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Any Class Op Mythic Builds V3.0 (1.20.4): About to be Closed Edition

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by NamesAreHard, Jul 7, 2021.

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  1. NamesAreHard

    NamesAreHard Mage Enthusiast (She/He/They) CHAMPION

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    Note about 2.0: I will be making a new version of this thread when the update comes out, like I said in a comment... somewhere here, I will be migrating builds that can still reasonably work. However, considering the massave scope of changes (and the expected patches after it releases), I will not be making the thread day 1. I'll likely wait 2-4 patches before making it. I'll also have to change the format... somehow to accomodate for this. Idk honestly. Probably split each mythic up into the different archetypes or something.

    Hello gamers. Seeing as RenZenthio has retired from managing Op mythic builds, I have decided to take up the mantle. I won't be changing all that much about the format from the last one, given that it pretty much covered all the bases. That being said I will be allowed extra skill points from tomes, seeing as this is op mythic builds, and builds can get pretty op with tomes. That being said, try to keep their use to a minimum.

    FYI if I like your post that means your build got in, I don't want to always be bumping since I'm updating so frequently at this point

    Additionally, please note that any builds in italics do not work due to crafted changes, but could technically still work if you finagle 'em enough.


    Creator: Give yourself some credit. Forum name, in game name, or a nickname all work for this slot, just please don't credit it as "me," "myself," etc
    Element Combo: Element requirements, for example: TWFA, ETW, WFA, EWF, etc
    Build Link: Just like the last thread, you must use wynnbuilder and it must be the short version of the link
    Primary Damage: Whatever the main damage option for your build is. You must use unboosted values unless it's war scream. You may additionally include damage boosts such as from curse/courage, vanish/totem, and armor powders like Concentration, Endurance, or Rage. But don't just include armor powders for the sake of it please.
    EHP (agi/non agi): Warriors may use war scream for their ehp
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): You can include either raw sustain values or EHPR/ELS for applicable builds, but please make sure to specify which value you're going with. Use this for first pulse of heal if it's a mage build.
    Tomes (Y/N): If you do use tomes in your build only include the least amount of necessary skill points. If you need a reminder tomes can get you 15 skill points for rainbow/penta, 12 for quad, and 10 for tri and duo. Additionally no skill point can go more than 9 over req (3 from both weapon tomes and 3 from guild tome)
    Comments: Optional

    Empty Build Submission Format
    Element Combo:
    Build Link:
    Primary Damage:
    EHP (Agi/non Agi):
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M):
    Tomes (Y/N):

    Example Submission
    Creator: IncinerateMe
    Mythic(s): Pure, Resurgence
    Element Combo: TWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_01B0RZ0DS0Qr0GQ0DU0TN0Jc0Ql0011211S0U1g00000
    Primary Damage: 10k meteors
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 42274/31250
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): 2268 first pulse/can use KoH
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (very strict)
    Comments: You ever make a build to fit your very specific needs (1/1/1/1 cost) even though you know more optimal things exist? Because that's this. You can use any variation of Finesse/Darksteel/Summa you want.

    What mythics we're missing
    I'll do my best to keep this up to date but if I forget, sorry about that.


    None =)

    Weapons without any mythic boots because I'm evil and need a new category:

    Warp??? (good luck with this one lol)











    Creator: IncinerateMe
    Mythic(s): Pure, Resurgence
    Element Combo: TWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_01B0RZ0DS0Qr0GQ0DU0TN0Jc0Ql0011211S0U1g00000
    Primary Damage: 10k meteors
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 42274/31250
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): 2268 first pulse/can use KoH
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (very strict)
    Comments: You ever make a build to fit your very specific needs (1/1/1/1 cost) even though you know more optimal things exist? Because that's this. You can use any variation of Finesse/Darksteel Ring/Summa you want.
    CommentsAreHard: Don't use this build unless you love casting heal.

    Creator: Adam
    Mythic(s): Pure, Resurgence
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_01...1-19X9k9X9k9H7J9m910TN0OH0Ql0Z0t221k0U1g00000
    Primary Damage: 11,223 meteors.
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 57,805/42,730
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y - 608 HPR, 270 LS, and 4,174 first pulse.
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Tanky crafted Pure with good damage. Extra 10 sp can be swapped to int if your int ring isnt good enough.

    Creator: IncinerateMe*
    Mythic(s): Pure
    Element Combo: TWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0690J-0r50Wi0050K20TN0OM0Ql+m1D21110o1g00000
    Primary Damage: 10.7k meteors
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 32.6k/19.6k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (1.1k first pulse, can use KoH)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Since there wasn't really a great non-mythic pure build yet.
    CommentsAreHard: So, I put the asterisk because this is loosely based off of me half remembering what this one player (Oya) had their pure build as, I, for the longest time tried to contact them to ask if I could submit their build, and I finally decided I just would and credit them anyway since they haven't played the game in a month, but then it turned out I hadn't saved it. So here you go, it can probably be improved.

    Creator: lilk0408
    Mythic(s): Pure (atlevlel)
    Element Combo: tWA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Kq00V0S30Sr0uP0Q10qa0o60Ql010A14011R1100000
    Primary Damage: 8.9k meteors
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 44k Agi. 21k Non Agi
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): mage heal ;-; (this means yes, there is life sustain)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: 16/3ms go brrrrrrr
    would be better if i could sslow it but wynniCT doesn't want to add -tiers to low level items except like eyes on all which i can't use. So much travel utility with mirror's edge. If you want actual mr swap the lodestone for a photon. If you don't mind having -2mr swap photon for lodestone. There's no way twist band is the best thing i can put on there

    Creator: Leafish
    Mythic(s): Pure, Slayer
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_0cD0Pf0DS0Qq0K20nu0K40OH0Ql0o1V1B110y1g00000
    Primary Damage: 13.5k meteors
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 40.3k/21.8k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y
    Tomes (Y/N): 2 sp if you want koh, none otherwise
    Comments: bad slayer is fine as long as you get 61% total 3rd spell
    CommentsAreHard: I have been asked to add that this build gets really easily walled by eledefs

    Creator: anter90911
    Mythic(s): Lament, Stardew
    Element Combo: ETWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...K40og0Qk0w11221G051g10009I10009I010009I1004fI
    Primary Damage: 24k meteors (can reach alot higher with conc and curse)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 30660/32228
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y ( 6.7k Lament Heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: I suggest getting 2 mythic weapon tomes as it greatly increases the damage potential of this build and you dont need extra sp.
    Also 30 to 35k ehp is more than enough with Lament because of the insane heals. It is recommended to look for max mr caesura and stardew as to not have negative mr ticks.

    Creator: anter90911
    Mythic(s): Lament
    Element Combo: etWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0l...0Qk0f0i2C1G051f10009I10039I10000C10009I1004fI
    Primary Damage: 16.9k Meteors (trift and curse will go a long way here)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 33169/31556
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (Lament Heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Same as the above suggestion. Sizzling Shawl and Greaves of the Veneer just make a great duo.

    Creator: anter90911
    Mythic(s): Lament, Stardew
    Element Combo: ETWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...K40og0Qk0U112C1R0H1g10009I10009I010009I1004fI
    Primary Damage: 19.3k meteors (can reach alot higher with conc and curse)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 27326/32400
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y ( 6k Lament Heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Trift version of the build above. Max mr on trift and stardew is recommended.

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Lament
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0690px0JL07W0OK0uA0K40OM0Qk0Z0Z2C1G1D1g10009I10009I010009I1004fI
    Primary Damage: 13k meteors
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 54k/24k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (2.4k 1st pulse)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (2 of any sp)
    Comments: tankier than most lament builds, but lower dmg, also gamer penta

    Creator: EpsilonDown
    Mythic(s): Gaia, Warchief
    Element Combo: ETF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Ba0ZS0X90Qz0BK0BK0K40uH0Qa221X051a051g00001001Z6
    Primary Damage: 35.5k melee dps
    EHP (non Agi): 30k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M, still has heal spell
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: gay
    CommentsAreHard: Love seeing a mage build with M life sustain

    Creator: PhoenixOrigin
    Mythic(s): Warchief, Gaia
    Element Combo: ETA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...7J7J7J7J7J9m910O30BR0Qa221Q-c-c0e1g000010063O
    Primary Damage: 50k melee dps
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 15k/10k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): 58 regen and 1484 health regen first pulse 6 mana cost
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: War DPS but needs a tank also 23 extra sp for other items

    Creator: current meta
    Mythic(s): Gaia
    Element Combo: EtFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0kq0ZS0kT05M0BK0BK0K40uH0Qa220U051a161g00001006C6
    Primary Damage: 26k dps
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 73k/35k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M (expensive heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: leftover sp are customizable

    Creator: Pdunk
    Mythic(s): Monster
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_06...0Qn0H0o212M0C1f1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO1006CO
    Primary Damage: 15.5k meteors, 21.5k w/ courage, 23k w/ endurance, nearly 29k w/ both. On combat dummy, can easily reach 20k dps, up to 30k (doesn’t even factor in endurance powders).
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 75.5k / 67k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y, 2.3k 1st pulse, 4.7k total heal (can use KoH a secondary, esp since monster has +heal spellcost)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: It’s quite easy to underestimate the power of a well-rounded build. It’s tanky enough to consistently cap out endurance while still doing decent base meteors. Also enough mr to consistently spam. I use melee-snake-melee-meteor cycling to fully take advantage of courage.
    CommentsAreHard: In my experience with a build this tanky you can really easily keep cap endurance. You can even chain it through multiple rooms in LI if you're fast enough.

    Creator: GeeGee (not me, just thought the build deserved to be here)
    Mythic(s): Monster, Resurgence
    Element Combo: wf
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/index.html#4_0250px0u50Qr0K20K00TN0OP0Qn0G+m212O001g00001006CO
    Primary Damage: 12.5k meteor
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 81k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): m it has a bit of health regen and lifesteal
    Tomes (Y/N): no
    Comments: very pog build
    CommentsAreHard: No idea why this is listed as "m" for life sustain it's mage.

    Creator: wynnbuilder
    Mythic(s): Monster
    Element Combo: TFA
    Build Link:
    Primary Damage: 17.5k melee dps
    EHP (agi/non agi): 100k/52k
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): N (-hpr literally unplayable)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: just putting here as food for thought I really do not think these deserve to be "OP mythic build" considering they cap out at like 23k dps with max endu, comparing relatively defensive spell monster can get 23k meteor alone
    CommentsAreHard: Hehe wynnbuilder man made melee monster. Well okay "melee"

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Monster
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_01...0Qn01111f2M011g1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO1006CO
    Primary Damage: 13k meteor (no courage nor endurance)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 72k, 71k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (heal, lf)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (two of them)
    Comments: low dps but cool overall

    Creator: J_Lo777
    Mythic(s): Monster
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link:https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0K90px0u50tv0OK0OK0K40og0Qn050i212M051g1000CO1000CO01000CO1006CO
    Primary Damage: 14.6k 2 cost trift meteor unboosted, 20k w/courage (didnt count endu bc im bad at math XD)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 75676/71995
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y 2k first pulse 3 cost but can use koh for 3.2k first pulse 1 cost
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: this build have more than enough ehp to survive anything and at the same time have high dmg trift meteors which makes the dps even better than non-trift monster build but for good sustain it heavily rely on perfect ms rolls on leggings, boots and the trift itself which is quite annoying at some point.

    Creator: Adam
    Mythic(s): Monster, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: ETWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...9c9S9i9S9S9m910K40og0Qn1G1O142M+Y1g00001006CO
    Primary Damage: 18,830 meteors
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 95,509
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y 1,370 LS, 5,975 first pulse.
    Tomes (Y/N): N

    Creator: Fwap_a_Durp
    Mythic(s): Fatal
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0ua0JX0Jh0BU0050050TN0og0QY-a271U13-a1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: 22100.85 1 cost meteor
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 21561.76/21561.76
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Mage moment, and also you can use the newly nerfed king of hearts for 1 cost heal, Fatal First Pulse: 2146.65 / KoH First Pulse: 3740.10
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Meteor damage go brrrrrr. Quite tricky to dual wield Fatal and King of Hearts. For small brain players, I suggest using Lament or Monster instead.

    Creator: JenJenUwU
    Mythic(s): Fatal, Slayer
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_06...9X9X9X9X9X9W910ON0og0QY0r27zW0i1B1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: 38k 1 cost meteor
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 30351.66/14007.19
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M 5 cost heal 1k first pulse
    Tomes (Y/N): Y
    Comments: Could swap tenuto for abrasion if going for hybrid (10k melee) Fairly glassy
    CommentsAreHard: It feels weird seeing non-flipped lapis

    Creator: Thega
    Mythic(s): Fatal, Slayer
    Element Combo: TFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_09r0ol0pB0Qq0050050K40Jc0QY0K27-n1p0y1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: 7.7k melee/22.8k meteor
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 54k/29k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y - 1k ls
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: nice eledefs, nice damage.

    Creator: Sherias
    Mythic(s): Quetzalcoatl/Fatal, Slayer
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: Quetzalcoatl || Fatal
    Primary Damage: Quetz [10.8k melee, 20.2k meteor, 1 cost] || Fatal [11.2k melee, 24.2k meteor, 1 cost]
    EHP (agi/non agi): 40k | 19.5k
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): 2.4k Lifesteal with Quetz, can weave heal into spell rotations (MR/MS is good enough), and/or use another wand for healing (I have a crafted that heals ~2k on first pulse, also for fire ele coverage)
    Tomes (Y/N): Need at least 10 non-INT skill points
    Comments: Crying about Slayer nerf, anyways I find this build to be very fun and viable in a wide variety of content. Rage on armour complements the -HPR, can get up to 40k meteors on crit. Sometimes I like to switch out the Dragon's Eye Bracelet for Double Vision for jumpy fun or mobility. If you don't mind 2-cost meteors, you can sub it out for other offensive bracelets like Megabyte or whatever. Improvements welcome :)

    Creator: hppeng
    Mythic(s): Fatal
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0VR0JX02R0Lg0K20OS0TN0og0QY-Y27141B-L1g010006C10006C10006C10036C
    Primary Damage: 24k meteors
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 21k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: seems glassy but heals + ranged spells keeps you alive

    Creator: poke
    Mythic(s): singularity
    Element Combo: rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0V...9m910K40OH0Qp0g1k1B12131g00003OnZCOOnZ6C0036C
    Primary Damage: 30k melee dps (also 12k meteor)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 50k / 25k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y - can use koh
    Tomes (Y/N): Y - 1sp required for koh (if you don't care about koh, no tomes required)
    Comments: tstack singu is still alive!
    CommentsAreHard: Finally updated it to have the crafted item instead of the custom.

    Creator: oWaxing
    Mythic(s): Singularity, Slayer
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_06...AbAbAc9n910Qp0u2B0g1A0y1g00003OnZCOOnZ6C0036C
    Primary Damage: 31k Dps, 15k Metors (2 Cost)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 56k/30k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): 2k First Pulse
    Tomes (Y/N): 2 tomes
    Comments: Damage is with updated vortexian. Also not much -walk speed. The 500 dura on armor is also pretty nice.

    Creator: DragonSlayer968
    Mythic(s): Singularity, Slayer
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_06...10y1g1000CO1001iO1001iO1000CO3OnZ6OOnZ6C0066C
    Primary Damage: 34.5k Melee without courage, 52k with. Also 23k meteors.
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 41k/22k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M, 3.3k first pulse, but weak MR.
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: You can swap out 26 strength to hit 68 intel and have 1 cost meteors and 2 cost teleports.

    Creator: current meta
    Mythic(s): Singularity
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_09S07N0kT0VN0Jf0Xr0K40OH0Qp0j1c0g1k0y1g00003OnZ6OOnZ6C0066C
    Primary Damage: 28k melee
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 68k/37k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M (expensive heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: no crafteds, no koh access

    Creator: PhoenixOrigin, PhoenixOrigin#7164
    Mythic(s): Singularity, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0K...Ab7J9C9n510Qp1P1D0g2J131d00003OnZCOOnZ6C0036C
    Primary Damage: Non-Boosted: 20601.19, Boosted: 37044.22
    EHP (agi/non agi): 201083.03 / 101108.41
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): M- Decent heals with ms scroll makes it survivable
    Tomes (Y/N): Y -4 SP
    Comments: Very tanky decent damage build, rings are a bit expensive but it will be fun to mess around with 26% combat xp which is why i created this build y'know
    CommentsAreHard: Realistically, you have no reason to be this tanky (especially when you can't use KoH), but I'm still putting this here as the only hyper-tank singularity melee build.

    Before the builds, quick tip for using combat warp, don't. Warp is a meme item in any context besides lootrunning and these builds should show you why. Warp forcing you to build mana regen spam to not have negative sustain as well enough -hpr to matter on mage with + heal cost means that you spend so much time building around its flaws that you don't have time to actually deal damage and survive.

    Creator: poke
    Mythic(s): warp, moontower
    Element Combo: ewa
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0qn01+0p00Qj0t80K2-16w8v6w6w45459c910Ji0R10d-s21-O2f1g00001007lU
    Primary Damage: 18.2k meteor
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 57k/10k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (hpr cancel, can use secondary heal wand like lament or tragedy)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y, 2 sp (this is from the moontower change, I just didn't edit any of the items to account for it, you could likely work around it)
    Comments: there's a lot of flexibility in the crafted bracelet in terms of durability/hpr (in case you have hpr tomes) - you can even give it spell damage if you want. could use suppression for more mana if necessary
    CommentsAreHard: lol combat warp, surprisingly decent for being warp.

    Creator: Anonymous
    Mythic(s): Warp, Boreal
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_06W0hp0D40QN0050050K40uY0R10r16zl1B2M1g00001006CU
    Primary Damage: 12.3k teleports, 16.3k with courage
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 138.2k/26.6k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (10 sp)
    Comments: About as viable as the other warp option here. Any combat warp build is inherently a meme so that's why this is allowed to be here.

    Creator: Fwap_a_Durp
    Mythic(s): Warp, Moontower
    Element Combo: EWA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_02509-0Ja0Qj0OK0TQ0OJ0OM0R10e+821+w2W1g00001004fU
    Primary Damage: 21575.41 Meteor (2 cost)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 61050.90 / 11737.50
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y, Heal 2045.14 first pulse (2 cost), -914.4/4 hpr, 425/3s ls (be sure to melee)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Crafteds (Y/N): N
    Comments: Lunar Spine strikes back with a vengeance, but this time with worse hpr for far greater damage. You can keep your mana as well without being completely cleared away. Factoring in base mana regen, you get 3/5 mana regen and super slow 11/3 mana steal. More than enough to be viable.

    Creator: Mardeknius
    Mythic(s): Warp
    Element Combo: TFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_0JN0L30ai0VN0nu0nu0K40uY0R1080++G182M1g00001004fI
    Primary Damage: 9k teleports
    EHP: 120k/23k
    Life Sustain: This... this is the first mage build I've ever seen where I'd put an "N" here - 16 mana heals
    Tomes: Y
    CommentsAreHard: I guess if you have a warp but uh, can't afford a boreal for a teleport dps build.

    Creator: Leafish
    Mythic(s): Warp, Revenant
    Element Combo: ETA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_09...9c6w6w6w6w9m910OU0BR0R11I0t04042M1g00001007lU
    Primary Damage: 27.4k melee dps
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 54.3k/10.4k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): Y
    Comments: What did you expect it's warp

    Creator: Sir_Doomed
    Mythics: Quetzalcoatl, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: EFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...0uy1r-Y-Y1a161g1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO1036CO
    Primary damage: 13.7k melee, 15.9k w/ courage, probably more with endurance
    EHP (Agi/Non agi): 104k/50.6k
    Life Sustain(Y/N/M): M - 6 mana 16k effective heals, 6.9k effective lifesteal
    Tomes(Y/N): N
    Comments: Not as much damage as melee singu builds, but no crafteds and good EHP, with some sustain thrown in.

    Creator: Sherias
    Mythic(s): Quetzalcoatl/Fatal, Slayer
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: Quetzalcoatl || Fatal
    Primary Damage: Quetz [10.8k melee, 20.2k meteor, 1 cost] || Fatal [11.2k melee, 24.2k meteor, 1 cost]
    EHP (agi/non agi): 40k | 19.5k
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): 2.4k Lifesteal with Quetz, can weave heal into spell rotations (MR/MS is good enough), and/or use another wand for healing (I have a crafted that heals ~2k on first pulse, also for fire ele coverage)
    Tomes (Y/N): Need at least 10 non-INT skill points
    Comments: Crying about Slayer nerf, anyways I find this build to be very fun and viable in a wide variety of content. Rage on armour complements the -HPR, can get up to 40k meteors on crit. Sometimes I like to switch out the Dragon's Eye Bracelet for Double Vision for jumpy fun or mobility. If you don't mind 2-cost meteors, you can sub it out for other offensive bracelets like Megabyte or whatever. Improvements welcome :)

    Creator: Glazer
    Mythic(s): Revenant and Quetzalcoatl
    Element Combination: ETfA
    Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_09V0000WD0Qt0EE0Jf0K40BR0uy1O0t+c1H1M1g0000100nZ6
    Primary Damage(1): 22.9k melee and 24.2k Meteor (8 mana cost)
    EHP: 44k, 18k no agility
    Sustain?: Y 2156 [10147 effective] Life steal (I mean its a mage but 6 cost heal and Quetz's negative water damage makes it rough)
    Tomes: N
    Comments: Directly from @Glazer's video. Sorta glass cannon for a mage without natural heal spell. You sustain via Fast Hybrid melee and damage with both melee and occasional meteor. Basically just smack things with melee attack till you have 8+ mana then cast meteor.

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Quetzalcoatl
    Element Combo: EWA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0XL0000Ja0Fp0Mb0OK0T40uH0uy1H-Y21-J161g0000100nZ6
    Primary Damage: 13k melee, 18k meteor
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 21k/10k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (heal, 2.6k ls)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: glassy but cool


    Creator: Loilipop
    Mythic(s): Az, Slayer
    Element Combination: ETFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_06W0mM0aN0Qq0K00OS0ON0og0QP0r1r+h120y1g000011XZ6O
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 33k Storm, 13k bombs
    EHP: 37k
    EHP (without agility): 20k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M, has a bit of lifesteal
    Tomes (Y/N): Y, 1 sp (this is because of 1.20.4, you can easily make it not need a tome though)
    Comments: Similar to Olily with 10mana arrow shield, use everlasting tomes to balance -hpr
    CommentsAreHard: You can swap out resolve for paradox for more damage but worse effective mana.

    Creator: Skylaar
    Mythic(s): Az(At level)
    Element Combo: Penta
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0m...0QP0P1G0f0a0i1A10000610066C10000O10006C11Z69I
    Primary Damage: 26.7k Storms
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 12.3k/7.8k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N. Some hp regen, but not really enough, so only if you use health pots
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Barely managed to squeeze the skill points into this, but I think it came out well. Ehp may not be that good but at that level range it isn't really a problem

    Creator: iThought
    Mythic(s): Az
    Element Combo: TFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0K...19X9X9X9X9X9X9Q910og0QP-Y1GzJ1X1Y1g000011XZ6O
    Primary Damage: 11k bomb/28k storm
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): Agi: 95k/non Agi: 35k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M 195 hpr + 780 ls
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: X9X9X9X9X9X9

    Creator: Adam
    Mythic(s): Freedom, Resurgence
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_0K90px0r50Qr0TQ0K20K40OH0QV0e0e211Q161g0000101Z9I
    Primary Damage: 23.5K storms 9.8K bombs.
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 65,742, 32,014
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M - lil bit of hpr.
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (1 sp ;-;)
    Comments: Noncrafted Trift Freedom. Outclassed by spring but still not bad

    Creator: Infinitychaos
    Mythic(s): Freedom
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0Pf0r507W09q09q0K40OH0QV0e0h210y1h1g0000102J6I
    Primary Damage: 30k arrow storms, 12k bombs / 53k storms, 22k bombs with curse
    EHP (agi/non agi): 57197/18511
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: This build is a standard rainbow build with some changes for freedom.

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Freedom
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0Pf0DS07W0Fx0K20K40og0QV0e111G1J1h1g000010336O
    Primary Damage: 29k storms/12k bombs
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 70k/22k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: a little tankier while keeping the dmg

    Creator: Adam
    Mythic(s): Freedom
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_06...9S9i9S9c9c9m910TN0OH0QV0e0k2C181h1g0000101Z9I
    Primary Damage: 39,202 storms and 16,334 bombs.
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 65,818/21,301
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M):
    N Tomes (Y/N): Y - 3 int and 5 total sp
    Comments: Crafted Trift Freedom.

    Creator: Adam
    Mythic(s): Freedom, Resurgence
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...9S9i9S9c9c9W910K40OH0QV0k1D1Q21161g0000101Z9I
    Primary Damage: 37,119 storms and 15,466 bombs
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 82,488/40,169
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M
    Tomes (Y/N): Y
    Comments: Crafted Freedom w/o trift.

    Creator: Leafish
    Mythic(s): Freedom, Resurgence
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_0Au0Pf0r50Qr0TQ0Fx0Wf0OH0QV0j0l211Q1D1g000010336O
    Primary Damage: 29.5k storms unboosted + pandemonium
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 57.4k/29.5k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y
    Tomes (Y/N): Y
    Comments: 32.4k storms and 71.8k ehp after war scream from pande
    CommentsAreHard: Pandemonium is chad

    Creator: Deco113 but a lot of builds converge from lots of ppl so e
    Mythic(s): Grandmother, Warchief
    Element Combo: ETWa
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_0uB05W0uX0Qz0TQ0K20FN0BR0Qe271k1404161g1000360100036100036100nZ6
    Primary Damage: heavy hybrid baby! (melee and all spells contribute to damage) Mostly spell tho [62.5k storms/7.2k melee dps]
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 18696/9104
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): haha it's gma
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: mana sustain might be borderline-ish, bcatas can be swapped in if u have 2 tomes (4sp under). Otherwise gamer af
    CommentsAreHard: I edited in the 15 free sp to account for the Grandmother nerf, in case you were wondering.

    I removed kamilereon two grandmother builds since they don't work with the crafted changes. Usually I would just leave them but since flapis accounted for anywhere from 129-147 sp for this build, I don't think you could just make a few changes to make it work.

    Creator: Anonymous
    Mythic(s): Grandmother, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: EtWFa
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0X...0Qe1z02141a0t1f100036100036100036100036100nZ6
    Primary Damage: 33,859 storms, 14,528 bombs (55,513 storms, 24,203 bombs with 50% rage, 76,734 and 33,685 with max rage)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 64,522/36,831
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): gma lol
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: I swear I didn't make it penta on purpose this time.

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Grandmother
    Element Combo: EWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_02...0Qe1z001f190t1g1000361000361000361000361031ZO
    Primary Damage: 30k storms/13k bomb
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 40k/22k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: no crusade gma

    Creator: HerobrineLiu
    Mythic(s): Grandmother, Resurgence
    Element Combo: EWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0270K70uX0Qr0WA0WA0K40BR0Qe1z091f1Q101g00001031ZO
    Primary Damage: 31.7k storms/13.6k bombs
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 54k/28k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y, 440ls, 160 hpr(haha likely not gonna happen)
    Tomes (Y/N): Yes (2 of any and a guild, if you dont have a guild tome swap one olive for reminder and 2 3sp tomes would work)
    Comments: Sweet sweet resu sustain on gma, nice dmg too

    Creator: Adam
    Mythic(s): Grandmother, Resurgence
    Element Combo: EtWFa
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...9k9X9k9H7J9m910K40BR0Qe1z0L22221C1g0000100nZ6
    Primary Damage: 40,658 storms and 17,287 bombs.
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 90,210/41,185
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Somehow M
    Tomes (Y/N): Y - 2 sp
    Comments: Crafted Gma with positive hpr wtf.

    Creator: Leafish
    Mythic(s): Ignis, Resurgence
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_07...0Qg-Y0x1f2M-Y1g1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO1006CO
    Primary Damage: 27.8k storms
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 90.3k/90.3k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (2000 hpr)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Rings and leggings are ~10 le each. You can use yang and cinderchain

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Ignis
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_07R0JX0Jh0tv0OQ0K20TN0uI0Qg-Y0j1f20-Y1g00001006CO
    Primary Damage: 20k storms/8k bomb
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 59k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (1.5k hpr)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: no resu
    CommentsAreHard: no resu

    Creator: Adam
    Mythic(s): Ignis, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: ETWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...0Qg1L1O141z+Y1g1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO1006CO
    Primary Damage: 32,664 storms, 13,538 bombs. (52,180 and 21,670 with endurance)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 63,560
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y 862 hpr and 720 ls
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Haha fire core go brrrrrrrrr.

    Creator: BlueTheSniper
    Mythic(s): Divzer, Warchief
    Element Combo: ET
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/index.html#4_0uh05W0PW0Qz0OG0Jf0K40OO0QS2E2O05-Uub1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: 45k "melee" dps
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 7346
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y
    Tomes (Y/N): N

    Creator: J.Lo (IGN: J_Lo777)
    Mythic(s): Divzer, Dawnbreak
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Vb0RZ0DS0QR0OS0K20K40og0QS052O140stV1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: 32k dmg Arrow Storms (Nighthawk)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 17.4k ehp (0agi)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Yes, 1.7k hp lifesteal (2.1k ELS)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Rather tanky for a Divzer build with decent dmg too imo. It's not a war build, it's simply a good Divzer build for general use.

    Creator: Loilipop
    Mythic(s): Divzer
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0K90RZ0i50Lg09q09q0TN0og0QS-y2O140xtM1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: 1-1 42k storm 17k bomb
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 16.5k EHP
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y Divzer LS
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Spell divzer isnt dead also you dont need a perf MS divzer (Sparkweaver can be replaced with Cancer but you need guild tomes)

    Creator: Loilipop
    Mythic(s): Divzer
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_0K90RZ-167969P9F2t5G9i910BU09q09q0K40og0QS012O210ktR1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: 1-1 43k storm 17k bomb
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 17k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y Hpr + Divzer LS
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Crafted armor (cringe ew disgusting) But better and high dura
    If want more dmg u can replace sentient shadow in leggings recipe for something like wybell fluff for more def but -ws
    CommentsAreHard: Normally I wouldn't have two builds that are so similar both up but I can't just put up the better build since it uses a crafted, and I couldn't just exclude it because it's more OP.

    Creator: Leafish
    Mythic(s): Divzer, Dawnbreak
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_07R0RZ0DS0QR0OQ0OQ0K40OP0QS052O141KtV1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: 39.3k storms
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 32.2k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (900 hpr + 1700 ls)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y
    Comments: Has a bit less damage than the other divzer builds, but has MUCH more survivability with nearly twice as much ehp + tons of hpr and lifesteal

    Creator: Anonymous
    Mythic(s): Divzer, Dawnbreak
    Element Combo: eTWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0D...Ab9C7JAb5d9m910K40og0QS0F2O141btV1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: 48,818 storms, 19,821 bombs (37,282 chain lightning lol)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 33,573
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y 3,546 effective life steal
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Tanky heavy hybrid Divzer with good damage.

    Creator: Enclaire but crafteds used here are pretty common soo
    Mythic(s): Divzer
    Element Combo: TWF (flapis)
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_-1...0QS052O1f1utV1g10006C1004cC10006C10006C10036C
    Primary Damage: 65k storms
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 42k ehp
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): yes Divzer ls
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: This build might look good on paper but holy this is VERY roll dependant. first of all you need 32 + 33 intelligence MINIMUM on the flapis accessories for this build to work in the first place for 105 int. then you can put the rest sp on defence. also the chestplate is 39% - 100% spell damage LOL so good luck with that

    Mythic(s): Spring
    Element Combo: EWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0250px0JL0Jq0TQ0t80OJ0OM0Qv0yzW2C1G-Y1g00001004fI
    Primary Damage: 30k storm 13k bomb
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 28894.64
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y, 600 hpr
    Tomes (Y/N):N
    Comments: Very cool spring build, next to none ID requirements except for rift. (You can replace yang with moon pool if u have like a 1mr spring)

    Creator: Me, VireVeonix
    Mythic(s): Spring, Resurgence
    Element Combo:eWF
    Build Link:https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_0V...0Qv0j-E2C1q001g10009I10009I10009I10009I1004fI
    Primary Damage: 20k Nighthawks, 13k Bombs
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 40k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): y up to 689 hpr
    Tomes (Y/N): n
    Comments: HI! Im back with another random build! This time nighthawk trift spring using resu and crafteds. I am using this build rn and it can easily solo li if you dont facehug the bosses.

    Creator: OmegaCKL
    Mythic(s): Spring, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: EWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_01d0px0JL0QW0TQ0uN0OJ0BR0Qv1a-I2S1k041g00001004fI
    Primary Damage: 31k Arrow Strom/13.3k Bomb Arrow
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 37.2k/35.8k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y - 485 hpr
    Tomes (Y/N): Y
    Comments: Powder armor with w6w6 for Concentration for more damage if desired.
    CommentsAreHard: Tome reqs are pretty steep but definitely worth it for semi-tanky trift Spring

    Creator: Loilipop
    Mythic(s): Spring
    Element Combo: EWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0V...977X9O910K00TQ0OJ0OM0Qv0j-E2C1H001g00001004fI
    Primary Damage: 23k Nighthawk + Rift Storm, 15k bomb
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 27kEHP
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): Y
    Comments: damagedamagedamagedamagedamagedamagedamagedamagedamagedamagedamage (Intensity replaceable for like detectives ring if u dont have tomes) + also crafteds

    Creator: It's a generic spring build with a different ring I'm not taking credit.
    Mythic(s): Spring, Resurgence
    Element Combo: EWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...9i9i9X9i9i9m910OJ0OM0Qv0j-E261q001g00001004fI
    Primary Damage: 21,522 nighthawk storms, 13,660 bombs.
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 39,365
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: It's generic spring but with a crafted ring instead of intensity. Can swap nighthawk for aphotic.

    Creator: VireVeonix
    Mythic(s): Strati
    Element Combo: etWfA (mainly WA with some rainbow sp for ehp)
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Vb0l-0p007W0TQ0K20K40OM0Rb0P0G1h0U2C1g00001007lU
    Primary Damage:16k nighthawk
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 48k/10k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): NO
    Tomes (Y/N): no
    Comments: its strati, dont expect dmg
    CommentsAreHard: With how volitile air is both having exceptional range and a bit of defense to not get one shot is good, and this build does both. Mana is a bit questionable with 3 cost bombs but it's strati, I can't hold it to too high a standard. SP can also be changed around for more defense if that's your taste.

    Creator: yy8erig
    Mythic(s): stratiformis and revenant
    Element Combo:ETA
    Build Link:https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_0uO0000PW0Qt0Jf0Mb0Fl0Ji0Rb161B000S2C1g00001007lU
    Primary Damage:23k rawstack
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 51k/11k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: replace contrast and bracelet w whatever, no sustain might be a problem but no negative hp so hide in a corner and slowly heal up with 150 health regen if you dont want to buy pots?

    Creator: Diamond_Laser/•WhiteWolf•
    Mythic(s): Stratiformis
    Element Combo: eTWA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0l-0Ig07W0TQ0GQ0K40uI0Rb0P1121052C1g00001007lU
    Primary Damage: 11.7k bombs
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 40.6k/8.7k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y
    Tomes (Y/N): Y 11sp (needs at least 1 rainbow tome, a 3sp tome and a guild tome)
    Comments: pretty solid but needs decent mana/ls rolls and good cycling/movement

    Creator: Leafish
    Mythic(s): Stratiformis, Moontower
    Element Combo: ETWA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0qn0u00D40Qj09q09q0K40uI0Rb0q0p1fzs2l1g00001007lU
    Primary Damage: 31k storms
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 7.9k/41.4k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Phantasmagoria gaming

    Creator: Sir_Doomed
    Mythics: Epoch, Slayer
    Element Combo: TFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_0K907N0kT0Qq0BK0Jf0BI0uH0uz0p1V001F161g00001006CO
    Primary Damage: 42k melee, 63k with courage
    EHP (agi/non agi): 53k/26k
    Life Sustain(Y/N/M): N
    Tomes(Y/N): N

    Creator: aspiepuppy and IncinerateMe (op)
    Mythic(s): Epoch
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0VI07N0kT0VN0Jf0K00NH0OO0uz0e1a0012161g00001006CC
    Primary Damage: 48285 melee dps (70196 with courage)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 47580/23170
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y up to 1k ls depending on rolls
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (1 weapon or guild)
    Comments: "Get ready for the sweepoch 7 epochillion damage done 2.0 get ready" -Her
    CommentsAreHard: Archer sfast is bugged so 2.0 hype baby let's goooooo

    Creator: aspiepuppy
    Mythic(s): Epoch, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0VI07N0kT0QW0Jf0BK0BI0uH0uz1G16001a161g00001006CC
    Primary Damage: 41485 melee dps
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 78215/38088
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (1.1k ls with tiny -hpr)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (10 sp)
    Comments: Carcinisation of Epoch


    Creator: IncinerateMe
    Mythic(s): Archangel
    Element Combo: EWA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0rE0Bl0sq0Uj0TQ0Zd0Tm0TY0QO0R00140G1L1500001005hS
    Primary Damage: 2.5k spins, 1.3k melee dps (3.3k/1.8k with courage)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 14.6k/6.1k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (up to 360 hpr and 173 ls)
    Comments: Blasphemy is busted for leveling up
    CommentsAreHard: Taken from the second OP mythic builds thread.

    Creator: hppeng
    Mythic(s): Archangel, Revenant
    Element Combo: ETA :crab:
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_06W07Y0tV0Qt0qo0qo02d0Ji0QO1617-E-s1L1g00001006CU
    Primary Damage: 14k cherry smoke (25k vanish boosted)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 42.2k/17.5k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M (skill issue)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: funny endgame archangel (not even that good but holy lots of mana), good luck getting good rolls on reve hp+damage+cost+mana

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Archangel (somewhat at level)
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0iw0iv0ix0jP0Jf0o70T60Jc0QO1B0t-n1L1Q1L00001006CU
    Primary Damage: 11k melee unboosted
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 75k/30k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (1.1k hpr)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: lvl85 build, you get most of the items doing quests

    Creator: tanking_, but I saw this rainbow armor in some post and decided "Hey, that probably works for nulli too!" and slapped on a dawnbreak too
    Mythic(s): Nullification, Dawnbreak
    Element Combo: rainbow
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_0Au0Pf0r50QR0TQ0K00OJ0OH0Qo0e111h1i0l1g00001003CO
    Primary Damage: 6.9k spins, 10.5k with courage
    EHP (Agi/nonAgi): 70.6k/43.8k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Yes, 1k ls
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: I haven't used this cuz broke but I think it's good for players who aren't very experienced because of the high lifesteal, ehp, and there's no negative elemental defenses so you can also use it for raids.

    Creator: ShadeLeone
    Mythic(s): Nullification, Revenant
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0690px0tV0Qt0OK0uN0K40OH0Qo160U1u16161f10009I1004fI01004fC1004fI
    Primary Damage: 13k Cherry bombs(costs 1), 23.8k with vanish or curse, 42.9k with both (+6k spins!)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 47k/ 23k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M 644 lifesteal from nulli
    Tomes (Y/N): Y 5 skill points
    Comments: Its spellspam trift cherry bombs, pretty good for a nulli build ig, but its pretty fun!
    CommentsAreHard: Rainbow nulli revenant trift cherry bomb spellsteal sounds amazing and it's even more amazing it works.

    Creator: Adam
    Mythic(s): Nullification, Stardew
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_0Au0Pf0DS0Qx0K20qo0K40og0Qo14161B1a0l1g00001004fC
    Primary Damage: 7,192 spins, 18,700 multis. (12,946 and 33,659 with vanish)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 58,503/36303
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M - Nulli ls
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Can swap prowess for pandemonium if you're a gamer.

    Creator: HerobrineLiu
    Mythic(s): Cataclysm
    Element Combo: TFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0K90eJ0DS0Ju-19c9X9X9X9X9X9m91-19c9X9X9X9X9X9m91-19c9X9X9X9X9X9c910og0QQ-Y2IzV1M0e1g1004Lh10005h10005h10005h10036C
    Primary Damage: 14.1k unboosted spins
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 40.7k EHP
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y, 665 ls and chain lightning for extra ms and ls sustain
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: sweet damage and decently tanky, but repairing the 3 lapis accessories might be a pain. The crafted stuff can be swapped out for dia static with the extra sp stacked into def for 48.9k ehp and 9.4k unboosted spins

    Creator: Literally everyone who uses Cataclysm.
    Mythic(s): Cataclysm, Dawnbreak
    Element Combo: ETWFa
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...Ab9C7JAb5d9m910K40og0QQ0-2C0o1f051g00001006CC
    Primary Damage: 11.5K spins, 20K w/ vanish, 18K w/ courage, 32K w/ both.
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 43K/40K
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M - Dawnbreak lifesteal
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Swap out a vim veins ring for okr if you want more life sustain and don't mind the -hpr.

    Creator: HerobrineLiu
    Mythic(s): Cataclysm, Dawnbreak
    Element Combo: (E)TFWA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0K...0QQ0E2C1f111L1g1001cC1001cC10006C10006C10036C
    Primary Damage: 11.2k unboosted spins
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 43.5k with agi, 18k without
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y, ls from dbreak and chain lightning
    Tomes (Y/N): many(needs 2 rainbow and a guild)
    Comments: Very tome heavy but hey, tanky cata still works. Nice spins for no crafteds, ele defenses aren't shot by demon tide existing, and chain lightning (usually) is enough to carry the sustain for cata. Haven't tested it yet so tho so might be some glaring small brain error.

    Creator: yy8erig
    Mythics: slayer, cataclysm
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_06W0ol0WD0Qq0OS0OS0730uY0QQ0w2Ky70o0y1g00001004fC
    Primary Damage: multihits(unboosted 67k, vanish 121k), smoke bomb 6.8k noncrit 10k crit per tick on average total to 100k
    EHP: agi 10k, non agil 5k
    lifesteal:670 lifesteal but you have -478 hp regen
    mana sustain: 5mr 14ms
    Tomes: yes, 5 sp minimum
    Comments: heavy spell, change powders if you want. probably only use in raids with several raid buffs or be insane and become the glass cannon doing 100k with a single spell
    CommentsAreHard: Hehe glass canon hspell

    Creator: Mardeknius
    Mythic(s): Crusade Sabatons, Cataclysm
    Element Combo: ETF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...19c9X9X9X9X9X9c910BR0QQ1a2Cza1a041g000010066O
    Primary Damage: 21k unboosted spins, 38k with vanish, 28k with courage, 51k with both
    EHP (Agi/Non Agi): 34.7k/33.3k
    Life Sustain: N, maybe tomes could help with this?
    Tomes: Y
    Comments: This is a heavy spell build. It's one of the best hspell builds I've ever seen, but it's hspell nonetheless. Include if you want, since there's already a "heavy spell" section for cata.
    CommentsAreHard: Hehe tanky heavy spell. Though tbf this is more like... medium spell

    Creator: BlueTheSniper
    Mythic(s): Grimtrap
    Element Combo: EFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_09V0Jm0kT05M0BK0BK0OC0uH0QZ1v-Y-Y1G1M1g00001006C6
    Primary Damage: 21k melee, 38k with vanish
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 60.4k/24.7k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M
    Tomes (Y/N): N

    Creator: BlueTheSniper
    Mythic(s): Grimtrap
    Element Combo: ETW
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/index.html#4_0uB07Y0uX0640TQ0WA0FN0BR0QZ1x1B14-m-m1g00001001Z6
    Primary Damage: 10.8k spins, 5.5k melee (19.5k and 9.8k w/ vanish)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 13.2
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M
    Tomes (Y/N): N

    Creator: Azurix / FloorOfLava
    Mythic(s): Grimtrap + Warchief
    Element Combo: ETA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0uZ0KF0XY0Qz0OG0Jf0OC0uH0QZ201Q-Y-Y0t1f10003610003601000361001Z6
    Primary Damage: Average 39k Melee, excluding spells
    EHP (agi/non agi): 19541.92 (agi) / 11155 (non-agi)
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): M (Got a little life steal, might need agi pots for better survivability)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Can change accessories to deduct mana steal, you may change Diamond Fibre Bracelet to Enmity, if you got a -1/3 ms Grim you may consider using the Gambler instead
    The build is kinda glassy and requires skills in playing with this build, but deals good damage

    Creator: Enderae w/ some help from forums
    Mythic(s): Grimtrap, Revenant
    Element Combo: ETA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...91-19X9X9X9X9X9c9n910QZ1p1B+m00161g00001001Z6
    Primary Damage: 26k cherry bombs
    EHP (agi/non agi): 12k/24k
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): Y, 1.2k ls
    Tomes (Y/N): Y, 7 sp
    Comments: And as the RRL bursts, the cherry bombs explode in the wind amongst the ashes of your enemies.

    Creator: Enderae
    Mythic(s): Grimtrap, Revenant
    Element Combo: ETA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0uB0ub0tV0Qt0K00qo0OX0t-0QZ1p1B0000161g00001001Z6
    Primary Damage: 20k cherry bombs
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 25k/12k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y, 1.2k ls
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: red fruit explosion bomb thing but no crafteds, don't use if you have access to a spell dmg brace and necklace bc the other one i made is miles better

    Creator: aspiepuppy
    Mythic(s): Grimtrap, Revenant
    Element Combo: ETA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_06W07Y0tV0Qt0Mb0Mb0K40BR0QZ1p16-N-r161g00001006C6
    Primary Damage: 21k cherry bombs
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 30k/14.5k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y
    Tomes (Y/N): Y
    Comments: Bombo

    Creator: crturtle
    Mythic(s): weathered
    Element Combo: etWA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_0qn09-0D40nB0OK0TQ02d0Ji0Q+0P0U1f002B1g00001007lU
    Primary Damage: 6.9k spins
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 54k/12k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): 200 hpr, 400 ls
    Tomes (Y/N): no
    Comments: the stats above are assuming you dedicate bonus skill points to EHP

    Creator: Neutrao
    Mythic(s): Weathered
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link:
    Primary Damage: 7.1k spins (12.8 with vanish)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 75k/18k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N, just 300 ls
    Tomes (Y/N): no
    Comments: gotta love dehydrated spell steal builds
    Comments: To reduce clutter I have deleted the crafted sbumission that came along with this, and instead will tell you here that you can use this ring in place of diamond steam for more damage (if you have tomes)

    Creator: someone from atlas inc
    Mythic(s): Weathered, Moontower
    Element Combo: ETWA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0u00E-0Qj0TQ0GQ0K40uI0Q+0s0t1fzw2W1g00001007lU
    Primary Damage: 9k spins
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 59k/11k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: if the -mr bothers, use moonpool over finesse

    Welcome, one and all, to the tankiest cherry bomb build in town!
    Creator: Mardeknius (with prompting from Enderae)
    Mythic(s): Weathered, Revenant
    Element Combo: ETA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_06W0ub0tV0Qt0qo0qo0K40UB0Q+1616-J05221g00001007lU
    Primary Damage: 19k Cherry Bombs (34k with vanish wtf)
    EHP (Agi/Non Agi): 55k/13k
    Life Sustain: Maybe - the hpr and lifesteal essentially cancel each other out, but this has greed and stealing, so count that if you want
    Tomes: Y
    Comments: First off, this was an offhand joke that Enderae made, second off, is Weathered actually viable for melee? I must test

    Creator: Mardeknius
    Mythic(s): Weathered, Revenant
    Element Combo: ETA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...9X9X9X9X9X9m910K40UB0Q+1616+305221g00001007lU
    Primary Damage: 29k cherry bombs, 52k with vanish, 61k with wind prison, 111k with both
    EHP (Agi/Non Agi): 59k/14k
    Life Sustain: N, but at least it doesn't have actively negative hpr or ls
    Tomes: Y
    Comments: @Buff wind prison get over here your cursed build suggestion made a better build than the serious version of this I made (also credit to Enderae again for this concept)

    Creator: Adam
    Mythic(s): Weathered, Moontower
    Element Combo: ETWA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...K40BR0Q+1a1a1f-X2b1g1000FU01000FU1000FU1004fU
    Primary Damage:
    No dodge no vanish: 8k spins 20k multis.
    Dodge no vanish: 11k spins 30k multis
    No dodge vanish: 14k spins 37k multis
    Dodge vanish: 20k spins 53k multis
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 67,213/12,922
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): Y - 10 sp
    Comments: Moontower Bete Noire Weathered Moontower Bete Noire Weathered Moontower Bete Noire Weathered

    Creator: Lucky Schlug
    Mythic(s): Inferno
    Element Combo: Fire/Earth
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0K30C70Ek0QR0DU0DU02d09t0Qh1111-Y1u-Y1g00001006CO
    Primary Damage: 40k vanish hit, 160k quake
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 70k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): 2700 ls
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: THIS is the most fun usage of the inferno. 70k for a heavy melee is unkilable, even if you're bad at the game. Also, the build have too 30k smoke bomb, but high cost :/ Don't forget the powders : E6E6F6

    Creator: current meta
    Mythic(s): Inferno
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_09S0a60kT0VN0W70Jf0K40OP0Qh0w0+05290y1g00001006CO
    Primary Damage: 33k dps unboosted
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 152k, 82k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (greed)
    Tomes (Y/N): N

    Creator: Enclaire
    Mythic(s): Inferno, Dawnbreak
    Element Combo: ETWF
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_0D80RZ0DS0QR0t80qo0FN0BR0Qh0y15141v041g00001006CO
    Primary Damage: 7.7k spin, 17k damage per hit (30k with vanish)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 53k/50k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): 400 ls
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: heavy hybrid inferno, can use sparkweaver for more mana steal but personally 10 ms is enough for me in practice

    Element Combo:etWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_01...0Qm0P0G2m2K061g10009I10009I10009I10009I1004fI
    Primary Damage: 9.4k spin , 17k spin with vanish
    EHP (Agi/non Agi):66415 / 62556
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: 11mr / need 3 crafted items. just jitter click your mouse buttons.
    CommentsAreHard: hehe mana regen assassin

    Creator: Fwap_a_Durp
    Mythic(s): Nirvana (can swap boots for stardew)
    Element Combo: TWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0RZ0E-0BU0OK0OK0K40uI0Qm051Q2M0y0y1g00001004fI
    Primary Damage: 8119.38 / 14614.88 spin / vanished spin
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 31912.98 / 17283.10
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y / 228 ls
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Crafted (Y/N): N
    Comments: spell steal nirvana moment, probably more usable than a mr based build since vanish eats mr ticks and you get no mana.
    CommentsAreHard: Preserving the comment on the stardew submission of this build that used to be here: "Same build as above, but with stardew instead of sine. The intended build for someone who "accidentally bought a stardew for no reason" aka my friend."

    Creator: Fwap_a_Durp
    Mythic(s): Nirvana, Moontower, (Weathered)
    Element Combo: ETWA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0u00E-0Qj0OK0p60K40uI0Qm0o0o2Mzw2C1g00001004fI
    Primary Damage: 8447.24 / 15205.03 spin / vanished spin
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 46755.75 / 10208.00
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (eeeehhh... 84/3 ls)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Crafted (Y/N): N
    Comments: triple mythic time and exactly 0 sp remaining :saltedhigh:
    exchange gambler with cacophony for more sustain (+46/3 ls) or hustle core for more damage (-13/3 ls)

    Creator: Diamond_Laser/•WhiteWolf•
    Mythic(s): Nirvana
    Element Combo: ETWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0u40RZ0uS0Qx0TQ0GQ0OJ0og0Qm0o152M11+T1g00001004fI
    Primary Damage: 10.7k spins without any boosts
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 21k/21k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y, although minimal. hpr/ls tomes would be useful
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: much more glassy than the average nirvana build but it is spellsteal so it isn't as pronounced a weakness as in a mana regen nirvana build. Adding conc powdering really boosts damage further and makes this a really dangerous build

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Nirvana
    Element Combo: ETWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_07R0RZ0u50Aw0TQ0K00OJ0og0Qm0P0t2M1k001g00001004fI
    Primary Damage: 7k spin
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 43k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (800 hpr)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: free dual wields black
    CommentsAreHard: Funnily enough, my only problem with this build is that it has too much mana sustain for Nirvana.

    Creator: Leafish
    Mythic(s): Nirvana, Resurgence
    Element Combo: tWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_-1...0Qm0B0G2W2A001g10009I10009I10009I10009I1004fI
    Primary Damage: 8.1k trift spins unboosted
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 71.7k/71.7k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: tanky nirv build for raids

    Creator: Leafish
    Mythic(s): Oblivion, Slayer
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_-1...7J7J7JAbAb9m910K40OH0u-0e1k140f1B1g0000102J6I
    Primary Damage: 49.5k melee dps 28.9k multi hit unboosted
    EHP (agi/non agi): 48.2k/22.2k
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): Y, 3 sp
    Comments: you can use nephilim if you want some more mana steal
    CommentsAreHard: As noted by Leafish, this build is incredibly hard to use, so keep that in mind before putting it together.

    Due to character limit part of this post has migrated. Please go down exactly one post

    Pester me on discord (Incinerate Me#2736) or DM through the forums if you want to edit anything about one of your submissions.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2022
  2. NamesAreHard

    NamesAreHard Mage Enthusiast (She/He/They) CHAMPION

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    Part 2 because character limit

    Creator: mrcraftyketchup
    Mythic(s): Apocalypse (Endgame)
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_09D0ZS0kT0VN0BK0Jf0BI0uH0QL120+-S2D0y1g00001006CO
    Primary Damage: Tstack melee (26.2k no scream, 28.8k scream)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 136957/74172 (scream on)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M (Up to 1014/3s ls but due to nature of attack speeds also the least likely to trigger, a bit to some negative hr)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Decent DPS for Apoc with the ability to go further via courage and endurance (Not unwise to try powder thunder def)

    Creator: Justice
    Mythic(s): Apocalypse(Endgame)
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/index.html#4_0u30ZS0kT0VN0Jf0OY0K40uH0QL1G0+-n250y1g00001001iO
    Primary Damage: Tierstack (23.2K DPS/25.5K DPS Warscream)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): (Agi-117.4K/non-Agi-63.6K) Warscream(Agi-146.7K/non-Agi-79.5K)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M):Y-586 ls (ls is less likely to activate since it is a tierstack)
    Tomes (Y/N): N

    Creator: mrcraftyketchup
    Mythic(s): Apocalypse (Endgame)
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_09S0a60kT0VN0Jf0BK0BI0OP0QL0w0+-i2J0y1g00001006CO
    Primary Damage: Tstack melee (20.7k no scream, 22.8k scream)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 259309/140434 (scream on)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (676/3s ls, a bit to some negative HR depending on Nether's Scar and Second Wind)
    Tomes (Y/N): Yes - 6 skill points
    Comments: With some investment into armor powders the damage and thunder def can be improved somewhat. Otherwise very tanky and if you are able to get 10 skill points out of tomes, the eHP can go up to 269518/145963

    Creator: Terufuu
    Mythic(s): Apocalypse
    Element Combo:
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0u30ZS0Jh0VN0Jf0050O30Ji0QL110+-i220t1g00001006CO
    Primary Damage: 28k unboosted dps
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 104k/59k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Nothing but it's kinda op
    Tomes (Y/N): need 1 skill point towards Def/Str/Dex/Agil
    Comments: Boosted 40k dps in 100k ehp is niceeeeeeeeeeee
    CommentsAreHard: I'm trying to figure out what the 40k dps number means because it isn't war scream (31) and it isn't war scream + courage (44), this doesn't have fire powders so it couldn't be endu (plus not tanky enough with the shit sustain).

    Creator: oWaxing
    Mythic(s): Apocalypse (At Level)
    Element Combo: TF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0u30Tp0F70Bn0p60rT0070na0QL0018-i2L071H00001005xt
    Primary Damage: 9k Melee, 15k Courage (With Exploding Major Id and almost 200% Explode)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 36.2k/33.8k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Yes, 6.6k Els (But Taunt Major Id?)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Use f6 if you're rich and f4 if you're poor. Feel free to replace strobelight with an xp necklace or ehp necklace.

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Hero
    Element Combo: eTWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0A...0Qi0L0e2B0y2C1g100336100036100036100336100nZ6
    Primary Damage: 7k bash, 11k upper (deals a lot more with war scream, rage and hero's major id)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 131k, 28k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M (has some lf but not enough, can use dragon's tongue for hpr, also keep in mind that you want to stay at half health)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (unfortunatelly i couldnt make it not use guild tomes)
    Comments: good rage hero

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Hero
    Element Combo: etWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_06...0Qi0e0M2B0y2C1g100036100036100336100336100nZ6
    Primary Damage: 7k bash/10k upper (gets way more with warscr, rage and hero's major id)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 125k/27k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M (some ls and can use dragon's tongue off hand)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: another rage hero, has lower ws and worse ele defs but doesnt need tomes like the other one

    Creator: BlueTheSniper (dc)
    Mythic(s): Hero, Revenant
    Element Combo: ETfA
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/index.html#4_0uO0000jn0Qt0Jf0Mb0tz0Ji0Qi1Q0t000F2M1g0000103tlU
    Primary Damage: 22k melee unboosted
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 117k/22k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M (200hpr, 200ls)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: rawstack hero

    Creator: Adam
    Mythic(s): Guardian, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...0Qb1G1J1F22+Y1g1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO1006CO
    Primary Damage: 16,480 boosted uppers, 26,743 with endurance.
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 164,116 Life Sustain
    (Y/N/M): Y 1,065 hpr and 720 ls
    Tomes (Y/N): Y - 6 sp

    Creator: BlueTheSniper
    Mythic(s): Alkatraz, Warchief
    Element Combo: ETA
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/index.html#4_0VI0KF0X90Qz0Jf0OG0OC0uH0QJ2M1n-J-J0l1g00000
    Primary Damage: 88k melee dps
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 27.2k/17k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): N

    Creator: BlueTheSniper
    Mythic(s): Alkatraz
    Element Combo: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/index.html#4_0K60ZS0kT05M0BK0BK0K40uH0QJ2M-s-s1R0w1g00000
    Build Link: EFA
    Primary Damage: 39.6k melee dps
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 126k/65k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): N

    Creator: leuum
    Mythic(s): Alkatraz, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_09S0ZS0kT0QW0Jf0W70K40uH0QJ2M0j-x1Q0o1g00000
    Primary Damage: 46.7k Melee dps
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 111k / 66.7k (with ws)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M (OKR+stealing, -ls, -hpr)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y
    Comments: Only 8% stealing from Centipede, so life sustain could be rough, however, it's still very doable. I haven't tested solo on harder fights (I'm guessing you would want stealing consumables though). If you don't want -ls, replace Second Wind with Physalis (this brings ehp down 30k though, so don't do this)
    CommentsAreHard: You could just use health potions instead of stealing consumables though. It would be much cheaper.

    Creator: Justice
    Mythic(s): Idol
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/index.html#4_0Au0K70uF07W0t80K20K40OH0Qf0P0e2I151D1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: Uppercut (Normal-13.1K/Warscream-14.4K)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): (68.1K/30.7K) Warscream-(85.1K/38.4K)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y, 440 ls and 1162 Self Heal
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Is meant to take advantage of Idol's deduction to Charge and uses it with Rally in case you need to spam heal with Charge.

    Creator: Justice
    Mythic(s): Idol, Stardew
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0K70FT0Qx0Fx0K20K40OH0Qf0U112I1J0e1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: Uppercut (Normal-19.3K/Warscream-21.3K)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): (54K/36K) Warscream-(67.5K/45K)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y, 150 hpr and 642 ls
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Is meant to be used with Undying for extra hp sustain.

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Idol
    Element Combo: EWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0250L30JL0Jq0t80t80TN0ty0Qf0e+I2I1W-Y1g00001004fI
    Primary Damage: 7k bash, 12k upper (no war scream nor curse)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 63k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (hpr)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: kinda low dmg standard ewf hpr spellspam

    Creator: aspiepuppy
    Mythic(s): Idol, Resurgence
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0lS0RZ0uF0Qr0OK0K00TN0880Qf000o2I1Q001g00001004fI
    Primary Damage: 9.7k bashes, 15k uppercuts (w/ Warscream)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 57k (w/ Warscream)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (infernal impulse)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: King of Hearts Charge

    Creator: Deco113 but a lot of builds converge from lots of ppl so e
    Mythic(s): Thrundacrack
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_0VR0JX0uF0Lg0K20U60ON0og0Qw-Y2E1F0u-Y1g010006C10006C10006C101Z6C
    Primary Damage: unboosted 20.5k upper 13.2k bash
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 24530
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): 1.6k iimpulse heals
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: pretty standard TWF spellspam thrunda. rally sustain is nice

    Creator:Impossikour(slapped thrunda and dtide on standard intless fatal)
    Mythic(s):Slayer, Thrundacrack
    Element Combo: eTfa
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_06...K40og0Qw0s2Czl0j0y1g010006C10006C10006C102J6I
    Primary Damage:
    26k unboosted uppercut & 17k unboosted bash
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 51951/28135
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N (1k els but -hpr unless godly slayer and splate)
    Tomes (Y/N):N
    Comments:uhh, tanky thrunda
    CommentsAreHard: Mana is potentially a little sus with 2/1 bash/upper costs if you can't always land melee, but that's really a nitpick since it's only a problem with suboptimal play

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Thrundacrack
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0K90JX0uF0tv0GQ0K200W0og0Qw-Y2C1f0y-Y1g0000102J6I
    Primary Damage: 11k bash, 18k upper (no war scream nor curse)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 30k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (rally)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (only 1)
    Comments: could be a bit glassy but does the job

    Creator: Mardeknius
    Mythics: Thrundacrack, Slayer
    Element Combo: ETA
    Build Link:
    Primary Damage: 46k uppers (63k with curse)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 23/10k
    Life Sustain: No but at least the life steal kinda makes up for the -hpr
    Tomes (Y/N): Y
    Comments: Yeah, it's glassy, yeah, you need healing potions, but, like, 46k uppers for 3 mana

    Creator: Mardeknius
    Mythics: Warchief, Thrundacrack
    Element Combo: ETA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_0uO0000XY0Qz0OG0Jf0SL0uH0Qw1r2C000B161g0000100nZ6
    Primary Damage: 34.4k melee dps with war scream
    EHP: 42.3k/20.6k
    Life Sustain: N, but at least not negative life sustain, so that's gotta count for something, right?
    Tomes: N
    Comments: yes that's right I just submitted a Thrundacrack melee build what are you gonna do about it (also you can switch out breezehands and ornithopter for sveil and saundersi if you like blowing things up)

    Creator: Justice and Flame_Frost_
    Mythics: Collapse
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0u30ZS0kT0VN0Jf0Xr0K40OH0QT1z0+0Z1X0y1g00001001iO
    Primary Damage: Tierstack (Normal-24.5K/Warscream-26.9K)
    EHP (agi/non agi): (91.1K/49.4K) Warscream-(113.9K/61.7K)
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): No except RotS if you count that
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Can use RotS for hp sustain. Combines Scarlet Veil and Collapse's Major ID's.

    Creator: Justice
    Mythics: Collapse, Resurgence
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0F+0FT0Qr09q09q0K40OH0QT1K0j1f1u0k1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: Uppercut (Normal-11.2K/Warscream-12.3K)
    EHP (agi/non agi): (86.3K/54.1K) Warscream-(107.8K/67.6K)
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): Y, 644 hpr and 202 ls
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Can reconfigure the skill points to use RotS if you want. Can also instead use Undying.
    CommentsAreHard: Hadn't seen The Equalizer used before this, looks like a great item.

    Creator: Justice
    Mythics: Collapse, Stardew
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0K70FT0Qx0nu0Xr0E10Ji0QT1G111f0y0e1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: Uppercut (Normal-17.1K/Warscream-18.8K)
    EHP (agi/non agi): (41.4K/27.6K) Warscream-(51.7K/34.5K)
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): Y, 301 hpr and 741 ls
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Can also use Undying for extra hp sustain.

    Creator: Justice
    Mythics: Collapse, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0K70FT0QW0K20Fx0K40OM0QT1z0e1h1d0e1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: Uppercut (Normal-13.8K/Warscream-15.2K)
    EHP (agi/non agi): (90.1K/60.6K) Warscream-(113.5K/75.7K)
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): Y, 205 hpr and 642 ls
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Can use RotS for extra hp sustain.

    Creator: Justice
    Mythics: Collapse
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0K70FT07W09q09q0K40OH0QT1G0e1f181D1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: Uppercut (Normal-13.2K/Warscream-14.5K)
    EHP (agi/non agi): (64.1K/29K) Warscream-(80.1K/36.2)
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): Y, 137 hpr and 642 ls
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Can use Undying for extra hp sustain.

    Creator: Diamond_Laser/•WhiteWolf•
    Mythic(s): collapse/crusade sabatons
    Element Combo: rainbow (duh)
    Build Link: https:https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_0u...K40uH0QT230e0e1a0t1g010000C10036C10036C1006CC
    Primary Damage: 20k unboosted melee damage. 35k with scream and courage
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 100k/58k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y: mostly greed, but some health regen too
    Tomes (Y/N): No.
    Comments: really good all round collapse build. very tanky and has sustain unlike many other scarlet veil builds. If you want even more EHP you can use second wind but it hurts on sp and thunder defence

    Creator: Justice
    Mythic(s): Collapse, Boreal
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0u30ZS0kT0QN0Jf0Fx0K40uH0QT1l0t0Z1B111g000010066O
    Primary Damage: Tierstack (Normal-20.9k/Warscream-23.0k)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): (72.6k/37.3k) Warscream-(90.7k/46.6k)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y-808 hpr
    Tomes (Y/N): Y-2 skill point tomes
    Comments: A slightly modified version of the other build [that was not accepted] so you don't have to get crafted items. The damage and ehp of this one is more passable the the previous one as well. It still requires the use of a couple skill point tomes and the hpr isn't quite as good but it is still passable. You can reduce the need of the number of tomes down to 1 if you replace Facile with Prism but the hpr, ehp, and dps will take a slight dent. Just beware of mobs with thunder damage on this build.

    Creator: Justice
    Mythic(s): Convergence, Resurgence
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0dL0FT0Qr0K00TQ0E10OH0ux0U0e1f1t0e1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: Uppercut (Normal-13.1K/Warscream-14.4K)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): (79.8K/53.2K) Warscream-(99.7K/66.5K)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y, 1065 hpr and 202 ls
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Can reconfigure some skill points to use Undying for more hp sustain.

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Convergence
    Element Combo: ETWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0u40L30JL0tv0K00TQ0Jn0og0ux0o0o141g+T1g00001006CO
    Primary Damage: 10k bash, 15k upper (no war scream nor courage)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 62k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (hpr)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: nice build, get some hpr tomes for better healing

    Creator: crturtle
    Mythic(s): convergence, resurgence
    Element Combo: EWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_07...0ux1G0D1h27071g10009I10069I10069I10069I1004fI
    Primary Damage: 15k uppercuts (16.5k with scream)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 116k/105k (145k/135k with scream)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): 1.3k hpr, can use RotS
    Tomes (Y/N): No
    Comments: If you don't plan on using RotS swap out rings for yang and balance str/dex

    Creator: aspiepuppy
    Mythic(s): Convergence, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: ETWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0u40RZ0r50QW0TQ0t80Jn0ue0ux1G0t1f1a+Z1g00001006CO
    Primary Damage: 12k bash, 19k upper (warscream)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 81534
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (but only necessary for 1 cost bash
    Comments: "idk" -puppy

    Creator: I will not give credit to myself for this monstrosity.
    Mythic(s): Convergence, Resurgence, (Does Time Rift Count????)
    Element Combo: EtFa (No W???)
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...X9n910ux0X0W-O1Q001g1000CO1000CO01000CO1006CO
    Primary Damage: 32,621k war scream, courage boosted, max endurance 0 cost uppercuts (not clickbait)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 71,327 (72,041)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M - Resurgence HPR
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Do not use this build.
    CommentsAreHard: Fellas, you ever just uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


    Creator: Deco113 but a lot of builds converge from lots of ppl so e
    Mythic(s): Aftershock, Warchief
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_09S0lr0X90Qz0Jf0OG0K40uH0QK1-1S05110t1g01000361000361000361031ZO
    Primary Damage: tierstack (super fast melee dps) [56.8k melee, 76.6k boosted]
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 26694/15237
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): eh u got totem
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: cool

    Creator: yy8erig
    Mythics: Aftershock, Warchief
    Element combo: ETA(lmfao prob doesnt deserve air only there bc breezehands)
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0u30000XY0Qz0OG0Jf0O30OO0QK2A1a000K0t1g00100336100036100qf6
    Primary damage: [79.6k melee dps, 107.5k with just totem, 111.3k with just curse, 150.3k with both]
    Ehp: [20.7k/11.8k]
    Life sustain: pray your totem heals you for more than your -1k lifesteal
    Tomes: N
    Comments: You would probably actually be fine, since 4 hits per second, and its a 5% chance to proc -1k lifesteal, every 5 seconds you lose 1k hp on average, and your totem regens 2k hp in that amount of time, although the mana steal is kinda rough its only 4 mana to place a totem
    CommentsAreHard: I would never consider using this without a mage. Edited the values and build link to fit format.

    Creator: IncinerateMe
    Mythic(s): Aftershock (at level)
    Element Combo: ETF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0u30Tp0060Bn06c06c0No0UJ0QK1a1G000q001D0000100niO
    Primary Damage: 20.7k dps
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 8.3k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: 21k dps fast attack speed level 77 not clickbait.

    Creator: Kon i guess
    Mythic(s): Olympic
    Element Combo: TFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0K...19c9X9X9X9X9X9Q910og0Qs-Y0vzM1a221g00001006CU
    Primary Damage: 11k aura unboosted
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 126k/31k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (700ls, totem heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: lapis

    Creator: weeb
    Mythic(s): Olympic, Slayer
    Element Combo: ETA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...X9n910Qs0-1VyG08221g01000FU10009I10009I1004lI
    Primary Damage: 11k mele, 22k aura unboosted
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 31k/7k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (totem heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: lapis abuse

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Olympic, Slayer
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_06W0mM0PW0Qq0DU0DU0K40Jc0Qs0r1V+r14221g00001006CU
    Primary Damage: 11k melee, 12k aura unboosted
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 68k/17k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (totem heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: dark shroud and breezehands for tankier version

    Creator: Mardeknius
    Mythics: Olympic, Slayer
    Element Combo: ETfA (could be interpreted as eTfA)
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_06W0mM0r50Qq0Jf0050TN0BR0Qs0r1V+w0e221g00001006FO
    Primary Damage: 14.6k melee dps, 14.1k auras (both in totem), 21.5k and 22.2k respectively with Courage
    EHP: 57.6k/14.2k
    Life Sustain: Y, totem/lifesteal
    Tomes: Y
    Comments: cursed af but hey that's my skillset

    Creator: VireVeonix (edited by op)
    Mythic(s): Hadal ... yes (this joke was before 1.20.4, to be clear)
    Element Combo: eTWFa (because Blue Mask and Boots)
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/index.html#4_0690px0DS0K50K00OK0TN0I30Qd0c11220y0C1a00001004fI
    Primary Damage: 13.4k Auras, 18.1k boosted
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 14.8k / 13.1k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M (totem)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Can Cursestack
    CommentsAreHard: Death for you but more importantly everything around your totem.

    Creator: VireVeonix (very lightly edited by op)
    Mythic(s): Hadal ... again
    Element Combo: TWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0RZ0DS0BU0t80t80K40O-0Qd051Q221A0e1g00001004fI
    Primary Damage: 13.4k Auras, 18.1k boosted
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 25k / 16.6k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): 478 hp/s from totem
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: I'm bored and my friend got a Hadal the other day ... so I'm kinda playing around with those builds
    Benefits from last build: more ehp
    Downsides: no TRift

    Creator: EpsilonDown
    Mythic(s): Sunstar
    Element Combo: TFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0K90BO0PW0Ju0Jf0BK0BI0OO0Qu-Y1u-Y1F1B1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: 23.5k melee/12k aura
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 45k/21k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y, really good life steal
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: ETFA version existed and it still works, but its survivality sucked so much that I barely survived in raids. Aura costs 4 so it's more like support.

    Creator: Mardeknius
    Mythic(s): Sunstar, Slayer
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_06W0ol0r50Qq0Jf0BK0BI0OO0Qu0r1p-K0i0y1g000010066O
    Primary Damage: 37k melee and 18k aurs in totem, 50k and 28k with courage
    EHP (Agi/Non Agi): 21.6k, 11.7k
    Life Sustain: Y - incredible life steal and totem
    Tomes: N

    Creator: BlueTheSniper
    Mythic(s): Fantasia, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/index...16F67Ac6F7J9C9c910OH0QX1G1E211c1E1g000010066O
    Primary Damage: 20k melee, 8k auras
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 67.5k/30.2k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y
    Tomes (Y/N): N

    Creator: Fwap_a_Durp
    Mythic(s): Fantasia
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0Pf0uj07W0050050K40nD0QX0j0+211i1D1g00001003CO
    Primary Damage: 12369.93 unboosted Auras, 16699.40 Totem boosted Aura
    EHP (agi/non agi): 28733.84/63621.86
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): Maybe, just don't go outside of totem range. HPR: -48/4s. Totem Heal: 481.96 hp/s.
    Tomes (Y/N): No
    Crafted Items: None
    Comments: good AOE dps in exchange for Absolution EHP? HECK YES! It literally have more dps and a weapon powder special than Absolution for ~550 hp totem heal ticks. Also note that this can tank totemed church solo without ever dropping below 50% health

    Creator: Andkorn
    Mythic(s): Fantasia
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_0Au0Pf0uj07W0K20K00BX0OH0QX0j0+221Q1D1g00001003CO
    Primary Damage: 13.5k totem aura unboosted, 18.1k boosted inside totem
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 51k EHP, 23k No agil
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (Totem healing)
    Tomes (Y/N): (N)
    Comments: This build can get 1 mana aura's with even a shitty fantasia, you need at least like 35% 3rd cost.
    CommentsAreHard: Can use Pande (and is unironically good with it)

    Creator: Adam
    Mythic(s): Fantasia, Resurgence
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_-1...K4-19i9i9S9S9c9c9T910QX0j16221a0+1g00001004fC
    Primary Damage: 16,101 unboosted auras, 21,737 boosted.
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 62,823/33,311
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y
    Tomes (Y/N): Y - 10 sp
    Comments: Fantasia but with crafteds. Man I should really stop using this ring...

    Creator: dunno (me? its the "normal" toxo build" dunno how you can make it more op ...)
    Mythic(s): Toxo
    Element Combo: ETF
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_07R0jD07n0kH0kN0kN0BF0Ji0Qy2M0t0A1j001g000010009I
    Primary Damage: Poison, 16.4k/tick unboosted
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 31.3k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y, 500 hpr, 390hp/sec totem
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: don't know how to use toxo other than poison stack ... there's probably nothing else it can be used for

    Creator: DeltaWave (maybe someone else)
    Mythic(s): Toxoplasmosis, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: ETF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_07R0jD07n0QW0OQ0OQ0OL0Ji0Qy2M0l0A2M001g00001000CO
    Primary Damage: 13k poison tick
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 82k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (totem heals, 1.3k hpr, 800 ls)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: tanky poison

    Creator: Fwap_a_Durp
    Mythic(s): Absolution
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_07R0JX0Jh0tv0050050TN0OP0QI-a0i1U2E-a1g00000
    Primary Damage: 8124.55 1 cost Aura, 10968.14 totem boosted Aura
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 61244.27/61244.27
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Absolution moment. 410.40/4 hpr, 1026.90 totem heal tick
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Crafted: None
    Comments: previously listed on op mythic builds thread, switched thanos brand -> summa for more skill point and 1 mana. But compared to a "regular" fantasia build... this doesn't hold up at all. ABSOLUTION BAD.

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Absolution, Resurgence
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0lS0RZ0Jh0Qr0t80K00TN0OP0QI000o211p001g00000
    Primary Damage: 10k aura (no totem boost)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 43k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (totem heal)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (two of them)
    Comments: nothing special, mr needs to be around 7 with abso+resu, so no need for godly rolls

    Creator: DeltaWave (modified it from someone else)
    Mythic(s): Absolution, Slayer
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_07R0Pf0Jh0Qq0050050K40OH0QI0e1V141p0y1g1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO0
    Primary Damage: 10k melee, 9k aura
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 82k/44k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (totem heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (a lot, sorry)
    Comments: you can use far cosmos or a prism to lower the tome dependancy

    Creator: GeeGee9817 (me)
    Mythic(s): Immolation
    Element Combo: TFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0K...0u+-Y1izg22221g1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO1006CO
    Primary Damage: 15k aura (I haven't even calculated in endurance, courage, and totem boost lol)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 170k/42k (Can get even tankier if you want to, just put the extra sp into def and agi)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (1173 ls)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Totem heal is wrong on wynnbuilder btw, in-game it doesn't heal you like at all. Also this build can be used with any immolation -3rd cost. Epic ele def build

    Creator: Myself and aspiepuppy (gf)
    Mythic(s): Immolation, Warchief
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...f0Mb0K40BR0u+1a1Q0922221g001000FU1000CO1006CO
    Primary Damage: 26.4k unboosted sfast melee, 48.7k w/ Courage + Totem
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 97.3k/24k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M
    Tomes (Y/N): Y
    Comments: "This hand of mine is burning red! Its loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting... Burning... FINGER!!!"
    CommentsAreHard: No comment

    Crusade Sabatons:
    Creator: hppeng
    Mythic(s): Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_09D00e0uX0QW0050050TN0uY0Gc1f0e+C2D0e1g00000
    Primary Damage: 25k multihit
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 84.7k/56.5k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (184 hpr 600 ls)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: no comment




    RIP Thega's build, slayer nerf killed it.


    Creator: IncinerateMe
    Mythic(s): Dawnbreak
    Element Combo: ETF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0K30oY0CE0QR0EE0EE0SL09t0qr1g11-Y1L+t1g0000100036
    Primary Damage: 32k hits, average 130k quakes
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 78.5k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: It's heavy melee

    Creator: DeltaWave, TheKoreanGirl, Justice
    Mythic(s): Dawnbreak
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0cD0K70DS0QR0qo0Ks0K40OH0b00o1E141G0o1g00000
    Primary Damage: 7k spins
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 57k/34k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (1k ls)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: if you like to gamble, this is the right build

    Creator: current meta i guess (submitted by Deltawave)
    Mythic(s): Dawnbreak
    Element Combo: ETF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0K30oY0CE0QR0EE0EE0SL09t0211f1G-Y12+t1g00001001ZC
    Primary Damage: +50k hits, +200k quakes (vanish boosted)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 34k (40k vanish boosted)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (1k ls)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: heavy melee with dawnbreak, optional armor powdering for better -ele defs (https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0K30oY0CE0QR0EE0EE0SL09t0211f1G-Y12+t1g1000FI01007lI1000FI1001ZC)


    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Warchief
    Element Combo: ETA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0u30KF0X90Qz0Jf0OG0tz0uH0Pt1q1n-Y-Y0t1g00001006C6
    Primary Damage: 58k dps unboosted
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 15k/8k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: limbo war build, blood moon can be used

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Revenant
    Element Combo: EFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0uO0Jm0360Qt0EE0EE0KI0OP0CB18-Y-Y1m161g00001006C6
    Primary Damage: 17k dps (no vanish nor courage)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 107k, 52k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (greed)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (two of them, not needed if you use gold solar)
    Comments: kinda low dps, but tanky and fun ws, rawstack poggers

    Creator: DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Revenant
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_09S0ZS0kT0Qt0W70BK0BI0uH0Aa160j00161a1g00001000CO
    Primary Damage: 18k dps
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 85k/30k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (greed)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: salticidae tierstack, with jh and ws for fun, inspired by a BlueTheSniper's build (i added greed)

    Creator: Mardeknius, DeltaWave
    Mythic(s): Revenant
    Element Combo: EtwFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_0kq0000E50Qt0Mb0u10K40BR0pT1d0O0T291W1g00001000FU
    Primary Damage: 17k melee, 18k bombs unboosted
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 186k, 68k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M (400ls, 100hpr)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: cursed build, can get more sustain with vampiric/everlasting tomes or even with okr + stealing ring


    Creator: Adam
    Mythic(s): Discoverer, (Pure)
    Element Combo: etWFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...2-18O8O8O8O8O8O9m910TN0Ji0Nz010121110a1g00000
    Loot bonus: 272%
    Loot quality: 36%-54%
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): King of hearts
    Tomes: No
    Comments: Dual wield pure whenever you need to murder.
    CommentsAreHard: Why would you make this rainbow Adam?

    Creator: oWaxing (Recipes taken from lootrunner's discord)
    Mythic(s): Idol, Discoverer, Moontower
    Element Combo: EWA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Z...9m910OJ-19c9c8O8O8O8O9n910Qf0W-z2I-O2M1g00000
    Primary Damage: 8.3k Uppers on a Lootrun Build :o
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 89,999/17.3k (Why can't it be 90k bruh)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Meh, its a lootrun build
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: It is guaranteed to give you a mage mythic (maybe)
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2022
  3. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    wait i genuinely thought that was reasonable
    Endistic, Crystqllized, Thega and 2 others like this.
  4. Deco113

    Deco113 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Creator: Deco113 but a lot of builds converge from lots of ppl so e
    Mythic(s): Grimtrap
    Element Combo: ETW
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_0uB05W0uX06409q09q0K40BR0QZ1v1a140G051g00001001Z6
    Primary Damage: heavy hybrid baby! (melee and all spells contribute to damage)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 13384/12733
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: gamer af

    Creator: Deco113 but a lot of builds converge from lots of ppl so e
    Mythic(s): Grandmother, Warchief
    Element Combo: ETWa
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_0uB05W0uX0Qz0TQ0K20FN0BR0Qe271k14041L1g1000360100036100036100nZ6
    Primary Damage: heavy hybrid baby! (melee and all spells contribute to damage) Mostly spell tho
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 21993/9104
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): haha it's gma
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: mana sustain might be borderline-ish, bcatas can be swapped in if u have 2 tomes (4sp under). Otherwise gamer af

    Creator: Deco113 but a lot of builds converge from lots of ppl so e
    Mythic(s): Aftershock, Warchief
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_09S0lr0X90Qz0Jf0OG0K40uH0QK1-1S05110t1g01000361000361000361031ZO
    Primary Damage: tierstack (super fast melee dps)
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 26694/15237
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): eh u got totem
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: cool
    hppeng and NamesAreHard like this.
  5. Emhan

    Emhan Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Creator: idk, pretty straight forward build
    Mythic(s): Singularity, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/index...Ac619k9n910Qp1G1n1E1a1E1g00003OnZCOOnZ6C0036C
    Primary Damage: 36.2k average dps melee, and if you're a psyco you can use meteors aswell which does 18k
    EHP (agi/non agi): 86.8k/38.7k
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): Yes, 2.1k first pulse heal, and you can use KoH to get 4.1k first pulse heals
    Tomes (Y/N): Yes 14 skill points. It needs 2 cosmic weapon tomes, and one guild tome
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
    NamesAreHard likes this.
  6. Justice

    Justice Obliterator of Grooks VIP+

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    Just 2 weeks worth of Collapse builds going here(sorry). The tierstack Collapse builds are in no way related to BlueTheSniper's tierstack Collapse btw if you are going to ask.

    Creator: Justice and Flame_Frost_
    Mythics: Collapse
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0u30ZS0kT0VN0Jf0Xr0K40OH0QT1u0+0Z1c0y1g00001001iO
    Primary Damage: Tierstack (Normal-24.4K/Warscream-26.9K)
    EHP (agi/non agi): (96.4K/52.2K) Warscream-(120.5K/65.3K)
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): No except RotS if you count that
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Can use RotS for hp sustain. Combines Scarlet Veil and Collapse's Major ID's.

    Creator: Justice and Flame_Frost_
    Mythics: Collapse, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0u30ZS0kT0QW0Jf0Xr0K40uH0QT230t0Z1f0y1g00001001iO
    Primary Damage: Tierstack (Normal-23.1K/Warscream-25.4K)
    EHP (agi/non agi): (116.1K/62.9K) Warscream-(145.2K/78.6K)
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): No except RotS if you count that
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Can use RotS for hp sustain. Combines Scarlet Veil and Collapse's Major ID's.

    Creator: Justice
    Mythics: Collapse
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0u30ZS0kT09p0Jf0BK0BI0OH0QT1u0t0Z170y1g00001001iO
    Primary Damage: Tierstack (Normal-26.5K/Warscream-29.2K)
    EHP (agi/non agi): (76.1K/41.2K) Warscream-(95.1K/51.5K)
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): No except RotS if you count that
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Can use RotS for hp sustain. Combines Scarlet Veil and Collapse's Major ID's.

    Creator: Justice
    Mythics: Collapse, Resurgence
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0F+0FT0Qr09q09q0K40OH0QT1K0j1f1u0k1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: Uppercut (Normal-11K/Warscream-12.1K)
    EHP (agi/non agi): (86.3K/54.1K) Warscream-(107.8K/67.6K)
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): Y
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Can reconfigure the skill points to use RotS if you want. Can also instead use Undying.

    Creator: Justice
    Mythics: Collapse, Stardew
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0K70FT0Qx0nu0Xr0E10Ji0QT1G111f0y0e1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: Uppercut (Normal-17.1K/Warscream-18.8K)
    EHP (agi/non agi): (41.4K/27.6K) Warscream-(51.7K/34.5K)
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): Y
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Can also use Undying for extra hp sustain.

    Creator: Justice
    Mythics: Collapse, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0K70FT0QW0K20Fx0K40OM0QT1z0e1h1d0e1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: Uppercut (Normal-13.8K/Warscream-15.2K)
    EHP (agi/non agi): (90.1K/60.6K) Warscream-(113.5K/75.7K)
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): Y
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Can use RotS for extra hp sustain.

    Creator: Justice
    Mythics: Collapse
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0K70FT07W09q09q0K40OH0QT1G0e1f181D1g000010036C
    Primary Damage: Uppercut (Normal-13.2K/Warscream-14.5K)
    EHP (agi/non agi): (64.1K/30K) Warscream-(80.1K/36.2)
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): Y
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Can use RotS for extra hp sustain.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
    BlueTheSniper and NamesAreHard like this.
  7. Pdunk

    Pdunk I'm back baby CHAMPION

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    Creator: Pdunk
    Mythic(s): Monster
    Element Combo: TWF
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_06...0Qn0H0o212M0C1f1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO1006CO
    Primary Damage: 15.5k meteors, 21.5k w/ courage, 23k w/ endurance, nearly 29k w/ both. On combat dummy, can easily reach 20k dps, up to 30k (doesn’t even factor in endurance powders).
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 75.5k / 67k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y, 2.3k 1st pulse, 4.7k total heal (can use KoH a secondary, esp since monster has +heal spellcost)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: It’s quite easy to underestimate the power of a well-rounded build. It’s tanky enough to consistently cap out endurance while still doing decent base meteors. Also enough mr to consistently spam. I use melee-snake-melee-meteor cycling to fully take advantage of courage.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
    hppeng and NamesAreHard like this.
  8. yy8erig

    yy8erig bumpjoinICo

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    Creator: yy8erig or me
    Mythics: aftershock and warchief(replace after with alka or gaia and it still works)
    Elements: eta(kinda f bc aftershock gives 20 def)
    Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0u30000KC0Qz0OG0OG0O30OO0QK2D1a000R0o1g000100036100nZ6
    Primary Damage: tierstack, 18k dmg per hit no buffs according to wynnbuilder, or 56k dps, with your totem buff it jumps to nearly 76k dps, with 24.5k dmg per hit
    EHP: 22309/13418 according to wynnbuilder
    Life sustain: no lol negative life sustain, -1k ls but totem is 460 per tick
    Tomes: N
    Comments: alka deals more dmg no totme buff but then again this build is very trash in ehp so use aftershock and dont use gaia bc heal expensive
    very glassy, not recommended for wars, and tiny bit maybe raids but do at your own risk bc -1k lifesteal and like ehp dependant on agil so its bad lmao but glass cannon 75k dps
    oh right also almost forgot my tri weld moontower lament build that your supposed to hold warp lament and pure bc its a very reasonable amount of mythics for someone to dump on 1 build
    mythics: moontower, lament, warp, pure
    ele combo: wa
    ehp: 57k, 11k
    life sustain: is this a question when lament is involved? but theres positive lifesteal, 338 max
    tomes: n youve got 50 sp to waste

    heres a good stardew assassin build
    mythics: strdew and crafted dagger
    ele combo: etw
    link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_01d0U20Je0Qx0U60U602d0UL-18pAY629a6IAL9e920g1B21-d-Y1g00001004fI
    dmg: 15k spins
    ehp: 10k/10k(yes trash ik)
    life steal:182
    tomes: N
    comments: 3k poison and if not holding sword like 11k ehp
    mythic: lament
    ele combo:twa
    link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0dL0E-0Qx0Q10Q102d0Ji0Qk001B22070y1g00001004fI
    dmg: 20k meteors
    ehp: 21k/11.5k
    tomes: 8sp
    comments:superslow speed, and hope you like lunar spine bc 18 ms and -5 mr
    pure defintiely can be used but its less dmg
    45k dps, 10k single hit, cancelstack
    lifesteal: -19
    tomes: none
    comments: guys i think wynnbuilder is bugged tisuans valor needs 60 def and i only have 31 def
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
  9. Fwap a Durp

    Fwap a Durp Stuck at home -.- CHAMPION

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    New thread pog
    time to move my fanta spell spam build here

    Original post:
    Op Mythic Builds V2.0 (1.20)

    Creator: Fwap_a_Durp
    Mythic(s): Fantasia
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0Pf0uj07W0050050K40nD0QX0j0+211i1D1g00001003CO
    Primary Damage: 12369.93 unboosted Auras, 16699.40 Totem boosted Aura
    EHP (agi/non agi): 28733.84/63621.86
    Life sustain: (Y/N/M): Maybe, just don't go outside of totem range. HPR: -48/4s. Totem Heal: 481.96 hp/s.
    Tomes (Y/N): No
    Crafted Items: None

    Comments: good AOE dps in exchange for Absolution EHP? HECK YES! It literally have more dps and a weapon powder special than Absolution for ~550 hp totem heal ticks. Also note that this can tank totemed church solo without ever dropping below 50% health
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2021
    hppeng and NamesAreHard like this.
  10. VireVeonix

    VireVeonix Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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  11. bearveryeayay

    bearveryeayay Skilled Adventurer

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    Creator: tanking_, but I saw this rainbow armor in some post and decided "Hey, that probably works for nulli too!" and slapped on a dawnbreak too
    Mythic(s): Nullification, Dawnbreak
    Element Combo: rainbow
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_0Au0Pf0r50QR0TQ0K00OJ0OH0Qo0e111h1i0l1g00001003CO
    Primary Damage: 6.7k spins, 10.3k with courage
    EHP (Agi/nonAgi): 70.6k/43.8k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Yes, 1k ls
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: I haven't used this cuz broke but I think it's good for players who aren't very experienced because of the high lifesteal, ehp, and there's no negative elemental defenses so you can also use it for raids.
    NamesAreHard likes this.
  12. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Creator: Skylaar
    Mythic(s): Grandmother, Warchief
    Element Combo: ETW
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_0270Jb0Je0Qz0TQ0U602Z09t0Qe1+1Q14-S0Y1g0000100nfI
    Primary Damage: 59.9k arrow storms, 93.6k with Curse
    EHP (Agi/non Agi): 16.1k, 11.4k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Probably, as long as you can keep up the life steal
    Tomes (Y/N): No, but recommended
    Comments: Fixed most of the ehp from the last iteration without losing too much damage, and its a lot more reasonable.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2021
  13. reithal_yeet

    reithal_yeet I make builds, both good and bad

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    Crazy build, but just wanted to add that you should powder w6e6e6w6 instead as it gives more damage :)
  14. reithal_yeet

    reithal_yeet I make builds, both good and bad

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  15. Deco113

    Deco113 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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  16. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Yea I guess, but I don't think that miniscule damage buff compares to having the curse powder special.
  17. reithal_yeet

    reithal_yeet I make builds, both good and bad

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    You still get curse
  18. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Unless you can get two powder specials at once, I'm fairly sure that that powder setup gives quake
  19. Andkorn

    Andkorn Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    NamesAreHard and Fwap a Durp like this.
  20. reithal_yeet

    reithal_yeet I make builds, both good and bad

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    Go to wynnbuilder, put in w6e6e6w6 and see for yourself
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