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Pets are too P2W

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by LiamAshvinn001, Aug 17, 2021.

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  1. LiamAshvinn001

    LiamAshvinn001 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Ok so I think pets need to be fixed in the next update, because even if u do get a pet from a crate its still pretty limited. The abilities it has is really cool, until u realise u need a rank. This just makes it more of a typical number generator, when it could have been worth it. I understand Wynn neeeds money and all, but I think pets should be a core part for everyone. It would give a much better early mid and late game. Im not saying u have to make it free, though u can make it as a really really rare drop, but the level cap jus ruins the experience of earning a pet. Dont get me wrong, I think the pets are awesome, maybe even better than Skyblock's, And if pets are fixed, it would make Wynncraft even better. If Wynn still needs money via pets, make new cosmetics for pets or a quick way to get a pet, but make it a part of the core game not just a side thing for payers. Early and Mid game grinding would be easier and would add more content.
  2. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    You can get a free pet from the store tho
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  3. SchoolMeatloaf

    SchoolMeatloaf Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Thats not his point tho.

    Point is that the jobs or chores whatever its called, abilities i guess, is p2w. Having champion grants you the ability to have your pet repair your armor (i think) and put stuff in bank without doing work (i think)
    Potatomancer likes this.
  4. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    I would actually kinda argue that Pet Tasks aren't actually that p2w, since they take like 1-5 minutes to complete, which while it is far more slow to do in the early-game, once you hit like level 40 or reach the mid-game, I'd say you have enough Soul Points to freely use TP Scrolls, which basically solve 99% of the tasks you do.

    But, yes, I agree that Wynncraft has gotten borderline p2w with pets. If they didn't offer a free one in the store, then I'd say Pets would be p2w. On the topic of the damage they do, I wouldn't say they are that major, but they can help when defeating more 'casual' enemies (Like Blinders in the Eyeball Forest), so there's that.

    And I also don't like that the only way to get more pet levels is through a $120 paywall. I'd say either make the other 80 levels available for everyone, or make each rank get 20 extra pet levels, since the other features like petting your pets is cosmetic.

    tl;dr: Pet Tasks aren't insanely broken, but Pets in general have become borderline p2w.
  5. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

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    I mean CHAMPION bomb bell is way more P2W isn't it? We should be more focused on bomb bell lol
    Pets aren't that P2W, because you can just get one for free and pet tasks are just QoL features.
    (but bomb bell isn't QoL it's just doubling your productivity)
    Typhoon and TrapinchO like this.
  6. Sindr

    Sindr Travelled Adventurer

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    this is exactly top of my head said to myself when i got pets im like "this gotta be p2w, Capped at lv20 is worse/bad idea i wont mind having leveling till lv80 for every class for everyone solution solved" but seeing champion to pass over lv20 is dumb af.
  7. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    I don't think comparing something like this is the best idea.
    If they added something worse then bomb bell, then you could make the same arguement about it.

    I think its important you draw a line and the sand and stick to it, no matter how far over the egde that thing maybe.
    I_Liek_Turtlez and Jackkoh like this.
  8. LiamAshvinn001

    LiamAshvinn001 Well-Known Adventurer

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    I do agree that there are more P2W stuff, but part of the fac of finding a pet is being excited u got something rare, and when people see ttheres a level cap, theyre gonna be mad. I just think theres a huge oppurtuniy that Wynncraft could beat Skyblock in,because pets here have better animations,texutures, more sensible uses and doesnt look like a floating blob
  9. Fleega

    Fleega Sleeping Ultimate Chimera CHAMPION

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    So the argument here is just that Skyblock has pets as well, which do more things? Not completely discrediting your thoughts but this seems like more comparing two completely different and unrelated games, like people always do with these two.
    (Feel free to skip right to "In short", it just gets straight to the point and is easier to understand)
    Pets in wc aren't really supposed to be extremely useful at all, they might have some powerful damage early on but that's really only after you've already finished the game and started a second playthrough when the damage is going to be that high. Also note that more pets = less damage (vip+ lets you have three out instead of just one I think you could have up to three before 1.20 even if you were just regular but I never had pets back then.)

    Pet tasks aren't really that useful either* (aside from one thing of note, I'll get back to that) you can (at max level) either (choosing one option disables the others for the listed length of time): make the pet send 1-3 items to your bank- disables the pet for 5 minutes, sell 1-3 items to the blacksmith-disables the pet for 5 minutes (emeralds are sent to the bank), scrap 1-3 items-disables the pet for 5 minutes (again the scrap is thrown directly into your bank) or repair 1-3 items- disables the pet for 15 minutes (which is nonfunctional | item stays in your inventory, it's probably intended to use the scrap from your bank) when the pet is disabled it can't do another job nor be spawned.

    This doesn't really do a whole lot for you at all with only one pet (this is entirely useless unless you lootrun or do profs, and even then you can find easy enough solutions around the issues you'd need such perks for in the first place, we were fine to do them before Champion ever existed, granted this does now put Champion's monetisation of qol solutions to issues players had for a long time into question, but it's hard to defend that), *but then each pet has its own cooldown* and that's a bit shaky (though you do need to actually have pets, but then you actually can get them easily because of the free tier2 chest you get every day meanwhile a regular player only has one a month).

    Visually, the wybels aren't mindblowing, but they are technically an official species in the game, whatever that means to you I guess. Honestly I'm probably just more annoyed here that wynncraft got compared to hypixel for the 100 millionth time and complaining about that again more than providing any real good points, so maybe take what I say with a grain of salt, alongside the fact that I basically never use any of Champion's features myself so I don't have full understanding of how broken pet tasks might actually be, though you don't have access to them and can't entirely see how broken they may or may not be as well.

    Since I kind of nonsensically ramble and can be hard to understand or I say something entirely different to what I was actually trying to;
    In short:
    All tasks can only work on 1-3 items at max level at a time, send items to bank, sell/scrap items have a 5 minute cooldown on doing anything else with the pet, repair items does not work, has a 15 minute cooldown, kind of broken: every pet you have can be set to do a different task, having 2 or 3 pets out makes each pet only do half or a third of their normal damage to keep it more balanced. Pets aren't intended to be very useful in the first place.
  10. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    i dont ever actually use the pets in combat they just kinda look annoying when youre trying to epicly battle the Dark Overseer of Wynn and all the pet does is run around and do like insignificant damage

    so tbh the only thing id use pets for is the tasks (though i dont have rank :sadge:)
  11. MineMasterRC

    MineMasterRC Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    Level 20 pets during early game would like to talk to you
    Jackkoh and ThedumbOX like this.


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    Pets aren't that useful for killing high-level mobs, but maybe for tasks. It's kind of pay-to-win, which I don't mind, but I do mind the ability to switch servers or reserve a slot, which I believe is a right for all players. But, returning to the topic at hand, I believe that pets aren't all that useful.
  13. Ninja_VK

    Ninja_VK RainbowsRcool VIP+

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    Honestly pet tasks don’t seem that p2w to me
    But u know what does????
    Having to pay $200 to pet my wybun
    Very sad
    ExertKarma likes this.
  14. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    Cuz it's a block game. You don't get rights.

    Whilst I'm here I might as well throw in my 2 cents.


    Personally I do find the pet tasks to be a little bit questionable, however,

    Sell task
    is only useful when only 2 item bombs are thrown and you are not near a bank. If any more are thrown than this the ability is completely useless as it cannot handle the influx of tasks. There is no other time you get IDed items to sell whilst out and about. If you are about to suggest selling common items or unrevealed items for 3e each I will shoot you. At its most efficient, thats roughly 30e every 5 minutes totalling at best 1eb every 10 minutes, a single Le every 640 minutes or just shy of 11 hours.

    Deposit task again useful for when 2 item bombs are dropped and you are not near a bank (an incredibly rare occurrence I might add and you can just keep the items in your inventory until you return to a town) OR if you are gathering professions (mostly in hunted mode). This feature allows you to safely deposit 9 seperate stacks of materials every 5 minutes, most importantly being T3 materials which are prone to dropping on death.

    falls under mostly the same as sell task. However, scrapping common items from loot chests isn't a terrible side income. Whilst loot running I consistently do this and it covers the repair of my LQ armour + a very small amount extra. I do often run on an account with no rank and frankly the difference is fairly non-existent. The time it takes me to scrap items on my main account I can just run extra chests on my alt to cover the costs in the same amount of time, the pet simply gives me more options, not necessarily a better method.

    Repair task doesn't work. Best case scenario is that it doesn't work. Worst case scenario you lose your item. If it ever gets fixed we can see how it works and re-discuss it then depending if the item is returned to your inventory or left in your bank.


    Pets are cool until you realise that having them out stops you from interacting with things. You cannot open loot chests, bank chest and hit mobs on occasion if your pets are in the way. On top of this they often glitch back out after you despawn them and then class any time within the next 5-10 business days. Oh and they spam your chat to hell and back, trust me you don't want these feral creatures helping you fight bosses. On a side, side note incase anyone didn't know, there is no damage increase between having 1 or 3 pets out. The damage is split evenly between how ever many pets you have spawned.

    Pets are a nice plus for champion ranked players that saves them time in some niche situations. But not enough of a bonus to these players to bother screaming P2W


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    Duh, everyone has a right and is protected by it, I mean, it's not that paytowin, but it's a privilege, but you spend that much, I know, to support the server, but
  16. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Skyblock just has a thousand p2w problems of its own *cough irl traders cough*
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