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SPOILER ACTUAL meaning of "Fall of the Twins"

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by shtnck eyh ckhhe, Sep 11, 2021.

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  1. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    Okay guys, this one isn't a shitpost. "Fall of the Twins" isn't actually about Jesus Christ.

    Let me show the poem once again:

    Born from another, condemned each other.
    One sought for the truth, the other for solace,
    but did not treat themselves as brothers.
    Breaking through heaven was the young one's dream.
    It's call hollowed the souls of the frightened,
    but it was not enough to bring a flow to the stream.
    The younger one fell, as the ambition brought it down.
    The older one watched with grief and sorrow,
    only to wear its long desired crown.
    Though only for a while, the survivor smiled.
    The claws soon ravaged and the blood flowed wild,
    as from a nameless place judgement had arrived.

    So, before I get into my interpretation of this, let me disprove some of the other interpretations that may be popular:

    Orphion & Dern

    First reading the poem, Orphion and Dern may come to mind. Light and Dark, two sides of the same coin, polar opposites, and in a sense, "twins," this only explains the first line of the poem. Which one seeks truth? Which one seeks solace? Orphion? Dern? In RoL IV, it is explained that the forces of Influence do not have morals; they are primordial beings, entities that simply exist. They do not fight for an ulterior motive. Then, breaking through heaven: again, nothing in the War of the Realms has to do with heaven or the skies, not ambition nor dreams. Streams, fall of the younger, grief and sorrow, nothing of this really fits in with the lore of Orphion and Dern. Also, this would be somewhat cliche, and wouldn't make sense in the context of the guild hall.

    Remikas, or Theden; Kings of Gavel

    Now, seeing the word "crown" may make you think this has to do with royalty. This would also make sense as it is in the Guild Hall, in Cinfras, center of Gavel and home to any royalty. However, there is little lore surrounding them. Not enough is known. Prince brothers, much less twins, truth and solace, are never mentioned. And of the claws: this does not seem fitting for a human conflict. It would be an interesting theory, but there is not enough evidence that points to this claim.

    I believe that the poem is not as straightforward. There are metaphors and similes.

    I believe that it describes Sun and Moon.

    "Born from another, condemned each other."

    The sun and moon are celestial bodies, often seen as opposites.

    "One sought for the truth, the other for solace,"

    The night sky and constellations has to do with navigation and astronomy; associated with philosophy, science, mathematics. The moon is also associated with water, as are cosmic magic related items such as Pure or Lunar Spine, which also happens to represent Intelligence in Wynn.

    The sun is warm, joyful, bringing life to plants. It is also literally "sol."

    "but did not treat themselves as brothers."

    They are twin, but are not brothers; they are celestial bodies. In many mythologies, deities representing sun and moon are not "brotherly," either.

    "Breaking through heaven was the young one's dream."

    Now we get a lot more metaphorical. Every day, the moon rises and breaks through the skies, through heaven.

    "It's call hollowed the souls of the frightened,"

    Night, darkness; a time of staying home, for fear of the dark and what may reside in it.

    "but it was not enough to bring a flow to the stream."

    The stream, being the Milky Way, the silver river of the heavens. The Milky Way is usually seen during the new moon, when the moon is least visible.

    "The younger one fell, as the ambition brought it down."

    The moon sets. It is rotates into view and rotates out of view.

    "The older one watched with grief and sorrow,
    only to wear its long desired crown."

    The sun rises. It has a crown, a wreath of flame and light. The gas surrounding the sun is called the corona, which also happens to mean crown.

    "Though only for a while, the survivor smiled.
    The claws soon ravaged and the blood flowed wild,"

    Similes. The sun smiles upon the earth. But, the sun eventually sets, the sky becoming red, like its bleeding.

    "as from a nameless place judgement had arrived."

    Night falls again.

    Also, the twins are referred to as "it." Not kings, not gods. This would make sense if the "twins" were actually celestial bodies.

    It would also make sense that it is metaphorical and has personification since this is, of course, a poem. It is not an essay or document recording facts.

    The sky is a universal thing, and whether it's a poet in Gavel or Wynn or anywhere else, it's still a topic that can be written about.

    TL;DR: "Fall of the Twins" describes the Sun and Moon.

    Thanks for reading!
  2. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern. HERO

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    As creative and interesting this is, I simply just don't think whoever wrote the poem intended it to be a metaphor for Christianity. It's a fantasy MMORPG minecraft server and there are no other major biblical or Christian references anywhere in the game. The biggest flaw is that God and Jesus simply aren't Twins; twins are born at the same time and Jesus was created after God. Furthermore, Jesus absolutely never condemned God or vice-a-versa; they are never portrayed as antagonists to one another in traditional Christian teachings.

    If I had to guess a possibility of what the poem means, it could be a reference to Orphion and the Dark Beast. Now it is a hunch, but given that this scenario touches upon the in game lore and therefore more topical, it makes more sense than a reference to a real life religion.

    The first and third lines match; both are born from completely different sides of the same coin (light and dark) and they hate each other.
    Breaking through heaven makes more sense because the Dark Beast wanted to invade the light realm, which is considered as a sort of heaven in the Elves religion.
    The younger one falling could be a reference to the Dark Beast being defeated at some point, only to then rise and challenge the older one once more (in this case Orphion).

    Beyond the poem, there is one off-hand line from the Light Forest Ultimate Secret Discovery: "This fight... This war... It has torn us apart from what we were."
    This is the Dark Beast talking to Orphion; so it means that at one point in the past these two beings were once connected. So I guess it can kinda support the usage of "twin" in the title of the poem.

    But that's just my two cents on it; I doubt we will ever get a clear answer and I don't think there was meant to be one.
  3. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    As creative and interesting this is, I simply just don't think whoever wrote the poem intended it to be a metaphor for Christianity. It's a fantasy MMORPG minecraft server and there are no other major biblical or Christian references anywhere in the game. The biggest flaw is that God and Jesus simply aren't Twins; twins are born at the same time and Jesus was created after God. Furthermore, Jesus absolutely never condemned God or vice-a-versa; they are never portrayed as antagonists to one another in traditional Christian teachings.

    If I had to guess a possibility of what the poem means, it could be a reference to Orphion and the Dark Beast. Now it is a hunch, but given that this scenario touches upon the in game lore and therefore more topical, it makes more sense than a reference to a real life religion.

    The first and third lines match; both are born from completely different sides of the same coin (light and dark) and they hate each other.
    Breaking through heaven makes more sense because the Dark Beast wanted to invade the light realm, which is considered as a sort of heaven in the Elves religion.
    The younger one falling could be a reference to the Dark Beast being defeated at some point, only to then rise and challenge the older one once more (in this case Orphion).

    Beyond the poem, there is one off-hand line from the Light Forest Ultimate Secret Discovery: "This fight... This war... It has torn us apart from what we were."
    This is the Dark Beast talking to Orphion; so it means that at one point in the past these two beings were once connected. So I guess it can kinda support the usage of "twin" in the title of the poem.

    But that's just my two cents on it; I doubt we will ever get a clear answer and I don't think there was meant to be one.
    Samsam101, fishcute, Dr Zed and 3 others like this.
  4. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern. HERO

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    bro this is ur 2000th message
  5. cmosier

    cmosier cmosier VIP

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    As creative and interesting this is, I simply just don't think whoever wrote the poem intended it to be a metaphor for the celestial bodies. It's a fantasy MMORPG minecraft server and there are no other major astronomical references anywhere in the game, excluding item lore. The biggest flaw is that the Sun and and the Moon simply aren't Twins; twins are born at the same time and the Moon was created after the Sun. Furthermore, the Moon absolutely never condemned the Sun or vice-a-versa; they are never portrayed as antagonists to one another in traditional academic teachings, though their metaphorical meanings in literature can err on the side of this idea.

    If I had to guess a possibility of what the poem means, it could be a reference to Orphion and the Dark Beast. Now it is a hunch, but given that this scenario touches upon the in game lore and therefore more topical, it makes more sense than a reference to a real life science.

    The first and third lines match; both are born from completely different sides of the same coin (light and dark) and they hate each other.
    Breaking through heaven makes more sense because the Dark Beast wanted to invade the light realm, which is considered as a sort of heaven in the Elves religion.
    The younger one falling could be a reference to the Dark Beast being defeated at some point, only to then rise and challenge the older one once more (in this case Orphion).

    Beyond the poem, there is one off-hand line from the Light Forest Ultimate Secret Discovery: "This fight... This war... It has torn us apart from what we were."
    This is the Dark Beast talking to Orphion; so it means that at one point in the past these two beings were once connected. So I guess it can kinda support the usage of "twin" in the title of the poem.

    But that's just my two cents on it; I doubt we will ever get a clear answer and I don't think there was meant to be one.
  6. TigerYaisou

    TigerYaisou Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    As creative and interesting this is, I simply just don't think whoever wrote the poem intended it to be a metaphor for Christianity. It's a fantasy MMORPG minecraft server and there are no other major biblical or Christian references anywhere in the game. The biggest flaw is that God and Jesus simply aren't Twins; twins are born at the same time and Jesus was created after God. Furthermore, Jesus absolutely never condemned God or vice-a-versa; they are never portrayed as antagonists to one another in traditional Christian teachings.

    If I had to guess a possibility of what the poem means, it could be a reference to Orphion and the Dark Beast. Now it is a hunch, but given that this scenario touches upon the in game lore and therefore more topical, it makes more sense than a reference to a real life religion.

    The first and third lines match; both are born from completely different sides of the same coin (light and dark) and they hate each other.
    Breaking through heaven makes more sense because the Dark Beast wanted to invade the light realm, which is considered as a sort of heaven in the Elves religion.
    The younger one falling could be a reference to the Dark Beast being defeated at some point, only to then rise and challenge the older one once more (in this case Orphion).

    Beyond the poem, there is one off-hand line from the Light Forest Ultimate Secret Discovery: "This fight... This war... It has torn us apart from what we were."
    This is the Dark Beast talking to Orphion; so it means that at one point in the past these two beings were once connected. So I guess it can kinda support the usage of "twin" in the title of the poem.

    But that's just my two cents on it; I doubt we will ever get a clear answer and I don't think there was meant to be one.
  7. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    "I shit in your existence. A week ago my weapon disappeared in the middle of the tutorial. I was a level 44 and I had to do the tutorial and I lost the weapon. And now I just lost another crossbow. My two best weapons lost and nothing has been answered yet or returned. Or help me or I will report you."

    "The Crystals' lore is more complicated and important than you think. According to Mehme, 'someone' cast cosmic magic on the meteors that fall to Wynn and Gavel. The creators of cosmic magic had one goal in mind and that was to stop the Light and Darkness from expanding. Ever noticed how the Darkness never expanded into Wynn itself? That's because of the meteors that are in the Silent Expanse mountains, sent by those creators themselves. The theory goes that cosmic magic can prevent Darkness (and thus Light) from spreading. This is also the reason why Gylia Plains has never been decayed, as it contains the two biggest meteors we've ever seen. The crystals in the Silent Expanse mountains therefore act as a barrier. HOWEVER! Thanks to Lunar Spine's lore, which mentions how a 'shard of cosmic stone' that came out of the Nether Portal was defiled, we know that Corruption is able to counter cosmic magic. This makes sense, because if neither Darkness or Light can defeat it, then their chaotic union could. Anyways, now I want you to think about something. Why does the Dernic Beast even employ the use of Bak'al, a corrupted, to destroy Wynn? It's because the beast NEEDS Bak'al. He needs him to corrupt Wynn, and once he does, the cosmic magic barrier will be destroyed and he will be free to do anything he likes."

    "As creative and interesting this is, I simply just don't think whoever wrote the poem intended it to be a metaphor for Christianity. It's a fantasy MMORPG minecraft server and there are no other major biblical or Christian references anywhere in the game. The biggest flaw is that God and Jesus simply aren't Twins; twins are born at the same time and Jesus was created after God. Furthermore, Jesus absolutely never condemned God or vice-a-versa; they are never portrayed as antagonists to one another in traditional Christian teachings.
    If I had to guess a possibility of what the poem means, it could be a reference to Orphion and the Dark Beast. Now it is a hunch, but given that this scenario touches upon the in game lore and therefore more topical, it makes more sense than a reference to a real life religion.
    The first and third lines match; both are born from completely different sides of the same coin (light and dark) and they hate each other.
    Breaking through heaven makes more sense because the Dark Beast wanted to invade the light realm, which is considered as a sort of heaven in the Elves religion.
    The younger one falling could be a reference to the Dark Beast being defeated at some point, only to then rise and challenge the older one once more (in this case Orphion).
    Beyond the poem, there is one off-hand line from the Light Forest Ultimate Secret Discovery: "This fight... This war... It has torn us apart from what we were."
    This is the Dark Beast talking to Orphion; so it means that at one point in the past these two beings were once connected. So I guess it can kinda support the usage of "twin" in the title of the poem.
    But that's just my two cents on it; I doubt we will ever get a clear answer and I don't think there was meant to be one."

    "build to competed taking teachers. During the construction, those learn basics for human action, the which lead to the attempt to evict mans. The soon, colossus becomes stronger and begins that war taking elemental. The three paintings this, none for which was break on the battle, except the of rested for paintings, which taking abrue to the be sealed outside country without being reduced to that minimum.
    once later than turning off the lights, callos was shot again and terrorist appeared to be this threat. The two giants sharpened their weapons taking this run prevent to them to as to as to the what every every anytime buried and to ground will will would do will would do be threatened and captured. Those immediately to as to as to take outward their weapons. This taking abrue to be will will would do taking this more than shield to as to as to what every every the anytime this mans is this the loaded on window and looks upon run. To as to as to what every every anytime that lower children arrive, this the more than army is this destructive and land is destructive. The the length of great river was long due to windsor was no covered the by an iron tower, prevent in dark and early autumn it remained the stabrue upon 1000 ap and destructive earth everywhere. taking abrue to"
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2021
  8. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Darn, maybe it's a reference to a real life event? I just can't for the life of me remember what, or when, it might be referring to
    Frontlinecrazy likes this.
  9. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    i just googled fall of the twins and all that came up was the collapse of the world trade center
    is this what you are referring to?
    Frontlinecrazy likes this.
  10. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Yes, but with more irony
    Frontlinecrazy likes this.
  11. Frontlinecrazy

    Frontlinecrazy Travelled Adventurer

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    As creative and interesting this is, I simply just don't think whoever wrote the poem intended it to be a metaphor for Christianity. It's a fantasy MMORPG minecraft server and there are no other major biblical or Christian references anywhere in the game. The biggest flaw is that God and Jesus simply aren't Twins; twins are born at the same time and Jesus was created after God. Furthermore, Jesus absolutely never condemned God or vice-a-versa; they are never portrayed as antagonists to one another in traditional Christian teachings.

    If I had to guess a possibility of what the poem means, it could be a reference to Orphion and the Dark Beast. Now it is a hunch, but given that this scenario touches upon the in game lore and therefore more topical, it makes more sense than a reference to a real life religion.

    The first and third lines match; both are born from completely different sides of the same coin (light and dark) and they hate each other.
    Breaking through heaven makes more sense because the Dark Beast wanted to invade the light realm, which is considered as a sort of heaven in the Elves religion.
    The younger one falling could be a reference to the Dark Beast being defeated at some point, only to then rise and challenge the older one once more (in this case Orphion).

    Beyond the poem, there is one off-hand line from the Light Forest Ultimate Secret Discovery: "This fight... This war... It has torn us apart from what we were."
    This is the Dark Beast talking to Orphion; so it means that at one point in the past these two beings were once connected. So I guess it can kinda support the usage of "twin" in the title of the poem.

    But that's just my two cents on it; I doubt we will ever get a clear answer and I don't think there was meant to be one.
  12. MineMasterRC

    MineMasterRC Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    As creative and interesting this is, I simply just don't think whoever wrote the poem intended it to be a metaphor for Christianity. It's a fantasy MMORPG minecraft server and there are no other major biblical or Christian references anywhere in the game. The biggest flaw is that God and Jesus simply aren't Twins; twins are born at the same time and Jesus was created after God. Furthermore, Jesus absolutely never condemned God or vice-a-versa; they are never portrayed as antagonists to one another in traditional Christian teachings.

    If I had to guess a possibility of what the poem means, it could be a reference to Orphion and the Dark Beast. Now it is a hunch, but given that this scenario touches upon the in game lore and therefore more topical, it makes more sense than a reference to a real life religion.

    The first and third lines match; both are born from completely different sides of the same coin (light and dark) and they hate each other.
    Breaking through heaven makes more sense because the Dark Beast wanted to invade the light realm, which is considered as a sort of heaven in the Elves religion.
    The younger one falling could be a reference to the Dark Beast being defeated at some point, only to then rise and challenge the older one once more (in this case Orphion).

    Beyond the poem, there is one off-hand line from the Light Forest Ultimate Secret Discovery: "This fight... This war... It has torn us apart from what we were."
    This is the Dark Beast talking to Orphion; so it means that at one point in the past these two beings were once connected. So I guess it can kinda support the usage of "twin" in the title of the poem.

    But that's just my two cents on it; I doubt we will ever get a clear answer and I don't think there was meant to be one.
  13. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    In the Redbeards booty quest, after I get all the string and wood, when I go on the boat it doesn't teleport me. I have the treasure map and the redbeards booty map. I have /killed myself multiple times and went back to the same island, talked to Marston mutiple times, and switched versions and not have seemed to work. Can you find a way to fix this? Thanks.
  14. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Honestly, if it weren't for the grand poem, I'd think that the phrase "fall of the twins" might be a meta reference to the two structures near lake gylia being removed in 1.20.
  15. MineMasterRC

    MineMasterRC Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    Hello fellow christian parents, today I learned something HORRIFYING. I went and checked my kid's minecraft server list (as a good mother would), and I discovered he had a server that he hadn't asked me to join. This server was called wynncraft, and wanting to believe my child was a good obedient child, I joined the server for myself. I was SHOCKED to see he had a level 106 mage, being that magic is the work of the DEVIL. Not only this, but he had a level 69 warrior. Warriors are VIOLENT, and as we know our kids cannot be introduced to violence. I logged onto his mage, and one of his friends messaged me asking if I wanted to do nexus of light. Asking him what this was, he responded LOL IDIOT NOOB, and I was ANGRY that my kids is associating himself with these kind of indviduals. Upon further research nexus of light has orphion, a god, WHO ISN'T THE OTG. This has devolved from violence to worship of the DEVIL. If you see your child with the server wynncraft on their minecraft sever list, I suggest you do what I did and lock them in the basement and remove them from the rest of the world. Make sure to spread this message to other christian parents and leave a like so these heretics know it isn't okay to corrupt our children.
    DaCorruption likes this.
  16. Sploofie

    Sploofie professional idiot VIP

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    That ridiculous copypasta be like
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