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Media Wynncraft Creepypasta: The Lost Quest

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by epicwynkrafgemr, Jun 11, 2021.

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  1. epicwynkrafgemr

    epicwynkrafgemr Skilled Adventurer

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    Disclaimer: This is a story meant for entertainment purposes, not trying to spread fake information.

    The Lost Quest

    Have you heard of the Quest Book glitch or experienced it? Not many people have. When the game is lagging, there's a small chance that the Quest Book will not appear like an inventory menu, but instead like the old version of it, except it will only say *Invalid book tag*. Or so it appears to be that way. But the book is not glitched, there are actually two pages. Nobody that has experienced this glitch has ever moved to page two, most people just close the book and try again. Except for me, and now I will share my story.

    Immediately after moving onto page two, my game experienced an Out of Memory error, but I wasn't going to let that stop me, despite lagging so much I could barely even move my mouse. The name of the quest was "The Truth", and the quest description said "If you wish to learn the truth, do the impossible. Right Click yourself." The combat level minimum was 107.

    I was confused at first, as there's no way to get to level 107, and there's no way to right click yourself. I asked admins about this and they said: "Do not try to spread information about that quest, or we will be forced to ban you forever. This might come off as harsh, but it's for your own good."

    I wanted to listen to them, but this just got me even more curious. I sent message after message and ban after ban, one admin finally replied. "Fine, if you really want to do that to yourself, I will tell you how to start the quest, and stop bothering us!" They said. "All you have to do is send yourself a duel request, and then do /kill, this will give you enough experience to get to 107, then send yourself a trade request via commands."

    I got a new Minecraft account and did what the instructions told me to. There wasn't a public broadcast message, there was just... nothing. My entire chat had turned gray, except for one message that I could visibly see: "New Quest Started: The Truth". I got teleported to a cutscene.

    The cutscene looked like it was a work in progress, with placeholder blocks and no sounds. It showed a human walking along a pathway, with burning trees all around him. It seemed like a standard Wynn discovery at first, but things started taking a turn fast. He went inside of a house and said: "Mommy, ever since I played around in that portal, I've felt really weird.'" He started wandering around the house for about a minute.

    I begun to think that I had wandered into an unfinished area, untill something finally happened. He entered a room where it showed a tall figure standing next to a female human. She was dead, completely in pieces. The tall figure said: "Maybe she would still be alive, if you had not tried to stop me from achieving my glory."

    I could now see the human's face way closer. He was a child, and he said: "No... I know what I must do to avenge her." There was now another figure that had entered the room, and it moved onto the next scene.

    Everybody's faces were glitched, and there's barely anything I could make out during that scene because of the intense lag. But I was able to see at least something. I saw one figure, smaller than the others chained to some sort of tall, round object, possibly a tree. The scene zoomed in, and one figure shot an icicle at the thing chained to the tree, while the third one was preparing some sort of spell.

    At this point I heard an extremely loud noise, kind of like a high-pitched roar, and my game crashed. I was scared by the noise, but I decided to join the server again. This time the cutscene was way different, it showed a human in what seemed to be like a huge cauldron full of water, with corruption spikes all around. The two figures were even more glitchy at this point, and the random high pitched roars making it even worse. There were flames under the cauldron and the figures were cheering.

    I decided that I didn't want to watch anymore of that stuff, so I did /class so I could leave. The game didn't let me leave, I was instead teleported to a room completely dark. There was a sign with a strange message written on it. "Have you ever thought what's the reason why some things are sad?", and another message, now spoken by the human, whose face was distorted and red: "My past haunts me to this day, all of my attempts at avenging the ones who I loved, that were all for nothing."

    I was at this point very confused and wanted answers. I asked the human: "Who are you, who are those figures, and what is the truth?" The human replied: "It's all a matter of perspective, one figure is your worst enemy, two are your heroes, I'll let you figure out which." He said after that: "Nobody can know about this, you must be killed, turn around."

    I turned around and I immediately got my weapons and armor to fight the human. He died in one single hit. My game crashed and notepad opened.

    "I'm not talking about the game."
  2. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    damn java se binary be having a heart attack
    starx280 and epicwynkrafgemr like this.
  3. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    Reading this under a rain covered tarp by a campfire, nice job!
    starx280 and epicwynkrafgemr like this.
  4. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    UwU so cweepy
  5. CommanderKastro

    CommanderKastro Well-Known Adventurer

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    Well that’s easy, if he dies in one hit ig, that means he’s one hit irl.

    solved. Gg well played

    good creepy pasta tho I like it
  6. TheNelston

    TheNelston only ironically afk in the head HERO

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    hey my game is like this except it just has a stroke and fucking dies instead of doing something cool
    epicwynkrafgemr likes this.
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