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Theory Regarding Forgery & Gavel

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SaintEnderForum, Dec 7, 2021.


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  1. SaintEnderForum

    SaintEnderForum Happy Wynn Boi

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    So Recently I Found Out A Strange Relation Between The Forgery And The Big Stumps Of Gavel. One Containing The Portal To RoL And The Other Containing The Dark Forest Ultimate Discovery. I Drew A Line Between The 2 On A Map And The Forgery Happened To Be In The Center Of The 2... upload_2021-12-7_18-56-20.png
    This Raises Many Questions But What I Think Is Most Important Is The Fact That Dern Could Actually Be A Bigger Role In Gavel Than We Previously Thought. When The Rune Guardians (Probs A Buncha Olm That Found Their Way Into Gavel And Corkus) Combined The Runes, It Wasn't Just Done At Some Random Spot. The Dark Forest Was Still Very Light At The Time. Meaning That The River Island Was Just A Good Spot To Do so. Or as we thought. Both Stumps Had To Be Fully Grown Trees Once. Probably Containing More Powers Then Now. But If Only 1 Tree Has The RoL Portal Then What Was The Other For? This Is When Something Caught My Eye. The Trees In The South Have One Big Bush Of Leaves On Them Made Up Of Several Hundred Tiny Branches, While The Northern Trees Have Around A Dozen Branches With Tiny clumps Of Leaves. The Only Other Trees With This Feature Are Sky And Dernic Trees. Before The Eyeballs Appeared On Dernic Trees They Were Barren. But There Was A Time When SE Had Life Similar To Life In The Rest OF Wynn. But Gavel Wildlife And Magic Never Appears In Wynn. so What Were The SE Trees If They Never Came From Gavel. They Couldn't Have Just Evolved Separately Because The SE climate was identical to The climate in wynn plains. But there is one tree outside of se that can explain this all. If you go a bit north from the emerald trail just before you enter nivla, You find the lava and water tree. it has around a dozen to 2 dozen branches, has small clumps of leaves, and contains magical properties. Se trees must have been the kind that you see near emerald trail but were wiped out either by the meteor that forced to olm to flee or the dernic uprising in se. But these trees have magic. Magic in nature only appears in gavel, so they must have come to gavel. But they didn't.

    If you look on the map, gavel , Wynn, and corkus look to have been connected like Pangea was in our world. Maro peaks used to be in what is now pirate bay, jofash seems to have been near half moon island, and corkus used to be a elevated plain between the west mountains and the ragni mountains in wynn. if you line it up, it makes sense. the avo mountains line up with the ragni mountains. How does this relate to gavel and magic? well, when the provinces were connected, magic only started to seep into the world from planes of influence. and the old life was still evolving, but still very close to today's life. Magic was able to affect life easier, with some being able to absorb it like quartz does. The se trees are native to modern day gavel, and could take in magic. Explaining why the tree near emerald road is affected by the lava and water, both of which could transport and take in magic very well is. As the continents started to break, as the split shifted a lot of rocks around the world, one rock in what is now the house of twain broke off from the surrounding mountain, creating a river that carved through wynn and gavel before they broke apart. started forming a river from the ocean. creating the rivers of gavel we know today. Seeds from the modern day se trees could now travel along the river and spread to the south. One seedling happened to grow above an underground cave that contained a stream of lava and water, both of which contained magical properties. the constant flow of lava from mt. wynn and the constant supply of water from the surrounding bodies caused a never ending clash of magic between the 2, affecting and supplying the tree above with water, magic, and nutrients. as most of the other trees in emerald trail had their magic decayed and weakened, the lava one stayed magical and was able to supply better and more seeds than the other ones could. it spread its magic retaining ability through underground streams or over mountains and made it's way into se, where the magic trees lay as dernic trees today.

    With all that relating back to gavel, we can finally get to the main point. The life in the south evolved in a way where magic was retained in a bloodline while the northern trees needed a constant supply of it. the northern trees could change their magic if the right kind was supplied to one. the southern trees got the first light magic, and were thus able to spread enough light to make a possible window between the realm of light and gavel. The other trees in the north were never able to develop a strong presence of magic to form a window. Both species came from one tree that was able to grow in the perfect spot at just the right time to where it was able to grow huge. and spread its seeds to the north and south. the river split the species apart and kept them isolated for a while. the huge tree was only able to grow 2 seeds before it was killed by the rover's formation and decayed shortly after. 1 seed went south and the other north. the magic of the first tree that allowed it to grow huge only passed on through 1 generation. the seeds of the other 2 were normal. after a strange event that turned both of the huge trees into stumps, they were barley able to survive, but didn't rot. none of the microbes back then had evolved to survive at such heights. so neither of the stumps decomposed. random evolution caused the difference in species between the north an south trees. and caused a difference in how they used magic.

    After all that, we can finally explain why the forgery is where it is. The runic guardians combined the runes at the only neutral ground they had. a small island smack dab in the middle of the 2 tree kinds. by now, the magic from the plane of influence was strong enough that it affected the runes. the power of the runes was warped and twisted in a way where magic acted like a Schrödinger's cat. the rune was affected by southern and northern magic at the same time, and when combined, created a huge amount of that warped magic and created the crack in reality that is now the modern day forgery.

    Did you like this theory? It created a lot of fan lore that relates to our real world and before magic, not stuff you see in the wynncraft community often. I have many more theories like this so tell me if you want more!
  2. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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  3. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    I like how you just gave up on This Type Of Text Formatting 1/3rd of the way through
    Anyways, let's see.

    It started the damn Decay, what bigger role could it possibly have?

    Okay, so two things.
    First, the Rune Guardians are NOT Olm. The Olm were in Wynn and the SE while the Rune Guardians are all the way in Gavel. Crossing the two provinces wasn't possible until 900 AP because the waves of the Ocean weren't calmed yet, and thus it was impossible to traverse it. The Olm and the Rune Guardians both date all the way before 900 AP, with the Olm almost completely dying out many centuries before. Not to mention that the Rune Guardians manifest none of the characteristics that are present in the Olm, at least as we know of. Same thinking applies to Corkus: we have absolutely no evidence that anyone besides the Avos ever inhabited Corkus before the Fruman fugitives came to the island (and that was in 650 AP, again the Olm all died out waaaaaaaaay before), and the problem of traversing the Ocean was still there, so yeah. Not to mention the absolute lack of Olmic architecture or Olmic ruins in either of those provinces (and they built a LOT, there's an immense amount of Olmic ruins in both Wynn and the SE). Just because two civilizations know the same type of magic (rune magic) in different places, doesn't necessarily mean that they are connected. Are Dwendle Twain and the Bantisu Air Monks related because both know air magic?
    Second, it wasn't the Rune Guardians that combined the runes. As Order of the Grook tells us, the Rune Guardians were the consequence of the combining of the runes, which led to the creation of the Forgery. When a (still-unknown) group of people combined the runes and did indeed create the Forgery, the Rune Guardians were born to protect the runes, likely to prevent something like that from ever happening again. The Rune Guardians are bound by their duty to not do anything stupid with the runes. But this is an honest mistake, and it barely matters to the theory, so eh.

    It's not the trees that contain power, it's just powerful forces that created nests or portals (in the Dark Stump's case, the Heart of the Decay and in the Light Stump's case, the portal to the RoL) there which I guess granted them magical power. But I doubt they had any kind of magical power before that, they're just trees.

    An unironically good question. Though sadly we have no information on them - as of now, that is - and the dark stump's only purpose so far seems to be that it contains the Heart of the Decay. Did the Parasite choose the Stump on purpose? Maybe, I don't know. We simply know nothing about the stumps besides the purpose they serve now, they have no backstory attached to them. So anything that revolves around the stumps is mere speculation.

    Trying to connect dots based on how trees are built is probably worthless. I don't think the builders pay any attention to the lore or anything like that when designing trees, except the trees in the Eyeball Forest but those only serve for the secret discovery. In fact, trying to base your theory on build style in general is a lost cause. You could maybe? make an argument for Olmic ruins, since they all look the same, but that might just be me being biased as I once used the Olmic build style as a point in one of my theories.
    Also - "the meteor that forced the Olm to flee"? The Olm didn't flee because of the meteors, they fled because of Dern. I understand you may be talking about the "COSMIC EVENT INBOUND, ALL OLM EVACUATE" sign in Time Valley, but that has little to do with why the Olm fled. It was just a meteor that was threatening the Time Valley, which you then blew to smithereens with a cannon in the Deja Vu flashback thing.
    In fact, the Olm observed the meteors and even used their power to escape Dern's influence and hide in the Ancient City. So yeah, meteors were very useful to them. Not sure what you mean by a Dernic "uprising" but if that means the Dern Portal being created in the Silent Expanse and the forces of Dern entering the SE then yeah I guess that's true.
    Oh and fyi if it was a meteor that wiped out some random tree in the Emerald Trail (difficult to believe since meteors barely hit anything that isn't Gavel or the SE mountain range) then we'd know. There'd be traces of cosmic magic around the impact site, even if the crater was buried away by time.
    Also, magic isn't "natural to Gavel". There's plenty of magic elsewhere. The Twains' magical gifts, the shaman/druid magic of the Avos, Iboju tribes and Mesa tribes, the magic that the Fruman royal family possesses, etc.

    I strongly doubt that. It doesn't seem like it when you look at the map, plus I don't think the CT had the intention to make it so that all the lands drifted off at different points. Plus, if all the lands WERE connected at some point, then there'd be a lot more species intermixing. We'd have Avos in Gavel and Wynn, Villagers in Corkus and Wynn, Humans in Gavel...

    The rest is just headcanon and baseless speculation, so I won't reply to those, but:

    Strongly doubt this too. The planes of influence can't just "affect" magic from the plane of physicality, it's not like you can have Light Water magic or Dark Earth magic. You have Light magic, Dark magic, Water magic, etc.
    Plus, none of the times in which the runes have been used demonstrate that they are influenced by light and dark magic. There'd be tons of mixed magic around the crack in the Forgery, for instance, or light/dark magic in the Time Valley.

    Also - i might have missed this but - you don't seem to explain why the Forgery was created in the first place.
    cmosier, Uniimog and General Skien like this.
  4. SaintEnderForum

    SaintEnderForum Happy Wynn Boi

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    Gylia Plains Is Filled With Cosmic Or Colossus Magic Depending On Which Region. The Island Is Inbetween all 3
    The decay happened because dern got too greedy and wanted to control more. The parasite was a minion of the darkness and was sent to start a decay and create an army of parasites.
  5. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    If the creation of the forgery happened before 1400 BP,
    then the Gylia meteors haven't fallen, meaning they could've built it there.

    If the creation of the forgery happened from 1400 BP to 0 AP,
    then the War of the Realms hadn't started yet, meaning the northern stump wasn't touched by Darkness yet, so the island is not a "middle ground."

    If the creation of the forgery happened from 0 AP to 100 AP,
    then the Ahms colossus hadn't gone haywire yet, not preventing them from building it.

    Tbh though, any time after 0 AP is nigh impossible for the forgery's creation.
    DaCorruption likes this.
  6. SaintEnderForum

    SaintEnderForum Happy Wynn Boi

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    Runes Are Completely Native To Wynn. The Rune Symbols Are All Wynnic Characters. The Ones We See In The Translator Are Like Today's English. The Ones On Runes Are Kinds Like Latin Symbols. The Only Gavel Ish Character Is The Tol Rune, But That Has Proof Of Being Wynnic Native. The Olm Could Have Easily Crossed The Ocean With Magic. They Arguably Have More Advanced Magic Than The Mages. The Silent expanse Olms Were Killed Out But The Meteor Wouldn't Have Killed Out Time Valley. The Path From Western Wynn To Gavel Lines Up With Corkus And Light Forest. There Is A Passage To Gavel Near The Light Tree. They Could Have Possibly Offered Orphion The Ability To Seal His Nexus From Danger With The Runes. Maybe They Became Nomads In Gavel For A Brief Period Of Time, Spreading Knowledge Of Rune Magic. But They Could Never Settle And Grow Again Because Of How Sudden Their Appearance Was And How They Were Dernic. They Soon Started To Decline In Numbers. So They Went To The Island And Sacrificed Their Ability To Recover So They Could Protect The Runes From Being Misused. They Became The Rune Guardians And Created The Forgery During The Process. It Ended Up Sealing The Few Uth Olm That Got Into Corkus. There Is evidence Of Olm Residing In Both Corkus And Gavel. Landmarks and ruins lay in caves and deep in forests where olm helped people find their way home or camped in caves for shelter. No other civilization build those kind of stone structures. The olm are the only ones that make structures entirely out of grey material. There is proof but it isnt easy to find
  7. SaintEnderForum

    SaintEnderForum Happy Wynn Boi

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    The Gylia Meteors Only Affected A Couple Hundred Blocks Out. The White Meteor Is The Only Other Cosmic Magic, And It Created Wierds All Over North Cinfras Plains. It Only Decayed Within The Past 100 Years Or So. Any longer And The Dirt Nearby Would have settled sooner. If the white meteor was fresh then how did Mehme Not be completely transformed or outright killed by the cosmic magic? He Lives inside the meteor Like Cmon!

    I Never Stated That There Was Darkness In Gavel Yet. I Denied It! The Middle Ground Is Between Cosmic, Colossal, Southern Light, And Northern Light!

    The Ahms Colossus Went Haywire AT 0 AP Because It Had Sensed The Portal In Wynn. It Knew About The Start Of The War Of Realms And Self Destructed Fearing That It Would Kill All Of Ahms If It Corrupted, Killing Ahms Accidentally. The Dugons Managed To Neutralize The Canyon Colossus Until The Dwarves Invaded.

    The Forgery Was Created Sometime After 1400 Bp Or Else The Expanse Would Not Have Been Overtaken By Dern
    It Was Created Before Around 1000 Bp Or Else Wynn Would Have Already Existed
    It Was Created Before 800 Ap Or Else Gylia Would Have Existed
    Probs Was Made From 1200 to 1100 Bp. Aldorei and cinfras Had Started To Become More Advanced, it was after the olm had to flee from their home, and wynn would have known more about olm.
  8. Retroluxx

    Retroluxx Travelled Adventurer

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    that's a pretty cool theory
  9. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    I... guess? Moreso because it wanted to fight against the Light, that’s its primordial purpose.

    Rune symbols are neither Wynnic nor Gavelian, and they aren’t completely native to Wynn. Not only is there no evidence of them being native to Wynn, but there’s rune altars in Corkus and Gavel. I know you’re trying to tie the Corkus and Gavel altars to the Wynn ones but it doesn’t make much sense and the altars are there.

    What proof? The Tol Altar in the Silent Expanse? Then, where is the Uth Altar native to? Corkus, Aldorei? There’s no Uth Altar in Wynn. Plus there’s a Tol Altar in the Sky Islands

    While them having more powerful magic than the Mages is true, what magic could the Olm have used to cross the Ocean? Once again, there’s no evidence of this, plus the only feasible way for them to cross the Ocean would be to calm the waves by themselves, which if they did, would’ve allowed Humans and Villagers to cross the Ocean waaaaay before 900 AP. But as we know, that wasn’t the case, and the Ocean was calmed in 900 AP. I don’t think they could’ve like, teleported or something, since the Olm only had rune magic and cosmic magic to a lesser extent, and neither of those are able to teleport people.

    If you’re talking about the mountains around the Ocean, those are hardly canon because they’re just a barrier and they keep moving and shifting around. And idk, I don’t really see it but I may be dumb.

    And yet, Orphion’s Nexus gets invaded and infested by the Parasite and the forces of Dern. So, it’s not protected at all. It used to be, in the old Realm of Light, but not now. There is no seal in the Nexus, just a broken pathway that you have to fix.

    But don’t they want to protect the runes from being misused? Why would they spread knowledge of such a powerful and dangerous type of magic, especially when they’re duty-bound to prevent anyone from messing things up with it? If I was a Rune Guardian, I would’ve kept it a secret. Plus, if they really did spread knowledge of rune magic, more people in Gavel would know about its true nature and how to use it. As far as we know, the only people in Gavel who know about the runes’ true properties are the Rune Guardians themselves.

    That doesn’t make much sense. They wanted to protect the runes from being misused (a more feasible theory is that whoever made the Forgery wanted to use it to see the future, because of the existence of the Corrupted Dungeons), so they... misused the runes? Creating a catastrophic reaction which was arguably even more destructive than the Gylia Cataclysm? Doesn’t seem like something the protectors of the runes would do.


    No there isn’t. Using architecture as proof is very flimsy. Not all stone structures present in the world are built by the Olm, stone is just a very durable material. That’s like saying that Rodoroc was built by the Olm because it’s made out of stone, or that the Lost Avos City under Corkus was built by the Olm. Stone is in the Olm’s build style, sure, but if it’s outside of Wynn then it shouldn’t be treated as proof that the Olm were there. The Olm tend to build gigantic, dark stone buildings, with a clear cut purpose and decoration everywhere. That doesn’t appear in the stone ruins of Gavel and Corkus (which are more likely just evidence of the provinces having been settled since ancient times).
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