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SPOILER Theory: Siwel Is Related/a Reference To Amadel

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Epic_Chonker, Jul 6, 2021.

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  1. Epic_Chonker

    Epic_Chonker Well-Known Adventurer

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    Basically Siwel (or Old Siwel) is a npc you find in the quest "Haven Antiquity", playing a major role.
    The most notorious thing is that, of course, both of their names end with "el" and they kinda rhyme, but there are some striking similarities.
    -Both of them are villagers, wearing the same outfits.
    -Both of them were obsessed with power (Siwel wanted to be immortal, and Amadel just wanted power), which only ended up bringing them misery.

    -They both give off the same style of creepy vibes.
    -Their personalities are rather similar, being mysterious and working with dark magics and whatnot.
    -Siwel from the past literally says "Recently, some strange things have been happening to the miners around here." That island is literally an excavation site, what does that remind you of?
    Although unlikely, those strange things could very well be the effect of some kind of crystal shard that Amadel and his team were looking for.
    -The egg that he bought to protect the island (and literally summoned "Dern Beasts") might also be related to Amadel in some way, or perhaps it's just something that Siwel got a hold of because of his job.
    There's one possible problem though, Siwel is an anagram for Lewis, and we all know how many anagrams there are in Wynncraft. Plus, if you look up the meaning of the name on Google the first answer is "The name Siwel conjures proactivity, enthusiasm and honourability", and those aren't characteristics that he has, so it's not possible that someone gave him that name because of its meaning.

    The post's not that well formatted, but you should get the general idea. Even with the whole anagram thing the similarities are imo too big and there's no way that Siwel isn't atleast inspired by Amadel.
  2. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    These are all coincidences that a lot of the villagers share. There's tons of mysterious npcs that want power and whatnot, and I think there's only like 5 villager outfits. And, to be honest, if both their names ending in an 'el' is your most striking similarity I don't think you'll convince a lot of people.

    It's like when you compare the assassinations of the two American presidents Kennedy and Lincoln you can find a lot of similarities but they are all purely a coincidence.

    So I really don't think they have anything to do with each other. Usually Wynn would hint to it more if it were actually the case.
  3. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Gonna agree with Je Hooft here, this seems like too much of a coincidence.
    Mac N Cheese Man likes this.
  4. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    There's no way that Wynnexcavation would think there is a crystal shard on Alive island, plus Amadel is portrayed as young and ambitious while Siwel is old and wise
  5. iTechnically

    iTechnically don't ask me for warrior builds CHAMPION

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    I doubt there's a connection, as Siwel comes across as the classic "there's no such thing as a purely good blessing", and he does seem to regret his actions.
    regardless of what I said above, Wynnexcavation came out after haven antiquity, including the same characters, with Haven antiquity first appearing in 1.12 and Wynnexcavation first appearing in 1.13, Hence Siwel is likely not inspired from amadel, rather if there are similarities they go the other way around.
    Epic_Chonker likes this.
  6. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    Holy shit…
    You might just be right! Genius!
  7. ohyeti

    ohyeti Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    never realized
  8. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    consider the following:
    Dead Island
    ead islan
    ade lan
    ada lem
    ada mel
    ama del
    amadel deez nuts gotte ;
    Je Hooft likes this.
  9. Epic_Chonker

    Epic_Chonker Well-Known Adventurer

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    Maybe I wasn't clear enough but that's not really what I said, that's just the most notorious similarity, because y'know, it's literally in their names. To me the most striking one is the fact that Siwel actually had an excavation site on the dead island (therefore why he cared so much about the miners), and to my knowledge there aren't any other villagers that downright run an excavation site (notice), I don't even think that the villager in "The Canary Calls" worked on the mine, from the dialogue he just seemed like someone who was warning us about the cave.

    Yeah the whole crystal thing was a pretty big stretch, that's why I said it was unlikely and didn't even bold it, but there's still the chance since there was one crystal in the volcanic isles.
    Old Siwel is the one old and wise though, past Siwel did technically try to mess with forces he didn't know enough off and then paid for the price (the egg).

    Alright, that's enough to pretty much shatter the theory, then they probably just reused the same kind of evil villager archetype they had from that era. Maybe there was a slight inspiration from Siwel with the whole excavation site thing, but that's pretty unlikely now.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
  10. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    Villagers just do be like that
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