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If you could change one thing about Wynncraft, what would it be? - Ask Wynncraft

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by mali_comrade, Aug 16, 2021.

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  1. mali_comrade

    mali_comrade mali comrade

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    mali_comrade also wants more spells, but thinks the combat system is pretty good
    Very useful, thanks! :grinning:
    I noticed a lot of Wynncraft players really like and respect the lore
  2. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    Make The Eye have more unique mechanics and engaging like that of Orphion. also make the eye more nude
  3. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    And remove emeralds whilst you're at it, we'll make a new currency
    starx280 likes this.
  4. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager Ability Designer QA GM CHAMPION

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    the only good take
    starx280, fishcute, ThedumbOX and 4 others like this.
  5. crturt1e

    crturt1e Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    Losing soul points when you die makes sense as there needs to be a penalty for dying, I find that the problem comes from also losing them when you skill reset or use a travel scroll. Although there should be some form of penalty for those, I don't think it should be directly linked to losing items when you die.
    Ninja_VK likes this.
  6. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    Yeah but the current soul point system makes it so that you can't have more than 4 or 5 attempts at something before you have to essentially quit playing for the day as you wait 6+ hours for your soul points to regenerate, which disincentives people to overcome things they struggle at. I'm not against players being punished for dying, but the current system does not work the way the soul point system should.
  7. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    Like romantically or sexually? Also we have to use your proper pronouns
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  8. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    How do you make a eye more nude, like it basically only has a … outer.. covering…
    starx280 and Kahsol like this.
  9. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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  10. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    He’s now eye-sexual ahh
    Kahsol and Crokee like this.
  11. Nukewarmachine

    Nukewarmachine emerald tier above LE when VIP

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    I’d change the water puzzle in Desperate Metal into something else (I still have to use a video for that puzzle even until now ;/)
  12. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    Bosses with high ws or some other form of constant high speed movement especially when they have a push spell.
    FF boss thankfully has no push spell but is otherwise disgusting.
    Dr legendary has push spell and relatively spammed tp spell making it a difficult fight but not skill orientated which is just poor game design imo. LI multi phase one at the start that eventually turns into magma cube also has this issue for me. There are a heap of other bosses like this, if its their gimick like the FF boss (again no push spell) or Panic Zealot then I give it a pass because nice adds variety and typically has weaknesses to offset. But when it just feels like someone just spammed a bunch of skills onto a boss for no reason it ain't a vibe and locks melee builds out of the fight.

    Obviously I'm not suggesting that bosses should just stand still and never move. Just suggesting that a select few bosses could do with a slightly larger cool down on movement spell OR a 'cannot cast tp again till it has been hit' or perhaps a combination of the two. dunno not a game designer.
  13. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    that's one of the few actually good and semi-challenging puzzles in the game. it should never be removed imo
  14. Windfall_

    Windfall_ Proud Owner of the Worst Sage HERO

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    I personally heavily disagree with this. I found Dwarves and Doguns to be one of the most interesting quest lines in the whole game. Dwarves and Doguns serves as one of the most mature quest lines. It isn't like any other quest that is unrealistic or pure fantasy.

    This questline sheds light on:
    • The Tragedies of War
    • Public Manipulation
    • Fear/Hatred
    • Irrational decisions in the face of oppresion
    • Desire for Power/Control
    and most importantly... the power of unity and fighting for what is right.

    Despite being the SON of the Dwarf King, Axelus helps to bring out the truth and helps out the Doguns.

    Dwarves and Doguns is personally one of my favorite questlines due to the reasons I outlined above. However, I understand that everyone's opinions are different. So I can see your different perspective, can you explain how the message can be harmful to some people? My personal bias may cloud my judgement for this que
    Without spoiling too much, the questlines revolves around a war between two species. Throughout the quest, you learn about the truth behind the war, and then you decide to act in finding a peaceful solution to end the war. Twists and turns take place, and eventually you have to do some pretty crazy and fun stuff. I personally would recommend playing this questline as I found it very enjoyable (apart from the play that is. I still have nightmares about that...)
    MineMasterRC and TrapinchO like this.
  15. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    play is amazing and you cant change my mind
    Emogla3 likes this.
  16. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    remove raids
  17. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    lack of pvp
    fishcute likes this.
  18. NamesAreHard

    NamesAreHard Mage Enthusiast (She/He/They) CHAMPION

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    So, my issues with the questline have to do with a number of things, for one thing I don't think that simply including mature themes is good enough when they're handled incredibly haphazardly. I'll give a few examples

    Axelus should not be the main focus of this story. Axelus as a protagonist has already been criticized for being a nothing character but I also don't even think he should really be there, I do not think that it's really a good idea for the protagonist of the questline about a group of indigenous people who have been slaughtered for generations should be the direct descendant of the very man who started it all. It feels very white savioury to have him be the reason they finally get anything done and takes focus away from the group you should be sympathizing with. On that note

    You aren't meant to sympathize with the doguns that much. Their tale is tragic of course but the extent of your interactions with them are largely hostile towards you or are behind the back of the chief because they betray you. Which, can I just say that when considering how to handle a story about a group of people who are literally as you play having a genocide being committed against them, you should not decide the best way to end it is with a big demon that they summon to destroy all life. If you do that then you will successfully have written a story where you tell people suffering and dying that they should try and be nicer to the people who want them dead for existing and it would be better if they try and negotiate with the bloodthirsty colonizers. The story validates this position by having that literally be how it ends. When one of the Dwarven generals says "eye for an eye" and the dogun chief says "your stories are not true" "you took everything and suffered none," these positions aren't treated as being distinct. Axelus both sideses the genocide of the native people. I'm sure that someone more versed in the subject and less white than me could write an absolutely scathing critique of the way wynncraft handles native groups, I look forward to it if someone does.

    Even disregarding the incredibly messy and politically awful message at the end the quest just does an awful job handling violence. You are at once both supposed to see the violence committed as abhorrent and participate in it. You mow down fields of Dwarven soldiers and kill doguns the moment a battle between the two groups breaks out, now this is sort of a problem with wynncraft as a whole where you don't have any sort of method to deal with conflict outside of kill it until it dies, but I really can't take the narrative seriously when we kill the most people during the events of the quest.

    But wait, there's more. I have two more things to mention, which is that the introduction to the questline is dogshit, watching a play for 2 minutes about what kind of happened is neither fun, nor interesting, not sets up any sort of earth shattering revelation about the truth of the area. If even one quest before this involved a dogun and presented them the same way that play does then it would be a little surprising that they aren't actually evil. The last thing is that I really don't like the section with the Rodoroc Slums. It feels like a very last minute addition, like they were thinking about how you were going to escape the dwarven military base and decided to try and make a point about how the tyrannical empire is actually bad for a lot of its subjects as well, which is a good point to make, but you spend like a minute there and there's no resolution. It just feels like it was an afterthought, that somehow even though most of the quests political positions aren't considered very deeply that they thought about how to do this even less.

    Ultimately I just think Dwarves and Doguns is a very messy questline that tries to handle a lot of serious subjects but is too busy worrying about making the quest fun to actually handle them with any tact or care. I would say that this quest is downright insulting to think about when considering that the effects of genocide and colonialism can still be felt today even in places like America or Canada, let alone in somewhere like Palestine and isn'treal. At the end of the day the quest says that you should fight for what's right, but don't be too violent about it, and also the people you kill are all just brainwashed so you shouldn't do it until you have to kill them to continue the story in part IV. This questline needs a lot of rewrites. Also the quests are just kind of boring.

    I hope that made some sense.
    P0ke and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  19. gasolinefanatic

    gasolinefanatic Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I really hate the Mythic items and the idea of lootrunning and the game can do better without

    The entire game up until late game is going with the flow grabbing any items at any level is cool and the whole concept of certain builds and a market place is fun up until you run out of money or need certain items which is where my complaint comes in. To make ANY $ whatsoever unless you're able to get 3 other people to run difficult raids is lootrunning, you're already limited to 2-3 classes which are archer, assassin, and mage so if you're like me and you lvled up shaman to 103 first you already lose in that regard and you have to grind up a mage which is universally the best one for lootrunning.
    Now that you got step one of getting your class figured out and at lvl 103 minimum you have to go on the market and dump 20+ le to get proper lq/lb and make a build for lootbonus which at first you're either not gonna have enough $ and you gotta run dollar store runs until then, you get your diamond dust, lq gear, and mobility stuff etc. Once you have that you're gonna have to find a server and an area that hasn't been looted and to figure that out you gotta check the discord guild which no one logs properly or wait 25 minutes to see if its looted.
    Once you're finally able to lr you're gonna be stuck running over and over and over again praying you get good loot and here's where mythics come in, if you want to afford any mythic besides some shitty boots you need atleast a stack of le which is miserable to grind, if you're running for the items you have a 1/999999 chance to get it and even then you can get boots that sell for 10 le, lets say you get lucky and land a warp, disco, or a good pvp weapon like cataclysm, if you get slightly more lucky in any regard you immediately have an advantage over anyone who doesn't have a mythic, yes i understand that you can make really good builds that can hold up without mythics but if you look at any optimal build whatsoever you need a mythic, even when it comes to lootrunning you need 3 mythics which are moontower, disco, and warp.
    And this affects the normal game aswell when it comes to pvp, or pve where if you're doing pvp and you get farted on by a toxo and insta die or doing boss fights and you're not able to put up dps like someone with a cataclysm, there is no sense of balancing coming to mythics and the only balancing there is is with the mythic class itself inconjunction with each other.
    I can see the benefits of lootrunning but its barely outweighs the negatives, the only good part of the system is that you can have good player retention but I can also see this as a double edged sword where no one wants to play late game due to it being a monumental grind, the only appeal i see otherwise is nothing more than the ecstasy you get from gambling.
    cmosier and Sir_Doomed like this.
  20. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    The downside is that removing mythics will annoy everyone who owns one. Even if the devs were to repay everyone with a mythic, the players wouldn't be able to spend it on anything as nothing really comes close to the price of a good warp or disco.
    gasolinefanatic and Ninja_VK like this.
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