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Weaponsmithing Good crafted daggers for lvl 40 - 100?

Discussion in 'Crafting Recipes' started by Dia axe, Nov 18, 2021.

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  1. Dia axe

    Dia axe Well-Known Adventurer

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    Things my 3rd profile and I wanna get into weaponsmithing since it hear crafted daggers are great for assasin! So what are some optimal daggers for each level range 40 and up?
  2. bumpjoinICo

    bumpjoinICo bumpjoinICo

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    dont get into profs. you will never come back
    seriously though, dagger base raw dmg(at lvl 100) is bad(for assassin spells which fun fact does not multiply dps by a ton unlike meteor), so when crafting add other dmg buffs, or eles use thrunda ripsaw or whatever that is good as most lvl 100 daggers for some reason are awful,
  3. Kiocifer

    Kiocifer Creator of salteďpog3 and other monstrosities HERO

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    Idk what yy8erig is talking about, crafted weapons are extremely powerful throughout the game, although they are correct in the fact that professions are quite the slog and you might prefer getting conventional weapons instead unless you have a high level prof class already.

    As for recipes, it's pretty free-form, but ingredients to look out for are any that add raw spell (at lower levels, this is a huge thing; Quartz Cluster is an incredibly OP ingredient) or intelligence (Viking stone is also amazing). (Here's an example level 47-49 dagger https://www.wynndata.tk/cr/379554286)

    At higher levels, you'll swap from raw spell to powders or ingredients that add intelligence or mana steal or similar things.

    You probably don't want spell% items until 80-ish, at which point items like Wintery Aspect, Ritual Catalyst, and Gravitational crystal are really, really good.

    Also keep in mind durability when coming up with recipes, you probably want around 120-170 for 40-70, and 170-200 from 70-90 and 200+ for endgame daggers
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2021
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