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Does The Outlaw Cap Exist?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by NKSuke, Jun 26, 2021.

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  1. NKSuke

    NKSuke Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Obviously the answer seems like an obvious "Yes" but hear me out.

    Ever since the shopkeepers for most set armors were removed they have been moved to being mob drops in certain areas/levels, this includes the Outlaw set. When it was new I used tried to obtain the set and got about 50 different pieces of equipment that weren't the Cap, mostly the boots. I'm pretty sure I've grinded for the helmet for a good 40 hours in total without luck. Most of the enemies in the canyon don't drop any of the pieces, only the Coyotes seem to. I don't know if this mechanic exists but I'm pretty sure mobs don't tend to drop items from the highest level pool possible too often, meaning the Cap is a extremely rare drop from them. What makes me even more sure of this is that I have never even seen one on sale in the trade market.

    As much as I don't care about the set that much, it's still a choice of mine to try and get all set items that are available/not useless. I am willing to overpay anyone for just one Outlaw Cap.
    I forgot to add, I haven't seen them in Mesa chests either.
  2. Mikaii

    Mikaii yes VIP

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    It definitely exists and Wynndata says you’re able to get it like any other pieces, so it’s seems you’re getting really unlucky

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  3. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    People who use the trade market have got to be laughing at you right now
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