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A Pointless Boss Tierlist

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Shots, Apr 29, 2021.

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  1. nip nop

    nip nop thinking hurts CHAMPION

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    thank you shots, very above average
    Nukewarmachine and Shots like this.
  2. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    Seeing red beard being put in S tier almost makes the hate for that fight subdue….almost
    Say this again to help get it into the top list of CT stufftodo
  3. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I think the next update is either Fruma or an ocean rework anyway, and CGG is 100% going to be in either 1.21 or 1.22 alongside a GG rework like what UR got in 1.19. Guaranteed if we get an ocean rework.
    Bixlo likes this.
  4. crturt1e

    crturt1e Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    The fact that the Revenant of Skien is in D tier immediately discredits the whole tier list.
    He should be in F--- tier
  5. ramenstew

    ramenstew professional idiot HERO

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    Let’s say, hypothetically, for the sake of argument, you put hours of effort into a thread and enrage the entire wynncraft playerbase
    Shots likes this.
  6. Ava Cart

    Ava Cart If you don't like Ava you die CHAMPION

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    Yahya - The Final Form should be SS Tier
  7. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    But the health...

    Skip to 9:04 wynncraft won't let me put a link to that timestamp
    Also I know this is a shameless plug but I need it to prove my point

    You even mentioned it in your magnum opus video. I beat him in about half a minute, and while I was using Hashr's claw, which is kinda busted right now, there should be some mechanism to force more damage-oriented builds to play more defensively, like maybe if he actually used that ice spike attack ever because the only time I've seen him use it recently was when I fought him with SPIDER BUILD and he only used it once across the ~15 minute fight. Maybe I'm just getting unlucky (or lucky) with RNG but it feels like the spike appearing that rarely is just a problem with the game.

    I like corrupted theorick significantly more because unlike the original he actually has hp, allowing you to actually enjoy the fight without killing him in 3 spells. He still doesn't use the ice attack though...
    Shots and Emogla3 like this.
  8. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    While this is true to a degree, your same complaint applies to Corrupted Theorick, actually. Even with Thanos set, which is supposed to be a tanky melee setup, I was able to kill him in ~45 seconds when I wasn't sitting around to see if he would use his arrow storm or not at level. Corrupted Theorick does this better because of his second phase burst fire, of course, but that logic still applies. They both reward you due to the inherent nature of Theorick's fast projectiles+push+teleport design (along with the specters disrupting/slowing you) to play aggressively, regardless of your build, and I don't really have much of a problem with it. It's certainly not as good as something like Vulcor, who follows that ideology to the extreme, but it is decent enough.

    A health buff wouldn't change much because builds that can already shred him as fast as you did would still shred him if his health buff was within reason. The only two things you could do without overhauling the design would be to make the ice spikes work, which I agree with, and/or giving him arrow storm to encourage you to block it with the Specters (which he supposedly has for Corrupted Theorick at least, but I still have never seen it used).

    Also, legally allowed to complain about vanish destroying the game again.
  9. Torpid

    Torpid Torpid Torpedo HERO

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    omg its shots :flushed:
    i agree with most of these rankings btw
    Nukewarmachine and Shots like this.
  10. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    This is really more of a response to you boss altar video, but that thread's been necroed. I think the biggest mistake someone can make when discussing this boss is assuming it's meant for lv 100, when it's not, it's for level 99, which is actually a pretty big difference. At level 99 you have no access to LI items, EO items, or Hive items which will make your builds much more limited, you also don't get the albeit small hp buff you get at lv 100. I can't remember exactly what the health buff is, but I'm guessing it's ~200 hp or something like that, and since wybel's meteors and heavy charges usually leave you at about 100 health, he'll probably be one-shotting you at level 99. This overall makes wybel actually quite a bit harder, the lack of infused hive armors can really screw up a build and for warrior you don't have access to what are pretty much the only 2 competent spears in the endgame (The Forsaken and Braker) outside of maybe Ignition.
  11. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    I primarily was judging Wybel from a level 99 perspective anyways, but I disagree that it really changes the fight at all. While it is obviously true that you have more options at level 100, you still have plenty of options even at 99 (and technically you can use LI items at level 99, though I get what you mean since most will not have them until endgame).

    To be specific about it, the Master Hive items can generally be swapped with other items by just alternating your build a bit, which sure it will make said build worse sometimes but not to an extreme degree that you are suggesting and the archetype largely plays out the same. While the EO items don't allow you to fulfil certain niches optimally (ex. Evolved for poison/cancelstack) or are just some of BiS for certain builds (ex. Writhing Growth in heavy melee/cancelstack), you still can access those playstyles effectively without them as well through other item choice. The only LI items that actively see usage a lot are static necklace and diamond hydro (maybe diamond fusion neck for rainbow stuff, but gigabyte exists to), both of which can also be swapped to other stuff within reason. Unless we judge it based off of only using the best of the best for each archetype, these multiple different archetypes and playstyles still exist regardless of having access to these items or not, and still perform perfectly fine.

    As for being "oneshot" by Wybel, that is unlikely to occur. Even with a ETW Yellow Rose build (~9k hp, ~7.5k ehp), Wybel at most was doing ~6k hp a hit with its meteor/charge hits. While you could argue that it was due to the innate thunder defense that comes with ETW, that is also most likely not the case. Wybel, to my knowledge, has roughly 60% of its damage as neutral and the other 40% split between thunder/fire. Even if that has changed with most boss altars/dungeons getting their damage converted to elemental, it would have had to be converted to an almost comical level (i.e. nearly pure elemental damage) for that to be applicable here. I can only see it being a oneshot, or even being close to the supposed insane damage you are describing for that matter, if you get hit specifically by the triple meteor/chargestack in the third/fifth phase, have a laughable amount of -fire/thunder def AND you are using a glassy build, or you sit on a disintegrator core. This is also only taking about the literal glassiest archetype in the game, so let's not even discuss anything with defense investment that could shrug off that damage.

    In regards to the complaint about spears, what you stated is only partially true. Ignition/Forsaken/Braker do indeed dominate the spellspam/spellsteal side of non-mythic/crafted endgame as far as I'm concerned, but that's just what's considered optimal. There are plenty of other spears that are still very much so viable for the majority of endgame content (excluding wars I'd assume, and to a lesser extent raids although I have had some success with stuff outside of Ignition for that), such as Brace of the Ninth, Wick, Zephra Shredder (though this one is much better off in melee imo), Quinque (sees a ton of different usages) etc. Sure, they aren't optimal, but they still can consistently beat a large chunk of content in the game and thus are viable options. You are completely ignoring the options melee has as well, such as Undying, Skien's Madness (I'm going to cry), Zephra Shredder, as stated earlier, Rikter, etc.

    tl;dr Wybel really does not change at level 99 vs. 100 unless are judging it only based on not being able to use "x" build without swapping to other items. It is why I consider Wybel/Cybel to be effectively the same boss despite the one level difference, as there is nothing that fundamentally, for lack of a better term, changes between them to any noticeable degree. If it was a more impactful difference that significantly changed the outcome of the fight, such as level 20 vs. 21 Bovine Barn for example, I would agree with you, but that isn't the case here.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2021
  12. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    Bovine barn best boss
    Kahsol likes this.
  13. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    necro is still a few days away but bump bump bump anyway
    Shots likes this.
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