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Questions Of A Lootrunning Noob

Discussion in 'Questions' started by truepixelation, Jul 17, 2021.

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  1. truepixelation

    truepixelation they/them CHAMPION

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    Ok so I'm fairly newish to lootrunning and I have a few questions.
    1 Is blossom haze just a sucky fabled or is the market not the place to sell it? I've been trying to sell it for 2 months (not gained from lootrunning but i still want to know) and if it is just a sucky one what fableds should I look for? for example today I found a rhythm of seasons but I don't know if i should even identify it since I cant seem to sell the other one.

    2 What is the most profitable powder? I would assume tier 6 but can you find those or do i have to make them? Would it be better to just sell the tier 4s or make them into a tier 6 and then sell them?
    3 whats a good price to sell powers at?
  2. cheese2Uman

    cheese2Uman Was playing Wynncraft before there were quests HERO

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    Typically I price check things by looking at the trade market. For example, you could search for "blossom haze" on the trade market and see what price others are selling them for. Or you can search for fabled items only and see which ones sell for a high price.

    I've noticed there is a fairly low demand for a lot of fabled items, so it can take a while to sell them. Typically I just sell rhythm of the seasons to the blacksmith unless I get really good IDs on it. The two fabled items I know people actually use frequently are time rift and hawkeye, but even then, you will probably only be able to sell them on the trade market if you get good IDs.

    Yeah, tier 6 powders sell for the most. The only way I know of to get them in-game is completing raids (Canyon Colossus specifically). From chests I believe you can only get a max of tier 4 powders, and you have to combine them at the powder merchant to get higher tiers. I'm not sure whether selling tier 4 or six powders is better. You can search the trade market for powders and see what others are selling them for.
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