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Warrior/Knight All around good warrior builds

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by SwampyWillis, Nov 23, 2021.

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  1. SwampyWillis

    SwampyWillis yes. HERO

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    mainly looking for a build to solo or at least easily duo LI
    anything is game except mythic spears and crabs

    Thanks in advance to anyone who responds
  2. ==

    == Guest

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Morph-Stardust
    > Morph-Steel
    > Morph-Iron
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Emerald
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Amethyst
    > Morph-Ruby
    > Infidel [w6w6w6]
    Morph + Infidel / Morph + Infidel + ROTS (Requires 5 skill point tomes). Spellspam is not bad (6 mr, 2 1 spellcost if you spam up+b), you can put t6 water powders on your armor for a little dmg boost, but it isn't required. If you spellspam really fast it's not gonna be that good, but that's what you get for non-mythic. It works good if you uppercancel. Also it has 70k ehp, which will make you survive almost everything and rots makes it even better. Neutral + Water damage. You can use mana pots to have more mana. Don't use the forsaken, it's literally better with 300 damage average at the cost of -3 mana regen. Weapon costs 6x csst dungeons, about 20k emeralds

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Morph-Stardust
    > Morph-Steel
    > Morph-Iron
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Emerald
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Amethyst
    > Morph-Ruby
    > Quinque [e6]
    Morph + Quinque / Morph + Quinque + ROTS (requires 2 rainbow 5 skill point weapon tomes + 1 rainbow guild tome, that almost nobody has)
    It's not a bad build for spellspam, it deals a little bit less damage average than Morph + Infidel though. Mr is between 3 and 5, because quinque gives -mr, also 2 1 spellcosts. Again it's not gonna be that good if you spellspam really fast, but for uppercancel it will work perfectly. 70k ehp which is not bad, you probably dont have 15 sp rainbow tomes, no rots. 1.2k poison tick, dps is not bad. Put earth powders if you have good % on your earth damage stat on quinque. You can put earth / thunder powders on your armor, I don't recommend doing it though. I still recommend the other build, because the weapon is from a dungeon and it has fixed stats. Use mana pots

    WynnBuilder build:
    > CancerÖˇ
    > Coal Duster
    > Caterpillar
    > Scorpio
    > Diamond Solar Ring
    > Diamond Solar Ring
    > Dying Lobelia
    > Contrast
    > Quinque [e6]
    Quinque poison + ehp. Poison - 14890/3s, With strength - 23946/3s. Doesn't seem bad, can't give a huge comment + tips about it, because I haven't tested it. You need high poison pieces, which can cost more money than the other builds. 75k ehp if you put all of your remaining points on def/agi. 65k ehp and 24736/3s poison with strength if you put all points on strength. Not recommending to put powders on armor.

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Alkahest
    > Uranium Aegis
    > Caterpillar
    > Dart Frog's Skin
    > Saundersi Signet
    > Saundersi Signet
    > Dying Lobelia
    > Planet Healer
    > Quinque []
    Quinque poison + low ehp. Poison - 21015/3s, With strength - 31796. 23k ehp, 53 skill points left. If you assign all 53 points on def / agi - you will get 40k ehp, and if you do the opposite - assign 48 into strength (you cant assign all points, since you can assign 105 max) - you will get 5k more poison (With strength - 36043/3s + 1k more ehp, because +5 points on def). I don't recommend to put powders on armor. Again cant say a lot of things about this build, because I haven't tested it.
    bagt3r and DeltaWave like this.
  3. DeltaWave

    DeltaWave I miss cancelstack VIP

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    WynnBuilder build:
    > Sparkweaver
    > Anima-Infused Cuirass
    > Infernal Impulse
    > Pro Tempore
    > Yang
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Tenuto
    > Ignition [f6f6f6]
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Shawl of Gaea
    > Tisaun's Valor
    > Horizon
    > Humbark Moccasins
    > Breezehands
    > Flashfire Knuckle
    > Flashfire Gauntlet
    > Recalcitrance
    > Undying [f6f6]
    greed one
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Centipede
    > Rekkr
    > Second Wind
    > Nether's Scar
    > Breezehands
    > Old Keeper's Ring
    > Prowess
    > Recalcitrance
    > Undying [f6f6]
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2021
    bagt3r likes this.
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