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Any Class Help Loot Bonus sets for level 105?

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Schmuel, Sep 5, 2021.

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  1. Schmuel

    Schmuel Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Getting back into Wynncraft again and I don't know what items to use for loot bonus anymore and anything I can find is from 2017-ish. I'm not really looking for lootrun builds but something that can be used while grinding mobs.
  2. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper i makea da builds CHAMPION

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    Mob farming builds are generally the same as loot run builds except they have a little more emphasis on damage in order to quickly kill the mobs being farmed.

    I highly recommend shaman as it was literally built to crowd control. Poison is especially useful for mob grinding as anything inside shaman's totem radius/occassional aura radius (99% of poison builds have high spell costs and no mana sustain) will be poisoned.

    https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#5_01M0Dt00vCI-10000DLQ Leggings0270520G03018B0M0201d0p010Oa1M010FL00sCI-10000ALQ Boots0270530G03018B0M0201d0p010Oa1M010FL00hCI-10000ELoot Quality0270540M0201d1M0104C00hCI-10000ELoot Quality0270540M0201d1M0104C00hCI-10000ELoot Quality0270550M0201d1M0104C00hCI-10000ELoot Quality0270560M0201d1M0104C0mb1G00001Q001g00001000CO
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Alkahest
    > Diamond Dust
    > LQ Leggings
    > LQ Boots
    > Loot Quality
    > Loot Quality
    > Loot Quality
    > Loot Quality
    > Spleen Splitter [f6f6]

    Fire powders because courage boosts poison and only fools powder non-water reliks with curse (literally please stop). If you instead want to use spell shaman rather than poison (I don't know why you would choose to though) then try Cryoseism:

    https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#5_01d0Dt00vCI-10000DLQ Leggings0270520G03018B0M0201d0p010Oa1M010FL00sCI-10000ALQ Boots0270530G03018B0M0201d0p010Oa1M010FL00hCI-10000ELoot Quality0270540M0201d1M0104C00hCI-10000ELoot Quality0270540M0201d1M0104C00hCI-10000ELoot Quality0270550M0201d1M0104C00hCI-10000ELoot Quality0270560M0201d1M0104C0Ak00002G1a001g00001004fI
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Anamnesis
    > Diamond Dust
    > LQ Leggings
    > LQ Boots
    > Loot Quality
    > Loot Quality
    > Loot Quality
    > Loot Quality
    > Cryoseism [w6w6w6]

    If you don't have a shaman or choose not to level one up because you don't farm mobs that often for it to be worth it you could can take the Spleen Splitter build above and slap your class' highest poison weapon. Below are my suggestions:

    [Ma] Sequoia. Gaia is nice as it can both melee and spread poison via ice snake with the help of its -4th spell cost stat.
    [Ar] The Evolved, same as above, -1st spell cost is for spamming arrow storm in order to spread poison.
    [As] Forest Aconite (I wish it had the same gimmick as The Evolved with smoke bomb, wtf +40% smoke cost so cringe). Grimtrap in the same boat as Gaia
    [Wa] Cursed Spike, Poison Ivy, and Quinque each have 2.6k poison. Melee/war scream to spread poison.
    Almost forgot! Here are cheaper crafted recipes for loot quality:
    Leggings/Boots: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/crafter.html#1967B7B5+5+5+9a51
    Accessories: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/crafter.html#13M8O8O8O8O8O9m51
    Ayo I just realised how long this took me so Ima go ahead and make thread for this. I'll give you a shoutout ^^
    I forgot Plague Staff existed. Better QoL as it reaches the 68 intelligence threshold and has the Plague major ID for spreading poison on top of its super fast attack speed. Much less poison however.
    YoshisWorld and Schmuel like this.
  3. Schmuel

    Schmuel Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Thank you so much! I really appreciate all the effort you put into helping me. I didn't even think about using shaman because its a newish class to me but I'll make sure to level on up and use that lol.
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