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How Did Y’all Play Wynncraft On The First Play Through?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ThedumbOX, Jun 11, 2021.

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  1. Cyana_

    Cyana_ Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I heard of the server back then in 2013 from the trailer video on CraftedMovie's channel.
    (Couldn't play it since I was barred from buying anything online until I was old enough.)
    In late 2018, I joined the server as soon as I paid and got my Minecraft account set up.

    The quests are really fun and intriguing the first time. (If I came across a difficult boss in a quest, I would just go around Detlas asking for help.)
    For progessing gear, I just picked any rare/legendary item I found and equip it. (I used to farm alot of Selchar and that one T4 Chest hidden in it.)
    Now I'm currently replaying on a Knight class while I have a lvl 106 Mage.

    For my mage's playthrough, I used an Earth-Water build before the silent expanse. I used the morph build that I had been saving to do the expanse quests before finally going for a Water-Fire-Air build.

    (Wrote this as Wynncraft is really laggy rn and I'm bored. .-.)
  2. Demogarose

    Demogarose Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    The FIRST time I played Wynncraft, the very first time, was back in 2012/2013. VIP Town still existed, and IIRC it operated a bit like Runescape, where you could play for free, but had to pay a fee to go past a certain point. I remember being pretty upset with that, so I stopped playing (my memory is notoriously bad, if this was never actually a thing and I'm mixing things up, my bad)

    I definitely remember I came back after th MC EULA change that made servers as a whole a lot less... wallet grabby. That's probably the point I mained Archer and got all the way to the Jungle (IIRC the highest level content in the game at the time). I remember sailing out to see the Big Door™ on the other side of the ocean, doing every quest I could up to level 45 and then... realizing I was expected to spend literally dozens of hours of my life grinding the same few clusters of mobs to grind my level high enough to experience a small smattering of quests at the highest levels. The worst part was that people didn't just accept this, they actively shamed and shunned you for suggesting there was anything wrong with it at the time.

    I quit for many years and just came back a few months ago, sometime just before 1.20 dropped. SO much had changed, I decided to delete all my old characters and start (mostly) fresh (I kept all my Emeralds, sue me)

    So I guess you could say THIS is my 1st time playing "modern" Wynncraft, and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Mostly questing, grinding only when I need to for xp cuz I ran out of quests at level. So far I'm Lvl 50 Assasin and have done every quest available to me.

    Edit: Oh wow, a like from the Great Bovine himself.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2021
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  3. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    I remember grinding that dumb silverfish hole in the desert for hours just to get to level 33 back in 2013
  4. kioph

    kioph ahh yes heavy melee hmm yes

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    My actual first play through was pre gavel but I never finished it and all I did was go around do and do some trolling so I'm counting the most recent play-through I did on mage when I re-joined as my first. Anyway, I just did all the quests. Not sure I really did any dungeons, because when I didn't have enough XP from quests I would do slaying posts or whatever they called.
  5. Blobbylol

    Blobbylol Newbie Adventurer

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    I'm on my first playthrough rn. I'm just doing quests and sometimes going to that spider place to get money.
    Niklas305 likes this.
  6. waifutime

    waifutime certified fool

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    shaman pretty fun for knowing nothing. just keep dyingdyingdyingdyingdyingdyingdyingdyingdyingdying than oh, im lvl 103! time to solo eo i gue- oh, i died again i guess. dyingdyingdyingdyingdyingdyingdyingdyingdyingdying. aight ima be real and finish eldritch outlo-
  7. Behzad153

    Behzad153 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Hmm, don't really remember since it was in 2014 but I do remember playing a bunch of quests with my old friends and my brother and cousin, sometimes doing it solo. Grinded the skeleton, spider, animal, zombie, and silverfish dungeons.
  8. WoahItsAmethyst

    WoahItsAmethyst Trying out all the class archetypes VIP+

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    Back in Early 2019 as an Assassin I mainly just did all the quests with little to no grinding involved, did ToA and ??? at Level 97, did little to no boss altars or secret discoveries, and I usually got curious and explored locations 10 levels above my level at the time. Also I had a tanky fire build that sucked so yeah. Highest I got my Assassin to was Level 102, and I didn't gain another level until the silent expanse update.
  9. GenericManchild

    GenericManchild Travelled Adventurer

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    I exclusively did quests because they give enough exp to level up for the next quests (with a few exceptions).
    I also did dungeons as soon as I unlocked them.
    I'm still not sure how I managed to do that, considering I never had any skill points invested in defense and only started putting points in agility way later.
  10. Mardeknius

    Mardeknius Knight of Blood Item Team HERO

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    I didn't understand the concept of "grinding" until I found Dead Island. I saw quests as a way to get enough xp to level up. With one-quest levels, I would run dungeons until I leveled up. With levels with more than one quest, I would either level up or wander around until I got enough xp to do so. My first run took like 150+ hours, since I wasn't particularly efficient in doing my quests or just leveling in general.
  11. CuriousLad

    CuriousLad Well-Known Adventurer

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    So, I basically hit lvl 101 yesterday XD. it took me about 190 hours since early game was really messy and i didnt do my quests. After leveling up assassin to like level 20, i quit wynncraft and started playing hsb. THEN i quit hsb and started playing wynncraft. After that I did quests as soon as i got them and did dungeons. after reaching around level 80, i found out about miniquests. those + quests helped me level up ro level 101.

    My advice for new players, do quests, miniquests and secret discoveries, youll level up crazy fast
  12. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    I spent about two years slowly meandering through the game, ending with a few weeks of intense (by those standards) frozen heights grinding to get me to 100.

    Quests and dungeons were done as they came, And They Were Good.

    There's a lot more cool stuff now, and so I imagine that sense of wonder and exploration you can only really get on your first way through is even stronger now.

    It's amazing. Power level if you want to, but if you don't, there's more than enough content tucked into the world for you, and evermore with every passing year.
  13. VireVeonix

    VireVeonix Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Basically: all quests at min lvl.
    Only tower and qira at recomended lvls, so 75 and 95 respectively
    And inbetween miniquests and mob killing
  14. CommanderKastro

    CommanderKastro Well-Known Adventurer

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  15. Niklas305

    Niklas305 AKA Rapteh VIP+

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    Farmed the Emerald Trail and Pigman cave until I could get near Nivla forrest. Went to Detlas, farmed some pigmen next to the river, sold a ton of rotten flesh.

    Bought premium, went to Almuj and then farmed silverfish until strong enough to get into Nesaak. On the way went into the Nether, saw my head on a spike, died a few times.
    Have Minecrafts EULA update and witness the destruction of Donator town.
    Get upset Salkin never became a town.

    Wait for quests to become a thing.
    Wait some more.
    Get quests, do some of those, buy a horse, get my bank wiped, farm some more and then at hitting max level go AFK for about 3 years, on and off, really only getting on to see whats up.

    Return and see people running around at mach 3 speed with cosmetics and actual gear builds now at level 100.
    >Not to mention all your gear is either trash, deleted or unupdated so its basically just a vanilla Diamond chestplate with a fancy name.

    Slowly try to reintegrate into playerbase.
    >Only lvl 73 archer.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2021
    Demogarose likes this.
  16. LotKnockMC

    LotKnockMC S̵͚̉i̸̥͔̞̒̕͜n̷̦̹̱͒̈́̚g̶͈̳̙͇͗̾̋̾ͅë̶͔́̌͋ṙ̶̢̧̭͕ VIP+

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    Little ol' me got minecraft back in Christmas 2013, though I didn't hear about Wynncraft until summer 2014. The game was a good deal more simple, and, though it may just be my attention span being lower then, (haha child w/ADD go brrr), it felt like grinding out experience took much longer, and man, legendaries actually felt legendary, and rares were more than Usable Commons™. I went with archer as a main, at least as much as one can have a main when you're locked into one of each class; I only reached about level 30 with warrior and mage, and assassin was still PTW for a while. I focused on quests, since they offered an xp reward and break from sitting in one spot and shooting bomb arrows. I also had no idea what I was doing with my SP either... I think I had, like, 70 defense and the rest in strength, not knowing just how op archer with mana steal and intelligence could be.
    Level 60 was where it started to get unbearably grindy; I didn't even know about the Herb Cave and instead hunted in the cave across from Troms' entrance (it's a loot area now), killing corrupted miners, nether things, and [REDACTED].
    Made it as far as level 66 to get my last spell upgrade, then gave up.

    ...Then comes Gavel. Servers are lagged to the point of breaking, my armor couldn't be used effectively, but hey, at least I could afford skill reset scrolls now!
    It actually drew me in quite a bit in spite of the issues. The elements were frustrating in that I couldn't use whatever I found, but also flashy and made combat feel more special. I still had no idea what I was doing at this point.
    There was the whole debacle with sharing info about ??? being an offense, getting lost in a whole new province, many fun times even when playing alone...
    Then, as I begin to grow up, doing the same thing over and over becomes less enjoyable. I came back after pretty much every major update, but I felt increasingly burnt out.
    Still, through it all, Wynncraft has been an extremely fun experience for me, and my old computer still has a folder with screenshots of fun and amusing experiences in it.
    I hope everybody just discovering Wynncraft has just an enjoyable experience as I have, especially with the wealth of new gameplay offered by the talented and committed CT, admins, moderators, and anything else I may be forgetting.
    Keep fighting the corruption, y'all.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2021
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