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SPOILER THEORY: How the Corruption has deceived Wynncraft's Heroes

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by LiamAshvinn001, Nov 12, 2021.

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  1. LiamAshvinn001

    LiamAshvinn001 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Ok so recently I finished the RoL quest and... I loved. I know some people don't like it, but I think its pretty good. It had nods to earlier RoL ones and was cool seeing Bak'Al. I actually had the feeling like a puny mortal, {probably because im a mage and my defense suck}.

    So recently I found something interesting. Now if you're doing RoL or haven't done the Realm Of Light quest, DO NOT READ THIS THERE IS LIKE MAJOR SPOILERS GO CMON LEAVE OK THANKS.

    Anyway, so Lari probably got corrupted or.. ded. But one part stuck out to me. Lari said how she felt going to the core or source of the Darkness would hhelp get rid of it. So for this theory I'll be looking at three people, Gareth, Lari and Theorick Twain. I might touch in on Bob but probably not since I dont know much and i havent done reincarnation quest yet.

    So first Lari's dialogue of thinking she can help stop by going to the source is undoubtly familiar to Theorick Twain's idea of getting to the source TOO. Now, I'm not 100 percent sure about Theorick, but Lari is VERY attuned with magic, specifically light and dark. It's confirmed throughout RoL quest that she can feel how strong the light and dark is. So, what if the Corruption made it feel like it was weak so Lari could get baited. Even BEFORE part 5, she fought against the Parasite 2 times. What did she say? That she knows she can trap it. Its the corruption pretending to be weak to bait Lari. Its a way to deceive her, and we know from Ba'Kals line that she must die that she is considered as a major player in the Dern Beast's plan.

    Now Theorick, while I am not 100 percent sure he can feel the powers of the corruption and the Light, there is an explanation. THE GUY SPENT YEARS FIGHTING IT. Maybe as he was fighting he felt like it was getting weaker, aka he went through the portal. Just like how Lari felt she could trap the beast..

    Gareth is a bit harder cuz I think he's less of a magic user and more of a genius nerd. But like Theorick, there is an explanation too. He could have been researching specimens and maybe the corruption made it look like it was weaker, I mean its kind of stupid that a guy who spent years studying it, would go into the portal, like literally ever person who did it died. And he should know that its literally the DUMBEST THING EVER. And why would the Corruption target him? He spent YEARS studying it. AKA he knows a lot. Like Lari and Theorick, they were either a threat or knew a lot.

    Now, Bob. I don't know muchh of him as I still haven't done some Major Bob quests. But the same deception could have happened to him, as I remember hearing somewhere he disappeared to some "dark" land. And once again he was literally one of the biggest threats to the Corruption

    So what do you think of this theory? Please comment whether I'm right or wrong. Cuz I feel like later quests straight up says it and Im just writing something that has already bene proven. Anyways cya!
  2. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    the player is going to do the same 100%

    maybe wynncraft won't have a happy ending
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  3. LiamAshvinn001

    LiamAshvinn001 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Yeah I can see that happening. Though meta narrative wise probably not, since the player is meant to parallel Lari i think, as like i think its meant to show that no matter what one must be decisive
  4. SunExtractor

    SunExtractor Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    Isn’t the Corruption a mix of light and dark? The Corruption was only seen in Wynn, but not Gavel. Gavel has the Decay, which is completely different
    Thega and Emogla3 like this.
  5. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    You're completely mixing up Corruption and Darkness here. Theorick and Garoth went into the Nether, not Dern like Lari did.

    Let's go back to basics. The Light and the Darkness are two primordial forces, which fight each other, using countless realms as their battlegrounds. The Corruption is a new force created from the violent clash of Light and Darkness. This is all explained in WynnExcavation Site D. The Corruption spreads and takes over creatures, but it does not have a "goal", and has no "beast" or any sort of core that we know of. It simply does, as Garoth describes it in StC.

    Bak'al is an intelligent corrupted creature and the leader of the corrupted army. This feels like I'm saying a joke since it's been gone over so many times, but: The Corruption does not serve Dern. Bak'al serves Dern.

    The Nether is also very likely not the "core realm" of Corruption, if there is any. It's simply a completely corrupted realm that may have once been something like the Overworld.
    Garoth did not willingly enter the portal, he was pushed.
  6. LiamAshvinn001

    LiamAshvinn001 Well-Known Adventurer

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    DK this was just a thought i had when finishing RoL i might try to make more theories it was fun making this
    Ok sorry i mixed the terms up. I still have an idea how this still sticks together and not debunk what i said. This was my first real theory i ever made and since i really enjoyed making it ill probably make another one.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2021
  7. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    liam back with the FLAMING HOT theories
    emolga back with the anti-"corruptionservesdern" ist propaganda
  8. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern. HERO

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    I’m still of the idea that whatever that being was, that pushed Garoth in, wasn’t an actual physical creature, but instead like a representation of Garoth’s urge to enter the portal and understand the Corruption which pushed him in. Because it wouldn’t make much sense for it to be just some shadow being that appears once and never again. Then again, a lot of stuff in Studying the Corrupt doesn’t make sense.

    Also, good theory, but as others have said you mixed up Corruption and Darkness a bit
  9. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    yea that's definitely another option i've considered
    DaCorruption likes this.
  10. SunExtractor

    SunExtractor Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    The person who pushed Garoth into the portal looked a little like the guy (Sans?) from AHC
  11. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    hm, this actually seems fairly interesting

    i gather i saw this differently from everyone else, though, since i assumed it meant that corruption simply makes you more prone to dangerous decisions in general (rather than specifically corruption-related decisions), even if you don't show any other personality changes - which, if you look at it from that lens, makes a bit of sense

    CoW was a mining captain in the area that became the roots, if the portal was already active but buried then he would've been exposed to the corruption's effects for a long time before actually getting visibly corrupted - and it's entirely possible that the nonsensical greed of the miners wasn't just them being idiots, but being goaded on by the influence of the portal
    we don't know what bak'al was before he got corrupted but he may've been fighting it for a little while, or otherwise exposed before getting visibly corrupted

    theorick spent years fighting the corrupted - while he shows no physical or personality changes due to this, the end result is that he decides to jump into the portal and take on the entirety of the nether by himself. he even says himself "Damned be it if our minds are lost", so he knows it's a crazy plan, but he goes through with it anyways, and of course fails

    garoth, similarly, spent years studying the corruption. of course, he knew that entering the portal was a bad idea, and tried to turn away from it, but as mentioned above, it's entirely possible that him being "pushed" was more a reflection of him acting against his better judgment than some outside force literally shoving him in

    hard to say what the deal with bob is since we know so little about what happened to him, although it's certainly possible that fighting the corruption for so long led him to try to take on dern by himself
    lari, though, is a lot more clear, since we actually get to see what she does. she's exposed to bak'al's corruption for a little, and almost immediately after decides to cowabunga through his portal and take on all of dern by herself

    of course, none of these events actually need corruption pushing you towards bad or dangerous decisions to make sense - CoW could've just been greedy, theorick could've just been desperate, garoth could've just been too curious or was actually physically pushed, and bob and lari could've been overconfident idiots. but i think it's fairly interesting that you can reasonably explain all of their actions with the idea that corruption has an, as of yet unnoticed, effect of pushing people it interacts with towards overly risky or just bad decisions, which can apply to people even if they show no other evidence of being affected by the corruption.
  12. LiamAshvinn001

    LiamAshvinn001 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Another thing that helps this theory is that the people who do went in were some of the biggest threats to the Corruption. Theorick had powerful magic, Gareth probably knew a lot from his research, Bak'al literally said Lari had to be eliminated and Bob is Bob.
  13. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    I'll still remind you, Lari was never a threat to the Corruption, save Bak'al. She went in Dern, not the Nether, and her goal was to attack the Darkness.

    The exact same goes for Bob, although he did fight against the general Corruption too.
  14. LiamAshvinn001

    LiamAshvinn001 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Whoops sorry Ill try not to mix it up again. Ill revise this theory soon since I have too much free time. Anyways thanks for the feedback its actually helping me piece together some things for the theory :D
    Emogla3 likes this.
  15. LiamAshvinn001

    LiamAshvinn001 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hey guys just saying the revised theory might take longer to come up. I am still going to do it since it's really fun making these, but I've recently started to do more voxel art and I don't want to read the wiki tooo much so it doesn't spoil anything. I'm saying this cuz I don't want people thinking I forgot about it.
  16. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    Criminally unbased
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  17. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    Everyones saying bobs overconfidenct and trying to beat the corruption. but this is wrong iirc. He did go in somehow but he got out, he didnt just walk in and die, as his soul is still there and he was able to walk to the player during reincarnation. HE prepared before his "death", he sent letters to his loved ones, made his own tomb and scattered his animals, he left and HAD TIME. he was prepared. he knew what the threat was and he knew he was too weak to stop it. iirc he used his life force to seal the threat away, we dont know what this threat is and was never said to BE dern. the eye was still canonically alive so silent expanse isnt a option. he might of used a different portal like the one in gateway island. but he was never said to go to dern.
    Also bob isnt dead, just split. his body in his tomb, his conciousnous or something like it in there too. His power in his animals and his life force is used to seal away whatever threat he found
    anyway enough bob talking lemme look at the actaul theory. so. Theorick was desperate(no faking weakness here), garoth was curious( also no faking weakness), Bob knew it was a threat and might of never had any collolation to it(ALSO no faking weakness), Lari was baited because of anger, even if you see that as faking weakness(and yes there was a bit of that), THAT was DERN not CORRUPTION. and even if we arent talking about corruption you only have one point.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2021
  18. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    He was said to go to a "dark land". This could be Dern, SE, Gateway Realm, or something else, but it sure as hell was not the Nether.

    Bob only sent letters to Nilrem telling about where he was going to go, not his "loved ones", though we don't know who Nilrem really was.

    Bob's Tomb appeared a year after his disappearance, so Bob could not have made it himself. In fact, there are many things which have led people to believe that Bob's Tomb and the reincarnation are fakes, likely made by Nilrem.
  19. crturt1e

    crturt1e Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    I don't have hero rank so I should be fine
  20. LiamAshvinn001

    LiamAshvinn001 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Uh.. dk if this is obvious or straight up said, but Nilrem is literally Merlin backwards.
    I've already addressed the Corruption and Dern mix-up and already said how I'm going to revise this theory cuz of the holes. So first, Theorick. Yes I know Hes Deseperate. But it would make more sense that being exposed to the Corruption so much made him go more crazy. Gareth, I know he was curious, but it makes even more sense that through his studies he found the Corruption was getting weaker, but the Corruption could be like faking it, since he knows a lot about it. Lari, yes I know she went into Dern so for now I'm tossing her out of the theory. Anyways, thanks for the feedback this is helping me make the revised theory better! :D
    Ninja_VK likes this.
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