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Post 1.20.4 thoughts on Wynncraft

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by TravusThaSlime, Sep 27, 2021.


Do you agree with this?

  1. Nearly every single one, yes.

  2. Some of it.

  3. No, you are wrong mostly.

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  1. TravusThaSlime

    TravusThaSlime TravisNH Media CHAMPION

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    Kinda just want a quest to summarize this all though is my point. Put it right in the players face and not have you searching wikis, and forums just for an answer on what we THINK is supposed to happen.
    Moshimoo likes this.
  2. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    There is still quite a lot to be done before you can have it.
    The player's story is missing chapters such as Dern or Fruma (or Bloomi if you are a believer) and both will quite surely take a lot of time to make them correctly.
    TravusThaSlime and That_Chudley like this.
  3. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Unironically there's nothing I want more from this game then that. I said I wasn't going to write any more excessively long reviews after 1.20 but if they add Bloomi I am committed to writing out a 20+ page long tome on how great it is. It could be a tiny island in the middle of the ocean with a single tree and I would still talk about how it's the greatest addition to the game ever.
  4. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    ???: The scales have been tipped.

    The Dern Beast knows that the Darkness has gained the advantage in the war of the realms, hence why it says the scales of the war tipped. There are many reasons (the conquest of the Silent Expanse and the spread of Decay for instance). So it would be easier for the beast to (try to) completely eradicate the Light instead of letting the Light take over, it would probably take less time.
    Even then, the Dern Beast also knows that it's in Light and Darkness' nature to fight eachother endlessly, and it can't just "take a vacation". Hence why it says that the war of the realms is endless. Now, this could mean that the beast thinks truly destroying the Light is impossible, and one cannot exist without the other. But if that was the case, I would think it would at least try to contain the Light or completely debilitate it.
    TravusThaSlime likes this.
  5. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Unironically I would love it too.

    I also have plan to propose it as community rework once our planned stuff is done
  6. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    Please people. This is literally a minecraft server. I used to think that wynncraft was good because it's a minecraft server and no one in their right mind would get super competitive or worked up over it.
  7. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    The fact that Dern is currently winning the war doesn't mean that winning the war is easier than losing the war. If it's in Light and Darkness's nature to fight then that would fight then that pretty much comes down to what TrapinchO said, which is what you were trying to contradict. I don't get how you could believe the Dern beasts's main motive is to achieve peace rather than power or fighting just because that's what it does, because A. There are other methods of achieving peace and B. all evidence in favour of the Dern beast wanting peace can more effectively be explained by either of the two aforementioned motives.
    TravusThaSlime likes this.
  8. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    The Dern Beast does indeed want the Darkness to take over the world and achieve purity, and it believes that Orphion trying to achieve balance is stupid because it says that the "war of the realms is endless". I will concede that "purity" may mean many things, but saying that the Darkness wants power and power alone is even more far fetched now that Light and Dark have been detached from the concepts of "good" and "evil". Remember in 1.19 when it was stated that the Darkness was evil and the Light was good? That's not a thing anymore (thank god it isn't), as Orphion is detached from mortal morals and so is the Dern Beast. The Darkness isn't evil and I bet the Dern Beast doesn't think of itself as evil, so taking over the world just to go like "zomg i now have all the power i go evil and rule the world and kill everyone hehe........" would be stupid.

    So why do I say that Darkness isn't evil? Because it means that "laying back and letting the Light establish peace" doesn't make any sense. The Dern Beast has already implied that it disagrees with Orphion trying to establish balance, so why would it trust the Light? How do you know that the Darkness doesn't see the Light as the evil one, now that Light =/= good and Dark =/= bad? How does the Dern Beast know that Orphion won't just get rid of it or try to weaken it as soon as it's done "establishing peace"? The Light has already attacked the Darkness once before (see: Lutho obelisk), so the Darkness has ample reason to believe that the Light is the bad one and they're the good guys. If they thought they were the bad guys, then yes, they would kick back and let Orphion do all the dirty work. But as I've said like 10 times, it doesn't. If we were born in the Silent Expanse and our job was to carry out the Dern Beast's will, we'd think the Darkness are the good guys and the Light are the bad guys.
  9. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    I didn't even say anything about bad or good. The Dern beast can believe itself to be good and Orphion to be bad, but that doesn't mean its objective is peace. The Dern beast doesn't trust the Light to do what, exactly? To preserve balance? Let's say the Dern beast withdraws from the war. If the Light stops fighting after Light and Darkness are even again, then there would be peace. If the Light attacks the Darkness and takes over the world/eradicates the Darkness, then the war would be over and there would be peace. The first scenario may be temporary, but granted that the Darkness stays passive, it can only result in the second scenario. If the eradication of the Light is a way of ensure peace, then so is the eradication of the Darkness. After all, if there is no Darkness, there will be nothing left for the Light to fight. Now obviously the Dern beast doesn't like this prospect very much, because peace isn't the goal. It isn't willing to let Light reign. Why? Self preservation. You said yourself that the Dern beast is afraid of being destroyed or weakened by Orphion. If its goal was peace, then the only reason it would need power is to establish peace, but since peace can also be established by a total removal of its power, it wouldn't need to be afraid of this. Its goal would be achieved. The only difference between winning the war and forfeiting is the fact that one ends with the Darkness claiming absolute power and one doesn't.
  10. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    True. But Orphion’s objective (as of rn) isn’t to establish peace by eradicating the Darkness, it’s to re-establish balance by putting an end to the War of the Realms. The Dern Beast objects to this as it believes that balance cannot be restored anymore, hence why it says that the war is endless. It believes that Light and Darkness are always fated to fight, no matter the consequences or the circumstances. You are right about the Dern Beast picking the path of peace by preserving itself, but this is not something that is exclusive to it. Orphion also wants to preserve himself, hence why he spends the last 1000 years trying to get Lari to do something and immediately dismissing her as soon as someone more powerful, us, comes around.
    The beasts will always try to preserve themselves and fight eachother, and I doubt peace can be achieved through trust alone.
  11. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    i think discouraging people to use it based off of durability isnt a bad strategy - it's a trade off where you can make powerful items but you have to maintain them, i think thats a fair choice to ask of the player. (though again i do think the actual balancing of durability could use work.)

    i think balancing durability & stats is a lot more interesting as a system than just getting to select what bonuses you want afterwards with leftover points.

    its also important to consider the factor community opinion plays in the usage of crafted items - most people who arent experienced think of them of degrading very fast, when that generally isnt true.
    TravusThaSlime and Bart (MC) like this.
  12. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I don't disagree, it is without question possible to balance durability, the issue is that it's like they're not even trying to balance the drawbacks against the benefits. If you gave most players a choice between two nearly identical items, but one was a straight 20% damage increase except it couldn't give them SP for other equipment and it had durability, they wouldn't use it. Even if it was 30% better I still don't think people would use it just because the SP issue is an insane limit on potential usage, especially with mythics, by far the best items in the game, which tend to have very high SP costs.

    Even if the actual power is balanced though, that still leaves the difficulty to balance. Almost nobody would be willing to grind hundreds of hours, probably thousands of hours without DXP weekends and bombs, only to get an item which is marginally better then something they can pay a negligible amount of emeralds for.

    There's no reason why crafted items shouldn't be the strongest armor parts in the game as they are right now.
    TravusThaSlime likes this.
  13. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    exactly this
    Enderclaw and TravusThaSlime like this.
  14. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    crafted items are really powerful, and i never said they shouldnt be (in fact i think they should be really powerful) , i just dont think they should be freely allowed to powercreep everything in the game without any drawbacks.

    i think crafted items being used by a minority of players is alright honestly. thats a choice a player can make, but just because players dont want to use it doesnt mean crafted items deserve to delete the vast majority of items for no reason
    TravusThaSlime likes this.
  15. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I didn't mean to imply you thought they shouldn't be powerful, my argument is that in their current state they can't possibly powercreep because they have fundamental issues which would disqualify them from ever being used. Having large amounts of SP is extremely important to the strongest builds since the SP requirements for mythic weapons which comprise the entirety* of the meta are extremely high and that's something crafted items can't contribute to. That's not just a minor flaw that can be worked around, durability is inconvenient but not getting extra SP which can contribute to SP requirements from an item is a massive drawback on a lot of items, including every single crafted item. Along with the extreme effort, these items have way too many barriers to be useful.

    If players are choosing to not use items, that's not because they're choosing to not use crafted items because they're crafted, it's because they're bad and hard to use. You say they shouldn't dominate the meta which is fine, but it feels like nobody but me is saying anything about how non crafted items totally dominate the meta which is equally dumb. As they are now, crafted items are not only not meta, they're not usable, the fact that you're going back to a clear hyperbole that they should dominate the meta instead of actually addressing my points about the core issues is making this a difficult conversation to have. The point was never that they should be universally the best, it's that they're complete garbage outside of niche uses which is absolutely insane considering the effort.
  16. FrozenEarth

    FrozenEarth Community Helper + Wiki Manager Discord Moderator HERO

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    Crafted items can be quite powerful already, though, and are way easier to obtain than mythics. There are plenty of recipes out there that can augment any build. What are your experiences with crafted items that led you to believe they're worthless?
  17. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    you could just use an invisible armorstand or whatever, not everything right clickable that returns dialogue is specifically an npc some things are just random objects and whatnot
    TravusThaSlime likes this.
  18. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    The fact that nobody uses them in combat builds is a good start. Also, the idea of a recipe that can "augment any build" is insane, most builds are insanely tight on SP and you can't afford to swap out any items at all. Even on builds where you have SP to spare, you almost never want to do it.

    As for the mythic thing, no, the average time to get a mythic is way lower then the average time to raise at least two gatherings and a crafting for an average player who isn't part of prof heaven and isn't able to bounce between TXP servers. That's an optimistic look at it too, if you're being realistic you need to do mining, fishing and gathering as well as armoring and tailoring, if you want accessories then I guess you need to do all 4 gatherings. Maybe finding a mythic in a chest will take longer, thankfully, you don't have to worry about finding one because you can buy one. One new playthrough of a character can be done in about 10-15 hours and can easily yield over 1 stack each. Lootrunning also generates a shit ton of emeralds, probably as much if not more then powerleveling and questing. In the time you spent leveling professions, you could easily, without question have 10 stacks of emeralds or more. That's not just mythic money, that's either S tier mythic money or multiple mythic money. You are not making more money doing professions then you are lootrunning.
  19. chryssie

    chryssie ultimate cur hater CHAMPION

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    could not agree more on this, the devs seem to only change things to fit their vision instead of fixing legitimate problems or rectifying balance issues. see: the entire concept of season rating itself
    ron111701 and TravusThaSlime like this.
  20. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    i would say the non-crafted to crafted item balance is pretty good rn besides some dura improvements that could be made. i dont think crafted items being niche is strictly bad. ultimately i believe the lack of crafted items in general builds is because A) youre average player isnt good at making recipes, and B) people just really like the convenience, not everyone is setting out to tryhard the game, and thats okay.

    crafted items are far from unusable, ive carried a lot of people through both TCC and NOL with an entirely crafted build.

    people dont use them in combat builds because you can get through most combat scenarios with morph. investing a lot into a build isnt great when youre not confident in it, and when you lack experience in a system it can be daunting to start looking into creating your own crafted items. I also feel like youre forgetting that you dont need to level up anything right now, Lv100 mats are perfectly acceptable for 99% of builds and other recipes, and theyre dirt cheap with a few exceptions like hemp grains. You could also have a guildmate, or a friend, or hell ask someone in the prof discord to craft it. you also ignore the time investment getting set up to do LRing is, especially if you wanna lootrun well.

    In the prof tryhard group discord, we have people ask for recipes for their combat builds all the time, AND crafted items show up a bunch in guild warring.
    Dr Zed and TravusThaSlime like this.
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