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My Opinion On The Bonfire Festival....

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by FoxxoChan, Jul 21, 2021.

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  1. FoxxoChan

    FoxxoChan Wynnian Photographer, Eye Pet Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    Let us get started

    What I have to say today, is that there's something I hate about this ''event'', and it's the fact that everything you can do in it is all luck based and the people who don't care about cosmetics genuinely don't get anything out of this, the only thing we're guaranteed is a bad loot box if you don't pay because if you don't pay most likely you don't get much of the stuff you do want / if you only do daily objectives it's outright impossible to get the stuff the event is advertising, the driftwood items, the fox ítems, the new hats, the only thing advertised in the forum thread for the event that you could get without paying are the bunny wybel and bunny ears and even then it's still of legendary tier, the other stuff? they are all of the godly tiers and you can only really get a chance to obtain them if you:

    A: Spend an hour doing guild objectives for a T2 crate every week for one chance to get the desired cosmetic or pet and even then it isn't even a guarantee the item you really want to get is in the crate you open, besides if you have been doing guild objectives ever since the event, you only actually get like 3-4 chances to get the items you want, and compared to the people who do pay that is practically nothing.

    B: Pay upwards of 50 dollars to get the stuff, with a chance of course because it has been the case of people paying 100 dollars or even more and they have not gotten the desired cosmetic/pet, it's just gambling away for nothing in return and if you don't spend enough money you just will get nothing at all.

    And in all honesty, this doesnt really feel like an event or a festival, this is just cosmetics getting added and if you arent lucky enough you wont get any of them at all, and there will be no way to get them once the event ends, in my opinion this really is a nothing burger of an addition to wynncraft, I do appreciate the amazing effort and work Kiocifer and Zero put into making the models and recoding cosmetics and that wynncraft is finally taking a step towards upgrading their money making but this is the worst way of doing it and as a whole but everything else sucks about the bonfire event, it really didnt bring the community together, it didnt add any NPC's the map didnt change, dialogue didnt change, the detlas event ship didnt get an use, actually nothing changed for the people who are too busy to get their soul sucked doing daily objectives in every class and guild objectives every week, not even an ingame item got added, and *free* cosmetics doesnt really pass off as an event, because it isn't, but you know what did got added?


    Literally, the only thing that got added in this event, nothing else, the only place this event takes place in is the wynncraft online store, not the game itself, and the only thing you can ever do in this festival is spend away money to get scammed, you cant even control accurately what cosmetic you get in the crates because it's always randomized every single time, that's the only thing this festival added, gambling, no effort, and only the 2 CT members mentioned really seemed to work off for this.

    There are of course plentiful solutions to this and one of the best ones would be to be able to trade cosmetics with other players or being able to get daily quests in wynn, like how the time valley's daily quests work to get event tokens to be able to buy the pets or gear skins you'd like instead of spending hundreds of dollars to get the stuff, would be way better than getting outright scammed.

    So I wanted to know, what do you all think of this? Do you all think, this is really an event, and if the practices used to let us get the cosmetics/pets really do work or not? Because I am really curious about what the community thinks, which is why I made this post, and no, I will not add a poll, it would be far better if people could type out a comment instead of hitting yes or no in a poll.

    That is all I wanted to say for today.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2021
    TheWitch3r, Aya, Jorts and 21 others like this.
  2. Mirari

    Mirari lol CHAMPION

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    I just want the fox man
  3. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    not my issue that people want the cosmetics badly enough to spend money on them knowing it’s a loot box system

    but also it’s pretty boring. could have been done better. i feel like the only people who really win are the newbies who don’t even know about what cosmetics you can get and are just happy with whatever from the four t1s they do over the course of the event
    Aya, ExertKarma, melon and 4 others like this.
  4. Ninja_VK

    Ninja_VK RainbowsRcool VIP+

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    I mean I myself liked the event
    It’s free loot boxes, there’s all kinds of cosmetics u can get even if it’s not the super rare stuff and I’m happy with it
    Plus it’s one a day, so if u get 5 epics u can get one legendary every 5 days and then there’s the guild ones for t2s, so it’s a lot of free stuff
    (Tho I prob apply to what the dude above me said, the only thing I know that can come from it is the fox pet and wybun, and I’ve been happy with everything I’ve gotten but player effects)
  5. Kiocifer

    Kiocifer Creator of salteďpog3 and other monstrosities HERO

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    I definitely agree with linny on this, the fact they're lootboxes really isn't a problem imo, that's how Wynn's cosmetics have been done this whole time. The event being boring is definitely a valid complaint tho, hopefully future seasonal events will have more substance to them. The festival of the bonfire is basically just a trial run for having cosmetic-focused events in between updates and as such definitely has a lot of issues that can hopefully be fixed in future years
  6. FoxxoChan

    FoxxoChan Wynnian Photographer, Eye Pet Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    Im sorry that happened Mira :(
    SpotAction likes this.
  7. Dondasch

    Dondasch Hadal gaming HERO

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    what do you mean?

    i personally think it's a great idea to expose the server's playerbase, which mostly consists of minors, to gambling and FOMO in the server's first time-limited event
    SpotAction, Aya, Jorts and 16 others like this.
  8. TheEpicCajun

    TheEpicCajun bee HERO

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    Sorry, your opinions don’t matter because the cash cow needs money to pay for his $300 bottles of Georgian (the country not the state, moron) wine that he shares with the top devs as they play Mario Golf in the office. Their luxuries DEPEND on the cash flow from events like these, and not having ways to raise money means the devs actually have to do work on the server that aren’t specifically geared towards making more money. (The models are nice tho)
    Dream, melon and Ville like this.
  9. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    I’m going to have to disagree with you on this; the fundamental difference between this and Wynn’s normal loot box system is that this event is time-limited. It means that bad luck with lootboxes can screw you over for an entire year, compared to normal lootboxes which are available at any time. That’s not to mention the whole FOMO aspect to the event either. I think that there are better ways to handle it even without getting rid of lootboxes. For example, you could give people a way to guarantee an item of their choice in exchange for playing the game throughout the festival, or add separate non-RNG cosmetics that are available through playing the event instead of lootboxes. It would make the non-paying player’s experience of the festival a lot better without affecting whales too much.

    As for the event itself? It needs work. The two big things I’d like to see is integration with the lore of Wynn, and integration with gameplay. Holidays are a great way to expand the world-building in stories and games. For example, why is it called Festival of the Bonfire? Why are we celebrating? What’s it about? Give us a reason to celebrate the event besides new cosmetics. And while we’re at it, give us a reason to play besides new cosmetics. Do stuff like increasing rewards in-game, adding temporary gameplay mechanics to mess with, and adding new armor and/or major IDs. Hell, it seems like a great way to have “trial runs” of new gameplay ideas- you could use it as a way to add proofs of concepts, and then use the feedback to iterate on them and add them to a full update. You could test stuff like temporary world bosses, or swarms, or boost rewards for raids or the forgery, or add temporary tomes that do crazy broken stuff like giving major IDs.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2021
    SunExtractor, Aya, Bixlo and 12 others like this.
  10. Madkurre

    Madkurre construction worker HERO

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    dont participate lol it's just free cosmetics
    i think your expectations were misset by the word "event" when it's more of a marketing campaign
  11. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    This is the last thing we need. Are you aware of how dumb it is to be dealing with Eldritch Horrors, Ancient Wars, and then just suddenly you have to explain why Santa Claus exists for no reason? If they make the Easter Bunny cannon I'll probably explode.
    hmtn, melon and strikeflame5356 like this.
  12. nip nop

    nip nop thinking hurts CHAMPION

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    i can understand frustrations regarding not actually getting what you want but you have to consider that this is all entirely optional and participating/buying crates isnt required at all, these items are purely cosmetic; itd probably be more fair to criticize the entire crate system and while its easy to claim that "this is how loot boxes are done across all games, theyre meant to steal your money" its not like they cant just sell pets/cosmetics individually, theyre already doing this to a limited extent within the store, and sticking to the crate system really is just a clear indication of wynn shelling out for cash even if its meant to support the server. the event itself definitely isnt interesting agreed, but i think its a good step in the right direction at the very least for future "events" to come
  13. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    this is a better way to show your discontentment than tagging me 3 times a day on discord to tell me how much you hate the event (please stop doing that)

    we didn't have much time left to add more event stuff in-game, but it was definitely something we wanted to do. events can't really be pushed back easily (can't have the summer event in october) so we had to commit with what we had. if we do more of these, we'll for sure try to add some more stuff. don't expect things like wynnterfair though, minigames like that are a huge amount of work and can actually delay major updates, while cosmetic-themed events do not.

    you may be used to cosmetics, and in that case, it makes sense that the event is more underwhelming to you. but I think for most players (who don't spend money on the game) it's definitely special. still a very valid opinion though, we could have added more and likely will, but this is by far our most successful event and I think we can really build up from this

    this is a mojang EULA rule to not allow stuff like that. thankfully I think they very recently allowed it back, but just keep in mind some of those design choices are because of limitations set up by mojang years ago
  14. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    …you DO realize that Wynn already has multiple quests with Santa in them?

    Also, that’s not even what I mean by adding holidays into the lore. I mean adding Wynn-specific holidays; stuff that celebrates important events in the Wynn timeline. For example, the landing of Villagers in Wynn was a major historical event, as was the end of the Siege of Ragni and subsequent disappearance of Bak’al. It’d only make sense for people to celebrate those occasions in-game, so why not make them into events? That’s what I mean by integrating holidays into the lore.
    Aya, H0Y, JaydonTheWarrior and 8 others like this.
  15. Arkade

    Arkade Who am I? CHAMPION

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    idk sounds like someone is salty to me
  16. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    To be honest, I'm just incredibly glad that there is a way to get the crates for free. Considering you get 27 items (most of which will be rares and epics with the occasional godly and the somewhat unlikely black market) and that they added the ability to scrap black market items into a lower tier, there's a very good chance you'll get at least ONE really rare item that you want

    I will say that I don't like the lack of guarantee, but that has been the thing with Wynn's monetization for years and plus I see buying ranks, bombs and crates as more of a way to support the server and keep it alive with perks rather than ''i want this specific item''. People haven't complained much about crates because most people who get them are ranked players who get them daily anyway

    I also do think the presentation of this event is a little lackluster but as Salted and Kiocifer have said above, it's a way of testing the waters with these events and not the ultimate special cool event

    You get 27 free bonfire crates. Nobody who gives a shit will miss out.

    From what? the easter bunny shooting you with this ''cannon''?

    Jokes aside, I see Santa as either ''Non-canon'' or ''Semi-canon''
  17. i just want a wybel
    idek if you can get one from a crate but im going to try anyways
  18. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I've said before that this would be cool but
    1. Cosmetics were duped recently
    2. Salted said above that it's against the EULA
    3. Wynn would lose a lot of money on that
    You can
  19. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    To be honest, great for marketing. Limited time cosmetics are the easiest way to get people to spend money, and I don't think it's a bad thing. They change nothing about the game and it supports the server quite a lot. If you can't think about the effects that spending money on rng cosmetic boxes could have on your financial situation before spending, then you shouldn't be spending on them in general.
    The golden rule for rng sorta stuff to follow is: If you can't afford to spend and receive nothing, do not spend.

    I think it's right to say that, for those who can't spend money, it's really fun to be able to finally have the chance to get some flashy cosmetics or some cute wybel pets. The free crates, super healthy. If you don't care about cosmetics, that's okay.

    Like everyone else has said, I really do wish there was more, whether it be activities, quests, areas, etc. to make it feel like an actual event. I know it's stated above that time was an issue too, so I'm not gonna go on about it more than other people have already, but definitely something to hopefully improve on in the future.

    Like I stated when it came out, it's a super healthy direction for the game overall, to have these events in between updates. I hope that eventually the team is big enough so that there can be these events with much more content without delaying major updates.
  20. burble

    burble dragon fruit go roar VIP+

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    IMHO their suggestion was a great idea. Maybe I am missing something, but there is no reason for it to be called "The Bonfire Festival". Having holidays and celebrations is a great opportunity for worldbuilding. I think Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are not the best ideas and it should be something unique to Wynncraft's lore, like for example, maybe Gavel and Wynn could have a holiday on the day the villagers came to Wynn. Even in the middle of wars, people still celebrate holidays if they can, and so long as it fits with Wynncraft's lore, I don't think it would be jarring because of this.
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