spots. I used my other classes to gather a lot of items that quests need and I also had a fair few random id'ed items I picked up in preparation, most of them I forgot to use or threw out anyway though. (A lot of them came from me just doing the Zhight Tour).

    I think the items I had in the bank/got with another class were:
    eggs, bucket of milk, wheat grains (cook assistant)
    red mushrooms, brown mushrooms (mushroom man, potion making)
    breathing helmet II (underice)
    ghostly cap (house of twain)
    female pirate wig (royal trials)
    floor 4-7 shards (tower of ascension)
    depressing weapons, rose, bob's tear (bob's lost soul)
    antic bead (the passage)
    faded map (beneath the depths)
    aseado leaf, old touroto hide, maro's eye jewel, coral of nelfors (temple of the legends)
    umbral essence, monster hide (haven antiquity)
    baab's wool, mooington's skin (reincarnation)
    thunder, air, earth, water, fire, master shards (the qira hive)
    blue-ring grook egg, sunrise flour, skyhigh raspberry (recipe for disaster)

    I could have gotten literally every single item needed for every quest but I figured I can do them fine without preparing the entire game's item collection beforehand. Continuing on for equipment, I mostly used random stuff but I did use 2 Pewter rings from bucie all the way to level 62 where I changed them for 2 guardian loops or photons, once I did the mercenary I would use vindicator, once I hit level 75 I would use Champion set, Bob's weapon, Royal Stormy/Blazing Amulet, 2 Detective Rings and Dragon's eye bracelet (sometimes I would use draoi fair or renda langit instead in which case i would keep using vindicator until level 88 where i would use diamond cuff from eltom, which i don't really recommend also doing) At level 100 I would buy a full set of morph (since I do not care about my classes or what they are using, I made them all with the donator skins specifically to differentiate them from the actual classes that I use- and, yes, while my Mage does also use morph, that's because it was a set-only playthrough and it culminated in using morph set at the end)

    I tried to have a different weapon at endgame for each of the classes though (Being: Zero, The Forsaken, {I thought it would be really funny to have 3 Morph The Nothing mages so I just gave both of the dark wizards The Nothing as well}, Orange Lily, Royal Hydrangea, Black {My original classes use Collapse], Fog of Creation, The Nothing, The Exploited, Quinque and Glissando}).

    For the first 75 levels I again just kind of used whatever random weapons I could find, funnily enough while doing Realm of Light III, I was just in the room where you need to kill 10 enemies when I was doing the second dark wizard playthrough (the one that took only 31 hours), I turned around and somehow one of the mobs dropped a Pure, so the entire rest of the playthrough was just an absolute pushover as basically everything would die almost immediately, and even if they didn't they still took next to no time whatsoever to kill (how did I forget to put this in the original post it was literally one of the first things I thought to put into it and I forgot about it), on the second Skyseer playthrough, I found a Relic Relik, and if I remember correctly, I literally used it all the way until level 75, despite it being level 45. That's all I can really remember for like, really stupid things that had happened while I was playing though. (I guess there's the Ninja where I changed skin midway through the playthrough since I wanted to get a screenshot with it on while Orienor was playing as Starrnor. And also the fact that I didn't do the complete 1 dungeon objective until EO since I never did Decrepit Sewers on it like I did with all the others)

    Due to the fact that I'd done every quest in the game already, and most of them 6 times before I started this, I basically knew everything that you had to do in every quest (except for when I forgot things or accidentally went to the wrong place because I accidentally forgot what I was actually meant to be doing at the stage I was at and was thinking I was at the next stage already). For quests like Lost Soles that have puzzles where you need a code and I couldn't remember what it was, I would just go onto the wiki and read it off there instead of looking for the answer most of the time. Plus each time I did a quest I would occasionally experiment with things which would lead me to learning a way to skip or speed up a section (for example the faded map, I thought I had to go through the skull cave thing but I tried keeping it since it doesn't take it away from you when you bring it to Javier, so I just put it into the bank and took it out on the next class and talked to Javier right away without going into the skull and it worked perfectly fine despite there being a few lines of dialogue when you go there, making me think it was necessary to go through and trigger it, but it wasn't.) I knew of several spots where people get stuck at from missing triggers and I was aware of them so I would usually hang around a spot where the game fails to progress most people properly and run around it until it activated before moving on.

    Sorry for this post being absolutely horrendous to read, I just wanted to get all the details in, and I bet I still left some out since it is quite a lot.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2021
  9. sslatt

    sslatt Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Holy shit I just read a novel, tysm for the detailed response
    Fleega likes this.
  10. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    Gratz. Now all you need is a Ain promotion :D
    Fleega likes this.
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