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Can Someone Explain Guild Politics To Me?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by DoNotComboMe, Jul 13, 2021.

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  1. DoNotComboMe

    DoNotComboMe Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I've recently gotten back into Wynncraft after about a 5 year break, and was pretty interested in guilds, and guild wars. As I leveled my character my goal was to join a warring guild, get a good build, and war. The perfectly aligned with the season system being implemented. Here I am though ready to war, and it seems like nothing is every happening. The top 10 or so guilds all just hold a massive amount of land each, and basically never branch out. Sure, once in a while a small guild might take a couple territories for a few hours before they're stomped out of existence by the larger guild, but thats about it.

    My question is basically why don't any of the larger guilds EVER attack each other, and if they do it's more of a playful poke than anything else. I've heard people mention that they're all basically in one giant mega-alliance with each other, but I'm not sure if that's true. From an outsiders perspective it seems like the devs introduced a War gamemode and everyone decided to be peaceful rather than to war which is insane.
  2. DoggoToggled

    DoggoToggled Some random dog

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    So, Guild who has that territory puts a boss to guard it. One of the Captains of the guild can decide to go to war with another guild and then it will start in a certain amount of time, when that time is over, all the guild members (of the guild that is attacking) that is currently in that city/place will get tped to an arena where they will have to fight that boss (The higher lvl the guild, the harder the boss, or I think) they kill it, they get the territory, they get defeated, they don't get the territory.

    P.S.: This obv isn't 100% accurate and doesn't really have all the details

    And to answer ur question of why the higher lvl guilds (ShadowFall, TheNoLifes, etc.) don't attack each other, I think they have an alliance or smth. Someone who is from one of those guilds can correct me about this
  3. DoNotComboMe

    DoNotComboMe Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I understand how warring works, I have done it several times. My main question is why is everyone so docile and peaceful in a game mode literally called warring. People rarely attack each other and it's a half effort at best when they do. It feels like the game mode could be so much more if people didn't play so passive.
  4. DoggoToggled

    DoggoToggled Some random dog

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    read the rest of the reply (I think I edited while u were replying to it)
    ^ this is what it said
    and also ppl have to do stuff other than warring u don't expect detlas to be controlled by shadowfall > thenolifes > shadowfall > thenolifes every 10 seconds
  5. TheNelston

    TheNelston only ironically afk in the head HERO

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    The short answer is that everybody's generally better off during peacetime. Sure, some parties might not have as much as they might otherwise if they constantly warred, but that requires a pretty large investment of time and energy in actually fighting, materials/ingredients for consumables, scrap for crafted equips, and so on and so forth. You're kinda just better off owning what you have, agreeing to not waste each other's time on stalemates. It's not necessarily done out of friendship or any real love though- when the math tips the scales in favor of a new status quo, people will usually be more than happy to snap up whatever extra stuff they can get.

    There are examples of this in real life too- for example, organizations like OPEC, treaties like SALT I & SALT II, etc. While these are usually mutually beneficial, sometimes one party will pull a fast one on the others, but the tendency of the group is to go towards stability, which usually but not always means a return to the status quo. If you're interested you can look up Nash equilibrium and game theory to understand this even more deeply.

    im a bit of a fuckin nerd but seeing cool shit like guild politics play out in an organized system like this is really cool
    cheese2Uman likes this.
  6. DoNotComboMe

    DoNotComboMe Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    That makes sense, I'm still surrpised at the lack of people I guess willing to put in the effort and time to war. You hear of people grinding 12 hours a day lootrunning to get a mythic, but guilds are just left to sit, and touch maybe once or twice a day at most. Not to mention the rather hardcore grinding playerbase that dominates the top of the ranks.
    As far as irl comparisons I feel like the problem with that is it takes much lesser effort and resources to war in wynn obviously, not to mention the rather hardcore grinding playerbase that dominates the top of the ranks.

    Sorry if I sound bitter, it still doesn't make sense to me honestly, even though you answered the question I asked with a thoughtful response. I appreciate that.
  7. TheNelston

    TheNelston only ironically afk in the head HERO

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    It's mostly because LRing and the like is done for personal benefit (getting extra money or owning good weapons/armor), while the benefits of warring are more diffuse. As much as I love my guild, I would rather spend more of my time doing what I find fun, which is doing raids/dungeons, leveling, and making videos. Some people might like warring a lot, and that's actually the reason why FFA territories exist (to let them have their fun without upsetting the status quo).

    People don't war because the status quo benefits them. Anyone who aims to upset that order either better have a good ass plan for taking down a dominant guild/alliance, or prepare to get stamped out.

    It's not like this doesn't ever happen though. Just a few hours ago, TNL controlled half of Wynn province; where are they now?
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