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Any Class Super Cheap Hybrid Build

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by FTW3, Aug 22, 2021.

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  1. FTW3

    FTW3 Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    Armor (Require at least Tier 5 Powder)
    Helmet: Cancer֎
    Chestplate: Soulflare
    Leggings: Ophiuchus
    Boots: Gaea-Hewn Boots
    Ring: Moon Pool Circlet
    Ring: Rune of Safe Passage
    Bracelet: Diamond Solar Bracelet
    Necklace: Diamond Solar Necklace
    Weapon (Require Fire Powder 6)
    Warrior/Knights: Ignition
    Archer/Hunter: Hellstrand
    Mage/Dark Wizard: Peaceful Rest
    Assassin/Ninja: Pencuri
    Shaman/Skyseer: Yol
    BlueTheSniper likes this.
  2. DeltaWave

    DeltaWave I miss cancelstack VIP

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    very low dmg, and spell costs could be an issue
    also its not hybrid, becouse you are not dealing enough melee dmg to be so, its just spellspam
    good tank tho
  3. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper i makea da builds CHAMPION

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    I agree. I did attempt to recreate these builds under the EWF requirement though.

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cancer֎
    > Soulflare
    > Ophiuchus
    > Gaea-Hewn Boots
    > Black Catalyst
    > Black Catalyst
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Diamond Hydro Necklace
    > Hellstrand [f6f6f6]

    Requires 1 tome
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cancer֎
    > Soulflare
    > Adrenaline
    > Gaea-Hewn Boots
    > Yang
    > Yang
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Diamond Solar Necklace
    > Peaceful Rest [f6f6f6]
    Happy with this one. I do love weapons which don't require an additional piece to achieve super slow (another example: Infidel)
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Albacore
    > Hetusol
    > Earth Breaker
    > Mantlewalkers
    > Black Catalyst
    > Black Catalyst
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Diamond Hydro Necklace
    > Ignition [f6f6f6]

    Altered this build I had made previously by sacrificing a chunk of EHP for higher damage. The combination of health regen and life steal gives it really nice sustain. Earth Breaker is one of my favourite items because it can turn EWF spellspam into EWF heavy hybrid.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Gaze from the Snowbank
    > Fishscale
    > Earth Breaker
    > Mantlewalkers
    > Draoi Fair
    > Yang
    > Diamond Hydro Bracelet
    > Contrast
    > Volcano []

    Honestly turned out really solid. I originally tried to use combos like Bastille and Lightning Flash for the ET boost but to no avail; decided to settle with Yang and Contrast instead of Intensity. Heavy hybrid gaming
    I'm not the most experienced builder when it comes to spell shaman as I much prefer melee (more specifically fast hybrid) but I think these turned out okay. Criticism is appreciated.

    Didn't spend much time on Yol because I knew Inferna Flamewreath would be better. Huge sustain from hpr and totem passive though:
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cancer֎
    > Soulflare
    > Ophiuchus
    > Gaea-Hewn Boots
    > Black Catalyst
    > Black Catalyst
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Amanuensis
    > Yol [f6f6f6]

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cancer֎
    > Soulflare
    > Ophiuchus
    > Gaea-Hewn Boots
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Yang
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Diamond Solar Necklace
    > Inferna Flamewreath [f6f6]
    Assembling these took a while but I enjoyed the process. Unfortunately TWF is almost always better and thus used more than EWF. Any criticism on my attempts are appreciated!
    starx280 and DeltaWave like this.
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