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Unpopular Opinion: Killing Aledar First Is Way Easier (ahc)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Expedition36, Jul 14, 2021.


Do you kill Aledar or Tasim first?

  1. Aledar

  2. Tasim

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  1. Expedition36

    Expedition36 Well-Known Adventurer

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    A week or so ago, I beat AHC. Looking back at it, I recall people always saying to kill Tasim first. I tried that...and was promptly multihit to death. Aledar's spell repetoire is one of the worst combinations for me: Multihit, which almost one shots me as an archer, Vanish, making it hard to see him, and Teleport, meaning he can be anywhere. Especially if he Teleports and Multihits, I can out of nowhere be reduced to a few thousand health. Additionally, I was using Cluster, a pure thunder weapon, and Aledar resists thunder. I next tried to kill Tasim first. I lost mainly because of the Airforce bomb. Ultimately, I used arrow shield and Tasim started spamming pull. Since he was in a corner, arrow shield threw him into the air, pulling me with him. I ended up losing most of my HP from fall damage. The Elite Detlas archers are very easy if you take care of them immediately, or strafe when there are few. It does take longer, but not killing the minions may land you in a sticky situation when there are too many to take one out safely. I killed Tasim the third time, and this time I figured out how to dodge the bomb. In the corners of the arena, there are bombed buildings. Hide underneath them and you will dodge the bomb. The only problem is, this restricts your movement. You have to spam spells to keep Tasim at bay. But overall, killing Aledar first was a lot easier than I thought it would be, and I see a lot of people say that killing Tasim first is easier, so I encourage anyone doing AHC to try this out.
    DogeTennant and starx280 like this.
  2. Ava Cart

    Ava Cart If you don't like Ava you die CHAMPION

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    same, I also kill Aledar first
  3. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    Pretty sure its based on your class and build, I was using a water build as mage and it took me literally about half an hour to kill him.
    Ninja_VK and starx280 like this.
  4. MinerDwarf222

    MinerDwarf222 I AM A DWARF. HERO

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    At least for me and the 4 classes I've done ahc with (Archer, Mage, Shaman, Warrior) (Roughly in that order) I found that for my builds for these classes that Archer and Mage had an easier time by killing Tasim first while Shaman and Warrior (Granted didn't try Tasim first for warrior) had an easy time killing Aledar first. Considering for both Shaman and Warrior I could just corner camp with Tasim.
  5. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    My thing with Tasim in his second stage is that he has healers, which cuases low dps builds to have some trouble killing them.
    Obvousily you can just kill the healers, but I would rather just killed tasim first.
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