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Video My random Dungeon/Raid video

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Yuu_Doma, Oct 20, 2021.

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  1. Yuu_Doma

    Yuu_Doma Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    As title said, this thread is about my videos of doing Raid or Dungeon. I used music from other games to make the video more epic(or nah), and here are my videos. I'll also explain why did I choose this music and why did I think it fits the situation.

    Btw, you can find those music I used in description.

    This is my first video, it was recorded few months ago iirc.

    1st music was Diffraction from MapleStory, it sounds so empty(?) and mysterious, when I heard this thing, it becomes my best choice of EO Dungeon theme. Though my one of my friend said it fits the most in the 1st room then becomes lesser fits for the rest of rooms.

    2nd music is also from MapleStory, Temple of Darkness. The vibe of facing the biggest danger of the world makes me feel like it suits The Eye too, as it's currently the worst(evil meaning) and strongest enemy(or villain) when this thread being made. I can't wait to fight against final boss of Wynn now btw.

    3rd music still from MapleStory, Throne of Darkness. It's from the same boss called Black Mage, he's the former final boss in that game. This music is giving some feeling like the battle is getting harder now, just like The Eye. So that's why I used this music for Phase 2. Funny fact, this is also Black Mage's 2nd phase boss theme.

    4th music, well I don't have to explain where is it come from, right? Anyway, this baby is called Gravity Lord Rise, it's chosen because it makes me feeling the war is going to end, we must release our full strength to save the world or something like that, one of my friend also said this music is the best one that fits the EO Solo video btw.

    5th and the last theme is from a Japanese mobile game named Monster Strike, most bosses from the game has multiple phases, and this played in the last phase. Simple right? This is the reason why I put it here LOL.

    Here it is! 2nd video!

    1st music is Tears of the World, and you might already know which game. Anyway, this theme is giving me some vibe of the end of our mission is getting so close, just like we did the whole pentalogy of RoL, and now it's time to make it end.

    2nd is called Wave of Emptiness, I want to make the audiences feeling that the mission is getting worse and harder to fulfill, but we cannot give up yet.

    3rd is The World's End, it only played like less than 20 sec in my video, but this is what I seeking. As the stairs isn't that long when climbing in game, but you still feel like every steps become heavier and heavier because your destiny of free Orphion from the Parasite is almost finished.

    4th! YES! This time it was from Elsword, and it's a Raid Boss theme. One of my friend said it's kinda too upbeat tho, I still prefer this music as it giving me the final battle that decide the fate of the world. And of course, THE BELL!

    5th music, you can just check above!

    And I realized that someone pinged me in around 7 min LOL.

    Here's the last video(s) for this thread. The Forgery Soloing Trilogy.

    1st theme is Henir's Time and Space from Elsword, if you didn't play the game, it's something like Boss Rush. It sounds fit LI more? You might ask, but I feel like this is way too fantasy(?) to play in Legendary Island.

    2nd theme sounds like you are inside somewhere dark and mystery, just like the sewer! It did played in a sewer stage for first time in Elsword tho.

    3rd is also from the same stage but boss battle. It sounds fit Witherhead as it sounds frightening and ferocious, so that's why I used this music here.

    4th goes to CIP, it did giving me creepy feeling, and I don't like spider either.

    5th theme is kinda hard battle vibe to me, and it did fit my situation. As Arakadicus has Fire Def and I'm using Fire Dmg mainly in the trilogy. So I choose this.

    6th, I just feel like it sounds in hurry, just like TNT and the situation of chaotic in the dungeon. So I added this to CLS run.

    7th sounds messy, much like how Garoth battle like in my own mind, it's really messy LOL. But still annoying, Bosses in Elsword used this theme shared something, most of them were annoying, just like Garoth.

    8th, I feel like this is played for those who sacrificed their own lives for the battle, either undead or human forces. It sounds holy but also creepy to me.

    9th, I wish I can fight Charon longer sadly. This music is giving me some dire situation vibe, just like your old partners in UC were all dead, you're being alone. Though Graken still helped us bravely even after he died.

    10th goes to this desert vibe boy, it's just sound so desert so I choose this LOL.

    11th is chosen because it's giving me uneasy, deep feeling, just like Hashr. I wish that he could be harder tho.

    12nd seems so well, because the intro giving me some heroic vibe, just like we are going to face Theorick. An unknown fate awaits us.

    13rd is sounds so scary and hardship, even though I fought him kinda easily. Still, it could be a mess if you bring wrong element.

    14th is messy too, just like how sticky slimes are. And the parkour annoys me too.

    15th, kinda represent some hatred feeling just like Slykaar to our beloved hero Bob. As a follower of him,
    Slykaar wanted to kill us to prove he's stronger or something anyway.

    I'd like to hear your own opinion, thx anyway
    Nukewarmachine and Coffee KQ like this.
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